Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Items (159)
!*$%? ERRORS
Created by Eapy
(some) GTA IV Props
Created by Randy
A heavily incomplete pack of GTA 4 props I ported. Collisions are generally very accurate, since they're made from scratch. Most of them are breakable.
2019 Tesla Model 3
Created by SGM ツ
made for Rhenic...
3D Stream Radio
Created by Grocel
The 3D Stream Radio is a toolgun spawnable scripted entity that allows you to play streams from the internet and local files as 3D world sound. You can spawn it with the toolgun and change its settings. FAQ (Read this before asking): FAQ (Read this for hel...
Addon Share
Created by Major Tom
Makes your friends to download same Workshop addons that you have, while they join your game. Significantly reduces amount of "error" models. Displays your subscriptions in Q-menu with links to Workshop. Limitations • Legacy addons are not supported • Moun...
Alternate Unarmed Crouching and Sprinting Animations
Created by Zach88889
"Give those ankles of yours a break while crouching idle!" This mod was inspired by me seeing the normal crouching anim seeing as a bit unrealistic as people don't stay on their feet when crouch but rather rest on one of their legs when not moving crouched...
Created by Heox
Players stuck in other Players?! No longer with this addon! ...
Arctic's Vehicle Extension
Created by Arctic
Common stuff my misc. vehicles need. You won't need this unless I say you do. Primarily includes a drop-in animated track system far superior to the base Simfphys one, that can be extended more easily. Also has a new tank shell whose muzzle velocity can be...
Armor Regeneration
Created by Jordan
After the good feedback and many requests to make an Armor Regeneration version of my Health Regeneration addon , here it is. Because none of you couldn't spare 3 minutes to change the code.. Commands: armorregen_delay - Sets the delay which you begin to r...
BSMOD Yakuza Killmoves
Created by manmanstephen
This is my first addon ever, so there may be some issues. However i can say for sure that the addon works, so if you have some issues with it not working AT ALL, then that is a issue with your addons or game. This is a BSMOD addon adding Yakuza Heat Action...
BSMod Punch SWEP + Kick & KillMoves
Created by RandomPerson189
==================================================== PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE DESCRIPTION BEFORE COMMENTING ALL DUMB COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED ==================================================== This is a GMod port of the BSMod fists, it also includes the Ki...
BSMod Throw Killmove
Created by Five Owned
Read here: Requires RandomPerson189's BSMod addon. Bind "bsmod_killmove" to a key in the console (ex. "bind g bsmod_killmove") without the quotes (" "). To enable killmoving without the stun mechanic (which requires you to damage the enemy well enough befo...
BSMod | Stealthy Knife Killmoves
Created by Wontairr
DISCLAIMER: I am currently not having any plans to make any new killmove addons, this was an old project of mine that I decided to upload ---------------------| Hello! This is my contribution to the Custom KillMove Template Promotion Campaign, which you sh...
BSMod | Ultimate Killmove Pack 2 [Restored]
Created by Hari
Someone hacked my workshop. But i restore addon again. You can find all options in spawnmenu....
Builders Pack V3 Props (LEGO + Extras)
Created by Warhawk
Builders Pack V3 contains a large number of props designed for building construction. They come in various types, shapes, and sizes. It includes: walls, floors, ceilings, doorways, window frames, pillars, ramps, geometric shapes, giant LEGO pieces, trick H...
COD Modern Warfare Vehicle PROPS
These are not my models/materials, all credit goes to the developer artists who made these beautiful art assets. These are not drivable vehicles, but props for posing. Requires either Advanced Bone Tool or Joint Tool to move the wheels, doors, hoods, etc. ...
CS:S Breakable props
Created by Nicolai SeveN
Description This complete addon provides the ability to destroy almost all models (props) cut for Gmod from Counter-Strike: Source. Development took me 2 years of development, deprivation, suffering, blood, infringement and true evil. The next updates will...
Combine Tracers Rework
/////////NON CLIENTSIDE///////// Replaces default combine's tracers to more cinematic ones. You can hide energy ball effect by "cmb_tracers_energyball 0" and restart map. If you experience FPS issues, you can try lower bullet tracer frequency by Bullet Ove...
Crunchy's Outbreak Item Overhaul
Created by GroovyBruce
I never thought I'd see the day. This addon currently has a 99% positive rating score. Thanks everyone, you rock my socks. "Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, The Crunch Man returns with another glorious addon!" That's probably what my bearded dragon is...
Custom Loadout
Created by StyledStrike
You know those games you play, where someone gets out a rocket launcher, and people go, "Where was he keeping that? It's so unrealistic"? I say to them, "You've clearly not spent much time in the US prison system". A loadout customization addon. Features S...
Custom Taunt
Created by dewobedil ● 60 FPS! Custom taunt or dances ● Commands for use specific dance/emote ● 26 full mmd/anime dances with music ● 45 mmd short dances ● 277 original fortnite emotes ● Garry's Mod female skeleton & male skeleton supported ● Pro...
