

753 ratings
[FSF] Advanced Bionics Expansion
Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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2.632 MB
25 Feb, 2020 @ 12:53am
12 Jan @ 9:55pm
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[FSF] Advanced Bionics Expansion

In 1 collection by FrozenSnowFox
[FSF] FrozenSnowFox Mods/Update Info 1.5
27 items

This mod includes my other mod Vanilla Bionics Expansion which fills in all the missing vanilla prosthetics, bionics and archotech so it's not required. This mod expands the scope past the normal vanilla bionics. It adds a new set of advanced bionics with 150% efficiency and a number of different implants that can be installed in various locations. To craft them you must research new ultra tech research projects (Tech Prints are required if you have Royalty). Advanced bionics generally cost double their normal counterparts.

The vanilla Archotech that was previously at 150% efficiency is now 200% efficiency. It is now truly beyond human comprehension as the tooltips suggest. It's extremely powerful but also extremely rare and expensive.

List of Vanilla Bionics/Implants

This mod includes everything from my mod Vanilla Bionics Expansion which fills in missing prosthetics/bionics/archotech such as Nose, Ear, Eye, Jaw, Arm, Spine, Heart, Lung, Kidney, Liver, Stomach and Leg. It adds a new tier Advanced Bionics as well as a number of more unusual parts for Advanced Bionics and Archotech.

A full list of bionics/implants can be found in the pinned thread here.

Mod Settings

The mod settings can be changed in the XML Extensions menu. It can be accessed via the plus icon next to the mod options in the main menu. All mod settings are off by default.

Elite Bionics Framework Additions

If Elite Bionics Framework is loaded alongside my own mod all bionics will have a HP bonus. This mod is not required it is simply an optional addition. Below is the logic of the HP bonuses.

Bionics +25% HP
Advanced Bionics +50% HP
Archotech Bionics +100% HP
Durable Bionics +25% HP on top of bionics tier (Total of +75% HP)
Fragile Bionics -25% HP on top of bionics tier (Total of +25% HP)

Vanilla Skills Expanded

If Vanilla Skills Expanded is loaded alongside my own mod the Bionics expertise will be added. This allows all bionics and bionics related items to be crafted faster.


This mod will likely run with other bionics mods like EPOE or Rah's Bionics but it is not recommended. Running multiple large bionics mods will result in duplicate body parts with differing stats. My mods are designed to be run on their own or in conjunction with bionics mods that simply add additional implants.

Recommended Mods

Prosthetic No Missing Body Parts
This mod changes how the game checks for hands and feet making it possible to wear items such as gloves, boots and rings on bionic limbs. Check your mod settings for it to ensure all possible bionics are enabled.

Elite Bionics Framework
This mod can be run alongside my own mod. If my mod finds it enabled a HP bonus will be added to bionic parts. To my knowledge and from my brief testing it can be installed and uninstalled without issue.

Xenobionic Patcher
While A Dog Said is the popular choice for animal bionics. Xenobionic Patcher makes bionics a one size fits all. You can install normal human bionics on your animals without crafting, finding or buying separate bionics.

Bionic Icons
Modifies the icons for bionic boxes so you can tell what they contain without clicking on them.


Made by FrozenSnowFox
A icons are from Game icons[game-icons.net] and were modified by me. They are used under the CC BY 3.0 Licence[creativecommons.org]
The Bionics Table texture was put together by FrozenSnowFox by gluing together Rimworld textures.

If you enjoy my mods and want to give me a little tip check out the link below.

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SpawnMoreOverlords 31 Jan @ 7:29pm 
I give up. I uninstalled the game, cleaned out every file folder I could locate, reinstalled, loaded only this mod and it still balks. The game is trying to generate an FSFServitorDeluxe newborn and it simply can't - not from Create newborn from parents or spawn newborn. Entertainingly, if I want to spawn a newborn from a deluxe servitor and someone else, I need to select the other parent first. I appreciate your trying to help me. Thank you for all the mods.
SpawnMoreOverlords 31 Jan @ 5:04pm 
I'm bad at abbreviations. :( I'll go look at your tweaks collection and fix everything because life is awful but organizing my mods list is something I can control. Thanks so much for taking time out.
FrozenSnowFox  [author] 31 Jan @ 1:08pm 
Looking at the log you indeed have HAR, Humanoid Alien Races. It's the only thing that stands out to me I'll have to test it later to see if its the cause. As for your mod list you have a lot of mods from me, most of which are included in my tweaks collection mod. It also includes some stuff you have as standalone mods from others.
SpawnMoreOverlords 31 Jan @ 8:11am 
Hey sorry about that. I added you as an editor. I don't have mods by either of those that I can see. I turned off Void Alien Races, since it was mentioned in the errors, and no dice. Here's the full list of mods. I feel like I used to be able to make perfect babies but I could be mis-remembering.

FrozenSnowFox  [author] 30 Jan @ 9:46pm 
I tested it on a stripped down mod list with and without my genetics and ivf mods. However I can't seem to reproduce it. Using two deluxe servitors I tried implanting and a growth vat both caused no issues when the baby was born.

Your google document is locked so I made an access request. However I get the feeling this might be somehow related to a mod issue. I'm not sure why the game would be trying to spawn the baby with a specific PawnKindDef to begin with. Are you by any chance using HAR or RJW stuff? That's the only things I can think of off hand that might want to use the PawnKindDef for a baby.
SpawnMoreOverlords 30 Jan @ 7:02pm 
When I try to create a newborn from two deluxe servitors I buy from the ultratech trader, either via IVF (in a tube or in a person) or via dev mode, I get an error. No newborn occurs, pregnancy ends, tube gestation stops or crashes. Seems like the game is trying to create another servitor? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Pawn generation error: Generated pawn incapable of required skill: Animals Too many tries (120), returning null. Generation request: kindDef=FSFServitorDeluxe, context=NonPlayer, faction=Popular Confederation of Edomeunt, tile=-1, forceGenerateNewPawn=False, allowedDevelopmentalStages=Newborn,

(Remainder is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j0cyyt8hTSVZAZqyf1Rx9BiBUZEzSFVFL7CYQp-k7wI/edit?usp=sharing )
FrozenSnowFox  [author] 30 Jan @ 1:28pm 
I added an entire uninstall thing for that ages ago. After its uninstalled a person goes through deperseronalization where they feel disconnected from their body. Then slowly over time they return to normal. Is the uninstall not showing up for you in the operations tab?
Winetoo 30 Jan @ 9:08am 
i wanted to say, that i just wish there was a way to undo the servitor module in some way. Let me research for 20k points, invest thousands of plasteel, and give me back a pawn stripped of their skills, i just want to see the "They saved me from that horrible thing +25" moodlet, and the +100 relationship to colonists (saved from servitor module).
Ive got two kids dropped with the module freshly installed and the feeling of hopelessness was pretty crushing. Good job on the correct theme for rimworld i guess.. and thanks for the mod!
FrozenSnowFox  [author] 21 Jan @ 2:34pm 
@Xyllisa Meem Paradox Station
Due to how the bionics system is designed in Rimworld you can't do that. An implant requires a natural body part. So once you replace it you can no longer install implants into it.

If I recall correctly modding wise you can set it up to attach hediffs to bionics but you need to design it that way to begin with. This is because recipes have a workerclass which tells it how to apply the hediff you are adding whether its a implant, a bionic or something else. You can't change this in game so you'd need each recipe to be catered to what you're trying to do. Also there's no existing way to set a required hediff for something outside of the system used for mechanitor implants (which I borrowed for my AI Chips).
Sorry to bother, but how would one go about installing implants onto replacements, such as the advanced bionic arms or so?