Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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Custom Title Form of Address
987.177 KB
2021年11月13日 12時37分
2024年11月17日 10時12分
29 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Custom Title Form of Address

This mod allows you to enter and use your own form of address for your character based on their primary title.

Updated for CK3 versions 1.13 (Basileus) and 1.14 (Traverse).

Sick of the standard "Duke", "Queen" or "Sultan"? Want a culturally specific term but there's no mod that adds it? Conquered half the map and feel that you should now be called "Great Super-God-Emperor" and not a boring old "Emperor"?
With this mod you can now address ;) any of these problems.

A new button for editing form of address (FoA) was added to character and primary title windows. Click it to enter your preferred male and female forms of address. This affects game UI, event texts etc. - everywhere your character is referred to by title you will see your new form of address.
Right-click "Customize FoA" button if you want to revert to the vanilla FoA.

Due to the way the game and this mod are implemented, your character must be at least a Duke to make use of a custom FoA (so no custom FoAs for Counts currently).

After you set a custom FoA for your primary title, it will remain tied to it and will be passed down to your heir. Should you change your primary title, either manually, by losing it or by inheriting a higher-ranked title, your character will stop using its FoA and will switch to the form of address for their new primary title.

You can also set a custom FoA for any vassal who holds a Duchy or a higher title in your realm.

The mod requires a new game to work.

Directly compatible with the following mods, must be loaded after them in load order:

Compatible with the following mods via UniUI compatibility framework by TheGib:

Separate compatibility patch available for:

Included localizations:

Older versions (the latest compatible with older CK3 game versions):
  • v0.3.12[] for CK3 v1.12.5.
  • v0.3.11[] for CK3 v1.11.5.
  • v0.3.10[] for CK3 v1.10.2.
  • v0.3.9[] for CK3 v1.9.2.
  • v0.3.8[] for CK3 v1.9.0.2.
  • v0.3.7[] for CK3 v1.8.2.
  • v0.3.6[] for CK3 v1.7.2.
  • v0.3.5[] for CK3 v1.6.1.2.
  • v0.3.4[] for CK3 v1.5.1.1.
  • v0.3.2[] for CK3 v1.5.0.1.
  • v0.2.6[] for CK3 v1.4.4.

Check out the mod page on GitHub[], if you'd like to report a bug or a mod incompatibility, submit a custom translation or simply take a look under the hood.

Special thanks to the amazing community of CK3 Mod Co-op Discord.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
2月5日 12時23分
2022年10月28日 11時36分
358 件のコメント
TerraPass  [作成者] 2月5日 12時19分 
@SilverSaruTrue @reulov the DEUS. Sorry, new savegames only.

The mod relies on static titles, which the game only adds to new savegames, not if the mod is loaded mid-playtrhough. It might be possible to manually edit a save file and insert the necessary titles and variables there (or copy them from a new savegame created with the mod active), but I haven't experimented with it myself, so can offer no guidance there, let alone promise such a modification would even work.
TerraPass  [作成者] 2月5日 12時18分 
@Intrepid_Kavalye No, I haven't considered making any compatches, as maintaining them in addition to the main mod is not something I have time for.

Having said that, I designed the mod in a way that allows it to be integrated into a bigger mod by inserting several GUI hooks for it into another mod's GUI files (via the types and templates mechanism described in the CK3 wiki []), which would simplify things for a member of a TC team adding direct support, or for an interested thirdparty modder making a compatch between this mod and a TC.
reulov the DEUS. 2月4日 15時05分 
hello ! is there any way to use this in my acutal save game ? i'ts kind of a big one and don't want to start again just for a mod but in the same time that's quite the one I need. is there like something to bypass mb ? thx o/
SilverSaruTrue 1月31日 12時11分 
Hi, is there a way to make it work for an existing savegames? I really need it
Intrepid_Kavalye 2024年12月13日 19時47分 
Have you considered making a compatch of this mod for the After the End TC? I believe it would have to be run for version 1.12.5.
EtlajhBT 2024年12月13日 12時28分 
This makes larp much easier, thank you!
Cynthwayve 2024年12月10日 4時06分 
Finally I can create a principality
TerraPass  [作成者] 2024年12月4日 8時21分 
@Sina Make sure you're not running conflicting mods (particularly ones that also modify window_character.gui), and try moving this mod to the end of your playset. Also note that the button only appears for landed rulers, and is not available for adventurers.

@ꍟꂵꉣꍟꋪꂦꋪ Compatibility with total conversions including TFE is not guaranteed. If you are loading the mod before TFE in your playset, you can try moving it below TFE, but that'll overwrite TFE's own customizations to various windows. Full compatibility would require someone to make a separate TFE compatch.
Sina 2024年12月4日 7時18分 
It doesn't work!
I started a new game but the Form of Address button is missing!!!
ꍟꂵꉣꍟꋪꂦꋪ 2024年12月3日 13時50分 
Broken with TFE