Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Nedostatek hodnocení
Crimson Legion Mass Effect RP Collection
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Collection pack for use on Crimson Legion's Community Mass Effect RP server.
Položky (271)
3D Stream Radio
Vytvořil Grocel
The 3D Stream Radio is a toolgun spawnable scripted entity that allows you to play streams from the internet and local files as 3D world sound. You can spawn it with the toolgun and change its settings. FAQ (Read this before asking): FAQ (Read this for hel...
3D2D Textscreens
Vytvořil James
Create 3D2D text anywhere in the world. This addon is now open source! Contribute to development of this addon on GitHub. All pull requests are welco...
Active Camouflage
Vytvořil piqey Hide from your foes with a wonderful blend of the Crysis Cloak mode and the infamous Active Camo from the Halo series. To Do: - Add bouncy icon in weapon selection. - Mak...
Advanced Bone Tool
Vytvořil Thirteen
A tool to edit angles, scaling and the location of props bones. You can use this on any prop in gmod*. Also availible on GitHub: *Some props will not allow for rotation or translation due to them being tied...
Advanced Combat Rolls
Vytvořil prynncesslua
Better version: Hold crouch and look down while falling to do a badass combat roll. Players take reduced fall damage if they combat roll. If the fall would deal under 50 damage, it is reduce...
Advanced Duplicator
Vytvořil WireTeam
NOTICE: AdvDuplicator is deprecated. Please use AdvDupe2 unless there is a specific need for AdvDuplicator. A tool for duplicating contraptions that include many complex components including Wiremod devices, and most other SENTs. Nebual made the amazingly ...
Advanced Light Entities
Vytvořil tau
2017/3/2 Added "new" versions of the projected light and expensive light that use client-side objects instead of networked entities. They have a few missing features, but are less network-intensive and possibly less expensive. This Addon adds six simple en...
Advanced Particle Controller
Vytvořil no loafing
A tool that lets you spawn and control particle effects. Features: Particles are used for all sorts of different special effects, from explosions and fire to weather effects, electricity, bullet tracers, smoke, beams and more! You can attach them to models...
Vytvořil Heox
Players stuck in other Players?! No longer with this addon! ...
Atlas Mech
Vytvořil XuPanda
By Kali Mass Effect 3, Atlas Mech Atlas Mech with Cerberus, Cat6, and Leviathan skins. Bodygroups for the panels and for the windshield. ...
Blood Pack Krogan
Vytvořil Ninya
A few krogan blood pack from Mass Effect 2 their left hands are bugged and only selects the right hand, but to circumvent that the right hand controls the left hand and there's faceposing flexes for the thumbs. Credits to bioware for the base models, me fo...
Bone Merger
Vytvořil Dewdos
The original bonemerge tool from GMod 12 now updated to work in GMod 13! This tool allows you to attach an entity to another entity using an effect called bonemerge. Original algorithm by MaxOfS2D, Winded and Mecha the Slag. I just made it into a tool. Con...
Casual Turians (Mass Effect)
Vytvořil Chilean Wolf
Casual Turians from Mass Effect. Each body has 7 skins each. Use a bodygroup changer to change between bodygroups and skins. Credits: Me - Porting FloaterTWO - For tinting the diffuse maps Bioware - Everything else...
Cat6 Mercenaries
Vytvořil XuPanda
By Kali Mass Effect 3, Citadel DLC: Cat6 Mercenaries The Cat6 Guys from the last ME3 DLC. Lots of bodygroups for the pouches and pads and such. ...
Cmdr. Wasea and Spectre
Vytvořil Eschaton Monk
Not made by me, just a couple of Mass Effect models. Created by Sandlash over on facepunch...
Commander John Shepard
Vytvořil nikout13
Commander Shepard from Mass Effect series, male. WARNING! This content still in development in order to add more variation appearences, fixes and much more. NPC and Playermodel. Credits: BioWare for the actual models and most of the textures. Sebastian for...
Connect/Disconnect Messages
Vytvořil LordiAnders
This script displays a simple message in the chat whenever a player connects/disconnects/loads, as well as the reason upon disconnect Now why would i be uploading this if "messages already show in the chat"? Some gamemodes and in some circumstances sandbox...
Custom ULX Commands
Vytvořil SirSmokerGollum
-- Original CULX Created by;u=6288 -- This is a updated and optimised version of Custom ULX Commands, we make sure it runns as best as possible and also complies to any Gmod Rule changes like the operat...
Damage Players in Seats
MAYBE OBSOLETE ADDON Intro By default players cannot be damaged when they are sitting on seats. This addon allows bullets (and only bullets) to damage the player when they hit the chair. I know no more efficient way to do the job. This addon does not work ...
Chuck's Weaponry 2.0
Vytvořil sрy
Check out 'Intravenous', a stealth/action game that I'm working on! Click here to open the base documentation. Features: - Dynamic recoil and accuracy - Custom viewmodel movement - Surface ricochet and penetration - Firemodes - Weapon holstering on weapon ...
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Player Model (buggy :3)
Playermodel Version/Server Content. The Belltower Mercenaries + Police from Dues Ex: Human Revolution. REQUIRES ENHANCED CITIZENS V2 Original Mod - http://steam...
Vytvořil calafex
NEW PART OF DRONES RELEASED!1 YOU CAN FIND IT HERE. Its a drones pack with which you can be the spy! (miniguns and rockets included); Controls E - enter/out drone; W S - forward and back; A D - turn left and right; Space - up; Ctrl - down; TAB - thirdperso...
Drones 2
Vytvořil calafex
This addon contains 44 drones, 2 sweps and one entity. Also this will NOT be updated with new drones and entities, also we will completely make this addon independent of previous part by porting here weps and ents. Since old console DOES NOT work with new ...
Easy Bodygroup Tool
Vytvořil Rubat
An improved bodygroup tool, also supporting skins! And it works on effects too! Usage Right/Left click on an entity to select it. Reload to select yourself If the entity is highlighted with halo effect, then open context menu and make changes. Everything i...
Extended Emitter
Vytvořil Sirgibsalot
This adds a large selection of effects to Gmod's default Emitter STool. such as new muzzle flashes, bullet impacts, tracers, water, and fire effects. Currently, there are over 40 effects in total, a mix of stock Garry's Mod/Half-Life 2 effects and custom L...
Extended Properties
Vytvořil Rubat
This addon adds a lot of properties to Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod entites such as turrets, rollermines, suit chargers, flashlights, dynamites, NPCs and anti-antlion thumpers. There are over 72 different actions for different entites and NPCs. UsageHold C ...
Extended Spawnmenu
Vytvořil Rubat
A small script that extends abilities of your spawnmenu: * Allows you to browse through Garry's Mod 12 / Legacy addon models * Allows you to browse through Game, Addon, Legacy Addon materials and sounds * Gives you detailed information on installed Worksho...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs
Vytvořil sрy
Check out the game I've released on Steam! This is the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the developers of the mod, to make sure that it matches their tastes. The base is written completely from scratch. In case you're interested, get t...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - Misc
Vytvořil sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds various miscellaneous weapons to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked alon...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPS - Pistols
Vytvořil sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more pistols to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the develo...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - Rifles
Vytvořil sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more rifles to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the develop...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - Shotguns
Vytvořil sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more shotguns to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with the devel...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - SMGs
Vytvořil sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds more sub-machine guns to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked along with t...
FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs - U. Rifles
Vytvořil sрy
Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) Requires FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs! (Click here) This is an optional SWEP pack that adds a few unofficial rifles to the official FA:S 2.0 SWEPs pack that I worked on with Ta...
