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MicroMachines - FU Edition
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14 Feb, 2022 @ 5:27pm
22 Apr, 2023 @ 2:53am
19 Change Notes ( view )

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MicroMachines - FU Edition

In 1 collection by Wakazu
MicroMachines Series
7 items
UPD: To anyone it may concern - yes, you can use my mods for... whatever you want, essentially. Go on, rip them apart, learn from it and make something better :)

You know what I hate about Starbound in general and Frackin' Universe in particular? Two things - inconsistent style, that forces you to build around it and that for every apchoo you want to make you need a specific crafting station, all of which eat up space on your base for dinner.

So, this here is a spiritual heir to Immirik's Compact Stations, which is sadly outdated (and which I disected to learn how Starbound mods work). Well, le rex est mort, vive le rex! Intruducing MicroMachines!

This is an addon for Frackin' Universe mod. You also need my base mod for this to work properly.

Don't forget to unsubscribe from Compact Machines - both mods change same files and will conflict.

Need more stations shrinked down? Check out MicroMachines collection - maybe I've already made an addon you're looking for:
JessTheMess 27 Jan @ 3:51pm 
hey! im having a problem with the mod, most of the machines dont place where im hovering the mouse, and it takes some guess work to get the right place, is there any way to fix this?
ErickD 21 Oct, 2023 @ 7:24pm 
@Wzkazu so is it possible to make a standalone verison instead of replacer version? some ppl in my server do like small one some prefer the vanilla size
Adrian C G 9 Jun, 2023 @ 3:55pm 
is it just me or is the water gen texture broken?
Wakazu  [author] 26 May, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
@sleepy witch ☆ I *might* shrink precursor datadrive (their equivalent of a microscope) but I won't be touching anything else in precursor cathegory. I'm trying to keep this resprite logical and consistent, and from this point of view nothing is wrong with precursor machinery - after all, it's an alien civilisation with it's own merits and culture.
Think of it this way - imagine yourself on an archeological expedition finding an ancient vine press. It still works, but is bulky and cumbersome. And then you ask me to make it smaller and faster so it can fit in your kitchen.
Hope you see where I'm getting to here. Precursor tech belongs into museum. It's just do happens that it could also be used in a lab.
sleepy witch ★ 16 May, 2023 @ 6:23am 
Micro precursor machines would be such a godsend. You're doing such great work! Keep it up!
Lasagna 17 Apr, 2023 @ 7:38pm 
reading the changelog I'm with you on the solar panel changes.

for a long time FU solar panels intentionally didn't even work on ships, now they work at 50% effect I believe (despite the fact that solar should be MORE effective in space without things like cloud cover to worry about). the upgraded solar panels being costly and useless is news to me but it fits with some of the terrible design decisions in FU.
Yo 25 Aug, 2022 @ 2:06am 
does this add a seperate station? or does it replace the existing one?
i like some of the FU station but i also like the compact ones on here.
noneuclideanfrog 2 Jul, 2022 @ 8:30am 
Some might call them... nanomachines, son
Wakazu  [author] 28 May, 2022 @ 2:44pm 
Base logic behind these resprites is to provide more freedom to build in any style instead of having to deal with being restricted to FU lab's white and yellow. Like, big white and yellow plastic-y chemlab can only look good beside equaly white and yellow equipment, which only somewhat suits apex and doesn't suit any other race at all, but if you throw away all fluff parts and only retain beakers and bunsen burner - you know, the things that are actualy used to do chem stuff - then you can fit them pretty much anywhere, from hi-tech apex labs to rustic glitch alchemist tower.
So point of this mod isn't so much to just shrink the stations as it is to liberate it from original mod's style tyrany.
Wakazu  [author] 28 May, 2022 @ 2:44pm 
With that said, I won't be respriting stations that are reasonable with their size, like embalming table (you're supposed to fit a corpse on that thing and playable races are 4 blocks high) and solar panels (these things work of surface coverage, so they have to be big in order to work, you can't expect a 1 square meter of solar panels to power your entire base).
Also I did shrunk solar tower almost twice the size, any more and it becomes rediculous.

Anyway, if there anything else that you think is unreasonably big, let me know and I'll look what I can do.