Arma 3
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[CMG] Modlist
Modlist for the Combat Mobian Group unit
Items (76)
Created by CBATeam
CBA: Community Based Addons for Arma 3 What does the name Community Base Addons mean? It is a system that: Offers a range of features for addon-makers and mission designers. Aims to have community wide acceptance and to be used as much as possible by commu...
Created by Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: United States Armed Forces changelog available here - # DISCLAIMER & LICENSE # RE-UPLOADS Re-uploads of any RHS content (in part or in full) on Steam Workshop is ...
Created by Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation changelog available here - # DISCLAIMER & LICENSE # RE-UPLOADS Re-uploads of any RHS content (in part or in full) on Steam ...
Created by Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: Serbian Armed Forces changelog available here - # REQUIREMENTS RHS: SAF requires 2 mods to run * RHS: AFRF - * RHS: USAF - https://...
Created by Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: GREen Forces changelog available here - # REQUIREMENTS RHS: GREF requires 2 mods to run * RHS: AFRF - * RHS: USAF - https://steamc...
AlphaGarg Variety Pack (Core)
Created by ❸ AlphaGarg
The schizophrenic creations of a medicated madman no longer medicated madman. Shit's expensive, yo.. This mod is a work in progress, meaning it's still lacking several features and some things may not work correctly! I am a busy person and as much as I wou...
NIArms All In One (V14 Onwards)
Created by Still Trans Rights For a Full List of Creators and Contributors, please see applicable Readme files included This weapon set was made possible by the generosity of the people who're backing this through Patreon. If you'd like to see more of th...
CUP Terrains - Core
Created by CUP Team
CONTENT This is the TERRAINS - CORE pack, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)". It contains all the core data for maps from Arma1, Arma 2, expansions and DLC's. This pack contains: all terrains core data like models and configs...
CUP Terrains - Maps
Created by CUP Team
CONTENT This is the TERRAINS pack, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)". It contains 16 maps from Arma: Arma: Armed Assault and the expansion, Arma 2 and the expansion and DLC's. For credits and other information, see our web p...
CUP Terrains - Maps 2.0
Created by CUP Team
CONTENT This is the Maps 2.0 pack, the successor of "CUP Terrains - Maps". It will contain all upgraded CUP Terrains. For credits and other information, see our web page. This pack contains: Chernarus 2020 ISSUES THIS WORKSHOP PAGE IS NOT MONITORED BY THE ...
Gruppe Adler Trenches
Created by Salbei
Gruppe Adler Trenches (short: GRAD Trenches) retextures ACE trenches based on the ground texture. Consequently, the trenches seem more natural and blend in with the environment. Features: - Camouflage your trench with small bushes - Place trenches in 3DEN ...
GGE: Core
Created by goobin
Contains common functions and assets utilised by Goobin's Gameplay Enhancement mods. I will try to fix issues and add new GGE mods when I have time. Thanks to Iceman, SpartanSix and Valentine there is now a Discord for GGE mods! Check it out: https://disco...
GGE: NVG Animation
Created by goobin
Adds an animation when enabling/disabling night vision goggles. Like all of my GGE mods, this is a WIP and will be updated/changed over time. Huge thanks to CAGE and Taxer Milsim for helping me test features and providing feedback and suggestions. Thanks t...
Created by Roanoke
INFO The mod includes a Mark 23 with LAM and KAC Suppressor. The LAM features a flashlight, IR laser and visible ACE laser (although the visible laser a bit off due to ACE limitations at this point.) This mod is not allowed to be used in a monetized facet....
Tactical Walk Speed Combat Glide
Created by Liber-Tea
Original Arma 3 Walk speed is too slow for CQB and Room clearing. This Addon will increase walk speed.( with raised rifle and pistol only )...
KLPQ Music Radio
Created by rebel
This is a configurable music radio mod. It provides an ability to play music inside of the vehicles. How it works in-game and how to configure it for your community is explained in the videos above. Mod itself doesn't come with any music. It's up to you to...
