Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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My addons
Items (215)
「 Soft & Wet 」SWEP - JoJo's Bizzare Adventure (JoJolion)
Created by Cruick
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure - Soft & Wet 「 Soft & Wet 」 is the stand of Josuke Higashikata in JoJo's Bizzare Adventure (JJBA) Part 8 / JoJolion. Soft & Wet has the ability to steal an attribute from an object and apply it to another through the use of bubbles...
(DW) Slitheen - PM
Created by Sueezen
Addon Share
Created by Major Tom
Makes your friends to download same Workshop addons that you have, while they join your game. Significantly reduces amount of "error" models. Displays your subscriptions in Q-menu with links to Workshop. Limitations • Legacy addons are not supported • Moun...
Airboat Gun
Created by Hds46
Donate to support me and for more stuff Airboat Gun from Half-Life 2. it's a heavy pulse rifle with rechargeable ammo. This weapon with original model and special effects. Uses HL2 style crosshair and zoom(Right Click,only in singleplayer). Can destroy:Hel...
Alisa Amiella Weapon Props
Created by Alina [MG]
This addon includes three weapons used by Alisa Amiella as props from the game God Eater. They are located in Spawn Menu>Addons>Alisa Amiella Weapons. I did not include the devour form due to a very low polygon count, it looked awful in-game. Original Mode...
Amnesia SNPC's
Created by Maxwell
ATTENTION! As prior to 2018, there are some changes. 1. Convars has been removed, everyting is editable just like any vanilla item (Going to desktop mode, right clicking on entity and selecting "edit properties"), NPC features can be changed only by admins...
Ashie Nextbot snpc
Created by Thrasher1021
Heard Kuledud3/Breezy talk about wanting this in a video (if the sound doesn't work try removing the other ashie snpc/nextbot mods) Original-Sanic: This is an snpc/nextbot aka those 2d things...
Created by Cody Evans This addon contains an AT-AT Imperial Walker from the Star Wars Universe, mainly the Civil War era. The All Terrain Armored Transporter features 20 passenger seats, a driver seat controlling the head mounted weapons and p...
Baldi Nextbot
WARNING: While this is my highest rated addon, there are better Baldi nextbots. If you wish to see better content from me, I will be working on new addons soon. Baldi's Basics by mystman12 Sanic Nextbot script owned by Xyxen:
Black Gold Saw (Digitrevx) Playermodel and NPC
Created by JazzMcNade
From the Black Rock Shooter Series, Black Gold Saw has arrived! Features: -npc and and playermodel -Jigglebones for her hair -Firstperson arms -faceposing -eye posing via faceposing -King Saw blade as a physics prop She's got accurate hit boxes so she's re...
Black Ops C4 (Sandbox) (2025 Update)
Created by Hoff
If you have any questions/comments/concerns, feel free to post them in the comments. This is the C4 ported directly from CoD Multiplayer. Before asking questions in the comments, check if it's answered in the FAQ! Server owners can use: resource.AddWorksho...
Created by Miciah
BubbleGun - A toy gun. Blows bubbles, it's fun. -------------------- FREE and always will be....
Corvo playermodel
Created by Alpharius
Corvo, from Dishonored, as playermodel, also ragdoll for your amusement ;)...
Cory Baxter Nextbot
Created by Tytanium24
It's just a nexbot of Cory Baxter. Nothing else.... Mecha Machin [BETA]
Created by Pichachu Mecha I have a personal time from 6 pm to 12 pm, I plan to invest in this for only 1~2 hour. Actually, a normal duty military has no time, but I am fortunate enough to have time. For more information go to Google for a Korean Military duty How to Spaw...
Marked Incompatible ]  Deadpool Playermodel
Created by Vipes
Deadpool Playermodel Supports Playercolor and Viewmodel Arms...
Doge Nextbot
Created by Woflje
This adds a doge nextbot that will chase you. Just like the sanic script. You can find him in NPC - WolfNpc This was a request from Zorich_Michael. Enjoy....
Dollynho v2
Created by M4N0CR4ZY
It's just a extremely creepy soda bottle, guys. "Dolly is a Brazilian company that launched the first diet soda in Brazil in 1987. Operates mainly in the soft drinks market in the southeast region of the country since, whose main product is the Dolly Guara...
Created by upset
Happy New Year! This time I released DOOM 3 SWEPs, I tried to make it the most faithful possible, so some things are still WIP. Convars: doom3_crosshair (1 or 2) - Doom 3 crosshair with hit checker or just white stripes doom3_hud (0 or 1) - Doom 3 HUD (WIP...
Double Jump!
Created by sophie
This lets players double jump. The addon is made properly and even predicted ~oooo~. You'll get errors if you don't have Team Fortress 2 installed (it's free, come on.) Configuration The multijump_default_jumps console variable sets the amount extra times ...
Enhanced PlayerModel Selector
Created by LibertyForce
It's the playermodel selector from Sandbox... but better! And available everywhere! Like your playermodel? Want to easily use it in all gamemodes? Annoyed that nowadays even maps overwrite it and block the spawnmenu? Then stop reading, you're in the right ...
Explosion Effect
Created by EP45
Not made by me. Just reuploading origianl maker : The Vman original post : To see the effect, Both Serverside and Clientside must have this stuff....
Explosive Melon Launcher
Created by Skate
This is a simple SWEP that launches long-range explosive melons! If you have any questions and or suggestions please PM me or post a comment below. Thanks for subscribing! Visit for the TTT ed...
Finger gun / BANG-BANG-POW Gun [Outdated]
Created by Leutner
Credits to Sairus, I only fixed it up for gmod 13. BANG BANG your enemys! Google translator :)...
