Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Items (148)
Star Wars Prop Pack
Created by dhkatz
Star Wars Prop Pack By Doctor Jew This prop pack is a collection of Star Wars props ported from various locations, previously not found on the workshop. Still a work in progress, and will be constantly updated until I have run out of props to port, this ma...
[SWRP] Emplacements
Created by Hevy Werwolf Gaming SWRP server. IP-adress: Website Turrets: Machine Gun Turret Railgun Turret Changes: New sounds Damage Tweaks Added blue laser effect Machine Gun ...
501st Torrent Company - CGI Phase 1
Created by MIBALongshot
501st Torrent Company Contains: -Captain Rex -Sergeant Kano -Sergeant Boomer -Sergeant Denal -Redeye -Mixer -Kix -Hardcase -Jesse -Dogma -Tup -Fives (Phase 1&2) -Echo (Phase 1&2) -Heavy -Medic -Sharpshooter -Trooper To be expected: -Any other lore characte...
CGI Cadet Playermodel
Created by suno
Hey guys, this addon is a bit old so let me update this description box. This was one of my first projects involving modelling and updating textures. I've took this model, modified it, and made it look more like a clone cadet. Overtime I will actually crea...
[FBN] CGI Phase 1: Coruscant Guard
Created by Garith
Give the addon a thumbs up if you like it! This addon was created for Frostbite Networks, but any server may add it to their collections. Frostbite Networks IP Frostbite Networks Discord These playermodels have extensive bodygroups an...
[BLN] 212th Attack Battalion
Created by Garith
Give the addon a thumbs up if you like it! Update! ◦ Added my re-textured Juggernaut model to the pack. Burst Link Network Server IP Burst Link Network Steamgroup Contents ◦ 212th Troo...
CGI Phase 1: 104th Battalion
Created by Garith
Special thanks to Kyle for hooking me up with DEV TEAM ALPHA's phase 1.5 ARC helmet asset for this project. Give the addon a thumbs up if you like it! These playermodels have extensive bodygroups. Contents 104th Battalion: ◦ 104th Trooper - models/player/g...
[EGX] SWRP KS medic
Created by Xazu
Hi. Have fun. This addon add only one PM which can u see on this image ^^^ This content is used on EliteGaming server Used addons:
Created by [ULX] Megiddo
The official latest release version of ULX admin mod (the same you'd get from our website). Please see our website at for information and discussion. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players. YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE...
[GG] Starwars Clonewars Playermodels ( Jedi / Clonetroopers / Random )
Created by Stooge
Starwars CGI Clonewars characters When I first discovered that it was possible to have these models made for Starwars clonewars, I as we all would call it "I had a panick attack" and freaked out. Now I commisioned the models, Had them made and panick attac...
[SBS] CGI Clone Troopers
Created by [SBS] The Guy
✨ Addon Information ⓘ Important Note: This addon is now outdated. You can find these same models but updated in a brand new addon of mine, found here: Star Wars: The Clone Wars | Phase 1 Clone Troopers I am proud to present to you my first player model re-...
[SBS] CGI Clone Troopers Pt. 2
Created by [SBS] The Guy
✨ Addon Information ⓘ Important Note: This addon is now outdated. You can most of the same models but updated in a brand new addon of mine, found here: Star Wars: The Clone Wars | Phase 1 Clone Troopers This is the official part 2 of my clone trooper playe...
[SBS] Custom CGI Clone Troopers
Created by [SBS] The Guy
✨ Addon Information ⓘ Important Note: This addon is now outdated. You can find these same models but updated in a brand new addon of mine, found here: Star Wars: The Clone Wars | Phase 1 Clone Troopers This is a custom expansion of my original CGI Clone Tr...
[GG] Model Pack 5
Created by Stooge
Model for my server made by guy Use if you want I dont care...
[GG] Model Pack 2
Created by Stooge This is a clone trooper pack For Gateway Gaming Feel Free to use these on your server. This Pack Contains - Commander Cody with jetpack - Commander Cody Helmet - Doom company (Officer, Trooper, Commander) (CREDIT TO MANGO) - ...
[GG] Model Pack 3
Created by Stooge This is a clone trooper pack For Gateway Gaming Feel Free to use these on your server. This Pack Contains - 442nd (Trooper, Officer, commander) (CREDIT TO MANGO) - 187th (Trooper, Officer, commander) (CREDIT TO MANGO) - 327th...
[GG] Model Pack 6
Created by Stooge This is a clone trooper pack For Gateway Gaming Feel Free to use these on your server. This Pack Contains - 612th Medic - 612th Medic Officer - Hope CREDITS TO - The Guy, for retexturing All rights reserved. All trademarks ar...
