FLU_777   Texas, United States
it needs a bigger gun :WoTB_tank: mechs are cool.

I got a thing for games with a retro vibe, pixels and such, i dont care if the graphics are bad if its fun i will play it.
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Urban Assault - The first ever successfully built FPS/RTS hybrid
Urban Assault ( UA for short ) is a 3D FPS/RTS hybrid game that was developed by German company TerraTools and published by Microsoft in 1998.

The game play and plot are as follows
( information found on the UA wiki page and the Metropolis Dawn website https://metropolisdawn.de/ )
( UA Discord - https://discord.gg/Qt9e6Ex )

The player is in command of a futuristic host station with plasma energy technology, allowing the player to create units and buildings, as long as the blueprints and sufficient energy are available. The player also has access to various commander assets such as an overhead map screen, where the player can monitor actions on the battlefield in the bigger picture and assess various strategic and tactical elements that are not covered by the fog of war, or Squadron Manager, which allows the player to easily check status and manage all units under control as well as set various parameters for each squadron to better suit their specializations. The Map and Squadron Manager windows are fully interactive and can be turned on/off at any time. Most importantly, these windows can be re-sized and re-positioned into anywhere on the screen, allowing players to accommodate their preferences.

The levels in Urban Assault consist of a full 3D polygonal landscape, which can be used strategically or tactically by the players or AI units to their advantages.[6] For example, neutral buildings or structures can be used as a cover to block the enemy fire, while terrains and elevations offer a vertical depth of tactical elements. Many unit types (or even individual units) also possess varying advantages in different environments, allowing the player to carefully plan their unit compositions to effectively counter the enemy unit presences.

In the single-player campaign, the objective of each mission is to capture each key sector on the map, allowing use of the beam gate to transport the host station and any accompanying vehicles to the next field of battle. However, destroying enemy host stations provides additional space to the player's maximum room for accompanying vehicles. Combined with the fact that many key sectors are located deep in enemy territory or even right below an enemy faction's host station, the unstated goal of the game is to eliminate all enemy host stations. There is no strict need to eliminate the enemy to complete a level, but it does make the task more reliable. In multiplayer, beam gates are not present on the map and the only objective is to destroy opponents.

Urban Assault also has a completely cheat-free AI, which is bound to many same restrictions and rules as the players are. Just like the players, the AI players must peel back the fog of war by securing a line-of-sight with reconnaissance units or radar stations first in order to assess and gather information around the level before making decisions. The AI players also harvest energy from the power sources and surrounding sectors the same way as the players do. Without any power source or controlling sufficient sectors to sustain their power stations, the AI will eventually run out of energy and be unable to perform any actions, just like the players would be. The AI in Urban Assault is not only cheat-free but instead subject to various disadvantages that the players do not have in the game, such as energy upkeep mechanics or inability to quickly teleport their host stations, which helps with maintaining both the performance and difficulty levels of the game for less experienced players.


The plot of Urban Assault is set in the near future, where a set of hazardous natural and artificial disasters involving ozone depletion caused by the global industrial emissions, termed The Big Mistake, results in toxin generation and eventually destruction of the ocean's phytoplankton, causing the Earth's food chain to collapse gradually and consecutively. Scarce food supplies and adverse environmental damage results in a resource war with accelerated scientific developments, and the plasma formation technology — the ability to form solid constructions of matters using only energy — in conjunction with the futuristic state-of-the-art host station technology, allows cybernetically-linked military commanders uploaded into these mobile war machine battle-stations to create entire armies made out of fully roboticized artificial intelligence military drones under their direct command & control to wage war across the global theatres.

The technology was leaked to enemy factions, destroying fragile political alliances and launching the planet into a third world war. Citizens are forced into newly emerging domed cities and communities, which shield them from dangerous levels of solar radiation and filters the toxic air. However, most of the population had already consumed contaminated food and exposed to excessive amounts of ionising radiation, that most died within several years. Most of the planet's surface had been devastated and rendered uninhabitable. The wars have become entirely roboticized, solely involving various types of war machines and military drones with artificial intelligence modules that are directly connected to the command & control system of the host station battle network.

The surviving humans had divided into major warring factions: The Resistance, Ghorkovs, Taerkastens, and the Black Sect. The main theatre of the single-player campaign takes place in the extensive geographical networks of domed cities installed throughout the entire continent of Europe.

A group of alien invaders, the Mykonians, view humans as being unworthy of occupying such a resource-rich planet, and implant their Parasite Machine into the crust of the planet to extract energy and heat directly from the Earth's core. The Parasite Machine is causing the Earth's core to cool, weakening its magnetic field and lowering the temperature of the planet. The weakening of the magnetic field will eventually cause solar radiation levels on the planet's surface to rise and obliterate all of the planet's biomass, making it suitable for Mykonian colonization. In the campaign, Mykonian forces are usually present in Northern Europe and Scandinavia, where the optimal cooling temperatures allow for more efficient superconductive data transfer and electronics operation.

A second group of alien invaders, the plant-like Sulgogars, have invaded Northern Africa, where the relatively warm climate creates a suitable spawning ground. It has been mentioned that Sulgogars eat humans and extract minerals from the ground, and the fact that humans killed the ocean may have contributed to their animosity against the human race. The Sulgogars are also known to have migrated into the ocean body of the Earth shortly before the events of The Big Mistake, which supports this theory. In the original campaign, the Sulgogars are rarely encountered and only appeared in a few missions including the final confrontation.

In addition to the in-game mission briefing texts, a significant portion of comprehensive, in-depth background lore of the game are scattered and hidden deep inside the game's Help files.

A little bit about what happened to TerraTools -

TerraTools computer graphics solutions ( also later know as RadonLabs and Bigpoint Berlin ) is the official German developer of Microsoft Urban Assault and Metropolis Dawn ( MD for short ) that was initially based on Babelsburg, Potsdam, and later the capital of Berlin.
Shortly after the final development phase of UA and its unreleased expansion pack Metropolis Dawn, the company changed its name to RadonLabs. Since then, RadonLabs had produced a few game titles, one of there most successful and widely recognized titles is the Drakensang series, which contains the same internal references from the developers that could be found in UA game data. In the year 2010, the company was eventually purchased by BigPoint Berlin.
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Geneforge 25 Dec, 2024 @ 9:42am 
Flu +rep <3
FLU_777 23 Oct, 2024 @ 5:31pm 
Geneforge -rep
FLU_777 4 Jul, 2024 @ 8:52am 
elden ring be whoopin my ss
FLU_777 24 Feb, 2024 @ 1:50pm 
I like mechs and tanks
Pickle_1608 11 Jan, 2024 @ 4:51pm 
This guy doesn't like people of darker complection
Entitledbackpack 4 Mar, 2023 @ 6:26pm 
you are a ♥♥♥♥♥♥