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Análises recentes de Karmamell

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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
7.5 hrs em registo (0.4 horas no momento da análise)
Okay this is exactly what i wanted :D

The game can be a bit derpy at times due to the bugs, but you can see the detailed simulation that is behind every patient, I'm probably going to sink a couple of weeks into this, can't wait :)
Publicado a 6 de Fevereiro.
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39.4 hrs em registo (2.0 horas no momento da análise)
I'm going to have a lot of fun with this :) Oxide games really went all out with Content creation here; there are so many resources, bonuses and places to slot in Items that I'll probably be playing multiple runs before I'll start getting tired.

I really like the Idea of using prestige to determine how successful a nation is, I really hope it makes everything a lot more peaceful and doesn't encourage constant warfare, every 4X game always has the Issue that bashing peoples Heads in is one of the most effective ways to win. I'll return after I have played more to update this review and see if that's the case.

Even though I really like the game, I have some constructive feedback to offer to Oxide Games:
- performance could use some work (occasional minor frame drops when zooming in and out, and I'm playing on a 3080 Ti)
- some quality of Life improvements for the UI are still needed:
  • Must Have: The Core Gameplay is essentially swapping back and forth between many different production buildings, I think the production building overview definitely needs to show you a summary over what slots each building has, which extra resources you are putting into each recipe, AND (most importantly) it should allow you to adjust all that without having to switch into the detailed view of every single building.
  • Must Have: The same should also be the case in the City overview. being forced into each buildings detailed view breaks the UI flow and makes it difficult to keep an overview
  • Should have: A Warning should show up BEFORE Cities consume a new Amenity Resource (or at least allow me to set an amenity to "only consume one of these". This would prevent me from wasting expensive Amity resources in the early game
  • Should have: Not being allowed to deploy reserves into a City (even if that City is your only City) when it is under attack seems like a strange choice, it seems like it may quickly cause a situation where you can get surprised and overwhelmed by the AI without being able to react (almost happened to me in my tutorial game)

Publicado a 25 de Setembro de 2024.
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165.5 hrs em registo (154.7 horas no momento da análise)
I wish I could Upvote this game Twice. I loved it when it came out, and I have been blown away by the amount of Free updates that provide significant Gameplay improvements... all made by (mostly) one guy apparently.

Well done!
Publicado a 27 de Agosto de 2024.
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26 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
6 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
118.8 hrs em registo
Amazing game, but please hire a UI/UX Artist, your UI looks like crap :P
Publicado a 18 de Agosto de 2024.
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13.3 hrs em registo
Análise de Acesso Antecipado
I like this game, it feels smooth to play, the unit pathing is excellent for what I assume is a relatively low budget RTS, and the Resource management and constant risk-reward strategerizing feels very well balanced. It is a worthy Rival to they are billions!

Regarding the "recently" added story though: I haven't gotten very far, because at some point the levels start getting hard enough that you occasionally lose, and the frequent UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES are horrible. (at least 2 months ago when i last played.)
Publicado a 18 de Agosto de 2024.
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135.3 hrs em registo (134.2 horas no momento da análise)
I don't feel like I can say anything here that wasn't already said by many others before: well done, this game is amazing!
Publicado a 18 de Agosto de 2024.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
32.2 hrs em registo
Summary: Work in Progress, with many Good Ideas. The Game doesn't necessarily need more Features, just more content.

I've played 3 Campaigns so far (only completely finished one, the others were ended early because I was snowballing and getting bored).

Lets break the Features down:

The Points, or "Experience" System is a nice take on abstracting the resources available to a Civilization, and they would be the main way of making your Civ feel Unique. Unfortunately, you only have a limited pool of things that you can do with each Type of Experience, so past the early game you will always be able to build Experience-gathering buildings of every type, turning into a generalist empire that was exactly the same as the ones that you played before.