[GG] Model Pack 1
Created by Stooge This is a clone trooper pack For Gateway Gaming Feel Free to use these on your server. CREDITS TO - The Guy, for retexturing Copyright © 2015 by StarByStarGaming. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their resp...
Custom ULX Commands
Created by SirSmokerGollum
-- Original CULX Created by;u=6288 -- This is a updated and optimised version of Custom ULX Commands, we make sure it runns as best as possible and also complies to any Gmod Rule changes like the operat...
[Official] Precision Tool
Created by [XTT] General Wrex
IF YOU GET GETINFONUM ERRORS, DO THIS IN YOUR CONSOLE precision_defaultrestore Formerly 'Easy Precision', this tool allows exact movement of objects for accurate building. Push/pull, rotate, and snap props together at specif...
Gmod Legs 3
Created by Valkyrie
Gmod Legs Works with most custom playermodels Actively maintained since 2012 Like this addon? Award it! and checkout my GmodRPG im working on This will allow you to see your legs in first person, just like in Left 4 Dead or any modern FPS Info: Hold you co...
Created by Aaron
Restriction system for ULX. (Requires ULX and ULib),5269.0.html Please read the wiki for additional help: Please feel free to comment on my profile and add me if you need hel...
Simple ThirdPerson - Sliders & Fixes!
Created by FailCake
Its just a simple client side ThirdPerson. WORKS WELL WITH PAC3 :D! Note, the playermodel is a PAC Wanna help out? Check If you Don't see yourself when in thirdperson, make sure the...
Media Player
Created by Sam
Watch videos or listen to music with friends in Sandbox—based on the Cinema gamemode. How to fix this mod (HTML5) ⚠️ GMod developers are working on a fix, this can't be fixed by the mod author! ⚠️ This addon no longer works on the default version of Garry'...
Easy Bodygroup Tool
Created by Rubat
An improved bodygroup tool, also supporting skins! And it works on effects too! Usage Right/Left click on an entity to select it. Reload to select yourself If the entity is highlighted with halo effect, then open context menu and make changes. Everything i...
Created by Malboro
PermaProps 4.0 What is the PermaProps: The permaprops is a lightweight addon written to save entities on a map. This is very useful to improve servers and help builders. How use it: Saving: Aim a entity and press left mouse. Remove: Aim a entity and press ...
3D2D Textscreens
Created by James
Create 3D2D text anywhere in the world. This addon is now open source! Contribute to development of this addon on GitHub. All pull requests are welco...
Advanced Duplicator 2
Created by WireTeam
Ground up rewrite meant to make up for some of the shortcomings of the first iteration of AdvDupe. Still considered alpha! Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord:
Created by [ULX] Megiddo
The official ULib. Please see our website at for information and discussion. For the most bleeding edge up to date versions of ULX and ULib, please download and use our github versions: ULib: ULX: https://...
Improved Stacker
Created by Thomas
Improved Stacker Tool The Improved Stacker tool is a complete rewrite of the original Stacker tool and includes many bug fixes and new features that both clients and server owners can benefit from. Unlike the other versions of the tool, the Improved Stacke...
[Star Wars] : Skin ARF Trooper
Created by HeavY-Ji
Addon created by HeavY- Ji Including modified ARF skins : -Commander (Custom Ryuka ) -Vice Commander -Captain -Lieutenant -Sergeant...
Darth Maul Playermodel
Created by Joekr
Finally, A WORKING Darth Maul Playermodel comes to the Steam Workshop! If you would like to use this playermodel in your server, please make sure to give me credit. If you would like a Playermodel made for you feel free to comment below, and when I get som...
Star Wars Battledroids
Created by Captain Charles
Name: Battledroid Ragdolls & Players Version: 1 Description: Battledroid Ragdolls & Players for Garry's mod. Contents: Battledroid Battledroid Commander Battledroid Geonosis Battledroid Pilot Battledroid Security BAW E-5 Blaster Features: Phong shaders Bum...
CGI Super Battle Droids
Created by Stooge We are proud to announce our new model Package, The Super Battle Droids!. Super Battle Droid Backstory B2 super battle droids were an advanced battle droid used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars....
CGI Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Playermodel
Created by |⁧⁧Riddick
Say hello to Garry's mod's first and only CGI Palpatine model. Original uploader - Riddick Description: Sidious, born Sheev Palpatine, was trained in the dark side of the Force by Darth Plagueis. Eventually, he took on his own apprentice, Darth Maul, and k...