Formula 1 1999 Vehicle Pack
Created by Kirbyguy
Includes the Ferrari F399 and Williams FW21. I intended to release these a really long time ago. Sorry about the wait. Credits: Codemasters: Models and Textures Kirbyguy: Porting and delaying the release of this addon by several months because of school...
Created by SuspiciouslyAwesome
Get the night version here: !!To remove the overbright bloom, open the "post-processing"-tab, enable bloom and set the multiply amount to 0 If the reflections are too bright, you can disable ...
Created by chunky
The day verison of gm_forest_park. I changed the lighting and reduced the amount of trees in the map. Lower end computers should see a minor increase in framerate. (also added a little area for cars, exclusive to the day version.) gm_forest_park: https://s...
Created by Bloodclaw
A large building map divided in multiple parts : - The main island with the spawn room, a lot of flat space to build, some small hills, buildings (including 6 garages and a small city), helicopter landing pad, roads (including large ones for planes), docks...
[TTT] Star Platinum
Created by Nimbus2O
Za Warudo! This Traitorshopitem allow you to take control of the stand Star Platinum. Controls: LMB will unleash Star Platinum's Ora Rush, dealing significant damage in bursts of punches. RMB will unleash a Super Punch, dealing catastrophic damage. It can ...
[TTT] Megumin's Explosion Staff
Created by Nimbus2O
Megumin's magic wand from Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Note: I just made this item work for TTT and did some minor changes. The original item was created by jaek. Profile: Item:
YourRP Serverbrowser Categories
Created by D4KiR
This addon make it possible to use yourrp in the right server browser category without changing files! !!! gamemode names on hostsites always lowercase (left side) !!! Categories for ingame server browser: Gamemode start command - Name 1942rp - 1942RP alie...
[LW] Renault Pack
Created by Swiggly
Created by Skerion
THIS MAP IS OUTDATED. Someone in the comments suggested linking to the new version of the map, so here: Here's a map that's heavily inspired by gm_bigcity. I've been wanting to make a city m...
Created by Almos
Version 1.0 A long and large road, with desertic environnement. Same map as Gm_Highway192000, but with a construct zone, a building, and new open areas. Perfect to test cars or vehicles. Inspired by the video clip 19-2000 by Gorillaz. Including nodegraph....
Created by SuspiciouslyAwesome
►► ◄◄ gm_Lair features a tropical island and a Supervillains-like lair inside (you may have guessed it) a VOLCANO, cause honestly- what's cooler than a lair inside a volcano? Trailer made by Melting Terminal: ...
gm_mini_city | Mini city
Created by Степан
gm_mini_city | Mini city A mini city for fun! No additional Addons are required, everything is already sewn into the map itself. This map is old and not relevant now. Link to new map: New map
The Basement - No Events
Created by Doum
No events version from the original map of gm_thebasement. Made a few little changes around too. Enjoy! Original map: Has AI nodes. CS:S and EP2 not required....
Gnome Chompski
Created by Splinks
Chompski is a strong independent gnome that don't need no lackey to carry him. Chompski don't need yo pity, fool! Features: - Player Model - Friendly and Hostile NPCs - Face Flexes - Finger Posing -----------------------------------------------------------...
Created by Half-Dead
A nuuuu Cheeki Breeki I V Damke! In the need for some rowdy slavs? You've come to the right place! Just a quick release because why not. Colorable tracksuit, body and skingroups, you can change the headgear as well but i forgot to take a pic. Thanks to Nin...
Gordon Freeman by DPFilms
Created by DPotatoman
Features: -NPC -Playermodel -First person hands (thanks Classic Spaceman) -Skins -Bodygroups -HD textures -Advanced shading -Advanced physics -Separate props for bodygrouped stuff (can be used as attachments) -Dynamic Shadows support Credits: -Kran4e aka F...
Halo 4 - Master Chief (NPC/Playermodel/Ragdoll)
Created by Dusty
Includes both a model for posing and another for playermodels/npcs. Bonus DMR is included inside. v1.1 - 26/06/2013 Shaders have been slightly updated and support for the new viewmodel system has been added. If you don't know what the fuck I'm talking abou...
Halo Vehicles - Scarab
Created by Cody Evans This addons contains a working and animated Type-47 Ultra-Heavy Assault Platform V2 "Deutoros" as seen in Halo 3 and Halo: Reach. It features a pilot seat that controls both the main head cannon as well as the AA turret o...
Hit Numbers
Created by ief~☆
Adds damage indicators whenever you hurt something. This is a serverside (or singleplayer) addon. The server must have this addon installed in order to work in multiplayer. Console Commands: Click here for a full list of commands and settings to customize ...
HL: Gordon Freeman REDUX P.M. and Ragdoll
Created by Lenoax
Borealis: Last Man Standing You! yes you programmers, mappers, designers, writers and all kind of modders who want to help ups to become this idea to an amazing mod that transport us to unexplored narratives left by Valve, we hope to this could bring to th...
JoJo's Bizarre Stands (SWEP)
Created by jaek
Za Warudo! These SWEPs allow you to take control of the stands The World and Star Platinum. Controls: LMB will unleash The World's Muda Rush or Star Platinum's Ora Rush, dealing significant damage in bursts of punches. RMB will unleash a Super Punch, deali...
Kanna Kamui P.M. & NPC
Created by dewobedil
Kanna "Kanna Kobayashi" Kamui from Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Features : Playermodel ✓ NPC (inside Maid Dragon) Enemy Friendly Ragdoll ✓ Firstperson view arms ✓ Bodygroups ✓ Hitboxes/TTT Ready Jigglebones Hair Jacket Skirt Tail Pose Face Eyes (Only u...