Garrus ME3 Player Model
Vytvořil X4-N
My first attempt to do something good for Garry's Mod community :D Player model includes all 5 bodygroups that can be selected from bodygroups tab in player selection menu Credits: BioWare - for creating Mass Effect ^^ Chilean Wolf - for his original ragdo...
Geth Playermodels
Vytvořil N7Legion
Includes: Geth Prime small Geth Pyro Geth Rockettrooper (2 skins) Geth Trooper Viewmodels included. It's a very old addon from me, so expect issues. Credits: SquiddyTreat! - Ported the models to GMod N7Legion - Playermodels xDShot - Viewmodels They already...
Halo 4 PMs and NPCs
Vytvořil Frosty Dr.
Basically this is Halo 4 Spartans as PMs and NPCs. It includes the male spartan suits/armor with bodygroups with one viewmodel. These are not meant to be used as Ragdolls, but you can if you REALLY wanted to. As you know, for a long time there were only th...
House Model Pack
Vytvořil Diaz GOD
House Model Pack2
Vytvořil Diaz GOD
J-7500's Mass Effect Arrival Kodiak
Vytvořil Rozenkroft
Enjoy this shiт, scrubs. Do not post any requests, do not add me, and don't spam....
J-7500's Mass Effect N7 Kodiak
Vytvořil Rozenkroft
I haтe Mass Effecт, really don'т know why i make тhis shiт(maybe because here a loт of N7 fаgs). Do not posт any requesтs, do noт add me, and don'т spam....
Kasumi Goto
Vytvořil Eschaton Monk
Not made by me. Master thief of the Mass Effect Universe......
Killzone 3 capture trooper player model
Vytvořil KukkoTurbiinissa
This is a player model with NPC Credits to maxxy for making it and kind credits to gas helmet for giving me link to material to use from here -->> ...
Killzone 3 Helghast Capture Trooper
Vytvořil Gazhelmet
"The Helghast Capture Trooper is a trooper that is introduced in Killzone 3. They appear similar to the Elite Shock Troopers, with an additional layer of silvery hard armor plates. Capture Troopers are not part of the general Helghast military, but rather ...
Krogan Playermodels & NPCs
A mass of models, reskinned and modified to work as playermodels and NPCs. Comes with twelve shades of krogan, Wrex included, for roleplay, hostile enemies or other ideas you may come up with! Credits to the original source creators, being; Bioware, EA. Ha...
Mass Effect Destiny Ascension
Vytvořil C.S.
The pretty Asari Ship Thanks to S-LoW Original: I did it for a friend!!!! Have Fun...
Mass Effect - Collector Playermodel
Vytvořil Deathwing
Here's the Collector Playermodel out from Mass Effect 2. It has different bodygroups for your use, such as shield, wings and glowing eyes. "Closer to husks than slaves." - Mordin Solus Thanks to a friend with helping with creating this. I did not create an...
Mass Effect - Geth Playermodel
Vytvořil Vipes
A Geth playermodel! Supports Playercolor as well as viewmodel arms. Reupload as previous was mass reported and taken down. Original Port Job: S-Low Changes from orignial port: Fixed many problems with textures VMTs completely reworked Updated, and fixed th...
Mass Effect - Legion Playermodel
Vytvořil Vipes
Legion from Mass Effect Has Viewmodel arms and HQ textures TAGS: Mass Effect 1 2 3 Legion Geth Bioware -IMPORTANT- Changed filepath and model name. It had to be done, as it was causing errors with addons. New filepaths are: models/player/lordvipes/me2_legi...
Mass Effect - SSV Normandy SR3
Vytvořil DarthBrit
MAP IS NOW DISCONTINUED Roleplay map designed as a Medium Frigate under the System Alliance. "The SR3 Normandy, a memorial vessel, Frigate Class, designed not only to commemorate those who served aboard the original ships, of the same name, but also design...
Mass Effect 2 - M44 Hammerhead
Vytvořil NekoDama :3
The mighty M44 Hammerhead from Mass Effect 2. All credits goes to Joazzz who posted this mod on
Mass Effect 2 SNPCs
Vytvořil Cpt. Hazama
Welcome to my Mass Effect 2 SNPCs pack! This requires Half-Life 2: Episode 2 for some particles. NOTICE You need VJ Base or else it wont work! Found a bug Post it in the Bug Reports under Discussions. Update Changelogs are located in the Change Notes. -=-=...
Mass Effect 3 - Alliance Soldiers
Vytvořil C.S.
This pack contains: 3 types of Alliance trooper - each with HL2 male and female heads, and all with skins and bodygroups Regular (Grey with white stripes) N7 Engineer (Grey with N7 logo on chestplate) Armored Cavalry (Blue with white insignias on shoulderp...
Mass Effect 3 - Vehicles, Spaceships and Reapers
Vytvořil C.S.
Alliance/Cerberus APC - Two versions with Alliance/cerberus skins, one with a crew compartment, one with a flatbed. Hovercars - Bodygrouped doors, several skin groups for tail lights on/off and multiple colors. Grey skin can be colored using the color tool...
Mass Effect 3 Admiral Hackett Ragdoll
Model by cire992, I'm just uploading this here for people to use. So, description: Admiral Hackett from Mass Effect 3, he comes in 2 ragdolls, the normal in-game admiral's uniform with a bodygrouped hat plus an alternate armor outfit. The second ragdoll is...
Mass Effect 3 Ash and Kaidan
Vytvořil C.S.
Ashley and Kaidan from Mass Effect 3 with DLC Armors!! WOW!!! To celebrate the 2000!!! All credits to GoOR Original: Have Fun!!!...
Mass Effect 3 Casual Salarians
Vytvořil C.S.
All credits to Korro Bravin(Head Honc) Original: Full posing, face, finger (eye sorta) Several varieties and Skingroups....
Mass Effect 3 Geth
Vytvořil Mike WiLL Mad-It
Features: Real Ultimate Flexibility! FIVE Models, including: -Geth Trooper -Geth Rocket Trooper -Geth Hunter -Geth Pyro -Geth Prime (in two sizes!) Finger posing! Toe posing! Bioware's skeleton! Meaning NO, I will not make this a playermodel, NPC, or whate...
Mass Effect 3 NPCs
Vytvořil kev675243
What is it? A Mass Effect 3 NPC pack of geth Contents (Friendly and Hostile): -Geth Prime -Geth Pyro -Geth Rockettrooper -Geth Trooper To do: -Whatever is requested Credits: N7Legion and xDShot™ (models)
Mass Effect 3 Weapons Pack (SWeps)
Vytvořil Franzitrone
This weapon pack includes an Avenger, Predator, Graal Spike Thrower (Currently bugged), Scimitar, Carnifex and a Geth Pulse Rifle. Credits: Models and Textures: BioWare Viewmodels: Timo SWEPs: Timo Garry's Mod: Garry :D...
Mass Effect Civilian Props
Vytvořil Cosmic
All credit for this work should go to cires992. This pack includes a few dozen props, many with bodygroups, all of which are from the Mass Effect series of video games. These props have an emphasis on civilian applications. There are no ragdolls or weapons...
Mass Effect Collector's Armor
Vytvořil Eschaton Monk
The Collector's Armor from ME2. Not an NPC or Playermodel. Not made by me, but ported by Shadowcuz from
Mass Effect Door Holo
Vytvořil HankZombie
Door panels from Mass Effect 2 / 3. Extracted and ported by me. Contains two versions of size and three skins. Feel free to use wherever you want!...
Mass Effect Dragon Knights
Vytvořil Eschaton Monk
The special pre-order Dragon Knight Armor for Mass Effect 2, Male and female models included. Not made by me, Merely uploaded....
Mass Effect EDI
Vytvořil Korro
EDI from Mass Effect, also contains Eva Core...