Created by ScurvyLegs
Theed on Naboo from Star Wars ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ This map features city streets of Naboo, plasma refinery, hangar, and much much more! Now you can reenact your favorite scenes from episode one such as the fight with Darth Ma...
Created by ScurvyLegs
This is my rendition of the planet Tatooine from Star Wars. I made this for the baikour gamemode but can also work with other gamemodes. The map is AI noded and features a 3D skybox. Iconic places on this map are a tusken raider camp, sarlacc pit, sandcraw...
CGI General Grievous PlayerModel
Created by Stooge We are proud to announce our new model, The CIS General, Grievous. General Grievous Backstory Grievous was the Kaleesh cyborg Supreme Commander of the Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems for most of the Clone...
The Sit Anywhere Script!
Created by Xerasin
This script allows you to sit on nearly every flat ledge or simply on the ground! Just press Alt (or the key you have 'Walk (Move Slowly)' bound to) + e (or the key you have 'Use' bound to) on the place you want to sit. Great for RP servers for that touch ...
[Offical] Autopromote (APromote) for ULX
Created by Lead4u
Auto Promote mod for ULX Addon Features: Updated to GMOD13 Format. XGUI Menu Integration ULX Access Permission Enable/Disable Rankup Sound (Global/Local) Confetti! Option to disable auto demotion if current rank is higher than your hour rank Requires: ULX/...
MR's Optimized Tazer [original by realrbn]
This tazer requires realrbn's Tazer. Please install it. Intro This tazer / taser is a ultimate rewrite of realrbn's Tazer. It is fully optimized and it should be safe. Features list - Cl...
realrbn's Tazer [Roleplay ; Taser]
Created by rbn
Hey everyone! This is a Tazer I created for Servers. The Taser is usable by anyone, but you can change it to Admin Only if you wish. This was designed for Sandbox, but It propably works with other game modes too. Here are some features: Custom View & World...
Created by
This is a client-side tool for building contraptions with extreme precision, aligning objects for either aesthetic or functional perfection. To accomplish this task a grid is projected onto the object you are pointing at and by pressing the use-button your...
Mass Effect Civilian Props
Created by Cosmic
All credit for this work should go to cires992. This pack includes a few dozen props, many with bodygroups, all of which are from the Mass Effect series of video games. These props have an emphasis on civilian applications. There are no ragdolls or weapons...
Active Camouflage
Created by piqey Hide from your foes with a wonderful blend of the Crysis Cloak mode and the infamous Active Camo from the Halo series. To Do: - Add bouncy icon in weapon selection. - Mak...
Created by Wolly
These are basic turrets/emplacements. They actually work as entities. Use them at your own discretion. Have fun. No longer requires GBombs. The 4 turrets are 7.62x39mm Turret - Fast rate of fire, good for crowd control. - Not very effective at long range. ...
[LFS] A-Wing Starfighter
Created by Digger
Awing ok normal descripton probably first addon ever on that base ...
Climb SWEP 2
Created by Jon a scone
My own reiteration of the original climb swep (I wrote it from scratch). Using this SWEP you can parkour! It comes with some cool stuff like: Falling Effects Wall Jumping Prop Riding - You can grab onto props and move with them! Ability to switch between C...
[PR]Star Wars Medical Sweps [Bacta Grenade, Bacta Injector, Force Heal]
Created by |⁧⁧Riddick
UPDATE 1/10/2017: New additions are coming out, including a Bacta Grenade that does not reset an event character's health, overhealing bacta injectors(they were too outshined by bacta grenades!), and a medscanner to provide health AND armor! I highly sugge...
aTags [Tags Creator]
Created by Tom^.
*ADVERTISEMENT* HogwartsRP powered by Garry's Mod | 300 + spells! Our network offers our very own online custom Harry Potter themed online multiplayer role playing video game powered by Garry's Mod. Within Magic School gamemode, you will be able to play re...
Sci-fi Props Megapack
Created by Lt_C
Over 70 Unique Sci-Fi Themed Props! Included in this release is the bulk of two years’ work on a specific visual theme. When combined with my other similar releases, this is little short of the cores assets needed to make a total conversion source mod. Eve...
[TFA] StarWars Republic Weapon Reworked Pack
Created by ChanceSphere574
StarWars Republic reworked weapon Pack from Battlefront II. DC-15S DC-15A DC-15A (Original) DC-15LE DC-15LE (Original) DC-15X DC-15S DC-15SE Valken x38 DC-17 DP-23 DP-24 DC-19 DC-19LE Stun DC-15S Stun DC-17 Dual DC-15s Dual ...