[LW] Hotwheels Twinmill
Created by Swiggly
RP Downtown Tits V2
Created by KDawg Need reliable hosting that helps you grow with countless custom and included goodies? Check out and use code TITS for 35% off. Only the best servers use Physgun ** If you get "missing map" please install...
Woah Bandicoot NextBot
Created by Siames Soda
WOAH! Another nextbot, what a surprise....
VR Arena
Created by LASER ACE This map was inspired by the ultimate levels from Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. Meant to be an arena map where you can do whatever you desire to do. The map name in gmod is gm_vr_arena. Features: Fully noded for AI Navmes...
VJ Base
Created by DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
Vayne SWEP
Created by Ced
Vayne SWEP SWEP instructions: Left click to shoot. Right click to Tumble. Middle click to Condemn. Deal damage to proc Silvered Bolts. Reload to use Final Hour. Vayne's Abilities:
Kirb (Kerbe) Nextbot
Created by Rahim Ali
Knuckles Nextbot
Created by Cryofwar
This is just a recode of the Sanic Nextbot (Yes I know its been done 1000000 times over) but I found this song which was an edit of Unkown From M.E from sonic adventures and it was by SilvaGunna and I found it to be perfect for a Knuckles Nextbot. Besides ...
Left Shark NPC
Created by AlicornNightmare
Have you ever wanted a shark buddy to accompany you on your adventures or into battle? Then this is the right shark for you! Comes with: Friendly and hostile NPCs. Notes: Comes with two bodygrouped skins (original and colorable) This NPC can be found in th...
Left Shark playermodel
Created by The One Free-Man
A player model and ragdoll of the real MVP. First skin uses the player colour, but switch to the second for that distinct and authentic all-shark blue! Say no to good choreography and dance like you're not wearing a shark suit Also, I don't know why I made...
Master Yi SWEP
Created by Ced
Master Yi SWEP The long-awaited Master Yi SWEP has finally arrived! NOTE: This has been made in a day, expect some bugs. Please report the bugs that you've discovered, it'll help a lot. The HUD only shows up when you've equipped the SWEP. SWEP instructions...
Media Player
Created by Sam
Watch videos or listen to music with friends in Sandbox—based on the Cinema gamemode. How to fix this mod (HTML5) ⚠️ GMod developers are working on a fix, this can't be fixed by the mod author! ⚠️ This addon no longer works on the default version of Garry'...
Mini Pack for SaltMiner [Playermodel]
Created by Riden1014
Playermodel pack for SaltMiner a player on my server. I do not own nor did I create any of these models I uploaded them to a pack. Original content here- SpongeBob - Weeaboo - https://steamc...
Mr bernz nextbot
Ah jeez i keep forgetting to put stuff in these here descriptions....
Nameless King SNPC
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. _______________________________________________________________________ Includes: Nameless King _________________________________________________...
Vampire Killer / Morning Star / Combat Cross SWEP
Created by Wilboforce
"Die, monster. You don't belong in this world!" The legendary Belmont whip from Castlevania Model, textures ported by 2XMM2 Addon icon by 2XMM2 (with minor edit by Wilburforce) All used with ...
ttt_mayuns_park Version 1.0
Created by Gutatto
My First Trouble in Terrorist Town Creation. -7 traps can be activated from traitor room -Plenty of weapon spawns -Accessible rooftops -Well lit -Traitor tester -Enterable buildings ...
Nyan Gun
Created by Rubat
The Nyan Gun, the weapon of mass destruction and annoyance, updated! Now it plays the WHOLE song and you can shoot nyan cat bombs! To shoot Nyan Cat Bombs press RELOAD key. Do NOT reupload any modifications of this gun. The map on screenshots is ep2_outlan...
Created by ..::GooBall60
I wanted a map that didn't really make sense and always made you wonder where you are. Well, this is that map. It's colorful, trippy, and confusing. Seriously, if you are prone to seizures, play this map with caution. Note: I am offically stopping further ...
Pedobear Nextbots
Created by NikkiDarkMatter
NOTE: Hey, kids! If Pedobear isn't your thing, don't hate! Just stay away. Haters will be pedoed, regardless of age. Category to find them: Nextbot - Pedobear This NPC can only be spawned by admin(s) only Comment down below for any bugs if you find any San...
phys_temple (Destructable!)
Created by InsaneAlternative
I did not make this, credit goes to Nyko18 He's very lovely and cool. My YouTube! Can we get to 10000 20000 total ratings? Check out my other popular maps: If you're having crashing problems try...
Picolas Cage playermodel
Created by aap15
Do you like pickles? Is nicolas cage your favorite actor? then this is your lucky day. you are now able to play as PICOLAS CAGE. And the only thing you have to do is to click the subscribe button. don't hesitate. Just do it, don't let your dreams be dreams...
Prop Hunt Restaurant 2024 ( ph_restaurant )
Created by Wolvindra (X)
BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY UPDATE Do note that compatibility has been added to this map, meaning you can use this on older version / other than PH:X. Do Note that older "Enhanced" version have some serious vulnerabilities. MAP NAME CHANGES The original 2014 ve...
Robbie Rotten Nextbot
Created by Zach
RP Florida V2 - Content part 1
Created by Steinman
RP Florida V2 - Content part 2
Created by Steinman
RP Florida V2 - Content part 3
Created by Steinman
Created by Nac
A zombie map made for and by the Garry's Mod community. Contact me if you want you or your community to use this map in any way. Edit comes from Shadow's map: Concept developers: GummyBearLi...
Created by [BoZ]Niko663
This is the Run Fast SWEP This is something I cooked up in notepad, It's my first SWEP currently being publish so, cut me some slack It makes you taller and faster Have fun ;-) P.S This is for Admins only! !*I HAVE FIXED THE SWEP JUST REDOWNLOAD IT*!...