Mass Effect Joker
Vytvořil C.S.
WOW its the Flight Lieutenant Jeff 'Joker' Moreau! OMG!!!for the celebration of the 1000 jeah ohhhhh All Credits to Haxxer <3 Original:
Mass Effect Krogans Pack
Vytvořil piehavok
Uploaded by Wasp (2)...
Mass Effect Music
Vytvořil Vesrael
So this is simply a music addon for gmod with Mass Effect Music ! It was created for my future french Mass Effect roleplaying server, then I got the idea to post it here. So Enjoy ! It contain actually 21 songs from Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect, obviously ...
Mass effect props colonies
Vytvořil Matthieu
All for make a colony like in mass effect ! ...
Mass Effect Props Weapons
Weapons from ME! Not SWEP, !JUST MODELS!...
Mass Effect Turians
Vytvořil C.S.
Some Turians for you Full face/finger pose Original:
Mass effect vehicles
Vytvořil Matthieu
Some models ( so not drivable ) of vehicles of Mass effect...
Mass Effect: Aircar PROP
Vytvořil Kally
THESE ARE PROPS. The Aircar from Mass Effect 3. Includes ordinary Aircar and police/C-Sec cruiser. Both models have bodygrouped doors and displays inside. The roof, door, and seats are joint tool compatible. Ordinary car has six skins (Red/Yellow/Grey + Al...
Improved Stacker
Vytvořil Thomas
Improved Stacker Tool The Improved Stacker tool is a complete rewrite of the original Stacker tool and includes many bug fixes and new features that both clients and server owners can benefit from. Unlike the other versions of the tool, the Improved Stacke...
Mass Effect: Asari PAC Parts
Vytvořil Elec
This pack includes asari models rigged to the valve bones system. They are split into body and head and were ment to be used with PAC3. You should get my Human PAC Parts for additional bodys (including armor):
Mass Effect: Batarian PAC Parts
Vytvořil Elec
This pack includes batarian models rigged to the valve bones system. They are split into body and head and were ment to be used with PAC3. You should get my Human PAC Parts for additional bodys (including armor):
Mass Effect: Collectors
Vytvořil Kally
The Collectors from Mass Effect 2 & 3 This is a pack of ragdolls, no, i'm not going to make them NPCs, please don't ask. Full contents: Collector Trooper (with two skins) Collector Captain (with two skins) Abomination Collector General (with all limbs eith...
Mass Effect: Human PAC Parts
Vytvořil Elec
This pack includes human models rigged to the valve bones system. They are split into body and head and were ment to be used with PAC3. Credits: Me - Rigging the models Various Porters - For porting them out of Mass Effect Bioware - Creating Mass Effect...
Mass Effect: Quarian ME3 Playermodels
Vytvořil Elec
This pack contains quarian playermodels out of mass effect 3. They use NPC animations and not the new player animations. Credits: Me - Rigging the models Various Porters - For porting them out of Mass Effect Bioware - Creating Mass Effect...
Mass Effect: Turian Defences
Vytvořil Kally
THESE ARE PROPS. This is a pack of assorted defences, cliffs, and rocks from the Turian moon base level in Mass Effect 3. Some of the props such as the gates are ragdolled, and some have bodygroups and skingroups. Contents: 12 Wall Pieces 8 Bunker parts 15...
Mass Effect: Turian PAC Parts
Vytvořil Elec
This pack includes turian models rigged to the valve bones system. They are split into body and head and were ment to be used with PAC3. Credits: Me - Rigging the models Various Porters - For porting them out of Mass Effect Bioware - Creating Mass Effect...
Mass Effect: Weapons PROPS
Vytvořil Kally
THIS IS A PROP PACK, as suggested by the tags. No, i'm not going to make them sweps, so don't ask. Decided to finally upload my Mass Effect stuff to the workshop, starting with this. In addition to just re-uploading it, i decided to re-do the textures and ...
Material Editor Tool
Vytvořil zamboni
What is it? A tool that allows you to copy materials directly from the map and apply them to props. It features many options to control the appearance of your material. Why do I care? Because unlike the default material tool, this tool allows you to use an...
ME2 Inferno Armour
Vytvořil SilverSpiritUK
Inferno Armour from Mass Effect 2 as a player model, NPC and ragdoll. Includes helmet as a separate prop. Will require bodygroup/skin tool ( ) to use the alternate skins and bodygroups. Credit...
ME2 Playermodels and Ragdolls
Vytvořil Xenophile
This pack includes Garrus, Legion, Tali, and a LOKI mech, from Mass Effect 2, as ragdolls and playermodels. This was not created by me but was rigged by Slash and all the other stuff was done by Lazermaniac. All I did was update it to work with GMod 13. Sh...
ME2 Players and NPCs
Vytvořil SilverSpiritUK
New and updated version of my Mass Effect 2 NPC and Players pack. Models can also be used as ragdolls and will require bodygroup/skin tool ( ) to use the alternate skins and bodygroups. Includ...
ME3 Colorable Awakened Collector PM
Vytvořil N7Legion
Awakened Collector Adept from Mass Effect 3, colorable: Doesn't include NPC because people always wanting playermodels more than NPC's If you feel like, you can create an NPC version of it, go ahead, but credit me and the oth...
ME3 Disolver
Vytvořil Kairo.
Mass Effect 3 Disolver. Left click to shoot - Disolves on kill. Ammo - Combine's Balls. Credits: Models and Textures: BioWare Viewmodels: Timo Please, do not re-distribute....
ME3 Husk Playermodel
Vytvořil Reidmaster
Mass Effect 3 Husk Playermodel Credits: TalosAT for converting S-Low's model into playermodel....
ME3 Soldier BF3 Skin
Vytvořil nikout13
Playermodel and NPC. Has bodygroups of omniblade and omnitool. Now you can change it's colour in the player selection menu. Enjoy....
Media Player
Vytvořil Sam
Watch videos or listen to music with friends in Sandbox—based on the Cinema gamemode. How to fix this mod (HTML5) ⚠️ GMod developers are working on a fix, this can't be fixed by the mod author! ⚠️ This addon no longer works on the default version of Garry'...
More Materials!
Vytvořil Dr. Spicket
This simple little addon adds many stock materials to be selected on your material STool list. All materials come from either HL2 or Garry's Mod. CSS materials are also added, but only if CSS is mounted. You do not need CSS for this mod to work. This works...
NPC Tools
Vytvořil Silverlan
SPECIAL THANKS to Cpt. Hazama for fixing the addon! ----------------------------------- I'm done with gmod and I don't take requests, so please stop spamming the comment section. There won't be any updates or new packs. If you want to check out my new proj...
No Collide Everything
Vytvořil ...YEAR OF AOKO?
Make an object have no collisions with everything including or except the world. This tool can also disable self-collision on ragdolls and other objects with multiple collision meshes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
No Collide World
Vytvořil Panthera Tigris
This is a multifunctional no collide tool. Features - Can undo no collide. - No collide with world. - No collide constraint interactions. - No collide with entities nearby. Someone made a movie that shows one setting of the tool:
Omni Shield [SWEP]
Vytvořil kake Need advice in mapping, coding or possibly modelling? Well check out! We are a group of people who can advise, showcase or even help you bring your ideas to live! You can even start your own projects on our pl...
Vytvořil Malboro
PermaProps 4.0 What is the PermaProps: The permaprops is a lightweight addon written to save entities on a map. This is very useful to improve servers and help builders. How use it: Saving: Aim a entity and press left mouse. Remove: Aim a entity and press ...