[TFA] StarWars Reworked Shared Resources and Assets
Created by ChanceSphere574 This This pack contain all resource needed for all my weapon pack, contains basic reload sounds, view and world models, also some icon and textures CVars Serveur Side : rw_sw_bit_amount "16" rw_sw_smoke_amount "5" rw_sw_impa...
[TFA Official] Star Wars Shared Resources [ Sounds, Icons, Shared Support Menu ]
Created by Servius
Strasser Shared Resources
Created by Gorka
Resources needed to use Strasser's SWEPs...
Voice Amplifier SWEP
Created by Servius
The Voice Amplifier SWEP Use this swep to speak to people in an expandable radius or even talk to you whole server with a touch of a button! For some reason this was taken down a while back and I, Servius, couldnt find it anywhere. Church had a copy on han...
CGI Magna Guards Playermodel / NPC
Created by Stooge We are proud to announce our new model Package, The Magna Guards!. Be sure to follow both authors if you like the content! IG-100 MagnaGuard's Backstory The IG-100 MagnaGuard, also known as the Self-Motivating Heuristically P...
[TFA] StarWars Rocket Launcher Pack
Created by ChanceSphere574
StarWars Rocket launcher pack ! The best rocket pack at all, contain 8 rockets launcher from StarWars and with 3 additionnal rocket mods, the Pointing Mod, the Tracking Mod and the Control Mod, a laser with the current color...
Putin walk music
Created by Xazu
Hi. Have fun with that music <3 If u have questions just ask. I know it's little content but still u can tip me :3
[LFS] Ground Vehicle Base
Created by Heracles421
Heracles' LFS Ground Vehicle Base This is the base which all LFS vehicles I create will use. This allows rapid deployment of changes that affect all vehicles, instead of having to update every single one to add new things. Feel free to use this on your ser...
SW Vehicle: AT-RT
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                        All Terrain Recon...
[LFS] HMP Droid Gunship
Created by ϟLightning Boltϟ
"By your command..." -HMP Droid Gunship The Geonosians have finally begun to supply the Droid army with HMP Droid Gunships. These Droid Gunships are to be not taken as a joke, as they're seriously armed, smart, and dangerous. To defeat these HMP Droid Guns...
[LFS] V-wing & V-19
Created by Zero-Nine
This addon was provided to you by - Me: Code, Screenshots Digger: Models, Rigging, Animation, Textures Tessa: Textures Servius: V-wing sounds 1/20/23 LVS Version coming soon, just wait 3/11/23 Still coming just working on some new stuff -------------------...
[LFS] NU-Class Attack Shuttle (NU SHUTTLE)
Created by mellowcholy
> THIS ADDON REQUIRES THE LFS BASE TO FUNCTION < > Make sure to support me by rating this addon! < Info: " The Nu-class transport, also known as the Nu-class attack shuttle or Republic attack shuttle, was a model of shuttle used by the Republic Navy during...
[LFS] IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank
Created by niksacokica
IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank The IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank, also known simply as the hailfire droid or wheel droid, was a tank model used by the separatists. Most known for its wide use at the Battle of Geonosis. More:
SW Vehicle : Hailfire-droid
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                       IG-227 Hailfire-cl...
[LFS] BTL-B Y-Wing Starfighter (REPUBLIC Y-WING)
Created by mellowcholy
> THIS ADDON REQUIRES THE LFS BASE TO FUNCTION < > Make sure to support me by rating this addon! < Info: " The BTL-B Y-wing was a model of Y-wing starfighter used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. It was both a starfighter and a bomber, and i...
[LFS] BARC speeder
Created by niksacokica
BARC speeder The Biker Advanced Recon Commando (BARC) speeder was a speeder bike manufactured by Aratech Repulsor Company. It was designed for use by the Galactic Republic's Grand Army during the Clone Wars. More:
[LFS] AAT - Galactica Networks
Created by Heracles421
CIS AAT (Armored Assault Tank) An AAT from Star Wars. Created by and for Galactica Networks. Join Galactica Networks' Discord to stay updated on new vehicle releases. Want to give the vehicles a try? Hop onto Galactica's Networks CWRP server (gmod.galactic...
[LFS] TX-130 & TX-130t
Created by Tkaro This addon contains TX-130 and TX-130t Saber-class fighter tank from Star Wars. TX-130 located in entities in Star Wars Usage tip: SPACE - to open rocket hatch Set "Turret modification" bodygroup - for top turret Now in plan...