Russian Gun
Created by Ma4exa
Raz-raz-raz, eto khard bass! Vse v sportivkakh adidas. I na nayke patsany Slushayut khard bass basy. Etot stayl lyubim my, Zhgom vse v ritme kolbasy, 150 udarov tut, Patsany v sportivkakh zhgut!...
RWBY Ruby Rose's Crescent Rose
Created by Global
Created by LagerJack
It's my first addon! SANESSS! DO YOU WANNA HAVE A BAD TOM!?! I hope you'll enjoy it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Nextbot script by Xyxen (check o...
Created by le goob
i am confined to this unending brutal void that i did not ask to be placed upon...
Sanic Hegehog
Created by Xyxen
SANIC THE HEGEHOG -- It's fun for five minutes! Sanic will chase down any players or NPCs that find themselves close enough to be noticed. When Sanic is near, their theme (gradually increasing in volume as they draw closer) will let you know of their prese...
Sapur Sanic
Created by Crazicide
The original Sanic mod belongs to Xyxen! Differences between Sapur Sanic and Regoler Sanic -Sapur -Different chase theme (Sonic X theme song distorted) -sound effects now echo -Sees you from a MUCH farther distance. No hding from Sapur Sanic (So.... I gues...
Sargent Nextbot
Created by SilverFlaming
Hey thanks for looking at my addon it will make a section called SilverFlaming....
Serious Sam 2 SWEPs
Created by upset
Get ready for the most serious addon ever. I'm happy to finally release the Serious Sam II SWEPs. Enjoy these! Note: this addon represents the pre-2021 weapons of the original game. I'm not going to modify gun behaviour or add new stuff. Weapon list: P-Lah...
SW Blue-X13
Created by SligWolf
A tron styled bike. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_addon bluex13 Contro...
SW Blue-X14
Created by SligWolf
A tron style armed car. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Timo Lyzz Clanof Marcel Das Schaf Tagar Spacecode Camotrax Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon inst...
Thor's Stormbreaker
Created by Hi Players
"A king's weapon. Meant to be the greatest in Asgard. In theory, it could even summon the Bifrost." "Does it have a name?" "Stormbreaker." Stormbreaker is an enchanted axe used by Thor. It was forged from Uru in the heart of a dying star on Nidavellir. Eit...
The Sit Anywhere Script!
Created by Xerasin
This script allows you to sit on nearly every flat ledge or simply on the ground! Just press Alt (or the key you have 'Walk (Move Slowly)' bound to) + e (or the key you have 'Use' bound to) on the place you want to sit. Great for RP servers for that touch ...
The Force Awakens FO Stormtrooper [PM\NPC]
Created by LeFrost
** DO NOT REQUEST THINGS YOU DON'T HAVE FILES FOR! ** ** SFM LINK: ** This is the First Order Trooper from the new Star Wars Movie, Star Wars The Force Awakens. This model was originally porte...
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Daedric Playermodel
Created by Voikanaa
Daedric Armor is a set of heavy armor available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Extremely heavy, it has the highest armor rating in the base game. The armor set contains five pieces: a helmet, boots, gauntlets, a cuirass and greaves, and an optional shield...
SW Grenadelauncher
Created by SligWolf
A grenadelauncher SWEP. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Info: This SWEP use smg-grenades. Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_addon gr...
SW Blue-X11
Created by SligWolf
A tron styled car. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_addon bluex11 Control...
Sonic R NPCs / Ragdolls
Created by Lazy
Welcome! Information This time, a far better and more detailed version of my old "Sonic R NPC" which contained 2 characters. This pack however, contains each from the game. All animations have been reproduced. The NPC's require navigation which can be crea...
Marked Incompatible ]  Spaghett Nextbot
You should have never toucha his spaghett....
Spy Nextbot
Created by BenCat07
two to the one to the one to the three, time for the killing, who's with me? Anyways, this fellow is the spy nextbot, which people requested Link for the music that the spy plays:
Star Wars: Mandalorian Bounty Hunter (playermodel & NPC)
Created by Porky-da-Corgi Lillwasa's Mandalorain Bounty Hunter converted to a playermodel, with a custom red retexture. Includes: models\porky-da-corgi\starwars\mandalorians\bountyhunter.mdl CREDITS: Lillwasa: Original Hack/Port/Model Possposs22: Comm...
Thanos Car Nextbot
Created by romanko.kubik
everybody's most favourite car, THANOS CAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it can chase u, it won the piston cup, it even, spreads like ebola...
TF2 Muscly Pyro model
Created by Max
The balance of this world has been restored. Comes with the standard TF2 bodygroup and skin options. Enjoy. Model & materials by Constructor Rigging & compiling by MaxOfS2D Original concept by Py-Bun & Uberchain TF2 playermodel mod version: http://source.m...
Team Fortress 2 Bots [2022]
Created by MrNiceGuy518
TEAM FORTRESS 2 BOTS A while back the thought crossed my mind that it would be neat to have the practice mode bots from Team Fortress 2 in Garry's Mod. "How hard can it be?", I wondered. Well, about a hundred cans of Red Bull, many all-nighters, countless ...
T. Rex Playermodel
Created by 2XMM2
everyone's favorite dinosaur, now with longer arms Features • Very silly proportions • Red and not-red color variants • Ragdoll & playermodel • NPCs! citizen & combine variants • Hitboxes that should be compatible with TTT • Jigglebone jaw! (poseable with ...
Orbital Friendship Cannon
Created by Foxe
(Edit: Hopefully I made this first part easier to read and understand) --------------------------------------------------- Description on how to use and what the SWEP does: This SWEP will not work unless the area you have shot it is able to see sky. The SW...
Mr kerbs nextbot
Oh golly gosh i forgot to change the description here too....
