839 ratings
GCCM: Rivers
Tags: mod, Campaign
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363.777 MB
27 Jul, 2017 @ 1:15am
11 Aug, 2017 @ 3:48pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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GCCM: Rivers

Updated version 12.08.17

Updated version 05.08.17
The River pack has been updated, thanks to everyone reporting blank maps - we hope its all been fix now! Two additional maps have been add for this update! Thanks again!

Artois Crossing by Pregeaux
The River of Sigmar by Doomon15

Grand Campaign Custom Maps: Rivers
This addition to the GCCM mod adds river crossing and bridge battles to all rivers and bridges on the campaign map - the mod will register if your character is standing next to a river or on a bridge in the campaign map and will load river or bridge themed custom map battles accordingly.

The maps included here does not all have fancy steam pages, why a selected few can be seen below. For some examples see the pictures below. All the contributors can be seen in the right panel, please take the time to rate their maps and provide feedback – it helps motivate people and secures future content for all of us.

The mod include these maps:
- Brettonian themed bridge battle by Kazad
- Empire themed bridge battle by Kazad
- Empire themed bridge battle with tower and ships by Kazad
- Empire themed river crossing by Blanksand
- Empire themed forest river battle by Zoidberg
- Dwarf themed bridge battle by Pregeaux
- Brettonian themed settlement river battle by Ranmyakki
- Empire themed settlement bridge battle by Yellowtomatoman
- Norscan themed lava river battle by Maruka
- Badlands themed river crossing by Zoidberg

A beautiful crossing, an easy way to get this map is starting up a Manfred campaign and attack the Tempelhof army in turn 1.

Are you more into ships and cannon fire? Around Altdorf and Marienburg are some larger water masses that can be moved across – go there and fight over the control of some ships!

Too fancy for ships? Go find a bridge in the backwaters of bretonnia – remember that the knights should use the bridge while the peasants cross the river by swimming!

You more into protecting them?? well okay, here you go...

Also you gotta have lava rivers - thats a given..

You will need to subscribe to the main GCCM mod in order for the battles to appear. We recommend all the settlement packs as well. If you only want river battles, and no settlement battles then it's doable.

The mod is save game compatible. The only known incompatibility is with AnonymousCheese's minor settlement mod pack.

Do you have feedback? Please be as specific as possible so that we can help you out!
- Are you using any other mods?
- Which race are you playing as?
- Against which race are you fighting?
- Are you attacking, or defending?
- Where did the fight take place? Please describe the location as closely as possible, or attach a picture.


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groovler 23 Dec, 2020 @ 2:22pm 
What is the correct load order?
casually_Insane 22 Jul, 2020 @ 9:59pm 
for some reason , every time i try to subsribe to this mod , steam crashes
拟态Baby 9 Feb, 2019 @ 1:54am 
1这个用不了了各位,导致游戏进入战斗就崩溃,its broken:steamsad:
Maruka  [author] 17 Feb, 2018 @ 10:48am 
Yea we might do that :)
Nhlyll 17 Feb, 2018 @ 8:38am 
Hello, i love your mod and i'm ask if you can make this mod for tww2 vortex and ME ? Thanks for this mod and good luck for your futur mod ;)
Maruka  [author] 24 Oct, 2017 @ 12:38pm 
"the norsca mod" that you're talking about is the main mod. You need that, can't do anything about that I'm afraid. If you only want rivers then you can download this mod here, and the main mod.
Peacemaker 24 Oct, 2017 @ 12:00pm 
I click subscribe, it says I also need the norsica mod. I click to subscribe to the norsica mod and that one says I need like 10 more mods.
Maruka  [author] 20 Sep, 2017 @ 11:28am 
@Panfilo Actually, it IS possible to put monsters, siege equipment etc. on walls! Check out Kraka Drak. Anyway, we've been experimenting with bridges like that. Units behave differently on walls than on normal terrain though, of course. So it will be a while before we know how well it works.
Panfilo 20 Sep, 2017 @ 7:24am 
Weird question: Would it be possible to eventually add destructible bridges, by using a stretch of castle wall to function as a bridge and simply making both sides impassible along the span? Say similar to the current layout (so there's always an alternate path if it gets blocked).

It would be really cool if there were some bridge maps where the most direct path was restricted to infantry (since monstrous creatures/war machines/cavalry can't stand on walls) but that span, since it was technically 'wall' sections, could be possibly demolished by artillery. I'd love to see a map where a bunch of goblins say hello to the volcano god when a grudge thrower collapses the span over a lava river they are crossing!
Maruka  [author] 15 Sep, 2017 @ 11:38am 
I'd you'd show us screenshots of the locations then we could fix it.