PewPew V2
Vytvořil Divided
Welcome to PewPew version 2. Originally beginning as a GCombat remake made by Divran, PewPew had revolutionised armor and weaponry for the masses back in GMod 12 but the update to 13 had broken it. I asked Divran if I could fix up his experimental PewPew V...
Pilotable Mass Effect Kodiak
Vytvořil Pumzie
Requires wiremod (space + A + D) = Take off (W) = Forward (A) = Tilt Right (D) = Tilt Left (S) = Reverse (Shift) = Tilt Forward...
Vytvořil Dathus [BR]
PlayX is an advanced media player that can be used to play video/music/images/websites from 16 media providers. Version: 2.9.17 Disclaimer There is a bug in Garry's Mod/Awesomium itself that prevents our PlayX (and not only PlayX) to open media randomly, t...
Ragdoll Mover
Vytvořil Winded
What is it? Ragdoll Mover is a tool that allows you to move ragdolls in a similar way to 3D programs. This also includes IK chains. Why should I use it? If you are fine with physgun, then maybe you don't need to use this. But here's a few key features of w...
Sci-Fi Citizens Playermodels
Vytvořil Lt_C
PLAYERMODEL FILES ONLY. Does not include the textures, downloading just this file will mean pink and black checkerboarded playermodels. FOR ALL TEXTURES, DOWNLOAD: I decided to separate the pl...
Sci-Fi Citizens v4
Vytvořil Lt_C
I present to you version 4.0 of the Sci-Fi Citizens. PLAYERMODELS ARE AVAILABE AS A SEPERATE DOWNLOAD HERE: Playermodels - Workshop Link Included in this download are 27 models, including all 15 standard Half-Life 2 citizens, all retextured with high-resol...
Sci-fi Props Megapack
Vytvořil Lt_C
Over 70 Unique Sci-Fi Themed Props! Included in this release is the bulk of two years’ work on a specific visual theme. When combined with my other similar releases, this is little short of the cores assets needed to make a total conversion source mod. Eve...
Seat Weaponiser II
Vytvořil BFG
**February 2, 2016** Read this regarding shooting out of closed cars: **ANNOUNCEMENT January 22 2016** After talking with Spy I was able to get him to add support for S...
Simple ThirdPerson - Sliders & Fixes!
Vytvořil FailCake
Its just a simple client side ThirdPerson. WORKS WELL WITH PAC3 :D! Note, the playermodel is a PAC Wanna help out? Check If you Don't see yourself when in thirdperson, make sure the...
Sittable Collectors pod
Vytvořil Demonow thy Wife
How to enter: 1.Go on the glass 2.Press E on the top You need Mass Effect: Collectors...
This is a client-side tool for building contraptions with extreme precision, aligning objects for either aesthetic or functional perfection. To accomplish this task a grid is projected onto the object you are pointing at and by pressing the use-button your...
Starship Troopers bug SNPC's
Vytvořil Maxwell
Starship Troopers was released in year 2005 by now dead Strangelite Studios, i always wanted these bugs and some stuff in GMOD, first i made ragdolls but this is not enough for me eventually. So i did it, first SNPC's from this game of my childhood - exclu...
Starship Troopers Playermodels (30 models)
Vytvořil Connor
This is a remake of the npcs uploaded by Nitro470 here All 30 of the models work as playermodels for any server or whatever you may need them for. These were r...
The Sit Anywhere Script!
Vytvořil Xerasin
This script allows you to sit on nearly every flat ledge or simply on the ground! Just press Alt (or the key you have 'Walk (Move Slowly)' bound to) + e (or the key you have 'Use' bound to) on the place you want to sit. Great for RP servers for that touch ...
Turian Frigate
This is Turian Frigate from Mass Effect 3. Requires Mass Effect 3 - Vehicles and PewPew V2. The controls is numpad : 8 - Forward, 5 - Backward, 6 - Right, 4 - Left, + - Go Up, - - Go Down, 1 - Shoot Laser Beam, 3 - Bombard Surface. The Seat is on the top o...
Vytvořil [ULX] Megiddo
The official ULib. Please see our website at for information and discussion. For the most bleeding edge up to date versions of ULX and ULib, please download and use our github versions: ULib: ULX: https://...
Vytvořil [ULX] Megiddo
The official latest release version of ULX admin mod (the same you'd get from our website). Please see our website at for information and discussion. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players. YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE...
Vytvořil Aaron
Restriction system for ULX. (Requires ULX and ULib),5269.0.html Please read the wiki for additional help: Please feel free to comment on my profile and add me if you need hel...
VJ Base
Vytvořil DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
Zergs MassEffect SWeapons
----!!NOT A MODELS!!---- I address to all. I understand. You all dont have much time to read all the description. You dont have much time to look in FAQ. You dont have much time to read other comments or search in Google or same. But why you spending your ...
[Official] Precision Tool
Vytvořil [XTT] General Wrex
IF YOU GET GETINFONUM ERRORS, DO THIS IN YOUR CONSOLE precision_defaultrestore Formerly 'Easy Precision', this tool allows exact movement of objects for accurate building. Push/pull, rotate, and snap props together at specif...
ULX - Clean up Decals, Sounds and Client Ragdoll
Vytvořil Gorich
ULX - Clean up Decals, Sounds and Client Ragdoll Works only with ULX Admin mod! Description: This addon adds two useful functions to ULX Admin mod. The ulx decals command removes all decals from players (sprays, bullet holes, explosion marks, etc.) and rag...
Vytvořil Filtershakes
Made back around 2013-2014, I figured I should finally upload this here. Located in Bachrjet ward, Blue Wind Avenue once held the glory that the more modern SilverSun Strip holds when it came to catering to the higher class residents of the station, as wel...
Vytvořil Filtershakes
A Mass Effect themed space ship map. If you want to use this in SFM, yes the map has HDR enabled. Credits: Mapping - Filtershakes, XsynthZ Models - cire992, haxxer, afromana, FloaterTWO, HankJohnson Textures - TopHATTwaffle, damoose1, HighdefGE Technical a...
Vytvořil CapsAdm¡n
ABOUT: Gives you the ability to personalize your player model's look by placing objects and effects on yourself. You can go from putting just a hat on your head to creating an entire new player model. PAC can also work on vehicles or props. You can wear yo...
Vytvořil skee ball
The second version of a TTT map I've been working on. Enjoy! Includes a traitor trap. A info about the map I made, as requested: It's a map for the Trouble in Terrorist Town gamemode, and made to look like an interesting sci-fi structure. It is made of mai...
Vytvořil dr mittens
City 8 District 9 A map by Dave Brown, created for Taco 'N' Banana's Half-Life 2 Roleplay server. The final release of the City 8 District 9 map. I started work on this the day D9 came out at the cinema, got home and felt immediately inspired! However I en...
Vytvořil LOL DUDE
Large, post-apocalyptic-themed roleplay map. DISCLAIMER! I didn't make this. All credit goes to Hazard24 and the people who helped them. This add-on will be removed if Hazard24 decides to upload it themself. WARNING! The files that the map uses for its sou...
Vytvořil zw98
**THIS IS NOT MINE** I could not find this map on the workshop, so I uploaded it from **Require Half Life Episodes and maybe CSS**. Thanks to the users in comments for bringing this to my attention. Original Description: "This is a space sta...
Vytvořil ExpertAmateur
I take absolutely no credit for this map, and I am only uploading this to workshop so players who play on the Evocati server have ease of access to it and can download the map faster and more efficiently. The original creator from garrysmod . org is: Rubix...
Vytvořil Amoreloba
Gm_Arid_Mesa A desert island in the middle of the ocean. Please remember to come back and rate up c: Thanks Features : Full LDR and HDR (and cubemaps for both) Custom trees and foliage that sway in the wind A seamless and expansive 3D skybox Full hammer gr...