[LFS] Star Wars Mega Pack
Created by Nashatok
An assortment of miscellaneous Star Wars ships from nimble interceptors to versatile corvettes, mostly from Legends, brought to LFS for the enjoyment of anyone and everyone, representing nearly every major era of Star Wars. This pack can also be found spli...
Empty Hands Swep
Created by Tatrabbit
Hands by your side for roleplaying, movie making, and when you just gotta put your crowbar away! The functionality is pretty minimalist by necessity, but I've tried very hard to have a nice icon for the swep and everything, to match the theme of the HL2 we...
[TFA] StarWars Reworked Grenade Pack
Created by ChanceSphere574
StarWars Grenade pack ! Ping Launcher Grenade Bacta Grenade Dioxis Grenade Flash Grenade Impact Grenade Incendiary Grenade Smoke Grenade Stun Grenade Thermal Grenade Training StarWars Reworked...
[TFA] StarWars CIS Weapon Reworked Pack
Created by ChanceSphere574
StarWars CIS reworked weapon from Battlefront II. E-5 E-5c E-5s E-5s (Automatic) RG-4D SE-14 SE-14c Dual E-5 Dual RG-4D Dual SE-14c B2-RP Hand-Blaster B2-RP Hand-Rocket Droideka Twin Blasters Droideka Sniper Blaster E-5 BX D...
Star Wars - Rogue One Prop Pack
Created by Lord Trilobite
A pack of props based on those from the film Rogue One: a Star Wars Story. All the black and orange items are used by the Empire including on the base on Scarif. The small white container was used by the Rebels on Yavin IV. The white version of the Imperia...
GmodAdminSuite ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Click For Support⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (G)mod(A)dmin(S)uite or GAS is a set of admin utilities that work on top of admin mods such as ULX or SAM to provide a better experience for server owners and ...
[LFS] MTT - Galactica Networks
Created by Heracles421
CIS MTT (Multi Troop Transport) An MTT from Star Wars. Created by and for Galactica Networks. Join Galactica Networks' Discord to stay updated on new vehicle releases. Want to give the vehicles a try? Hop onto Galactica's Networks CWRP server (gmod.galacti...
(Official) Gravity Hull Designator - Localized Physics & Infinite Maps
Created by David Ralphsky
A massive disclaimer here: This is not supposed to work flawlessly. This is a proof-of-concept more than anything, and possibly a builder's tool. The amount of hax in this addon is astronomical, and to fix it for every possible addon confliction (which is ...
[EGX] Server content weapons 1 | [TFA] Star Wars Imperial Reworked but with blue lasers
Created by Xazu
Hi. This is modificated addon where i changed only lasers to be blue. Changed weapons: T-21 DLT-19 E-11 TL-40 TL-50 Used addons:
rp_vanqor_sbs - [SBS] Clone Wars RP
Created by [SBS] The Guy
✨ Map Information ⓘ This level design, rp_vanqor_sbs, was commissioned by Star by Star Gaming from ShyStudios for Clone Wars RP on Garry's Mod. This is basically, a completely recreated from the ground up version of the original rp_vanqor map released seve...
(UNSTABLE & UNSUPPORTED) Editable Shield Generators
Created by hisui
DISCLAIMER: This addon sucks. It causes crashes 90% of the time. Do not use this addon. It will crash your server. If you decide to use this addon regardless of this disclaimer, I will provide NO SUPPORT. If you want to try and make this addon better, all ...
SW Shared : LFS Vehicles
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                           LFS Shared Con...
Portable Force Field
Created by tau
A hand-held force field grenade! 2016/9/16 Added a version that follows the player around! Shows up as "Hex-Shield (local)". Uses the suit battery as fuel, so you need to have the suit charged. Added the cvar cl_hexshieldcolor which allows you to change th...
Star Wars - Astromech Droids Playermodel Pack v1.4
Created by Grady
Astromech Droids By Grady & Cooky Hey! This is our Astromech Droid Pack. We hope you like it. A Feedback would be nice :) Whats in that pack? - Astromech Red - Astromech Green - Astromech Yellow - Astromech Black - Astromech Purple - Astromech Blue (R2-D2)...
Star wars Battlefront 2 Props V3
Created by MegaRex-04
I was able to rip models and textures from the Game, Star Wars Battlefront II Classics and was able to make 2 versions of the acclamator and the Venator. Join the Addon group for announcements: Join the Discor...