Virolahti - Valtatie 7
Created by furean
After years of working on and off with this terrain, I'm pleased to finally be able to tell you: Welcome to Virolahti! This is a fictionalized version of the municipality of Virolahti; which is the southeastern-most municipality of Finland and thus right o...
Better Inventory
Created by [Phönix] Xaneas
Are you also annoyed to switch between Uniform, Vest and Backpack? Here is the solution to this madness. Features: - Changed Inventory Layout - Contents of Uniform, Vest and Backpack are visible at the same time. - Clientside Mod. The Mod only needs to be ...
Macross - MBR-04-Mk VI Tomahawk
Created by Battlestad
This is an early-access release of the Tomahawk from the anime series The Super Dimension Fortress Macross. Problems I havent been able to fix thus far: - problems in multiplayer (network desync on walking animations) - mech getting stuck in things Alot of...
Portable drone
Created by Pastoman1
Drone that fits inside backpack, so you no longer need to carry those big, unpractical backpacks. This mod contains BLUEFOR, OPFOR and INDEPENDENT versions of AR-2, AL-6 drones and Remote Designator. WARNING!!! Drones do not work correctly in virtual arsen...
Ladder Tweak
Created by POLPOX
Finally, they learned how to climb ladders fast. This simple MOD allows you to climb up/down ladders 3x faster. Keys included. Client side. 2x faster variant Rajdhani font is used in the video which is protected in Open Font License. Thank you for this fon...
Created by Temppa
Fictional africa/middle east themed terrain 50 villages Two uncovered sand airfields 20km long river v 0.51 Size: 16km x 16km Cell size: 4 1.7 million objects Need Cup terrain core License: APL-SA:
Isla Duala
Created by IceBreakr
Isla Duala: one of the most played islands since Arma2 release. Version: 3.9.5 El Diablo, IceBreakr and Tourist Board of Afrene are inviting you to visit a paradise on Earth - Isla Duala. Tropical forests, sandy beaches, wild savannah, clear water and... n...
HMCS Addon
Created by chkw30k
This addon adds "HIGH-MACS" from "GUNGRIFFON THE EURASIAN CONFLICT" (1996). "GUNGRIFFON THE EURASIAN CONFLICT" is a video game console of Sega Saturn by GAME ARTS. "HIGH-MACS" is appearance as a "2nd Generation AWGS...
Created by Haleks
Here come the perfect avatars for Arma 3 AI : Androids ! This mod was made with Singleplayer in mind, and to provide a more immersive experience when leading AI units. Although it is possible to play as an android, please remember that the primary goal is ...
[CMG] Sonic Factions
Created by [CMG] Raptor-Man
Combat Mobian Group - Sonic Factions This is the public release version of the Sonic Factions mod for the unit Combat Mobian Group . This adds the Guardian Units of Nations faction, Eggman Empire faction, and Resistance faction, as well as civilians. The m...
[CMG] Sonic Music
Created by [CMG] Raptor-Man
Sonic music for the CMG unit, for KLPQ radio. Music is from
DUI - Squad Radar
Created by diwako
A UI showing unit positions and names of units in your squad Summary This clientside mod shows a compass in the bottom middle of you screen and a list of people in your current squad. It is made with SQF commands which recently have been added to Arma3 and...
RHS Additions
Created by ASmallDinosaur
What is it? This mod adds retextures for a few RHS uniforms/weapons as well as some attachments for them (To make them look like different weapons). This mod also contains 2 factions; HIDF and Syndikat as it was created to support a mission I plan to relea...
Created by Vectif
Straya is a fictional modern terrain based loosely on the Australian Outback setting. About: Straya is a terrain inspired mainly by the Australian Outback regions, part of the inspiration also originally emerged from the Rainbow Six Siege "Outback" map, I ...