SST Corvette Class Warship
Vytvořil DarthBrit
A map made to resemble a Corvette Class Warship from the Starship Troopers Universe. Current Features: - Fully Decorated Bridge - Fully Decorated CIC/Planning Room - Top Deck Causeway - Engine Room and (Attempted) Movie-Accurate Engine Pods - Forward Weapo...
Vytvořil protowlf
Mountainside is big snowy stretch of highway, suitable for all snowy-stretch-of-highway activities. It's based on the road up to Big Bear California. This is actually a re-release of an old Counter-Strike Source map I made some time ago. It is largely the ...
►► ◄◄ gm_Lair features a tropical island and a Supervillains-like lair inside (you may have guessed it) a VOLCANO, cause honestly- what's cooler than a lair inside a volcano? Trailer made by Melting Terminal: ...
Vytvořil VicRamone
You wake up washed up on the shore with the taste of salt water and the sound of the crashing waves. You remember nothing and you must become one with the island ahead of you, But it seems like you were not the only one here... Notes: - Made in one week - ...
Force Awakens Transport Ship Prop
Vytvořil ScurvyLegs
Atmospheric Assault Lander from Star Wars the Force Awakens! ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ This model was created by Zagony and brought into garrysmod by Stefano. It's the assault lander that can be seen in the movie on Jakku and the F...
Vytvořil Wolly
These are basic turrets/emplacements. They actually work as entities. Use them at your own discretion. Have fun. No longer requires GBombs. The 4 turrets are 7.62x39mm Turret - Fast rate of fire, good for crowd control. - Not very effective at long range. ...
Quarian Custom Player Models/Ragdolls
Vytvořil The Devils Own
These models belong to Ninja Nub. And I have his full rights to upload these to Workshop. I am soley uploading them for the people to enjoy these nice models. All the credit goes to Ninja Nub. These are a collection of Ragdolls and Player Models of custom ...
Voice Amplifier SWEP
Vytvořil Servius
The Voice Amplifier SWEP Use this swep to speak to people in an expandable radius or even talk to you whole server with a touch of a button! For some reason this was taken down a while back and I, Servius, couldnt find it anywhere. Church had a copy on han...
RT Camera
Vytvořil nrlulz
Fixed up the old RT camera from GM12 which was for some reason removed in the update. To create a display for it you can: -spawn the phx monitor (it's in Q > Browse > Games > Garry's Mod > props_phx if you dont have phx spawnlists) -use the on screen monit...
Vytvořil Stuffy360
A large open snowy map. It has a large road that can be used to drive S-cars with, and plenty of hills and trees to dodge! There are no games needed for this map to work, everything is included in the bsp. Credits -Dr. Spud: The tree branch textures I used...
Fightspace 3b
Vytvořil Hyperion
I did not make this map, I'm just reuploading another of my favourite unnoticed build maps. This map is another great freespace-like map, but focused more on combat. You can find here many more features when compared to the older freespaces, and this is on...
Vytvořil SBDT
This is not made by me, but by Robert Briscoe. A scenic dense forest map perfect for all your woodland needs. This map requires Counter Strike Source, but nothing else. I would like to make this perfectly clear, THERE IS NO SLENDERMAN ON THIS MAP. If your ...
Vytvořil aagamer
I am happy to say that gm_Underground_IV has been rereleased on Garry's mod, with several big improvements! The map requires Half Life 2: Episode 2 and Half Life 2: Episode 1 to work properly, if you don't have them installed and mounted, you will have ton...
realrbn's Tazer [Roleplay ; Taser]
Vytvořil rbn
Hey everyone! This is a Tazer I created for Servers. The Taser is usable by anyone, but you can change it to Admin Only if you wish. This was designed for Sandbox, but It propably works with other game modes too. Here are some features: Custom View & World...
Halo Reach - Marine Character Models
Vytvořil Ishi
UNSC Marine Character models, using the same heads as my ODST's. These models feature the following - 19 Male Marines - 18 Female Marines - 4 Skingroups (White, Brown, UCP, and Navy) - A Plethora of bodygroups Playermodels of these models can be found here...
This addon is no longer supported and may well be broken, do not comment asking for fixes or updates, they won't come, consider using DrGBase instead, as i'm working on migrating all of my addons over to that! This is R-Base. A Nextbot Base that I created ...
Gesture Menu & Commands
Vytvořil Bell
This addon adds a new sub-menu available in the Context Menu, named ''Gestures''. Clicking any option will make you perform a Gesture, like dancing, or agreeing. You can alternatively use chat commands to trigger them: - /gmc_dance (Normal Dance) - /gmc_mu...
Mobile Computing Pack
Vytvořil Lt_C
Models of two tablets and a phablet. Description: In this pack, you'll find the classic military tablet, but it has now been revamped - more screens all on a single model, and a few have even been animated. You'll find everything from scrolling green code ...
Vytvořil Filtershakes
A Mass Effect themed roleplay map. Required content can be subscribed to here: _________ For those who would like to edit the map: The editable vmf file can be dowlnoaded here: http://www.medi...
WAC Community 1
Vytvořil Divided
Welcome to my community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into steam ...
WAC Community 2
Vytvořil Divided
Welcome to my second community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into...
WAC Aircraft
Vytvořil bop
A collection of several aircraft (mostly helicopters) that can be flown with keyboard and mouse. Even more aircraft GitHub Q: How do I download? A: It's one of the green buttons. Q: After starting it goes crazy and crashes! A: Neurotec conflicts with WAC. ...
WAC Community 3
Vytvořil Divided
Welcome to my third community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 4
Vytvořil Divided
Welcome to my fourth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into...
WAC Community 5
Vytvořil Divided
Welcome to my fifth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 6
Vytvořil Divided
Welcome to my sixth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 7
Vytvořil Divided
Welcome to my seventh community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed int...
WAC Halo
Vytvořil Divided
Welcome to a special edition pack for WAC. This being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here. If you don't know what WAC is and would like to know more, refer to the facepunch thread here. This pack includes the ...
Playable Piano - EU:RP
Vytvořil Momo5000
This addon is made for my roleplay server. If you would like to play with this addon, join my server. IP is ---- I TAKE NO CREDITS FOR THIS ADDON - I HAD TO FIX A LUA SCRIPT ( !! )...
Vytvořil n00b
SpaceBuild Maps sb_new_worlds_2 and gm_new_worlds by Bynari, all credits go to him. (Just uploaded it here until he wishs to do so himself or take it down) Descriptions from (
Vytvořil Billard
Created by amirite. "The Gooniverse is my first attempt at learning Hammer and at creating a complete map. I have created one or two small environments here and there, so even though I'm releasing this, it's onl...
Vytvořil n00b
SpaceBuild Map sb_twinsuns by Bynari, all credits go to him. (Just uploaded it here until he wishs to do so himself or take it down) Descriptions from ( ...
sb_discovery (No Detail Props)
Vytvořil CubicApocalypse
Alternate version of sb_discovery with most of the detail props on Mirevai removed. Not guaranteed to not crash. Requires Episodes 1 & 2 and the sb_discovery planet texture pack....
sb_discovery (Planet Textures)
Vytvořil CubicApocalypse
Planet textures for sb_discovery. You MUST have these installed before you can play the map. If you're still getting missing textures: * Walls and terrain: Make sure you have both episodes installed and mounted. * Skies and planets: Try restarting GMod. If...
sb_discovery (Read Description!)
Vytvořil CubicApocalypse
This is sb_discovery, easily my biggest project so far. Requires Episodes 1 & 2, and the sb_discovery planet texture pack. Special thanks to Mr.Soviet for ideas and feedback during development. If the map crashes, try loading another map first, then switch...