Droideka Playermodel (With Custom animations)
Created by Sengels
Thanks to me being very bored I created a Droideka playermodel :P I created this for our servers but why not give it to the public as well :D I took the model and animations from: So I want a...
Half-Life 2 Tools
Created by Rubat
A set of Half-Life 2 inspired/themed tools. Fully compatible with duplicator. Tool list Headcrab canister tool ( sbox_maxenv_headcrabcanisters ) Ammo crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_ammo_crates ) Item crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_item_crates ) Thumper tool ( sbox_m...
Stryker's StarWars RP Information Panels
Created by Stryker Stryker's Information Panels This Addon Contains: • DEFCON Information Panel • Faces Information Panel • Formations Information Panel Features Include: • Switch between Republic and Imperial Styles • Easily Change the Colour...
[wOS] Hologram Conversation System
Created by King David™
But what about the Combine attack on the Humans? This item was created for our wiltOS Week 2019 you can check that out here: Re-enact your favorite movie scenes with this Hologram Conversation system, allowing you to get i...
Gargantuan SWTOR Prop Pack
Created by niksacokica
Gargantuan - Nearly immeasurably large. This is a prop pack filled with over a thousand props directly extracted from the Star Wars: The Old Republic game assets. Included in this pack are the models' high-definition meshes,...
EGM Animation SWEPs
Created by [EGM] Mattzi
With this Addon you receive some SWEPs that have nice animations: -You can cross your arms behind your back with! -You can use your Comlink! -You can use your Hololink! -You can high five -You can surrender -You can point How to get it: Q-> Weapons-> EGM A...
Drugs Mod | Revamped | Soap | EDIT
Created by Husio23
Hi, I would like to introduce to you the edited version of addon Drugs Mod | Revamped. I cordially invite you to subscribe....
DarkRP Full Classic Advert Want to log adverts, kills, propkilling, etc. and better manage administration on your server? Check out my logging system ________________________________________________________________________________
Star Wars: Jedi Youngling Playermodels
Created by ✵ Cok Bhoi ✵
Jedi Youngling Playermodel This model was commisioned by Akainu and Bok Choi. Created by neomarz1 Ported by JazzMcNade If you have used and like this model, please remember to leave a thumbs up Copyright 2016 This item is not authorized for posting on Stea...
[GG] CGI Yoda Playermodel
Created by Stooge
We finally have a Starwars CGI Yoda! This model was made mainly for Starwars clonewars Gateway Gaming, But are allowed to be used on any server. Really I can't stop you from using it. I want this package to help and aid other server owners to have proper J...
Grey Force Wardens Playermodels (V3)
Created by Kralich/Gonzo
(THE BUGGED PROPORTIONS AND VIEWMODEL HAVE BOTH BEEN FIXED! THIS MODEL IS NOW FULLY FUNCTIONAL!) The Force Wardens were a group of outcast Jedi during the The Old Republic era in approximately 3500 BBY. Their leader was originally a Grand Master of the Jed...
Jedi BattleLord Armor Pack : SWTOR
Created by Acrow "A Jedi was a Force-sensitive individual, most often a member of the Jedi Order, who studied, served, and used the mystical energies of the Force; usually, the light side of the...
Kotor Pack : Knight of the Old Republic PlayerModels
Created by Acrow "This Contains Ancient Knowledge, The Jedi,the Sith,perhaps more......" - Me Credits: Thanks to an awesome friends of mine,"Dusty and Xman". Porting and rigging these model...
CGI Chewbacca
Created by Stooge We are proud to announce our new model, The Wookie, Chewbacca. Chewbacca Backstory Chewbacca, known affectionately to his friends as Chewie, was a male Wookiee warrior, smuggler, and resistance fighter who fought in the Clone...
Star Wars: Mandalorian Bounty Hunter (playermodel & NPC)
Created by Porky-da-Corgi Lillwasa's Mandalorain Bounty Hunter converted to a playermodel, with a custom red retexture. Includes: models\porky-da-corgi\starwars\mandalorians\bountyhunter.mdl CREDITS: Lillwasa: Original Hack/Port/Model Possposs22: Comm...
Navy Clones: Class Pack Playermodels (V2)
Created by Kralich/Gonzo
Retextures of the navy clone from this pack, by The Guy, This comes in red, green, dark grey, dark orange, purple, dark yellow and light grey adaptations of the Navy Clone model. ...
SW Modelpack : Deathstar
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                                         ...
GG server Content 4
Created by Stooge
I do not take any credit for anything in this pack. All credit goes to authors of original Content, Added as server content to help minimalize server download. CREDITS TO - The Christ - Original CGI modeler. tw (Suno) - For reskining Some of these models. ...
