
KedrKuntEater の最近のレビュー

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dead abandon-ware, last update 2 years ago and feel free to check Steam DB if you wanna see how truly dead it is!!!

Sad it ended up this way, quite frankly it put "Verdun and Tannenburg" to shame as far as a ww2 shooter goes
投稿日 2月28日.
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Mastery 19 on xbox and mastery 11 on PC.

I dont have words to describe warframe other than this is truly what Free To Play game devs should aspire to be. Gameplay is fantastic, frequent content updates at no cost to the player over 12 years in an ever growing and living world. It is quite frankly addicting. Everything in game can be earned without paying a single cent for the most part. Contrary to my hours ive taken a break for the time being but truly this is one of the best F2P titles that will ever exist and i would encourage anyone whos been on the fence to give it 20 hours. itll be a slow-ish start but i promise you its worth every second!!!

who doesnt like being a overpowered meat mech genociding the enemies of humankind! Glory to the Tenno!
投稿日 2月26日.
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Game had a very promising future, however the last update has caused quite alot of bugs.

The campaign is quite frankly frustrating, hard to learn, involves alot of really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ balance, Income itself is broken and really doesn't explain itself well, fleet movments are confusing, initiating battles is confusing with having to predict fleet movments and be within a certain range, the UI quite frankly sucks and the few battles of campaign i went through the AI was either incredibly busted or stood literally no chance of winning....

Ive played 20 hours worth, probably 16 of that in custom simply designing the same ships over and over and watching them fight for no other reason than an hours worth of entertainment before uninstalling.

DO NOT BUY Go give the From The Depths Devs your money instead, a much better combined arms sandbox wargame where you build every single component from hull to gun to engine to the very AI itself that runs your vehicle, and its still getting updates and MUCH MUCH older. The devs rugpulled on this one at least thats how it feels
投稿日 2月22日.
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TLDR without community complaints.... Think SQUAD, Hell Let Loose gameplay but with the Armor simulations of Warthunder. Gritty, Teamwork Focused gameplay but unlike arcadey HLL tanks dont die from being hit a certain amout, all modules can be damaged and disabled. To an extent crew damage works exactly like WT. So when a Tiger 1 blasts a sherman itll kill the people inside manning it, damage components hit by simulated shrapnel etc.

The worst part of the game is the community tbh. There are no official servers. They are soley community owned and ran, that being said there's plenty of toxic idiots who wil give you the most ♥♥♥♥ for simply being new.

ONTOP of that ive personally seen a fair share of power tripping admins who will kick or outright ban other players for simply

Not understanding the game
Unwritten server rules
in my case Easy Company i was kicked after i laid mines 400m away from their HQ and an admin drove over them with a tank promptly destroying it. I was booted for "main base camping" maybe use your eyes and dont hit mines???

Squad baiting. ppl will boot you simply to get a certain kit or dump squad lead on you for it. or theyll just boot you.

Otherwise the gameplay, armor especially is very fun at its core. The community, already small, is the biggest issue
投稿日 2月21日. 最終更新日 2月26日
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総プレイ時間:4.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:4.4時間)
Very fancy looking tech demo at best, slow development, core gameplay even off a simple 4 hours of gameplay on a single domination save is shallow at best. The game just doesnt feel like it has depth, you load in, get a logging camp, build plots, stare at town, wait, plan roads,

The famous "resource stole by bandits" gets to be a very tiring sight as youre sitting there watching as the game essentially just says nope im deleting this. there is no fighting bandits, spotting any rolling into town targetting the storehouse or granary. Nope. The game simply decides at random to cherry pick part of your stockpile and delete it. Quite frankly its been a big enough issue happening every 2 months at the worst of it from one singular bandit camp in the OTHER LORDS TERRITORY

i wanna like this game so badly but quite frankly its a very barebones, albeit beautful waste of money. At least IMO for its current state and the fact it has been in development for 7 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ years and theres simply so little to actually do.... like we really only now got bridges????