Cinematic Camera
Vytvořil Nakotuhin
Add some drama to your videos with this shaky camera. Paul Greengrass much? Features: Shaky camera Letterbox Film grain Vignette Basic color filters Camcorder overlay Don't forget about the Options menu! It has all the tasty features! It's on the right sid...
Catmull-rom Cinematic Cameras
Vytvořil FreezeBug
Re-introducing the Catmull-Rom Cinematic cameras by Lua Pineapple There were quite a few hacky fixes in this version, beware! Yes, ive asked LuaPineapple (though it was a while ago) If i can re-upload this, and was approved to do so as long as I provided p...
Blacklight NPCs and Playermodels
Vytvořil CakeZ
Description below! A collection of Blacklight Retribution models re-rigged to the ValveBiped for use with animations. Combine and Citizen NPCs have been created for each model in addition to playermodel variants. Credit is due to the developers of Blacklig...
Vytvořil Dimbeak
A space station roleplay map! Special thanks to YourBoyZion for early playtesting and advice on the map design. *Half-Life 2: Episode 2 required, unless you're willing to put up with some texture errors and missing models! The map is now at least TWICE as ...
Vytvořil Triiodine
A strangely familiar place. You can find the map under the prophunt category. The most recent version of the map is ph_koepel_b3. It also has a new icon different from the workshop icon, so don't freak out. Uses content from ...
Vytvořil Bigwig
A post-nuclear gmod map. Fully noded for AI If you are seeing checkered shadows on the ground it's because you don't have Episode 2 installed. ...
City ruins
Vytvořil pootis
Large map with unimaginative yet descriptive title. Lovingly handcrafted and complete with NPC nodes. Suitable for roleplay, construction, machinima-ing, or whatever else you want. Facepunch thread with more screenshots:
Vytvořil ScurvyLegs
A spaceship that was modeled after the Sulaco from the movie "Aliens" ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ This is a rather large roleplay map with many features. It's main focus is the interior of a spaceship. Specific rooms include engine r...
►► ◄◄ Features: 4 different Islands All Buildings detailed & enterable Big watersurface & airspace AI- Noding optimal NPC-Pathfinding HDR- compiled Several Eastereggs (...inducing zombie traumata. Well, you'll see...)...
Garry's Bombs 5 Base
This addon was not created by me! It was created by Rogue Cheney I had Garry's Bombs 5 on my pc so i decided to reupload it. This is the latest version! Enjoy! You WILL need Garry's Bombs 5 Materials for this to work properly! Rogue Cheney allowed all of h...
Garry's Bombs 5 Materials
This addon was not created by me! It was created by Rogue Cheney I had Garry's Bombs 5 on my pc so i decided to reupload it. This is the latest version! Enjoy! You WILL need Garry's Bombs 5 Base for this to work! Rogue Cheney allowed all of his work to be ...
Garry's Bombs 5: Material Pack
Vytvořil Mr_Claush
A set of textures for Garry's Bombs 5. Need Garry's Bombs 5: Russian Base Edition....
Garry's Bombs 5: Russian Base Edition
Vytvořil Mr_Claush
Great pack of bombs, rockets and other things....
Briefcase Bomb SWEP (Sandbox)
Vytvořil Hoff
If you have any questions/comments/concerns, feel free to let me know! This is the Briefcase Bomb from Search and Destroy in Black Ops 1 Multiplayer. Usage: Sandbox In Sandbox, simply go to the CoD Multiplayer tab in the weapons menu, and spawn it in. You'...
Improved Halo WAC (Unofficial)
Vytvořil Toast A bunch of edits to the Halo WAC, aswell as a whole new WAC - The Sabre and Longsword. Updated! Official Log - New aircraft - The Longsword All models updated with new bodygroups and cockpit textures Sounds from Reach, 4, 3, a...
Vytvořil MonarchMonk
Author: Dux/Redux Content Required: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch dm_drift is a medium sized map made for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. The map takes place at an underground base that the Rebels used prior to the Uprising of City 17. The Combine have discovered the b...
Vytvořil MonarchMonk
Author: MisterBister & PhilipK Content Required: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch dm_tech is a small map made for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. The map takes place inside a Combine Tech Station. After the destruction of City 17, the Combine find themselves dealing with ...
Vytvořil MonarchMonk
Author: Joey "Erratic" Adey. Content Required: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch dm_torrent is a medium sized map made for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. The map takes place at an unnamed prison facility where the Combine keep unwanted Citizens locked up. After the destru...
Vytvořil Cadbee
Original map made by Bigwig gm_bigcity_improved A modified version of bigcity with no particular gimmick or theme. Just a little of everything to make the map a bit more interesting and less empty feeling. FYI some key areas have been modified or completel...
Vytvořil Jyrr
Introduction gm_forest is a forest map with loads of sounds and effects. There are no jumpscares. There is no Nav Mesh. View the Discussions tab on tutorials how to generate a Nav Mesh and how to play this map in night mode. This is a reupload. Originally ...
rp_city02_p1 Content
Vytvořil notnoel
Reviver / Bug Fixer / New Creator: Commander Beta Tester / Special Thanks: Emugio Original Creators: Kemerd Rowtree Kane Crazy...
[Crimson] RP_Noclyria
Vytvořil Cody Evans
A custom map made for SWRP Events. Features a canyon like desert planet with a military bunker in the middle. The bunker contains an elevator that leads to a small underground complex that includes some rooms for RP. Main goal of the map is to Attack/Defen...
Vytvořil notnoel
NPC Reinforcements [Discontinued]
Vytvořil konnichiwah3000
7/8/2019 - This addon is no longer receiving any updates. Feel free to modify it as you wish without my permission. REQUIRES "ODST Drop Pod" OR SERIOUS ERRORS MAY OCCUR Intended for Single Player. Not muliplayer tested. -- How to use: Weapons Category -> N...
ODST Drop Pod
Vytvořil Gravity
READ EVERYTHING BEFORE COMMENTING I did not make this, thlaughincheese created this about 5 years ago and I fixed it for Gmod 13. Anyway, this is basically the drop pod from Halo 3: ODST. You can launch it and it will fly automatically, or you can manually...
Drones Rewrite
Vytvořil calafex
Meet Drones Rewrite! It is the last, the biggest and the best part of Drones which contains a lot of new drones, options, weapons and etc. You dont need any previous Drones addons for this to work. F.A.Q.: PLEASE READ INGAME HELP FIRST! Most of the questio...
GM Desert Carcass
Vytvořil Sym
A 3D environment showcase by VoEC - shared to Garry's Mod with the author's implicit consent, as quoted here, "The map, models and textures are released under a Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 License, so you can use it however you like as long as you mention m...
Vytvořil D3l3rium
Another map i needed to upload just because its one of those maps that you just want to built and do stupid things on. Also one of my favorites for building, created by wilsonbj in 2008. So its already a few years old but still awesome. And to those who al...
Vytvořil EHOT
Space research base, staff were infected by unknown virus and now must hide in order not to become a test subject...
Vytvořil [TBU] eldarstorm
This is the third map made for the gamemode PostNukeRP. The map is larg in size and is also in the Post Apocalyptic theme This map features: -Fully NPC AI Noded. -Wide Open Spaces. -Train trascks that fit the PHX train wheels. -Several areas for players to...
[Event Map] Fortified
Vytvořil An Enemy
NOTE: This map is part of a series of "" Purpose: This map may serve large servers (60+ players) with minimal FPS lag. This is a map specifically designed to be used for events. It shall allow players of each combat type and purpose an opportunity to fullf...
[Event Map] Outpost-B1
Vytvořil An Enemy
NOTE: This map is part of a series of "" Purpose: 1. This map shall function as a relief to on-ship maps by providing bunking areas, tr...