Abyss Watchers & Dark Wraith SNPC
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. _______________________________________________________________________ Includes: Abyss Watcher Abyss Watcher (Evil) -- This one will attack the ...
Animated Fan Pack
Created by Viten
Beat the heat this summer with this pack of icy cool animated fans! Spawn the fans from your 'Entities' tab: Press E to turn them on! Enjoy! Known issue(s):...
Arachnid SNPC
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. ________________________________________________________ Includes: Arachnid Warrior Arachnid Warrior Poison Arachnid Warrior Lightning Arachnid W...
Champion Gundyr SNPC
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. _______________________________________________________________________ Includes: Champion Gundyr _______________________________________________...
Doom 3 SNPCs
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. _______________________________________________________________________ Includes: Cyberdemon Imp (Crawling) Imp (Standing) Mancubus Wraith Tick T...
Dark Souls SNPCs Reworked
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. _______________________________________________________________________ Includes: Ornstein Darkwraith Gwyn Basalisk Artorias Black Knight (Glaive...
Food and Household items
Created by Figge Ferrum
This pack contains well over 200 props, mainly food but also cleaning products and other types of groceries. Includes: McDonald's Food Kinder Surprise + Box Chips bags Cillit Bang Wine bottles Much, much, more... 🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕...
G Cosmetics
Created by fatty 可口的☺
--YOU NEED TO HAVE TF2 MOUNTED OR ELSE THE MAJORITY OF HATS WONT WORK- favoriting this mod or telling me what you think is very useful, if you have the time i would really appreciate it! What is G Cosmetics? It's a mod that aims to make an easy to use syst...
Created by RedFlytrap
Github Link: Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. Includes: 20 VJ NPC SPV3 Weapons 5 VJ SPV3 Gre...
Horror SNPC Revamp
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. ________________________________________________________ Includes: Horror ________________________________________________________ Features: Invi...
Slave Knight Gael SNPC
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. Requires tf2 for the skull effects from the sword _______________________________________________________________________ Includes: Slave Knight ...
TF2 Hex: The Treadmill
Created by Yakuza Merkitzi
Cooler, heavier, and safer, or your money back. This is not a SWEP. its a prop for posing purpose. requests about turning it into a SWEP will be ignored. so don't bother suggesting Features: -One Weapon Prop -One Skin Requires TF2 The Treadmill and thumbna...
Xenomorph SNPC
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. _______________________________________________________________________ Includes: Xenomorph _____________________________________________________...
[DG]Goofy Goober Rock
Created by Hds46
Donate to support me and for more stuff Goofy Goober Rock music as Deadly Guitar SWEP. As usually, guitar will ignite and explode victims in front of you. Try SpongeBob Metal Guitar too! Category: Weapons->Deadly Guitars Song suggested by Elvira...
[JJBA] Judgement Playermodel
Created by Copper
Modeled and textured by the talented Beans O' Clock and Crazy-Blingy, rigged and imported to work in gMod, here is Cameo's Stand, Judgement, from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure! This model contains 1 playermodel, and 1 set of viewmodel hands. The model has 5 ski...
[JJBA] Osiris and Darby Playermodel
Created by Copper
Taken from the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond Records mobile game and the Eyes of Heaven fighting game, rigged, imported, and textured to work in gMod, here is Daniel J D'arby and his stand, Osiris! This model contains 2 playermodels, and 2 sets of viewm...
Thresher Maw SNPC
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. _______________________________________________________________________ Includes: Thresher Maw __________________________________________________...
Soul of Cinder SNPC (Beta)
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. _______________________________________________________________________ Includes: Soul of Cinder ________________________________________________...
Created by Tuscan37
Spung ur ared a good carton 1.5.2K-1 - 27.9.2K18 for bois who ascc is a PM PATRICK IS HERE! SQUIDWARD IS HERE! MR KRABS IS HERE! GARY IS HERE! MERMAIDMAN AND BARNACLEBOY ARE HERE! SANDY IS HERE! 700 liek ant i giv u a perl kreb 800 liek ant i giv u a lari ...
cinematic camera
Created by Captain Pancake
you need the moving camera addon and remember 4 turns off/on...
Catmull-rom Cinematic Cameras
Created by FreezeBug
Re-introducing the Catmull-Rom Cinematic cameras by Lua Pineapple There were quite a few hacky fixes in this version, beware! Yes, ive asked LuaPineapple (though it was a while ago) If i can re-upload this, and was approved to do so as long as I provided p...
DaffyDuck Playermodel
Created by Leboooo
I surprisingly haven't seen a Daffy Duck playermodel on the workshop yet so I decided to make this one, I hope you guys have fun with it. Also thank you for all the support on my previous playermodels! Looney Tunes: Daffy Duck -----------------------------...
Disney's Donald Duck (Ragdoll)
Created by TheRedToonist
Who's got the sweetest disposition? One guess -- guess who! Who never never starts an argument? (Woman: Hmmmm?) Who never shows a bit of temperament? Who's never wrong but always right? (Donald: Yeah?) Who'd never dream of starting a fight? (Donald: That s...
Fierce Deity Link - Hyrule Warriors
Created by Ich bin Ghost
Fierce Deity Link from Hyrule Warriors! (Origin from Majora's Mask) Features: -Playermodel & Ragdoll -Face-Posing & Eye Posing (ha) -Playercolor-Tunic support -Glowing eyes -Viewmodel Arms I always work on improving my models, so expect future updates ;) F...
Goofy Playermodel - Disney's Extremely Goofy Skateboarding
Created by M95
A player-model of Goofy from the game Disney's Extremely Goofy Skateboarding. This player-model goes well with the skateboarding addon found on this workshop. Rigged by me, ripped by lemurboy12....