Custom Taunt (Music)
Created by dewobedil
This addon only for custom taunt ! Adding music/sound to make it more fun I didn't own any music or sound in this addon All credits goes to its original owner !...
Czech Civilians (PlayerModels and NPCs)
Created by Drem
15 PlayerModels and NPCs rip from the CoD Czech Resistance models. 6 Females and 9 Males models, with bodygroups . NPCs spawn with random skins & bodygroups. Beanies and Mouth fixed. T-poses fixed. No c_models. // Maps used for the screenshots : rp_termina...
D-Props Scenic Building
Created by Donald
Contents: -Large Buildings (Skyscrapers,Towers,Office Buildings,Factory's) -Small Buildings (Garage,House,Shop's) -Dev props i made for testing -Bridge-,Road- and Tunnel's -Scaffolding (currently 3 pieces made of wood) -2 Train wagons -Combine propaganda p...
Damage Players in Seats
MAYBE OBSOLETE ADDON Intro By default players cannot be damaged when they are sitting on seats. This addon allows bullets (and only bullets) to damage the player when they hit the chair. I know no more efficient way to do the job. This addon does not work ...
Death Sound Remover
Created by Originope
Tired of the annoying HEV Suit flatline that plays when you die? This addon will replace that annoying sound with no death sound at all!...
Door Removal Areaportal Fix
Created by OnTheMatter
Now works with door-destruction addons! This quick-fix addon stops the visual oddity which sometimes occurs when a door is removed, where the door will appear to lead into the void. This works for double-doors as well if one of the side doors are removed. ...
Created by Lazy       My Addons!                 YouTube!                     Follow!                         Rate! Welcome! I may reconsid...
Drop Weapon
Created by YuRaNnNzZZ
This addon allows to drop any weapon you holding. INVISIBLE WEAPONS? That's an issue with the game, replicated even with 0 addons installed ("-noaddons -noworkshop" in command line parameters and "lua_run Entity(1):DropWeapon()" in console.) Any comments r...
Dynamic Height + Crouch Fix
Created by mec fluuri
Psssst, you might like this -> Dynamic Height 2 "Crotch Camera no more!" Basically just the "Dynamic Height Standalone" addon but with dynamic crouch height. For more information about the addon, I'll refer you to the base addon.
Extended Properties
Created by Rubat
This addon adds a lot of properties to Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod entites such as turrets, rollermines, suit chargers, flashlights, dynamites, NPCs and anti-antlion thumpers. There are over 72 different actions for different entites and NPCs. UsageHold C ...
Extended Spawnmenu
Created by Rubat
A small script that extends abilities of your spawnmenu: * Allows you to browse through Garry's Mod 12 / Legacy addon models * Allows you to browse through Game, Addon, Legacy Addon materials and sounds * Gives you detailed information on installed Worksho...
Extinguishing Water
Created by GaussTheWizard
End of Support: This addon will no longer be updated. Thank you for Mega Upload! This simple addon adds a mechanic that should have been made far sooner. Burning players and objects will be doused after getting drenched in water. Is your sweet base burning...
FFCM13 Building Props - RETURN!
Created by Nicolai SeveN
Description: Now is BACK! This is a FINAL pack, which contains props of differend buildings(destroyed and not) models and some others props like trees, effects. etc from FakeFactory's Half-Life 2 Cinematic Mod 13. Will be very nice for scenes and/or posing...
FPS Booster!
Created by Zak
Boost your FPS with this simple script! There are a lot more commands now. They allow you to create your own fps boosting configs and execute them when the script launches etc.. Console commands fpsbooster_file Allows users to save, load and execute config...
Tired of searching through heaps of weapons/props/NPCs from your 400 addons to find the one you want? Simply press E on any item in your Spawn Menu to add it to the favorites tab! You can unfavorite a favorited item the same way. Favorited items will be sa...
Fine Speed
Created by Arctic
"I am a slow walker, but I never walk back." Abraham Lincoln Adds Escape From Tarkov style scrollable speed selection. Join the OFFICIAL Discord server here: Overview An extremely small, entirely client-side mod that allows you t...
Fps Booster
Created by -ICE- If you'd like to Support more Addons like this please Consider Donating Via Cash App :) For Singleplayer and Servers! Fps Booster is a easy way to potentially help improve your Clients FPS. Wh...
Created by Mazya
За основу взят FPS Boost.Я перевел и добавил еще пару плюх которые поднимают Фпс на 10-30 кадров. На скрине видно фпс до и после. Если включено, меню никогда не будет всплывать снова, если вы не наберете команду чата «/ fpsboost» или если вы наберете gmod_...
GTA V Drivable Vehicles for Garry's Mod
Created by TDM
This is a pack with vehicles ported from Grand Theft Auto V for Garry's Mod. Currently Rockstar Games has no policy against porting other than using their content and/or logos for commercial use. All original content belongs to their respective owners. All...
Gesture Menu & Commands
Created by Bell
This addon adds a new sub-menu available in the Context Menu, named ''Gestures''. Clicking any option will make you perform a Gesture, like dancing, or agreeing. You can alternatively use chat commands to trigger them: - /gmc_dance (Normal Dance) - /gmc_mu...