[SBS] CGI Clone Wars Playermodels
Created by [SBS] The Guy
✨ Addon Information ⓘ I am proud to present an expansion of the CGI Clone Wars experience in Garry's Mod. These models were commissioned by Star by Star Gaming for thechrist to create. These player models are free for any and all people or servers to use. ...
Collision Resizer (ENHANCED)
Created by tau
MASSIVE UPDATE October 31st, 2015 Physics now work on the client! Resizing is now compatible with HL2/engine saves! Resizing is now fully compatible with demo recordings! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Standing Pose Tool
Created by Winded
This small tool can pose a ragdoll to it's model pose, which usually is a standing pose for ragdolls. It does not work properly with all ragdolls, but for most of them it does....
CGI 212th Commander Canuck Playermodel
Created by Kralich/Gonzo
CGI 212th Commander Canuck, as commissioned by ThatOneCanuck of RedSpec Gaming. This model includes his custom commander model, Commander Canuck. For more information on commissions, feel free add me with a comment on my profile. ...
Workshop FastDL
Created by Sandalen
Put this in the top of your workshop! Above all addons If some addons doesnt load and are still errors its because steam workshop is stupid sometimes i dont really know why....
Created by [TSF] Mason 1290
A retexture of my map RP_Venator_vFinal. this is rp_venator_retextured. If you have any issues or need help, please go to the original map linked below for some help. Things such as button meanings, .vmf, and what is included in the map is located in the s...
Holocomm (video calling in Gmod)
Created by OfficiallyNeverHere
Ever wanted to enjoy a skype call in Garry's Mod? Now you can! Left click to open a menu of people you can call (only people who have a holocomm will appear) Right click to toggle between showing your face and showing whats in front of you. Left click and ...
[Djex] CIS Droid Pack
Created by Djex
========================================================================================= This addon is based on the model of those two addons from GG: CGI Super Battle Droids: CGI CIS Droid ...
Star Wars Music Speakers
Created by DeltaWolf
Play the Music from one of the most well known movies of all time; Star Wars out loud, in client or even on servers. With this mod you can spawn the speaker from the enities menu, in the Star Wars Music section. Press E on the speaker to play the Music. Ho...
Squad Shield Swep
Created by 16 bears
Star Wars Squad Shield DISCLAIMER: I did not make this, with that being said I can only make small edits to the original code due to my knowledge with LUA, if any issues or bugs occur with the addon please feel free to contact me. Features: -Will stop any ...
Star Wars Pick-ups
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: A set of Star Wars themed ammo, health and armor pick-ups made for the MelonServers Star Wars servers. MelonServers Webpage To use these, one must press the use button (E)...
Vanilla's Hyperspace Tool
Created by mellowcholy
A tool that allows any entity (Star Wars Vehicle, LFS Ship, even Father Grigori!) to emerge from hyperspace or to jump to hyperspace....
[wOS] Animation Extension - Blade Symphony
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! This is the Blade Symphony integrated animation extension. The register for this addon is as follows: wOS.AnimExtension.Mounted I take no credit for the animations, I simply moved it over to the ...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Base (Full Version)
Created by King David™
Revan Dark Lightsaber Pack
Created by Captain Charles
Name: Revan Dark Lightsaber Pack Version: 2 Description: Revan Dark Lightsaber Pack for Garry's mod. Contents: -Anakin Episode 2 -Anakin Episode 3 -Common Jedi (Adi Gallia, Shaak Ti, Bultar Swan, Barriss Offee,...) -Count Dooku -Darth Maul (staff) -Darth M...
Clone Wars Adventures: Lightsabers
Created by ArsenicBeast
Lightsabers ported from Clone Wars Adventures! Please give a rating as it really helps the addon grow, it takes 1 click to do so. Info In this addon there are 40(give or take 1 or 2) lightsabers that have been ported over to work in GMod. Thanks to my frie...
[wOS] Advanced Lightsaber Combat (Content Pack)
Created by King David™
[wOS] Animation Extension - Riddick
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! These are custom animations made by Riddick for wiltOS Technologies. All rights belong to DO NOT REUPLOAD THIS EXTENSION, AND APPROPRIATELY CREDIT THE...
Created by Robert F.
'This addon aims to replace fecal Half Life: 2 effects with custom particles.' said Harry. It's not compatible with "Explosion Effect" addon. There are three new explosion effects for grenades, RPGS and dynamite tool. In addition, AR2's combine balls now p...
gExplo Universal Tweak
Created by Robert F.