Carbide Playermodel
Created by IntrepidNeon
Fortnite's Carbide with all 4 colors and bodygroups....
Cuphead & Mugman (Cuphead)
Created by Denic
By chance they came 'pon Devil's game, and gosh they paid the price! Cuphead is a classic run 'n gun platformer made in the style of 1930's animation, featuring two young cup-headed brothers forced to go on a fetch-quest to save their own lives. Special th...
Controllable Crawling Charple
Created by Breastie
Controllable Crawling Charple: It even has a sneaky spy camera on it's face!! :o -Use numpad 0 to enter the camera view. -Use numpad 8,4,5,6 to move around. :) -Pressing 8 & 4/6 makes them go weeeee. -If you put it in water, it swims like a cute dolphin. -...
Created by CubicTuxedo
Originally made for CSS as a bomb defusal map by Maestro/AppleSnapple on gamebanana, this is a school-based map for all your school-related needs in Gmod. Requires Counter-Strike: Source, of course....
Created by BallFondler06
Note: This is NOT MY MAP! I am reuploading this for personal/community use. If the original creator or Valve want this taken down, I will without protest. I will also not make edits to any maps I reupload. :WARNING: This map requires you to have Half Life ...
DOOM 2016 Skydome
Created by ludexus_chr.mdl
Hello everybody. ALERT! If you do not have my maps for Garry's Mod, I will remove them from the Workshop to have more space and continue uploading models, because the Workshop only gives me as a limit to upload 1GB in total mods, and the maps weigh a lot a...
Everest Class Dreadnought
Created by [N7]
This is a map replicating the Alliance Systems warship from the Mass Effect trilogy. In: -Alliance Flagship(main location) -Two Turian Cruisers(secondary locations. you can enter through the "teleport" on the flagship) -Alliance Frigate(author: Filtershake...
FF Frisk (Undertale)
Created by dewobedil
FF Frisk from Undertale ● Playermodel ● 2 NPCs Enemy & Friendly (Undertale) ● Ragdoll ● Firstperson view arms ● Bodygroups (Necklace, Flowers, Clothes) ● Facepose / Eyepose (using faceposer) / Fingerpose ● Hitboxes for Deathm...
Created by Blueberry_pie
A large, snowy landscape with a sprawling underground research facility. No other games or addons are required! To fix crashes and lag/performance issues, read this thread. For other issues, check out the FAQ and troubleshooting guide first. Features - An ...
Created by kelticmob
Kinda cool map I found on, the author is unknown (according to It is set in a snow storm with some destroyed buildings, a forest and a pond. REQUIRES DOD:S I take no credit in making this map but the author is unknown ...
Gunman Chronicles Aeronautica Demo EXTRAS
Created by graymainer
Extras from the old development of the legacy Gunman to Gmod Project! This shit is old and does not reflect the development of Garry's Chronicles. (Just fyi) Features: All of my maps used to test things during the developmen...
Handhead Playermodel
Created by fingerbum
Was bored one afternoon inbetween 3d work so I made this quick 4 finger cartoon hand head guy for laughs from scratch (about 5 hours), enjoy Features: Colourable Body Several hand gestures to choose from, from rock-on to "yew!" -Rock On/Devil Horns -Claw -...
Hyrule Warriors - Link
This is a playermodel! It's Link from Hyrule Warriors for Wii U Includes Alternate DLC Skins This model is built for gameplay. No face-posing is available. See RandomTBush for stuff like that, He is more focused on SFM-Compatible stuff, and whatnot, but do...
Jojo stands 1.7.1
Created by BeyondSoul
----------------------------------------------- 『Feel the beat of my Hamon』 ----------------------------------------------- Update 1.7.1 ---------------- Mih - Speeding up time with R and Speeds up your player over time, while within R for 1 min you Reset ...
Lich King Model and playermodel
Created by Maxxy
Arthas the Lich King has arrived for Source Engine! Arthas is the final boss of the Icecrow Citadel in World of Warcraft. For Garry's Mod, It's available as a ragdoll and playermodel! (Looking for someone who can turn it to an NPC!) Features: The model ver...
Lord Joker_PlayerModel [FIXED]
Created by Yumi
Fixed Hit Boxes for - TTT This is not my Model The orignal creator is : This is the original LINK : Thank you for your visit in my WorkShop, I thin...
Mr. Meeseeks playermodel & NPC
Created by Hummy_Seed
I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me! This file should give you a player model and ragdoll of Mr. Meeseeks. NPCs are also available in the humans + resistance category The npcs use the combine soldier animations For the ragdoll, open spawn menu and look in you add...
Created by Dimentio
Reupload. Murder your friends at this beachfront hotel and vaction home movie set. This is a ported map for Garrys Mod Murder, originally from the game Bloody Good Time. All required files are packed into the map (Nothing else needed to play) 32 Player Spa...
Now where could my pipe be?
Garfield you fat cat you are so big and fat why are you so fat...
Created by Haze
I always wanted to make a map with an egyptian theme, and here it is. The map is named mu_pharaoh as it was made for murder, however it would work well for any kind of PvP game mode providing there's a decent number of players. Tried to make the design nic...
Created by Lakai
cliffyard fixed so you don't fall out of map...
Rathalos and Rathian
Created by nikout13
Model of Rathian and Rathalos monsters from the game MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD Please take your time to go through description for your inconvenience. Useful links: External link for uncompressed 4k textures. (big file size, you've been warned) Features: * 7 a...
RC-XD Prototype V4
Created by Hahyun
Aarrows for movement, T for numped for Camera, X for Explosion, J for numped for light, B for truster Changelog: Added truster...