Created by Temppa
On the Pulau terrain, there are two large tropical islands and several smaller islands of the sort. All of them are fictional and not based on any real world location. Size 12x12km Cell size 3 400000 objects Uses apex objects (APEX DLC not needed) Small vi...
BettIR (Legacy v0.2.1)
Created by Vestarr
This is a legacy version of this mod The new version of BettIR iwill not be backwards compatible with this version nor other compatibility mods that are around. A link to its Steam Workshop page will be here once it gets released. Consider supporting your ...
BettIR + RHSUSAF peq compat
Created by LeoVetta
BettIR + RHSUSAF peq compat - by LeoVetta that's not the original and most famous BettIR - new mod shared online to make all RHSUSAF an/peqs totally working with BettIR features: - fixed the IR laser illuminator beam (weapon attachment) for all RHSUSAF ins...
Created by veteran29
Ever got in trouble because of Splendid physics? Fear no more! VET_Unflipping This small utility addon allows players to perform Unflip on vehicles that are on their side or upside down Requirements - CBA_A3 - Installed both...
ACE3 Arsenal Extended - Core
Created by GrueArbre
This mod will group ACE arsenal entries and allow to pick a model using options. It avoid having a lot of combinaisons listed. It needs compat mods to work : - USP version - AMF version This version requires ACE 3.16, and will not work with earlier version...
MBG Alien Ground Forces
Created by Mondkalb
Created on 23rd May 2019 during the waiting period for the new Arma 3 Expansion. Many speculated that it will include aliens. But in case it does not, this quick addon will give you some solid quality aliens. I've purchased thee alien character models from...
ACE3 Arsenal Extended - RHS All-in-One
Created by Pet Mudstone
What's This? A patch for ACE3 Arsenal Extended (ACEAX) to make it compatible with RHSAFRF, RHSGREF , RHSSAF, and RHSUSAF . ACE 3 Arsenal Extended groups together similar items into a single entry and lets you choose between different cosmetic-only/minor op...
Created by DJLynx
This mod will make All NIArms Mods compatible with the weapons customization system added by ACE3 Arsenal Extended You Do Not Need All The NIArms Mods To Use This You Can Use Only The Ones You Wish To Use Or The AIO If You Prefer . It Wont Cause Any Errors...
ACE 3 Extension (Gestures)
Created by Kola
ACE 3 Extension (Gestures) ==This basically adds the Gestures from my KKA3 Gesture Pack to the ACE 3 Interaction Menu== Credits: -KokaKolaA3 all Animations -Ace 3 Team for the Interaction Menu Changelog: Version 1.2: -added 28 Animations -added Hotkeys to ...
ACE 3 Extension (Animations and Actions)
Created by Kola
This AddOn adds the ability to perform new Actions and Animations via ACE 3 Interactions Menu. !!=This AddOn is made by KokaKolaA3=!! BI Forum Link: Credits: Thank...
ACSTG AI Cannot See Through Grass
Created by claudiopolez
With this mod the AI will lose sight of the player if its line of sight (LOS) is obstructed by grass. Unlike with Real Engine and Dynamic Camo mods, this means you can be hidden while on tarmac, bare ground, with wrong camouflage, you can be prone, crouchi...
Enhanced Movement
Created by AppleCalypsoNow
________________________________________ Enhanced Movement - BETA ________________________________________ DONATE: ________________________________________ TO LEARN HOW TO B...
Enhanced Movement Rework
Created by Sceptre
CURRENT VERSION: 1.0.4 Enhanced Movement Rework is a ground-up rework of BadBenson's "Enhanced Movement." This strictly uses the animations with new lightweight scripts. The goal of the mod is to simplify the functions, expand functionality, and get rid of...
Created by Chaplato
Summary: Kaska is a revision of the Skira map from Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, inspired by the real-world counterpart, Kiska. Revisioned for ArmA 3, Kaska is a vanilla take on Skira, requiring no additional mods to run and is 1:1 in size to its co...