Not to mention multi town management.... its quite frankly horrendous and just as irritiating at you can possibly imagine whilst already dealing with one existing town, dealing with the same boring grind and irritating bandit raids that again. the game simply decides to delete stocks.

Hell even the steam page is misleading You CANNOT get a keep, castle, manor anything even close to what is shown on the cover art.
投稿日 2月15日.
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"I haven't played Ark survival ascended since launch lets see if the game has gotten better!"

Joins server
"Paid mods 7" total of 50+ dollars "k"

title screen>opens mods> Realizes the modding scene is totally monetized, and soul less most half decent things are totally locked behind a paywall

decided to scroll through the game feed as i havent checked up this game since probably jaunary 2024

Bob's tall tales, bizzare, uncessessary ♥♥♥♥ that has nothing to do with survival, dinos, anything. why the ♥♥♥♥ is this in a "Dino Survival Game" Ok past that weirdness whats next?

Pay to use tames.... k enough said, locking a creature that you must interact with behind a paywall thats not map specific......

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ POWER RANGERS??????? Bro what in the everloving ♥♥♥♥ was studio wildcard thinking??? What mindless, souless DEI hire passed this along and further more who the ♥♥♥♥ allowed it??? i was so damn happy to see where this game would go after letting it bake another year or so as it was broken as hell on launch

Only to see what used to be one of my favorite games ASE with over 4000 hours on xbox has been gutted to not even a shell of its former self, this isnt ark, least not the one i knew. I dont know what the ♥♥♥♥ they are thinkling but luckily its not my game to sink! I was so looking forward to simply having ASE with better graphics, nicer maps, improved building and couldnt wait to see what mods looked like with time considering the things people could do on ASE.

first they went way too into TEK, it ruined the core of Industrial being the crowning acheivment now TEK is spammed everywhere and you cant escape it, then they overly monetized the game, made it 60 ♥♥♥♥♥♥ dollars to buy into and good luck finding a half assed decent modded map that isnt gonna run you half the average americans hourly wage. Its ♥♥♥♥♥♥ abysmal.

at this point im hoping the game dies out in spite just so wildcard can take the hit for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ all over what was genuinely a crown jewel of survival games.

looking at the reviews im happy to see im not the only one pissed with how this has gone.
投稿日 2月15日.
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This game makes me feel like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Psycopath 10/10
投稿日 2月14日.
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総プレイ時間:45.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:45.7時間)
Got banned for calling my team "a bunch of useless r*t*rds"

in my defense i watched a triple stack of ATLAS and one FLEA rush, die within 3 minuets of contact, they then spent the rest of the game crying on how the team was the issue, i clapped back and i was permanently banned!
投稿日 1月31日.
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総プレイ時間:0.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.3時間)
i did refund! I came to check just to see what was available and working. There is a massive and i mean MASSIVE amount of potential. Currently if im being totally honest its a Tech Demo, functionally. you can build, fly, thats about it. The unified grid system is revolutionary.

buy the game, mess with it for a few hours, shelf it, come back, repeat. DO NOT BUY EXPECTING ANYTHING COMPLETE AND DONT GIVE KEEN GRIEF FOR IT THEY HAVE BEEN VERY UPFRONT
投稿日 1月27日.
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The pass for the upcoming DLC costs more than the base game.... Its already suffering the Steel Division 2 issue of most of the game is now PAID ONLY DLC. yeah love havving major contenders in the setting being locked behind paywalls! god i love modern gaming.

as far as controls, units, everything about this game is basically if you took BROKEN ARROW and simply made it ♥♥♥♥. clunky controls, weirdly always oversaturated graphics that look awful. the AI is either a cake walk or curb stomps you.

I only played one game with real players as i spent 20 min alone looking for matches getting kicked for being and i quote "new" "we know youll suck" in a puiblic lobby getting hit with "too low level" by multiple players and booted is just toxic.

for being a strategy game this game has the most ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ community inside the actual game itself. just unnecessarily rude, toxic, very unwelcoming in general. ill be waiting for broken arrow.
投稿日 1月19日.
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