Resizable Monitors [Gmod version]
Created by E7ajamy
Original credits : Py-Bun Py-Bun's post : Stretchy stretchy -has vertical and horizontal flexes to change ratio -6 skins Expect texture stretching Includes: props_random\etf_monitor_a.mdl props_random\etf_monitor_b.mdl props_random\etf_monitor_c.mdl ======...
[JJBA] Diego Brando Playermodel
Created by Copper
On request of a recent patron, taken from the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Eyes of Heaven fighting game and rigged, imported, and textured to work in gMod, here is Diego Brando! This model contains 1 playermodel, and viewmodel hands. This model has 8 skins (2 ...
Created by Malorie
This is an edit of rp_downtown_v4c_v4 intended to bring back elements of rp_downtown_v2...
Created by Desertedcake
You will need to subscribe to the content pack to see no errors and missing textures. Reuploaded v2 due to high demand so here it is. If something missing, let me know...
Created by Ratatouille
THIS MAP IS UNSTABLE AND WILL MAKE PLAYERS RANDOMLY CRASH This map is a modification of rp_stalker made by Dave Brown for Tacos'n'Bananas, it as been modified for my french community, frontline roleplay so it as been created with the clockwork gamemode fil...
SG' Classic Sonic P.M. + NPC
Created by Chaotzu "What am I doing in a car?" - Sonic the Hedgehog Chuckles and I mixed our modding habillities to show the power of team work in this new mod: Classic Sonic, from Sonic...
SG' Shadow P.M. + NPC
Created by Chaotzu ''I now understand why I am here. I made a promise and I'm here to keep it. Today, I put my past behind me.'' - Shadow the Hedgehog More cola...
Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen - Spongebob Squarepants
Created by Spike
"It was his hat Mr. Krabs! He was number one!" Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen, faithfully recreated from the episode "One Krab's Trash" Includes Player model Ragdoll Finger Posing (Only one finger) FPS Arms Friendly and Hostile NPCs Credits and Huge Thanks To...
Spiderman - Ultimate Playermodel Bundle
Created by Kryptonite
“Spider-Man is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko, and first appeared in the anthology comic book Amazing Fantasy #15 (August...
TF2 Haddou
Created by NatanBlock🐾
This map is downloaded and ported from Original author: GuttyKreum A new Frontline! ( ) themed A/D map aimed at 6v6 play. Using the Market Props pack by ChemicalAlia which can be found here:
Temmie Gun
Created by ArmyHD
Its like Nyan cat gun but this time its a tEMmiE guN inspired by the Nyan gun mod Btw it is my first workshop... I hope you like it! :P...
TARDIS (Legacy)
Created by Divided
This addon is now in legacy status, please check out the newer TARDIS A working entity version of the TARDIS for Garry's Mod. GitHub | Facepunch Check out our discord server: You can find other legacy TARDIS addons here: https://...
Snapper Canal
Created by JonathanFS
"Might have been an entire stream of water down here" This is first map i've ever ported, hope you enjoy another map to use to make your spoon images I'll be working on another one later this year, so enjoy this one lel Special thanks to Random Talking Bus...
STAR WARS Darth Vader Playermodel
Created by Voikanaa Once a heroic Jedi Knight, Darth Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force, became a Sith Lord, and led the Empire’s eradication ...
Working AT-AT! (no-mods)
Created by Badger
A walking imperial AT-AT from Starwars which requires no addons use the arrowkeys to control. Took me a while to build so please upvote :) Go crush some rebel scum! (p.s. if you have the turret tool use NUM enter to fire) Kylo Ren's Tie SIlencer: http://st...
Created by bridge
Use the arrow keys to control The Walker can swim, walk and fly if jumped off a a high place. Also, the walker can walk upside down. Plus it can be destroyed and caught on fire for fun :D Helped Create it: Me :D and dolan...
Toxic AK 47
AK 47 from the game CS:SS with toxic skin...
Tropical Paradise
Created by XephyrCraft
I DID NOT CREATE THE ISLAND IN THIS MAP REQUIRES HL2 EP2 The level you witness is custom to another level out on the workshop; the other level I found had beautiful detail, but I wasn't too happy with its size or ability for messing around. I modified this...
TTT Meme Central (Beta Version 1/2)
Created by 「Pantalones」
MAP FILE NAME: ttt_memecentral If you like this map leave a like! I'll be sure to create more Map Created by Taco & Supercentral Spawn Points 40 player spawns (Scattered around the map) (Update Version 2) Add more scenery (Fix small errors, Add bushes, flo...
[PM] Lu Bu - Dynasty Warriors 8
Created by Krow1x0
Player Model of Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors 8 Pretty happy with how he turned out. There could be a few improvements here and there so I will probably adjust him as I get better at modelling, but overall he is in a very good state. I will be doing my best ...
Thresh Playermodel
Created by Trane210
So, another playermodel from League of Legends, seems like I'm getting better, as it looks really good right now. No known problems for the moment, and I still have to add the lantern in some way so it would look cool with it. Includes viewmodel hands and ...
Amaterasu Playermodel
Created by ❤Yuki❤
Amaterasu from Okami! ___________________________________________________ This Model Features: • Playermodel • Ragdoll • Viewmodel hands Jigglebones: • Tail • Shoulder Fur • Ears ___________________________________________________ Amaterasu from Capcom's O...
All Might Playermodel [My Hero One's Justice]
Created by AshraldRails
THIS WAS REUPLOADED BECAUSE THE ORIGINAL GOT DELETED ACCIDENTALLY This was from a request by my brother so I made the all might playermodel (original from SFM: by Chao) The model is from My ...
Hat Painter & Crit Glow Tools
Created by no loafing
A tool that adds paint to TF2 cosmetics, and another that adds critglow or jarate effects to TF2 items and characters. Requires Team Fortress 2 for crit spark and jarate drip effects. Features: The normal color tool can't be used to paint hats - it just ov...
