Supreme Ruler Ultimate

Supreme Ruler Ultimate

28 ratings
Real Time Editor 3.2
File Size
38.556 MB
25 Jul, 2022 @ 3:10am
5 Aug, 2022 @ 6:15am
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Real Time Editor 3.2

Real Time Editor with In-Game Mini Editor

Please give rate and feedback

TL;DR: I can't explain all the features or how to use it in 1 go,
You can join steam groupchat, to ask question if you get confused.

This mod collect your steam username from the game for aesthetical editor display
and CPU id in order to create unique ID for the donators,
but nothing will be done with the data collected except for the benefit of this mod

also sorry for the ads, if its bother you, I can give you free day of ads, just send me your unique ID, without ads it will really boost up of the trainer performance up to 2X times if you want to try.

This can be used to assist you in modding, lots of creator tools editable field are covered in here,
for you to test the effects.

This is not an usual/integrated MODS, you need to find the tools and run it manually Currently there are no way yet to bring up the tools from inside the games.

Find & unzip in (example):

for those who encounter missing files error, please make sure file [meta . sr] exist in the same folder and is about 400kb in size as of now (506 options, most are editable)

new feature will eventually updated and you can choose whether to update or not and you just need to click the update button to fetch current data revision in form of json update, except if there is new binary you probably need to resubscribe

Recommended to play on windowed, w/ or w/o fullscreen

- Internet connection
- .NET Framework 4.7.1

How to run:
  1. Download/Subscribe
  2. Find the files called "SR"/"[version number].zip" and Unzip, place it anywhere
  3. Make sure file called [meta . sr] are there
  4. Execute the trainer first or the game first it doesn't matters.
  5. Select/scroll the Game Title (example: Supreme Ruler Ultimate)
  6. Select/scroll the Game Version (example: 9.2.5)
  7. Wait for the trainer to load the game
  8. After all the checkboxes is checked automatically
  9. Click "GAME ON" button.
If the trainer won't run, turn OFF AV/Firewall, as it give false positive result due to the nature of game hack software just like cheat engine

Unit Editor
Disclaimer: modifying the grid table below in "Editor" sub-tab, and class/movement/target, will modify the entire unit model stat for the current savegame
Disclaimer: modifying in the "Selected unit" panel is player/unit specific only modification
  1. Select the unit you want to modify
  2. Make sure the specific unit/model is selected, with a click or battle group.
  3. Make sure the selected unit name in editor is the same as in the game
  4. Modify the stat with scroll or entering new stat value.
  5. It will modify the current selected unit.

1 Day build/army/research (Player only!)
  1. Check the option under SPECIAL tab
  2. Go back to the game
  3. Select LAND tab in the game
  4. Click the building you want to accelerate to 1 day build, 1 by 1.

Missile Madness
  1. Check the "Lock Missile" box
  2. Change the value in the box as you wish (ex: 5555)
  3. Go to strategic targeting / unit that holds a missile in their cargo.
  4. Hover and select the missile you wish to multiply

  • 9.2.5
506 Total Feature
  • Auto Revision Update
  • Resource Editor,
  • --stock/demands/base/multiplier/HexProduction/price/cost
  • Country/Domestic Editor
  • Warfare: Unit Editor w/ undo
  • Warfare: Unit Persistent/Tracker
  • Special Option
  • 1 Day build/army/research/
  • Facility: Editor
  • Facility: Build facility without researching
  • Tech Effect Editor
  • Garrison Editor
  • well i lost count... see it for yourself
  • Not planned yet..
Bugs & workaround

8/31/2022: Russian OS language bug -> workaround if "1 day ... (player only)" doesn't work, try to change you default OS language to en-US.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
23 Sep, 2022 @ 7:29am
[BUG] Reports
Headless_hashbrown 28 Dec, 2024 @ 6:47am 
Does this actually make modding easier or is it just a trainer
phenicus 16 Nov, 2024 @ 8:24am 
This Mod is the ONLY reason I still play SRUltimate. Great!!!

Is there any way you can do this same MOD for SR2030?
Saveroo  [author] 25 Mar, 2024 @ 8:59pm 
It's should be working now, no need to redownload.
Kyle_Lucian 24 Mar, 2024 @ 1:20pm 
The only way I can make this work is to pull from an offline compressed file and disconnect my internet. If I try to run this trainer online it updates and crashes. The only way to fix it is to delete all the files and pull it from an archive file while offline.
Frank Paladin 15 Nov, 2023 @ 11:01am 
Yeah its not working right now, I think the last update is causing it to not launch for some reason. Would appreciate a quick fix, might even be worth a donation...
rodrigo218 16 Sep, 2023 @ 5:48am 
Not working anymore, before was ok
JAGERZ 10 Sep, 2023 @ 4:57am 
the program closes after the "waiting task" status on startup
drew.victory21 7 Sep, 2023 @ 11:50pm 
i have now tried on my desktop with same results, firewall off. all files extracted, is present. i rock a new pc system with a 3070 and asus hero board. my laptop is an asus duo pro with a 3070, so both are high tier systems. i cant figure out the problem.

the program will load up to the status of " awaiting task ", then it just disappears. any help would be appreciated.
drew.victory21 7 Sep, 2023 @ 6:52pm 
im having issues getting the helper running, it has the file, and is extracted, but when it initializes, when it finishes, it just dissappears. is there something else i could try?
Faraway 20 Aug, 2023 @ 12:42pm 