Casino Kit: machines content pack
Vytvořil Hobbes
Casino Kit: Roulette table model
Vytvořil Hobbes
DarkRP Radio System
Vytvořil Trench
Like my work? why not checkout my standalone game Hyperwaste It's about surviving the wasteland of a long collapsed cyberpunk world. *ADDON NO LONGER SUPPORTED BY CREATOR* IMPORTANT: This only works in the official DarkRP ga...
DSit - Sit anywhere
Vytvořil DBot
Discord DSit - Sit everywhere. Rewrite under DLib finished on 11 October 2017 To sit, press Alt + <Use button> To choose angle to sit on, hold the same button combination For binds - dsit_getoff command is used to get off player on you sources ...
Everyday props
Vytvořil Sandslash
A number of small props, most from syndicate. Stuff like chinese takeout boxes, a laptop, magazines, plates and similar....
Holster Weapon For DarkRP/StarWarsRP
Vytvořil H0P
A basic holster item for DarkRP or StarWarsRP. Simply add to your servers collection and add "weapon_holster" to the default weapons list! Remember to rate up if you find it useful :)...
M9K Assault Rifles
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
M9K Heavy Weapons
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
M9K Small Arms pack
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
M9K Specialties
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
Model Manipulator
Vytvořil Prey
Allows you to change any props and NPC model to any other. You can also change your own model. Tool is in 'Construction' category. Using: Right-Click to get model from NPC/ragdoll/prop Left-Click to set model to NPC/ragdoll/prop Reload to set your own play...
Vytvořil McKay
Resizes props, ragdolls and NPCs. Does not resize the hitbox or shadow, therefore mainly useful for posing/videos. I couldn't find this tool in the workshop so I thought I'd make my own. I don't understand why the Inflator tool doesn't have this functional...
The Ultimate Admin Gun Fixed
Vytvořil 2-Bit
SPECIAL THANKS TO ROCKO FOR LETTING ME USE HIS SKIN! You guys asked for it back, well here it is This is an extremely OP admin weapon. fires every .05 seconds, 75 bullets per shot, and no recoil..... it's awesome. Right click spawns rapid fire explosions ...
Third Person Flashlight
Vytvořil Wheatley
This mod is no longer supported and/or improved by it's original author. No bug reports or suggestions will be accepted. Check out fixed version of this addon New flashlight rendering system. With this script you can see other player's flashlight. Players ...
Velocity Killer (Anti-BHop)
Vytvořil Jimbo
This addon will cut a player's velocity in half upon landing on the ground. The effect can stop players from being able to maintain a speed faster than running or walking. Basically, this stops players from bunny hopping. List of Console Commands vk_enable...
Vytvořil WireTeam
A collection of entities connectable by data wires, which allows for the creation of advanced contraptions. Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord: Ultimate Guide to Fixing Wiremod: ht...
Wire Construct
Vytvořil Kiokimaru
Yup it's Wire Construct! The same one from the wiremod community! It's not mine I don't own it and all credits go to the original creator! Work's fine as far as I know. I mainly just use it for my server. Feel free to use it for yourself. There's another v...
Weapon Loadouts
Vytvořil beth but evil
An addon that allows you to create and select loadouts for when you respawn. You have the option to add the loadout to the default one, or just replace it. Server admins can make there own loadouts and let everyone else on the server use them, or the owner...
Vytvořil DBot
If game tells you that DLib is causing script errors, but the only mention of DLib in the error's text is "lua/dlib/modules/hook.lua", check if the error is reproducible without DLib installed first! Only report if DLib is actually causing these errors. Di...
Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect 3)
Vytvořil Chilean Wolf
Garrus from Mass Effect 3. Includes all armors and his casual outfit. Use a bodygroup tool to change between them. Credits: Bioware - Everything Me - Porting Facepunch thread:
*Fixed* M-8 Avenger (Apparently not, don't install)
Vytvořil Helldiver
This is the widely used and accepted M-8 Avenger, straight from the Mass Effect universe! You need the MassEffect 3 Replace for HL2 pack in order to see the avenger model currently. Eventually I will try to make this standalone....
Easy Bonemerge Tool
Vytvořil Rubat
An improved bonemerge tool. Features: * Support for effects * Proper undo system * Ability to remove already merged props * Ghost preview * Duplicator support * Ability to bonemerge props to yourself * Is not limited to props at all. You can use ANY entity...
Easy Navmesh Editor
Vytvořil Rubat
A handy tool for server owners and mappers to easily create Navigation Mesh for maps for Nextbot NPCs to use. More info on the subject:
Mass Effect 3 FemShep
Vytvořil C.S.
Female Shepard from Mass Effect 3 All credits to
Mass Effect 3 James Vega
Vytvořil C.S.
Hey Loco!!! Its me Vega, James Vega!!!! So amazed!! To celebrate the 2000!!! All credits to GoOR Original:
Mass Effect Death
Vytvořil Franzitrone
A quickly done Mass Effect-like-Death script. Instructions: 1. Die 2. Press any of the two buttons (Medigel is used to "respawn") Console Commands:medeath_npc_disabled: As long as you are the host, disables AI while you are dead. (1: Disable AI while dead,...
Mass Effect Jane Shepard PlayerModel
Vytvořil ProstoLyric
Functional playermodel of default female Shepard from Mass Effect. Beta version. There are still many tweaks and fixes to make (fingers are horrible, I know), but at least, one can play as FemShep now. Will be improved someday. For now, there are four mode...
Mass Effect: Cerberus Extras
Vytvořil Kally
THESE ARE RAGDOLLS AND PROPS. This pack is a collection of all of the Cerberus characters from Mass Effect 3 that have been missed out from other packs or added to the game since they were released. Contains the Centurion, Dragoon, and Rampart Mech as well...
Mass Effect Props - Part Five
Vytvořil Miss K-FOX
This addon is the fifth and final package of Mass Effect props by Cire992. This addon contains 48 props from the videogame Mass Effect 3 including a custom skins for terminal props. All content of this addon is credited the following : cire992 - Porting/Co...
ME3 Cerberus Assault Trooper PM
Vytvořil N7Legion
Cerberus Assault Trooper from Mass Effect 3. Doesn't include NPC because people always wanting playermodels more than NPC's If you feel like, you can create an NPC version of it, go ahead, but credit me and the others. Giving a thumbs up on my work will mo...
ME3 Cerberus Guardian PM
Vytvořil N7Legion
Cerberus Guardian from Mass Effect 3. Doesn't include NPC because people always wanting playermodels more than NPC's If you feel like, you can create an NPC version of it, go ahead, but credit me and the others. Giving a thumbs up on my work will motivate ...
ME3 Colorable Asari Adept PM
Vytvořil N7Legion
Asari Adept from Mass Effect 3, colorable: Due to the arms and hands being soo thin, the FPS hands will not look good either. Doesn't include NPC because people always wanting playermodels more than NPC's If you feel like, yo...
ME3 Colorable Human Soldier PM
Vytvořil N7Legion
Human Soldier from Mass Effect 3, colorable: Doesn't include NPC because people always wanting playermodels more than NPC's If you feel like, you can create an NPC version of it, go ahead, but credit me and the others. Giving...
ME3 Colorable Krogan Soldier PM
Vytvořil N7Legion
Krogan Soldier from Mass Effect 3, colorable: Doesn't include NPC because people always wanting playermodels more than NPC's If you feel like, you can create an NPC version of it, go ahead, but credit me and the others. Givin...
ME3 Colorable Quarian Infiltrator PM
Vytvořil N7Legion
Quarian Infiltrator from Mass Effect 3, colorable: Doesn't include NPC because people always wanting playermodels more than NPC's If you feel like, you can create an NPC version of it, go ahead, but credit me and the others. ...
