

196 ratings
Allow Parallax Transition
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567.000 B
20 Aug, 2018 @ 3:39pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Allow Parallax Transition

So as I was working on a different mod, I came across something interesting in the terrestrial_words.config file, namely, the "UseSecondaryEnvironmentalBiomeIndex" line, with a comment that states what it does if it were set to true.

Curious, I decided to test it out, and as it turns out, it works!

This mod isn't complex, all it does is change UseSecondaryEnvironmentBiomeIndex in terrestrial_worlds.config to true, allowing the parallax of the planet's surface to change based on what biome you're in. Please note that when I say biome, I'm talking about the "major" biomes such as desert, snow, forest, etc.

Now I don't really know why this was set to false in the first place, since I haven't encountered any problems so far while using it, aside from the brief pauses I get whenever the parallax changes to another biome. If you do happen to encounter any problems, feel free to post about it.

A final note: I may be wrong on this, but I believe this change may only apply to newly visited planets.

EDIT: As stated in a comment below, terraformers might work a bit weirdly with this mod, so be aware of that.
Prodigy 11 May, 2023 @ 6:35am 
I'd wager that because it alters the config, it simply applies the config to existing planets just as effectively has newly generated planets. I may have to test this theory to be sure though.

Also, as you mentioned in the description, the line in question is indeed false by default, and the reason can just be a combination of minor inconveniences, as the comments state.
Davoker 15 Apr, 2023 @ 7:39pm 
Wow, this is some good sh.t, it's nice to see the background change with each biome, the only problem is a little jerk it gives when it transitions, but the game does this in the subbiomes/underground biomes anyway, so we're used to it :steamhappy:
Riko 24 Mar, 2023 @ 3:05pm 
also your very cool :steamthumbsup:
Riko 24 Mar, 2023 @ 3:04pm 
ok thank you very much
Refolde  [author] 24 Mar, 2023 @ 10:10am 
I think how it works is that any planet you visited with this mod will retain the parallax transition, but planets you visit after unsubscribing will not have the transition anymore.

At least, that's how I remember it. It's been a while since I've tested this.
Riko 23 Mar, 2023 @ 7:57pm 
If i unsubscribed from this mod will it effect my player save?
OomfieAvno 15 Oct, 2022 @ 10:59am 
Grand Poo-Bah de Canadiannaise 10 Mar, 2022 @ 1:13pm 
No problem, thought I'd ask around.
Refolde  [author] 10 Mar, 2022 @ 12:44pm 
Unfortunately I do not know enough about how the parallaxes work to know of a solution. Sorry.
Grand Poo-Bah de Canadiannaise 10 Mar, 2022 @ 3:52am 
Hey random question.
I know this isn't about your mod, but it's a parallax thing.
I'm using Vanilla Variety which I'm enjoying. But the trouble for me is that it takes away the trees and rocks in the lush parallax, leaving an empty grassy field.
I'm wondering if you might know of a way to work it so I can have both the diversity that Vanilla Variety adds (like other types of trees, colours of them, colours of the grassy field in the lush parallax) and also have the trees and stones in the lush parallax?