GodSentTools Props History
Created by Spar
Props History tab remembers all props and ragdolls you've spawned while playing. Select props you want to use and have them in quick access. Forgot what plate prop you used? Find it in the Props History tab! Settings This addon has settings in "Utilities -...
Gredwitch's Base
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. -> Github : READ ME ------->BIG FAT Q&A Q: What is this addon? A: This addon is an important requirement for my other addons. It contains a lot o...
Gredwitch's Emplacement Pack
Created by | HT.S | Gredwitch
ATTENTION: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. You need Gredwich's base for this to work correctly! This pack includes : an MG 42 a PaK 40 a PaK 38 an MG 15 an MG 81Z a Vickers machine gun an M2 Browning an M1 Mortar a Granatwerfer 34 a...
Half Life 2 Props Extended
Created by Donald
Half Life 2 Props Extended Will update when i add more Mod is unfinished! Some Props have skins (and will get more eventually), just to clear the confusion! Features lots of random props. Hope you like it. May require HL2 or EP1, EP2 if i add new variants ...
Half-Life 2 Tools
Created by Rubat
A set of Half-Life 2 inspired/themed tools. Fully compatible with duplicator. Tool list Headcrab canister tool ( sbox_maxenv_headcrabcanisters ) Ammo crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_ammo_crates ) Item crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_item_crates ) Thumper tool ( sbox_m...
Half-Life 2: MMod - Weapon Replacements Redux
Created by c4sual
Improved Half-Life 2: MMod Weapons Pack RESTART YOUR GAME AFTER INSTALLING THE ADDON! This addon replaces every default Garry's Mod weapon with improved high-quality weapons on Half-Life 2: MMod animations. It also includes sounds from this mod as well. Th...
Hide names and death notice
Created by detectiveLosos
Script hides players names on your server. So nobody can see name and health % of his target. This also hides death notice in top right corner. Use console command "toggleHideNames" to turn on and off. Default is on....
Improved Default Cubemap
Created by Rush_Freak
The fallback cubemap that has plagued incomplete and broken maps since 2004 finally gets a makeover! I made one that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb in most lighting conditions. Now you can use broken maps without burning your eyes out before they're f...
Improved FPS Booster
Created by Inj3
Essential for your players ! ⇨ Opening at first connection. ⇨ Status, if enable or disable. ⇨ Returns your current FPS, and gives your maximum, and minimum rate. ⇨ Returns your "Gains" of earned FPS if Improved FPS booster is enabled. ⇨ You can manage all ...
Improved Stacker
Created by Thomas
Improved Stacker Tool The Improved Stacker tool is a complete rewrite of the original Stacker tool and includes many bug fixes and new features that both clients and server owners can benefit from. Unlike the other versions of the tool, the Improved Stacke...
Kill Feed Disabler
this addon will disable killfeed Other Addons / Другие Аддоны Hide Earned the Achievement Hide Voice Panels Silent Footstep Crouching Hide Player Names Retitcle Crosshair Enabler Kill Feed Disabler NetGraph Disabler Hide Physgun Beam Auto Reconnect Zdarova...
LED screens
Created by MacTavish
LED panels are here! LED screens are similar to text screens but they add a little bit more realism and fun to use in RP servers Features: - Different types of running text - Color customization - Text scrolling speed - WireMod support - Effects for the te...
Ladder Tool
Created by zamboni
What is it? A tool to create usable ladders. It also comes with four ladder entities that can be moved around freely. Why do I care? Because deep down, you've always wanted this. How do I use it? Easy! Find the tool under the "Construction" tab in your too...
Low HP Screen Pulsator
Created by TheSlavan
If your HP level is less than value in "lowhp_count" var, the screen will start pulsing. This addon using effect from tf2 but you don`t required that. ConVar : lowhp_count...
M9k Remastered
Created by Meteor GitHub: Description: M9k: Remastered is a massive improvement over the original M9k addons. The original code was scrapped and re...
M9k Remastered: Plus
Created by Meteor GitHub: Description: 'Plus' is an extension for M9k Remastered. M9k: Remastered is a massive improvement over the original M...
Mantle + Wallrun
Created by cuda
Adds mantling (wall climbing) + vertical/horizontal wallrunning without the use of sweps. To grab onto a ledge simply move towards it while in the air. You can vertically wallrun up walls by jumping while moving towards them. Horizontal wallruns can be don...
Map Builder Tool
Created by Marum
This tool allows you to spawn props in an organized, fast and efficient manner, to flesh out a Map for fighting, playing a strategy game, or even just building a nice base! This is not a powerful map making tool, nor comes close to what you can do with ham...
Media Player
Created by Sam
Watch videos or listen to music with friends in Sandbox—based on the Cinema gamemode. How to fix this mod (HTML5) ⚠️ GMod developers are working on a fix, this can't be fixed by the mod author! ⚠️ This addon no longer works on the default version of Garry'...