Montella Terrain Mod
Created by Mr.Mark
The mod is not completed and it does not represent a finished product, it still is a Work In Progress. The terrain is now in a condition i feel many of you can consider "playable". However an entire chunk of the map (right side of the terrain) is missing, ...
NIArms All in One - RHS Compatibility.
Created by Still Trans Rights
Enables compatibility between NIArms All in One and CUP weapons- where applicable. Generally speaking this means magazine and accessory cross-support. As a note for the current version- while a set of weapons now support RHS foregrips, please be aware that...
NIArms All in One- ACE Compatibility
Created by Still Trans Rights
Enables compatibility between NIArms All in One and ACE3. This is the offical release of the NIArms All in One pack, it is the complete library of NIArms weaponry as well as all previous releases as HLCMods....
Drongos Map Population
Created by Drongo
Quickly and easily populate an entire map with any faction, no scripting required Check my profile for a link to my Discord. Discord for my mods My Artillery/Cruise Missile/Loitering Munition mod My Air Support mod My Active Protection System mod Quickly a...
Death and Hit reactions
Created by WebKnight
Had this idea for a while. Wanted to make game just a little bit cinematic. Mod must be installed on both client and server This mod is also serving another purpose: to more or less syncronize ragdoll in MP environment just a little bit when death animatio...
GGE: Captive Animations
Created by goobin
Adds animations for escorting a captive with ACE. Like all of my GGE mods, this is a WIP and will be updated/changed over time. Huge thanks to CAGE and Taxer Milsim for helping me test features and providing feedback and suggestions. Thanks to Iceman, Spar...
Simple Suppress
Created by SzwedzikPL
Mod adds simple suppression effect for players (client-side), originally made as part of our internal mod for my community Arma4Ever. This version uses vignette-like texture (similar to Squad), doesn't use color corrections nor blur effects. Script is base...
Breaching Charge
Created by Ampersand
The Breaching Charge allows the infantry to quickly and safely demolish walls and open doors with minimal collateral damage. The Door Wedge enables secure control over entry points. Both are powerful tools in MOUT/FIBUA situations. Trees can also be quickl...
Arsenal Search
Created by POLPOX
Client-side search MOD for Arsenal. Usage: Press Ctrl+F to open the interface, then put any words to search. Bonus: You can sort items by stats (such as ROF, accuracy and weight). Tip: Put “class ” prefix to the search words make a search for classNames. A...
Fapovo Island
Created by IceBreakr
V1.9 (November 10, 2022) FAPOVO ISLAND by IceBreakr Federal Republic of Fapovo is a small 100km2 country divided to Fapovo region on SW and Botana on NE. Botana is a province of Sahrani. There are still border checkpoints, but they were rarely closed and n...
Created by friznit
This is the official ALiVEmod team release of ALiVE on Steam Current ALiVE Release Version: Please note. If you'd like to use the most recent development version of ALiVE, please use the following link. ALiVE (Development Version) Steam Works...
Advanced Weapon Mounting
Created by mharis001
Advanced Weapon Mounting Advanced Weapon Mounting, also known as AWM, completely overhauls the weapon attachment system by adding animations and sounds in order to improve the realism and authenticity of ARMA 3. Optionally, when ACE3 is loaded, ACE3 Intera...
Created by Bref
After two and a half years of work, I present you the Šumava terrain for Arma 3. Notes: Please report any issues to this workshop page comments, or preferably the Discord. You can also consider supporting my bad habits via Ko-Fi: D...
Created by acemod
Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) ACE3 is the collaborative efforts of the former AGM and CSE teams, along with many of the developers from Arma 2's ACE2 project. This mod is entirely open-source (we are hosted on GitHub), and ev...
Automatic Warning Suppressor
Created by skirmish_uk
Useful for developers when using mods with annoying warning messages that require user interaction to continue NOTE: Use the -nologs command line parameter instead if you are not a developer. This mod is helpful for those who would like a faster developmen...
