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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3.3 hrs on record
Posted: 7 Nov, 2024 @ 2:46pm

Early Access Review
The main premise of the game is having a realistic feel to it.

1. The Enemy AI is very stupid.
-While trying to rush the Player, they have Set paths to take, while this might work if you set up 100
diffrent ones, the AI here just stacks up into group of 3 or 4 and just run towards the Player.
-When the Player just tires to get to the Objective, the enemy AI will try to hinder him, this seems logical,
yet the AI does this, by just spawning in. I had situations where the Enemy just spawns infront of me, or
even in rooms/buildings i allready cleared.

2. Allied AI might be even more retarded.
-The Allied AI seems not to understand Cover, the Player has the Abitlity to use move markers for the AI to
run to, while this is cool and can be used for Tactical gameplay, here they just run into the circle that the
marker provides, the circle goes through walls, so they will run somewhere in that area. even if its behinde
the wall you WANTED them to take cover in.
-They will also sometimes ignore you while youre Injured, just to see an AI mate get injured and bumrush
towards them to save them.

3. Gunplay
-The Weapon of the Player will ALLWAYS be on low ready, this ofc means that the only way to shoot is by
using the Sights or a weird way of looking over them, feels bad.
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