Media Player - Extended Props
Created by Physics Dude
New to Media Player or videos not loading? Fix here: Tired of the same basic sizes of Media Player? Don't want to download tons of custom models? Then this addon is for you! It uses props YOU ALREADY HAVE installed; from van...
Merydian's LFS stuff
Created by merydian
Contains shet like tracer effects and one impact effect Sometimes it's unnecessary in my new addons Done this because I dont want duplicated files in every addon List: Tracer effects - lfs_tracer_merydian_green lfs_tracer_merydian_red Impact effect - lfs_i...
Military Cases PROPS
Created by Kally
THESE ARE PROPS. This pack contains three hard cases and two rifle cases. Two of the cases are openable and feature separate lid props, both of the rifle cases are ragdolled, and all of them feature skins, bodygroups, and are rigged for use with the joint ...
Military Combine
Created by MMOrD'A
Jim's Combine Soldier on Gamebanana website Jim's Combine Soldier on Steam page Multicam Combine soldier I took this skin and edited it to fit my needs. Peculiarities: - Custom melee animations (Like this) - When killing any combine / metrocop, their eyes ...
Misc Props Pack
Created by Lt_C
This is just a little project fury_161's been working on for awhile, on and off. He kept having the issue of starting an image or comic in Garry's Mod, only to be missing a crucial, or complimentary prop for a scene or a joke and took it upon himself to ga...
Missing .WAV files for M9K
THIS WILL NOT HELP IF YOU ARE USING A CONTENT PACK FOR A GAME YOU DO NOT OWN! IF YOU HAVE A GAME CONTENT PACK, GET RID OF IT! This addon conatins the original .WAV sound files from the M9K weapons packs, from before I switched them over to MP3s to save spa...
Modern Notifications
Created by UselessGhost
Little cosmetic update for default Sandbox notifications....
Modern Warfare NVGs
Created by cuda
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare NVGs with a functional light meter and battery. They are affected by light and can be broken. There are no entities, you spawn with the NVGs. --- Hold N to equip/unequip | Tap N to flip up/down Changing your phosphor color: Cli...
More Materials!
Created by Dr. Spicket
This simple little addon adds many stock materials to be selected on your material STool list. All materials come from either HL2 or Garry's Mod. CSS materials are also added, but only if CSS is mounted. You do not need CSS for this mod to work. This works...
MysterAC - Particle Enhancer materials
Created by MysterAC
Content made by me (basically a small part of the PMK project). Additional content for Particle Enhancer....
MysterAC Explosion Enhancer
Created by MysterAC
Important: Download the required item, it contains the textures and materials. After seeing the comments of the beta version i decided to separate the original mod This is the explosion particle effects enhancer pack directed by michael bay for Gmod v1.08....
MysterAC New blood impact
Created by MysterAC
Important: Download the required item, it contains the textures and materials. Original addon: Particle enhancer beta. This changes: -Zombies blood impact (for fast zombies also, they dont share the same blood impact) -Antlion blood impact. -Blood impact. ...
MysterAC New impact effects
Created by MysterAC
Important: Download the required item, it contains the textures and materials. In this occasion i bring this new impact effects to you. This time, a bit less intrusive than the original addon. This changes the generals impact particles of the game: -Concre...
NPC Attack Point
Created by LemonCola3424
A small script made in 5 hours. Can make npcs far away detect and attack it. Can be used in a npc attack&defend fight. Does not support SNPCs. Located in "Fun + Games" Folder. This is a editable entity.Its disabled at first. Hold C and right click to activ...
NPC No Weapon Drops
Created by Zaktak
A Simple addon that prevents weapon drops from NPCs. - If enabled(enabled by default) NPCs will not drop their weapon after dying. - This will improve server's performance. - This is quite simple code and therefore will not ...
NPC Tools 2 [FIXED]
Created by Просто:)
Includes 10 STOOLs and 1 Utility: ● NPC Controller ● NPC Follower ● NPC Health ● NPC Notarget ● NPC Proficiency (Won't work if you have the 'NPC Proficiency 2' Addon installed.) ● NPC Relationships ● NPC Spawn Creator ● NPC Viewcam ● Advanced NPC Relations...
NPC Weapon pack 2
Created by roguex100
Citizens, Metropolice, and Combines can use these guns. These NPC weapons can be found in the Npc Weapon Override list If you have any issues please refer to the troubleshooting section of the full description. _____________________________________________...
NUC - Fuck Pickup History (sound include)
Created by YohSambre
My addon makes the history of weapons or ammunition recovery hidden and removes the sound , practical for scene rendering or just to not have its screen invaded by annoying visual notification...
NUC - Fuck Weapon Selector sound
Created by YohSambre
this script allows to disable the sound of the weapon selector...
Navmesh Optimizer
Created by StrawWagen
Optimises navmeshes by finding and merging neighbouring areas. On big maps, this can mean tens of thousands of navareas merged. (And MUCH more!) As you can imagine... You will have much less lag running nextbots on an optimized navmesh. HOW TO USE? If you ...
NoSurf - A simple solution to an annoying problem.
