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Spawns Glitch Sewers on Citybound planets - City Planets modular patch
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21 avr. 2023 à 16h25
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Spawns Glitch Sewers on Citybound planets - City Planets modular patch

Dans 1 collection faite par Meteora
Modular Patches for City Planets
21 objets
Part of Modular Patches for City Planets collection
Tweaks the aesthetics and some mechanics of "Populated" (Citybound) and "Earth-Like City" (Another City Terraformer) planets, all the modular patches can be combined (unless specified) between them to get to the desired effects, be sure to check the required dependencies.
Spawns Glitch sewers on "Populated" (Citybound) planets.

Screenshot shows a Citybound planet with Citybound parallax overhaul
Can be used with all the other Modular Patches for City Planets
Lucien Shepherd, Stream Sniper, SimplePhysics the authors of the Citybound mod