Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

232 ratings
Quad Jargon
Assets: Building, Office
File Size
3.290 MB
29 Oct, 2018 @ 4:15am
1 Change Note ( view )

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Quad Jargon

In 2 collections by Quad Rioters
234 items
Cities Skylines: Assets - Quad Growable
61 items
I have a few important things to mentions, straight to the point and explicitly.

I now disable my Patreon due to the fact that I have been inactive with it almost from the start. All I have to say is I apologize for those who followed me for all this time. I wished I could have done better, I have no excuse and I have been feeling nothing but guilt to let this go on.

Also, I have been applied to a few projects to extend my career involving game development (at any cost and any how) lately. All was ignored and it hurted me.

I certainly consider myself as a failure for all these and there is no one to blame but myself. However, I'm not here to beg or look for sympathy. Because I have got nothing else but to move on.

Nothing changes for my love of Cities Skylines, its community and the developers. I will let my constant content in the workshop over the past 3-4 years be the proof of that and this will carry on. Same goes with Fallout 4 modding community.

But for the monetizing system, I will have to look elsewhere, for my additional encouragement of course.

And lastly, I have to say thank you for helping and encouraging me to do what I want. I sure will not stop until it's the end of me.

That's all I have to say. Enjoy my asset(s).

What's with all these technicalities Bravo Sierra?

- Size: 4x4
- Type: Office - Level 3
- Main Tri: 2,150, 1024x1024
- LOD Tri: 336, 128x128
- Description: Jargon tech center.

- Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy.
- Donating at Paypal on

Author Note
- Growable buildings are back!
- Sorry about the screenshot, rain dropped as I about to take the photos.
- This is one from the Generic Office Set that was long over due.
Gadg8eer 2 Mar, 2021 @ 3:38pm 
Glad to hear it! You make the best mods I've seen in this community, it would be a shame for you to think you failed or don't deserve a bit of financial assistance!
Quad Rioters  [author] 30 Jan, 2021 @ 7:53pm 
Thank you. Dont worry, that message was two years ago.
Rylemsheath 30 Jan, 2021 @ 6:47pm 
Nah that's BS Quad, you are by no means a failure. You are the most determined game asset creator for this beautiful city-building community I have ever seen! Your name is household among every asset creator and anyone who's spent more than 30 minutes on this workshop, damnit!

Everything you provide for this community is reason enough to donate to you regardless. No additional things are needed. If only I wasn't broke...
yadiraks 9 Jun, 2019 @ 1:35pm 
Eres estupendo y me gustan mucho tu trabajo. I love your work and your creations are spectacular and I hope you continue doing it. I'm your number one fan. For me you have not failed, quite the contrary. I apologize for my English, I speak Spanish and Italian.
CityBldr1958 14 Dec, 2018 @ 5:08pm 
You are one of the content creators I look for when browsing submissions, I don't always like each building (some are too 'Future' for me), but I always have some of your buildings. You are not in any way a failure, and I thank you for your work.
シュウ 12 Nov, 2018 @ 10:52am 
Under no circumstances will you be a failure, because you're one of very few modders here who actually devoted himself into futuristic models. I absolutely love futuristic stuffs but the fact that there are only a few items in workshop really hurts. You're just wonderful.
NuclearNinja 4 Nov, 2018 @ 6:06am 
I'm not an asset creator, but I do draw, so I understand how you feel. I can also confidently say you are not a failure. Your asses brought futurism... something the game really lacks at the moment, and some really useful/unique buildings in the process.

Keep that flame going and creating awesome things for whatever game you feel like.
BigRedChick 2 Nov, 2018 @ 11:37am 
I just wanted to say that I am always amazed with your assets and the whole "theme" of all your creations :)
Kazumi 2 Nov, 2018 @ 12:51am 
Glad to see your back!!
xX_NUTLORD_Xx 1 Nov, 2018 @ 10:41pm 
i almost cried