Created by TylerB
This is a simple script that will kill people who try to propsurf. Here's the simple config. Run these commands in the server console or set them in the server.cfg file. nosurf_enabled (default 1) - Should we reprimand players for trying to propsurf? nosur...
Physics for Effects
Created by Anonim47
About A simple tool for adding the physics to effect props. Do you know the pain when you see a nice prop in the spawn menu, you spawn it and you see the ominous effect ring? Fear no more! With this tool you can make any prop_effect a prop_physics, then we...
Portable Window
Created by Lexi
A toy I made after messing about with stencils. It's a bit buggy if you move it off the wall it spawns on, and it will look bad if you put it on a really thick wall. Try not to do either of these things FAQ Can I shoot through this? No, it's a screen. You ...
Quick Slide
Created by datæ
Just a simple sliding mod. No bs, just crouch while sprinting. If you have VManip you'll see your hand move but it's not required sv_qslide_duration - Slide duration in seconds (default: 0.75) sv_qslide_speedmult - Slide speed multiplier (default: 1) cl_qs...
Redo Button
Created by zamboni
What is it? Adds a console command that lets you redo things you accidentally undid. Example would be undoing a prop, but you didn't mean to; simply hit your 'redo' bind and you're good to go. Redone items preserve all data as if it was duplicated... becau...
Created by max
A small regeneration addon i made for my friends. It should work for all gamemodes. ------------- ConVars: (all serverside) regen_enable 0/1 -- enable the regeneration regen_delay 0.1 - infinity -- the delay between each regeneration cycle regen_hurtdelay ...
Roleplay Props
Created by Radray
A compilation of props suitable for decorating houses and setting up roleplays. I take no credit for any of the models or materials included in this addon. Server Convars: rpprops_hide 0/1 (Default: 0, setting this to 1 will disable automatically adding th...
SGM Shared Textures
Created by SGM ツ
these textures are shared blah blah blah long story short subscribe to this or newer cars will be pink and black DO NOT REUPLOAD WITHOUT MY EXPLICIT PERMISSION...
Screen Shake FX
Created by Isemenuk27
This addon adds screen shaking after the explosions damage. CVARS scrsk_enable_cl - Enable/Disable addon for you scrsk_enable - Enable/Disable addon for everyone scrsk_amplitude - Amplitude multiplier. def: 3 scrsk_frequency - Frequency. def: 3 scrsk_durat...
Shelby's Vehicles Shared Assets
Created by shelby
DISCLAIMER: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. This base no longer supports my old Simfphys vehicles, they will be slowly moved to LVS. Any issues regarding missing sounds, materials, models, fonts, lua files etc for Simfphys vehicle w...
Simple Holster
A relatively simple weapon holstering thing. Should work with most weapons* and by default auto-holsters your weapon in ladders à la CoD, Battlefield, or Apex Legends. Heavily recommend using my ladder fix with this. HOW TO USE: Press 0 to holster or unhol...
Simple ThirdPerson - Sliders & Fixes!
Created by FailCake
Its just a simple client side ThirdPerson. WORKS WELL WITH PAC3 :D! Note, the playermodel is a PAC Wanna help out? Check If you Don't see yourself when in thirdperson, make sure the...
Smart Weld
Makes the stock Weld tool obsolete! ---How do I use it?--- Select every prop you want then you have a few options. Weld all of the selected props to each other, weld them to the world, weld them all to one prop. Hold E and Left Click to auto-select. Hold E...
Created by
This is a client-side tool for building contraptions with extreme precision, aligning objects for either aesthetic or functional perfection. To accomplish this task a grid is projected onto the object you are pointing at and by pressing the use-button your...
Sub Material Tool
Created by Kawoosh64
2015.03.05 Garry's Mod update brought a good feature with overriding submaterials. This is a simple tool to use it. Duplicator supported. Usage: select index, select material, apply tool. Right click to revert. You can copy current material with selected i...
Supply Storage Mod
Created by LemonCola3424
Add some entities that can store your spare supplies, including weapons, ammo, health and armor. Made to test VGUI "Drag and Drop" feature. Contains 26 entites(2 unspawnable) located in "Supply Storage" entity tab. Actually some entities are not "container...
TFA Base
Created by YuRaNnNzZZ
Frequently Asked Questions Documentation for Developers Community Translations (and how to make one yourself) (all links dubbed in changelog tab above) For users: -A rich, thoroughly tested feature set including: Holographic HUD, reminiscent of FA:S2 Viewb...
The Gmod Sound Overhaul Project - AMBIENT
Created by Neon KitKat
RELIVE THE WORLD. Feeling tired of the old, Half-Life2-era sounds of Gmod? Its 2020 already so, why not update your experience? Overview The Gmod Sound Overhaul Project aims to improve your experience while playing Gmo...
The Gmod Sound Overhaul Project - NPCS
Created by Neon KitKat
RELIVE THE CAMPAIGN. Feeling tired of the old, Half-Life2-era sounds of Gmod? Its 2020 already so, why not upgrade your experience to the next level? Overview The Gmod Sound Overhaul Project aims to improve your experi...