Kunduz River
Created by [SRRP]T/Sgt.Enfisk
Description Spiritual successor to the old 3x3km Kunduz map Built using sateliteimage, heightmap and streetmaps and has been shaped manually by hand. Time from opening the PMC wiki to publis...
Created by ACRE_Team
ACRE2: Advanced Combat Radio Environment ACRE2 is a full fledged communications suite for Arma 3, allowing realistic radio and voice communications through TeamSpeak 3. Features Accurate simulations of AN/PRC-343, AN/PRC-77, AN/PRC-148, AN/PRC-117F, AN/PRC...
ZEI - Zeus and Eden Interiors
Created by LSD
A tool to quickly decorate and populate interiors for your missions in either Zeus or Eden. Client only mod. Not required to be installed on a server or any other clients. Creates no dependency in mission file. More Info:
Zeus Enhanced
Created by mharis001
Zeus Enhanced Zeus Enhanced, also known as ZEN, is an Arma 3 mod aimed at improving and expanding the functionality of the Zeus real-time editor. Zeus Enhanced is built with communities who use Zeus as their primary mission making tool in mind by enabling ...
Created by William Gooner
Sonic is back Maybe I will make egg man Check out sanic:
Simplex Support Services [DEV BUILD]
Created by Sceptre
This is a development version, so expect to find bugs and unfinished features or information. Please report any issues you find on Github or Discord. Simplex Support Services adds various AI support systems, such as artillery, close air support, logistics,...
Simplex Tools and Extensions
Created by Sceptre
Simplex Tools and Extensions is a collection of various features for mission makers, zeus game masters, and players to utilize. Many of these features are still in development and very experimental. So use them at your own risk. You can find a list of feat...
Interiors for CUP
About This small add-on replaces many CUP buildings with their equivalents from the Contact DLC, meaning many buildings on terrains using CUP buildings now have interiors. We have found that it completely changes how we play on terrains that we've known fo...
CES Resupply Smart zeus modules to spawn resupply crates dynamically adjusted to the amount of players The focus of this mod is to ease the creation of resupply crates. The included modules allow the Zeus to fine tune the crate to their ...
Created by TorinoV8
CLV MOD Descripción: La idea de este mod es hacer un aporte a la comunidad de Arma3 con assets que generalmente no se encuentran en la workshop, y que abren la oportunidad de crear distintas historias que no eran posibles hasta ahora. Este mod contiene veh...
Created by TorinoV8
This mod contains the faction name and both vehicles types. It's required to load any other CLV mod...
ETR Enhanced Ranks
Created by Jasper
This mod adds more ranks icon (insignia's) usable as ACE nametags. This allows mission creators to add in-between roles which are missing in the vanilla Arma rank system. Factions available: - Australian - Austria - Czech Republic - Danish - Dutch - Finlan...
ETR Transfer Content
Created by Jasper
This mod allows the player to mass transfer items easier between two inventories. By using the ACE interact on any inventory, such as ammocrates and vehicles, you can then select a target object to which you want to transfer to/from. A menu opens up which ...
ArmA3 Mech
Created by Maxjoiner ArmA3 Mech By Maxjoiner This Mod adds a lot of Mech in different sizes. You can find the Mech as BluFor/OpFor/Indep under Mech Features: - New Mech 3D models Known Bugs: Mech Tank Big has prob...
Created by LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD A sound mod for ArmA3 . My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful and new sound experience, fr...
JSRS SOUNDMOD - Reloading Sounds
Created by LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD A additional mod for JSRS Soundmod. With this small addon you can enable the JSRS Soundmod reload and handling sounds for all weapons. My JSRS compat files...
GRAD Civilians
Created by Fusselwurm
GRAD Civilians @grad_civs Spawn ambient civilians on the map. Dependencies required: CBA_A3 optional: ACE3 optional: ZEN optional: GRAD Animal Transport Features automatically populate the map with civilians dedicated to doing foot patrols driving around t...