ME3 Colorable Salarian Engineer PM
Vytvořil N7Legion
Salarian Engineer from Mass Effect 3, colorable: Doesn't include NPC because people always wanting playermodels more than NPC's If you feel like, you can create an NPC version of it, go ahead, but credit me and the others. Gi...
ME3 Colorable Turian Havoc PM
Vytvořil N7Legion
Turian Havoc from Mass Effect 3, colorable: Doesn't include NPC because people always wanting playermodels more than NPC's If you feel like, you can create an NPC version of it, go ahead, but credit me and the others. Giving ...
ME3 Colorable Turian Sentinel PM
Vytvořil N7Legion
Turian Sentinel from Mass Effect 3, colorable: Doesn't include NPC because people always wanting playermodels more than NPC's If you feel like, you can create an NPC ve...
Ashley Williams of Mass Effect
Vytvořil NaughtyChicken
I am taking no credit for making this. I just uploaded the model. Enjoy!...
Mass Effect - Human pack
Vytvořil C.S.
With a total of 12 skins, 6 females and 9 males they have: 9 * 12 = 108 male combinations 6 * 12 = 72 female combinations 108 + 72 = 180 total combinations, excluding helmets Credits: Bloocobalt who let him use his Ehanced Citizens Huuuuuuuge thanks to Flo...
Mass Efect 2 NPC
Vytvořil applemop2000
Did not create Re Uploaded Mass Effect 2 Player models and NPCs (also fully working ragdolls with bodygroups and multiple skins). Credits: BioWare - Models/Textures, S-Low - Porting/Materials, Silver Spirit - Playermodel/NPC/cs_fix_f.mdl/NPC Spawn Images/P...
Stacker STool
Vytvořil maesles
==== END OF SUPPORT ==== I am no longer putting time into this addon. Feel free to pick up development on your own. Link to source: http:// /va1g ==== END OF SUPPORT ==== Fixed for GM13, with other minor tweaks, by me. Not originally my work. Fixes:...
Star Wars Vehicles: EU Pack
Vytvořil Servius
As of 4/1/2017 this addon is officially OPEN SOURCE and I encourage everyone interested to take a wack at working on this project! In this pack you will find 97(at last count 9/23/2018) Vehicles(with many more to come): Assault Cruiser Accademy Carrier Adv...
Blue's Slots - Content
Vytvořil <CODE BLUE>
This is content for an addon on It is pointless without the script....
Never Lose Hope Hospital - Patched Version
Vytvořil Bizz
Dark winding corridors dotted with splotches of blood, the sounds of doors creak ominously and the TVs only report static. This is a large Hospital map with a huge system of corridors, hallways and hospital facilities, making it very easy to get lost in. T...
Get the night version here: !!To remove the overbright bloom, open the "post-processing"-tab, enable bloom and set the multiply amount to 0 If the reflections are too bright, you can disable ...
Crystal Clear Sounds
Vytvořil Nulus
Version 2.6 Crystal Clear Sounds is a sound modification that edits the in-game sounds to something a little more appealing. Frequently Asked Questions Q: When will you update this? A: When Garry's Mod gets a Source 2 update. Q: The footstep sounds are not...
Horror SNPC Revamp
Vytvořil RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. ________________________________________________________ Includes: Horror ________________________________________________________ Features: Invi...
Vytvořil ultra noob
used assets from : Neahc (models) Rockstar Games (models) Borb (Shady Grass) Unknown guy i dont know his identity. (map assets) Links
Pyros Drones Rewrite Extra
Vytvořil II_PYRO_II
The first unofficial pack for the Drones Rewrite Mod! These packs will come in instalments meaning there will be more bundles to come. This addon also requires you to have the Drones Rewrite addon so you do not need the Drones 1 or 2 addon. Models ported f...
Witcher Gates
Vytvořil zamboni
What is it? A tool to create linked pairs of portals which can be used to travel between two locations. Inspired by the magic portals from the game "The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" Why do I care? Because they look cool. Also portals. How do I use it? Pull ou...
Fading door tool
Vytvořil Panthera Tigris
A tool that makes anything into a fadable door. Features - Can select material. - Can select sounds. - Wire support. - Can make NPC's, vehicles and props into a fadable door. Authors: Conna, Lexi and Panthera Tigris ID: 115753588...
Blackguard NPCs and Playermodels
Vytvořil CakeZ
Description below: A collection of Wolfenstein: The New Order Blackguard models rigged to the ValveBiped for use with animations. Each model variant has a selection of available bodygroup options. There are three model variatnts for use with different anim...
[VJ]Super Heavy
Vytvořil zodiacaca
Credits: Coffee Stain...
Vytvořil duchess
This is 16 "Paranoia SNPCs" that I made only for you all using the amazing "VJbase" (Link to VJ Base) by the "LUA" master "DrVrej" ! This is the BETA VERSION of this addon. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more content ! *!!IMPORTANT!!* THIS ADDONS R...
Chef Playermodel (REUPLOADED)
Cook playermodel for roleplay server or others. It's not made by me, it's just a good reupload....
CSO Lisa Playermodel
Vytvořil Baiely
I stopped rigging playermodels there won't be any updates. Lisa from CSO I did not port this model into GMod. I just made the Ragdoll into a playermodel. Path for ULX: "models/player/ct_lisa_model.mdl" Credits: Мисковски for making Lisa a ragdoll in GMod M...
Grappling hook V2
A heavily modified version of the old grappling hook Features new sounds by DICE, fixed bugs and it actually uses animations now....
Vytvořil NuclearGhost
DESCRIPTION EN: GM_MARSH is a map with large marshland and dark atmosphere. Features: - ambient sound - AI nodes for NPCs - Usable fireplaces - whole area for RP servers - does not require additional content like CS:S, HL2EP2 e.t.c. Lot of models,textures,...
Vytvořil Eschaton Monk
One Prothean elitist asshole, just for you. I think it was Haxxer who ported him...I just uploaded him...
Vytvořil Eschaton Monk
An Elcor from Mass Effect. Ported by Wasp and re-uploaded by me....
Vytvořil crimemovies
This is a roleplay map made for the Birdhouse Roleplay community. FEATURES: -New and enhanced pretty sunset lighting. -Extra buildings added to most locations, including a new cafe. -Player clips added to cliffs -Dense and hazy new atmosphere -Fully stocke...
Drivable yacht
Vytvořil manul
Lara's boat from Tomb raider Underworld. Two versions: one controlled from primary cockpit and one via flybridge. Usage: - Go to vehicles tab > TRU yacht Things changed since previous version on - Fixed custom particle issue (screwed up agai...
NPC Spawn Platforms v3
Vytvořil Lexi
A highly customisable STool that allows the wielder to create a SEnt that will continuously spawn the specified NPC with the specified weapons until stopped, allowing them to stage huge NPC battles, either against themselves, or against rival NPC factions....
Freeman's "Facepunch" Pack
Vytvořil The One Free-Man
I got bored again, so here's another model pack I made over June. All the models in this pack where requested by people in a thread on Facepunch, and each one was done in under a day. This pack features everything from a bouncy castle to the Xbox one, and ...
Vytvořil Malkovich
Credits: Models/Textures - cire992 EA/Bioware for the Mass Effect IP, which of course is their property. ...
Vytvořil Yavik
(!) Read the description : RU: Это версия исправленной карты:, специально под мод DarkRP. Исправленны: - Еррор текстуры некоторых моделей - Заменены двери на карте - Убран лишний контент. Конт...
Propojené kolekce (1)
Masseffectrp v2
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