The Gmod Sound Overhaul Project - PHYSICS
Created by Neon KitKat
RELIVE INTERACTION. Feeling tired of the old, Half-Life2-era sounds of Gmod? Its 2020 already so, why not upgrade your experience to the next level? Overview The Gmod Sound Overhaul Project aims to improve your experie...
The Gmod Sound Overhaul Project - WEAPONS
Created by Neon KitKat
RELIVE THE COMBAT. Feeling tired of the old, Half-Life2-era sounds of Gmod? Its 2020 already so, why not upgrade your experience to the next level? Overview The Gmod Sound Overhaul Project aims to improve your experien...
The Prone Mod - wOS
Give those tired legs a break and go prone! Note: This version of the addon requires wOS - Base Extension and wOS - Prone Mod Extension to work. Note: This addon may cause some NPCs to glitch into prone animations at random times. Currently this issue is k...
The Sit Anywhere Script!
Created by Xerasin
This script allows you to sit on nearly every flat ledge or simply on the ground! Just press Alt (or the key you have 'Walk (Move Slowly)' bound to) + e (or the key you have 'Use' bound to) on the place you want to sit. Great for RP servers for that touch ...
Tool Search & Favorites
Created by Bell
A lightweight solution to look through your hundreds of tools! Update: Added auto-selecting tools! Turned on by default. Update 2: Right-click tools to make them your favorites! Update 3: Different ways to see your favorites! Update 4: Large refactor, atte...
Created by INOT
Это ULX и ULIB, + Черное меню. Всё я перевел сам, все взято в оригинальном и просто изменено с учетом моего вкуса, может быть, вам это понравится. это ещё не конец, будут обновы! В данную версию вошли: Dark UI Spawnmenu -
Universal Animations Fix
Created by ToadLobe
For my first ever addon I honestly can't believe how much this blew up. I'm still processing the fact that my addon is featured... thank you guys so much :) Ever tired of NPC's aggressively T-posing at you instead of actually aiming? This addon is pretty s...
Usable Beds
Created by Nararana
These beds can be found in the Vehicles tab under the "Beds" category. Press E on a bed to lie down on it. Press E again to leave it. Entity beds that are meant to let players lie down on them. That's pretty much it. A very simply made alternative to priso...
VJ Base
Created by DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
VManip (Base)
Created by datæ
A small clientside library for left hand animations, with slight support for legs animation as a bonus. For first person view only. This only includes the base code and some models! This only supports c_hand weapons! Features: Straightforward way to play l...
Velocity Killer (Anti-BHop)
Created by Jimbo
This addon will cut a player's velocity in half upon landing on the ground. The effect can stop players from being able to maintain a speed faster than running or walking. Basically, this stops players from bunny hopping. List of Console Commands vk_enable...
View Rolling
Created by eric_085
A simple script that implements view roll similar to the Source Engine view roll for the client, which is normally only available to configure on the server. The view roll code was referenced from the Source SDK 2013 base. How to use 2 console variables ha...
Weapon Holsters with editor
Created by Othereum
This add-on is currently out of support. If you have a problem or want to add a feature, modify it yourself and feel free to upload it. Don't worry about copyright. Enhanced Weapon Holsters Unsubscribe other laggy, buggy weapon holsters addons now. It has ...
Weapon Selector
Created by Vitaly
Uploaded with gmpublisher...
Weapon Switch Animation
Created by dounai2333
Let weapons (even HL2!) has unequip animation when you switching them! Very useful if you love and stick on HL2 weapons and want some realism at same time! Recommanded to subscribe Half-Life 2 : MMod Weapon Replacements or (Redux), then execute command "sv...
Wheatley's Parkour
Created by Wheatley
Wheatley's Parkour Mod for Garry's Mod This is actually a project I has abandoned a long ago, but a week ago (12-13 march 2015) I started work on it again. And now it's finnished! Enjoy! HUD This is my own HUD on the screenshots, its not part of the parkou...
Wire Extras 2
Just a minor expansion for Wiremod. With the other wire extras stuck in some limbo, i thought i would have an go at it. Included stuff: Toggle gate A long time coming, it is in the gate tool's logic category. Lerp gates Performs a linear interpolation from...
[ЗАБРОШЕН] Wiremod на русском
Created by PootyPootixMate
Данный руссификатор был заброшен создателем и более не будет обновляться из-за изменений в самом Wiremod. Возможно, в будущем будет выпущена более адекватная и практичная версия руссификатора. Спасибо за ваши лайки и подписки, действительно согревало душу!...
Witcher Gates
Created by zamboni
What is it? A tool to create linked pairs of portals which can be used to travel between two locations. Inspired by the magic portals from the game "The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" Why do I care? Because they look cool. Also portals. How do I use it? Pull ou...
[BSMod] Ultimate Dropkick Killmove
Created by Pixlbozz
REQUIREMENTS You need to download BSMod Punch SWEP + Kick & KillMoves in order to make it work! For more information visit this page here... Important BSMod Commands To execute a killmove, bind a key to "bsmod_k...