Created by snazzy_neko
Greetings and welcome to snazzys_office_v2! This is a little updated version of my first map, snazzys_office_v1. snazzys_office_v2 changes the angle of the sun in order to fix some of the lighting issues I was having, so keep in mind that the shadows may b...
Sub Material Tool
Created by Kawoosh64
2015.03.05 Garry's Mod update brought a good feature with overriding submaterials. This is a simple tool to use it. Duplicator supported. Usage: select index, select material, apply tool. Right click to revert. You can copy current material with selected i...
The Spy-Cycle
Created by Gardivanyth
Ride around town like the idiot you are! Controlled with the arrow keys. Steering works best when in motion. It's invisible, but there's a car seat on the back, so you can ride it. It looks more like you're riding the Spy himself, doesn't it? Vehicle has a...
Created by Β L Λ Ζ Ξ
I N F O The AMX-018 Todesritter is a high performance mobile suit used by the Neo Zeon in U.C. 0090, and is made from the wreckage of the RX-80PR Pale Rider. It is featured in the video game Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: Missing Link. F E A T U R E S TTT ...
Created by unobtanium
More expedition! This time with more verticality! A brand new Minecraft Map for the Trouble in Terrorist Town Gamemode. This map is based on the other two successful expedition themed maps (here and here). === Feature List === Theme: Expedition Location: o...
Working Combine Dropship NPCs
Created by Zach88889
Well this took a good long while to make. After months of on and off work it is finally done. OPERATIONAL Combine Dropships. Dropships (should) now work on ALL maps Recommended to spawn it in a wide open area. If you are having an issue with getting the dr...
GoldSrc HUD
Created by DyaMetR
This addon attempts to replicate the Heads Up Display feature from Valve's 1998 game Half-Life and those mods/expansions that follow a similar structure. Features Health indicator Suit battery indicator Ammunition indicator Damage indicator Hazards indicat...
Half-Life Co-op
Created by upset
Presenting Half-Life Co-op gamemode True classic experience in Garry's Mod. Play Half-Life with friends. Any time. Features Implemented all required coop-related stuff Maps are expanded as much as possible (Warning: original HL:S maps are not supported) Dy...
Half-Life SWEPs
Created by upset
REQUIRES HALF-LIFE SOURCE OR HALF-LIFE DEATHMATCH SOURCE TO BE MOUNTED! The ONLY actual source port of Half-Life weapons in the whole Workshop. I wonder why no one made that before. May conflict with other HL weapons addons, make sure to uninstall them. Fe...
Little Automatic Turret
Description Want to have a handy-9mm automatic sentry device that'll protect your place? Well here you are, our team has made another Security Product, LAT! For now it's a compact, small automatic defense sentry with alarm system. If it spots enemy - it st...
Batman - The Dark Knight Returns (Player Model)
Created by Ratlysh
*UPDATE - Thanks to Vanoss for making a video using my mod! "I want you to remember Clark, in all the years to come, in your most private moments, i want you to remember my hand at your throat. I want you to reme...
Scooby Doo Crew Ragdolls
Created by "McLovin" Waffles
The Scooby Doo crew is finally here! These models don't have much,just finger posing,and they were hexed from the L4D2 mod by wookieba11s,so credit to him for putting these into the Source Engine. If anyone wants to,you can make these playermodels. I would...
Scooby Doo Playermodels
Created by Konnie
Scooby Doo playermodels from Scooby Doo Night of 100 Frights. These models were made to be used for H2O Delirious Currently have 1 villain, once the other villains are used, I will update this pack with the other villains Features: Finger-posing 6 Characte...
Standing Pose Tool
Created by Winded
This small tool can pose a ragdoll to it's model pose, which usually is a standing pose for ragdolls. It does not work properly with all ragdolls, but for most of them it does....
TV-Head Playermodel
Created by fingerbum
A TV for a head character. Features: Different TV-Cases -Plain -Plain, Colourable -Wooden Different Screens (that are lit up) -Lost Signal -Eyes -Question Mark -Green and Blue Screen, as requested by a couple users Colourable Body Custom Hands Proper Hitbo...
Yoda Player Model
Created by SiKa
Simply press that subscribe button to get it. Those instructions below, is only if you're having it on your server. Installation 1. Extract it with GMAD Extractor. 2. Place that folder into your addons folder. (root/addons) Workshop FastDL 1. Create a reso...
Created by WireTeam
A collection of entities connectable by data wires, which allows for the creation of advanced contraptions. Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord: Ultimate Guide to Fixing Wiremod: ht...
[TFA-VOX] Incineroar (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Created by CaptainPawn
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE COMMENTING! Here is a TFA-VOX addon for my Super Smash Bros Ultimate Incineroar Playermodels. Q: "Are you going to make more TFA-VOX addons?" A: Most likely not; DON'T ASK. Q: "What sounds does this come with?" A: There a...
XC2 - Pyra (Default & Swimsuit Ver) [PM & NPC]
Created by Pacagma
This model was requested by Wrech92 DISCLAIMER: Requested models do not determine the direction I am heading in with my ports. --Features-- • Ragdoll • NPC • Props (sword) • Playermodel (with blinking animation) • Custom viewmodel • Bodygroups • Faceposing...
Subnautica Ragdolls Finally, after all these years somebody got around to making this into a real freaking mod, and of course, it's I who's done it, so is this mod finished? It sure is out, so it should be right?...
Created by chris-ilan
Created by chris-ilan
Created by chris-ilan
Created by chris-ilan
Created by chris-ilan
Created by chris-ilan
Created by chris-ilan
Created by chris-ilan
Created by chris-ilan
Created by chris-ilan
Created by chris-ilan
Linked collections (1)