This extra mod now replaces all explosion effects including the ones that barrels, slams and other explosive produces. This addon requires gExplo to work. Not made by me. Just uploading. Author This addon is covered by User Generated Content License, pleas...
Placeable Particle Effects
Created by The Lawnmower Man
READTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHIS ======== What is this addon about? ======== Placeable Particle Effects is an addon that lets you place or attach (weld) various effects to spice up your work, like screenshots, artwork, anima...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Prone Mod
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! Here it is! The official Prone Mod extension to the wiltOS Animation Base, for use with Prone Mod All credit goes to Stiffy and the people at Valve for making the HL2 prone layers and prone base ...
aa [SL] Anti Adware
Created by [Osiris] StarLight This addon blocks some of the adware that is affecting gmod. (the zz are intentional) This blocks against - Zhroms Prop Pack - SWTOR Prop Pack - G-Realms - Star Wars Aliens Pack - Nox Networks - Phenomenal Nation Credits - S...
Inquisitor Saber [Model]
Created by Zero-Nine
This addon was provided to you by - StarLight, David, Myself: Programming / Rigging: David / StarLight Porting: Me Ingame Screenshots: Smile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
The Prone Mod - wOS
Give those tired legs a break and go prone! Note: This version of the addon requires wOS - Base Extension and wOS - Prone Mod Extension to work. Note: This addon may cause some NPCs to glitch into prone animations at random times. Currently this issue is k...
Star Wars - Adware Blocker
Created by Lord Tyler
This script is a tool to block unwanted advertisements inside of addons. There are current malicious communities spamming advertisements on addons they have released. This is poor taste and I am pretty sure it breaks the rules of the workshop pertaining to...
Darth Talon Playermodel
Created by V This addon contains a playermodel of Darth Talon from the Expanded Universe now known as Star Wars Legends. The playermodel comes with a female skeleton, animations, hands and jigglebones for breasts and the lekku (hair thin...
GmodAdminSuite Content
You do not need to subscribe to this. This is the clientside content for GmodAdminSuite. It will be automatically downloaded by players when they join the server. You may want to add this to your server's Workshop collection....
OpenPermissions Content
You don't need to add this to your server's Workshop collection. This is the clientside content for OpenPermissions. It will be automatically downloaded by players when they join the server....
Imperial Royal Guard (playermodels)
Imperial Royal Guard from Star Wars universe Contains: -Royal Guard PM -Royal Guard PM playercolor version -Shadow Guard PM (texture variation) -Sovereign Protector PM (texture and head variation) -Staff Weapon prop If you want to re-use this model in any ...
[CGI] Coruscant Prisoner Pack
Created by OkFellow There is a lot of evil in Star Wars and that evil get locked up or blasted! Here is 10 Playermodels of Coruscant Prisoners. There are humans AND aliens, don't worry It's always about diversity...
Created by 122jimbo
- I no longer have time to keep my maps up to date. Do what you want with them.You can upload your own version on the workshop as long as you give me credit! ________________________________________________________________________________ Map takes place o...
Star Wars Electrostaff / Magna Guard Staff [WiltOS Supported]
Created by TheMexicanJew
Wait Mexican is this a duplication upload?!?!?!? No, This version of the electrostaff makes use of the WiltOS animations if they're installed in your server. It uses pre-selected ones that my-self and MVG tanks chose however if the correct animations aren'...
Star Wars Fusion Cutter
Created by Alydus
Star Wars Fusion Cutter Repairer This addon adds a new utility weapon (class: alydus_fusioncutter), which allows you to repair and perform operations on numerous entities created by different authors. It is a multitool, and I'm constantly trying to make it...
Monkey Cop (Monkcop)
Created by Kralich/Gonzo
A monkey, and a cop. A monkcop, if you will. Includes bodygroups for the badge and the hat. Credit to base addons:
[GG] Server Content Pack 4
Created by Stooge
I do not claim any of this as my work, I merely packaged it to make it an easier download, If you have a problem. Please contact me. All Models are owned by there respective owners....
Female Jedi Playermodels
Created by Kralich/Gonzo
Female Jedi. Something I found lying around in my archive folder. I dug it out, fixed up the errors from six months ago, and then took some shots. I can't remember why I made these, but it was probably for a friend who wanted more variety. There's a Padawa...
StarWarsRP - Medical Stretcher
Created by Owain Oh, this addon kinda got a few subs. That's surprising, I've updated the description to better describe everything, along with better credits and mounting the model with the addon itself now. Enjoy. What this is: Made for Sta...