[CTOOLS] NPC Spawner
Created by Ѫ
Advanced NPC spawn tool An experimental NPC spawn tool I've been developing for a while now Current version: v1.2 See change list Tool Features Spawn big amount of NPCs effectively by placing areas Increase/decrease grid spread size and randomness simply b...
[Simfphys-Armed] M270
Created by NoAimNoBrain If this addon gets 270 likes I will make one of suggested in discord models :) Info The M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (M270 MLRS) is an American armored, se...
[TFA] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Explosives Pack
Created by KrazyMonkey
THIS ADDON REQUIRES TFA BASE! This addon runs on the TFA base, so please download the TFA base before using this addon. It's even in the "required items" section! And if you do have it downloaded, be very sure that it is also enabled! This addon uses custo...
🔥🔥🎉 SUPPORT AND DISCOVER MORE ON PATREON! 🎉🔥🔥 Hello, fellow gamer! If you enjoy the my plugins' experience, you can support me on Patreon to help bring even more features to life. 💖 💎 Visit My Patreon Page! 💎 ✨ I put effort into creating these plugins, so ...
[Universal] FPS Booster
Created by Waschbär This is a Advanced FPS Booster for all gamemodes SUPPORT: - Email: steam DM - Steam: HOW TO USE?: you can type "gplaymulticorepanelenu" to op...
[VMAnip] Flashlight
Created by WebKnight
Tacti - cool flashlight that you can carry with any weapon thanks to VMAnip. Features: Vmanip flashlight (obviously) Custom led texture Compatible with any weapon and has adjusted FOV You can now attach flashlight on yor shoulder. Distance of the light wil...
[VManip] Contextual Animations
Created by datæ
Adds flavor animations for some events. Requires VManip Use animation Swimming Choked by barnacle Hurt by explosion Voicechat animation (cl_vmanip_voicechat 0 to disable) ...
[VManip] Manual Pickup
Created by datæ
Adds picking stuff up manually, including base entities and any weapon Side note: The yellow halo effect is off by default. See below if you want to enable it Requires VManip sv_vmanip_pickups - 0 to disable the addon, 1 to enable it cl_vmanip_pickups_halo...
[VManip] Vaulting
Created by datæ
Vault over things like Call of Duty or Battlefield. Hold forward while in the air and you will automatically climb or hop over obstacles. This is an improved version of an old addon. This version is predicted (no lag in multiplayer) and works better overal...
[simfphys-gd] Boxer APC Pack
Created by DarkLord20172002
«Boxer» (нем. Gepanzerte Transport Kraftfahrzeug Boxer) — германо-нидерландское семейство многоцелевых бронированных транспортных средств модульной системы. Боевая колёсная бронемашина может оснащаться разнообразным вооружением и предназначена для использо...
[simfphys-gd] MBT USA mega pack
Created by DarkLord20172002
M1 Abrams — основной боевой танк США, серийно выпускается с 1980 года. Стоит на вооружении армии и морской пехоты США, а также вооружённых сил Египта, Австралии, Марокко и ряда ближневосточных государств. Назван в честь генерала Крейтона Абрамса. М1 «Абрам...
[simfphys] Audi 80 B3
Created by ШВЕРГ
● Exterior and Interior Lightning works ● 3 Passenger seats ● Working wipers (StormFox 1 or StormFox 2 required) ● 3D Sounds System Use client cvar "simf_firstpersonsounds_enabled" to change modes: "0" - disabled "1" - enabled After changing the mode you n...
[simfphys] BTR 80/80A
Created by DarkLord20172002
БТР-80 (Брони́рованный транспортёр — 80 моде́ль) — советский бронетранспортёр. Создан в начале 1980-х годов как дальнейшее развитие бронетранспортёра БТР-70, с учётом выявленных в Афганской войне недостатков последнего, и предназначался для его замены в мо...
[simfphys] Commission Pack #3
Created by shelby
DISCLAIMER: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. Features: Turret max elevations are realistic Main cannon ammunition capacity is adjusted according to real life Suspension, tracks and hatches are animated! Sounds fade to distant sounds ...
[simfphys] Gazelle Cityline
Created by ШВЕРГ
● Exterior and Interior Lightning works ● 9 Passenger seats ● Working wipers (StormFox 1 or StormFox 2 required) ● Working doors -> Click 'Numpad 1' to open/close the door ● 3D Sounds System Use client cvar "simf_firstpersonsounds_enabled" to change modes:...
[simfphys] HMMWV
Created by DarkLord20172002
HMMWV или Humvee (, сокращение от англ. High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle — «высокоподвижное многоцелевое колёсное транспортное средство», читается «Хамви́») — американский армейский вседорожник, стоящий на вооружении в основном у ВС США, а также ...
[simfphys] IVECO pack
Created by DarkLord20172002
Iveco LMV (Light Multirole Vehicle) — армейский многоцелевой бронированный автомобиль итальянского производства. Разработан коллективом конструкторов компании «Iveco Defence Vehicles» (дочерней компании итальянской корпорации «IVECO»), первый из десяти про...
[simfphys] Koenigsegg One:1
Created by ШВЕРГ
● Exterior and Interior Lightning works ● 1 Passenger seat ● Working needles, digital speedo and active wing ● Working wipers (StormFox 1 or StormFox 2 required) ● 3D Sounds System Use client cvar "simf_firstpersonsounds_enabled" to change modes: "0" - dis...
[simfphys] LUA Vehicles - Base
Created by Jinxit Original Description from 2016: After a long time i have finally converted my vehicle handling E2 to Lua and decided to share it with everyone. This addon will give you a very new feel of driv...
[simfphys] Lamborghini Huracán EVO
Created by ШВЕРГ
● Exterior and Interior Lightning works ● 1 Passenger seat ● Working gearshift pads, pedals, digital speedometer etc. ● Shaking exhaust and engine ● Working drive modes: -> Click 'Numpad 2' to change the mode ● Working power windows: -> Click 'Numpad 1/4' ...
[simfphys] Left 4 Dead 2 Vehicles
Created by Randy
Pack of all L4D2/1 vehicles in SimfPhys Does not need L4D2 installed or mounted to work For those who can read: The "Randy's Extra Features" addon is not required. It is marked as required only because 99% of workshop users cannot read This addon works bet...
[simfphys] M142A1 THOR
Created by DarkLord20172002
M142A1 Thor - бронетранспортер американского производства. Он используется как USMC, так и KPA. Оснащен скорострельной пушкой и неуправляемыми ракетами. Неплохая скорость и маневренность. Фракция------------------------- 1.Корпус морской пехоты США (др. КМ...
[simfphys] Stryker M1128
Created by shelby
DISCLAIMER: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. Features: 105mm M68A1E8 cannon Drives at a speed of ~80km/h Turret max elevations are realistic (-5°/+15°) Main cannon has a stabilizer from Gredwitch Base which allows the gunner to stay ...
[simfphys] T-72B3 Minipack
Created by shelby
DISCLAIMER: I DID NOT MAKE THE MODELS, THE SOUNDS, OR THE TEXTURES. Features: 125mm 2A46 Smoothbore cannon Each variant has a different coaxial MG (PKT or 6P50) Drives at a speed of ~30km/h Turret max elevations are realistic (-6°/+13°) Main cannon has a s...
[simfphys] Tesla Model 3
Created by ШВЕРГ
● Exterior and Interior Lightning works ● 3 Passenger seats Write here about commission. ______________________________________________________________ Maps used for screenshots - TDM Showroom Maps Supported by Rombus9...
[simfphys] UAZ-469
Created by DarkLord20172002
УАЗ-469 и УАЗ-3151 — советские и российские грузо-пассажирские автомобили повышенной проходимости (внедорожники), выпускавшиеся на Ульяновском автомобильном заводе. Основной командирский автомобиль в Советской Армии, а также в странах Варшавского договора,...
[simfphys] VAZ-2103
Created by ШВЕРГ
● Exterior and Interior Lightning works ● 4 Passenger seats ● Working pedals, gearshift lever, fuel, oil pressure, temperature needles etc. (Check the video) Write to В.И.Лкин about orders. __...
[simfphys] - Armed
Created by Jinxit Adds a weapon implementation system to simfphys vehicles. Included vehicles can be found in vehicles tab => simfphys => Armed Vehicles https://steamuserimages-a...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Base (Full Version)
Created by King David™
[wOS] Animation Extension - Prone Mod
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! Here it is! The official Prone Mod extension to the wiltOS Animation Base, for use with Prone Mod All credit goes to Stiffy and the people at Valve for making the HL2 prone layers and prone base ...
[xdR] Left 4 Dead animations
Created by xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Might require game restarting for taking effects. L4D animations ported for gmod playermodels Occupies players slot 046. Original motion data and scripting by Turtle Rock Studios, Valve Corporat...
[xdR] Reduced breath
Created by xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Might require game restarting for taking effects. Almost eliminates breathing animation layer for most sequences, making almost still when aiming. Yeah, preview kinda sucks as it doesn't practic...
Created by Cadbee
Original map made by Bigwig gm_bigcity_improved A modified version of bigcity with no particular gimmick or theme. Just a little of everything to make the map a bit more interesting and less empty feeling. FYI some key areas have been modified or completel...
gm_construct, but 5 in 1
This is a regular gm_construct, but it contains 5 unrelated maps The map is named gm_construct_solyanka and is located in the sandbox category maps on the map: - GMod13_Hotels - gm_lonegrass - gm_genesis - gm_laboratory_alt - gm_MiddleBridge and yes I know...
Created by Skerion
Here's a map that's heavily inspired by gm_bigcity. I've been wanting to make a city map like this for a decade, and I've finally gotten around into doing just that. I probably could have gotten this out of the way a while ago, but better late than never, ...
xdReanimsBase (GMod) Anim Mods base
Created by xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for player models and NPCs. Alone itself it does nothing. This is solely client side thing. It is intended to allow to replace existing animations, not to create new ones. Server owners should not install ...