The "Unique" ages are not as unique as I was hoping: Each Age basically just seems to have a unique resource type, and a reskinned building from the "Standard" ages which helps utilize or create that resource. They still break the game up, but not as much I'd like. One exception here would be the Age of Plague, which can really devastate your empire if you don't prepare properly. This is a bit of a noob trap, since the game doesn't communicate how to deal with/prepare for an age of plague, which is probably also why many people are complaining about it, but I welcome anything that forces players to take a different route

The Resource System is the best example for a system that desparately needs more content: There are tons of resources that are just dead ends. The best example here is Olives: In the early game, you get a building to turn olives into cooking Oil (which is super valuable for the early game), and then... nothing. Fish is even worse: There are empire types which specialize in producing massive amounts of fish by creating mobile fishing ships, but in the end fish is consumed for a tiny bit of food, and is never processed into anything else. Ther are positive examples though: Flax can not only also be turned into cooking Oil, but it can alsobe turned into Cloth, which can be further improved into Textiles and Clothing, increasing its value with every step. These Dual-use resources are the cornerstone of an interesting resource system. (if you want a perfect example, look at against the storm: Every resource there can be used for different things, and every resource can be created from one of several other resources. It creates a web that allows players to get creative with how they want to specialize their economy.
I assume that a lack of interesting resources is a result of not having enough time to fully stock the game up with content, and if C Prompt Games wants to continue devlopment with future updates, I would recommend this as the cheapest and most effective place to start.
This might need a slightly improved UI though, because currently you cannot decide which resources get turned into what other resources meaning if you have 1 sawmill and 1 paper maker in a city and only 1 wood to feed them with, you cannot decide whether the paper maker or the sawmill gets the wood.

Finally Combat: Combat is really not that great, it mostly involves units running into each other with the player having no agency apart from initiating the fight. Endless Space 2 has a similar system, but there they at least let the player decide which of their units goes into which "lane" of combat, and they lat the player decide on strategies that determine the range at which each lane fights. Also, the Cinemtic fights in ES2 look gorgeous while the fights in Millenia look like crap. Mostly, the fights just come down to the following: Armies with generals beat armies without generals, and sometimes the AI leaves armies running around that consist only of ranged units, so you should try to snipe those. Apart from that -> more stats = more winning.

The the graphics: usually I'd say that graphics aren't very important to me as long as the gameplay is interesting, but millenia really makes you appreciate Games like Civ 6 or Victoria 3 for their excellent UI. Half of the UI Elements in Millenia still look like Dev UI and the whole colour palette is a desaturated Gray-White-Green, with most of the UI being an unadorned dark blue... it's kinda cold and uncomfortable, not the sort of thing that you want to look at for 15 hours straight when youre playing a campaign

These are a lot of points, so I'd like to summarize my personal priorities (if any C Prompt Community Managers or Game Designers are reading this :P)

1 - Most Important (Must Have): Get more content into your economy system - each resource should have multiple uses! (look at against the Storm for an interesting resource tree!)
2- Should have: Make the combat more interesting (Endless Space 2 is a good example of a few very simple features making the combat system much more compelling, without making everything super complicated)
3 - also Should have: Get a UI Artist to go over your game. You don't need to change any functionality, but adjusting some Fonts and adding the occasional color transition can go a long way.
4 - Nice to have: Add more content to your Ages. You had a couple good Ideas with the Age of plague and the Age of Heroes, I'd like more things that actually make the ages feel distinct. (knock players out of their comfort zone by forcing them to change direction, and then give them the tools to change direction)
Publicado a 18 de Agosto de 2024.
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5.1 hrs em registo
Fun Concepts, incomplete Execution, Horrible UX.

The game has some fun Ideas, but has completely unnecessary barriers to entry. If you just want to create Sci Fi Spaceships in Creative Mode or aren't scared off by a lack of guidance, then you will enjoy this game. If you are expecting a polished experience that eases you in, forget it. Here is what I encountered within the first 10 Hours of playing (My Friend and I were playing on a Normal Difficulty Survival multiplayer Server together).

- The Inventory is tiny, with no early options to increase it. You basically end up running to a hole in the ground, drilling for 30 seconds, emptying your Inventory into a refinery -> repeating for 30 times until you have the resources to build one small thing. 10x Inventory size is a must.
- simply looking around while in Jetpack Mode tilts your character Model, causing nauseating changes in character alignment. No other game does this, I do not understand why it is the case in space engineers. (This seems like an incredibly easy fix, it seems like the devs just gave up on any Quality of Life improvements after their Beta)
- You can die by bumping into terrain when flying with the jetpack. On it's own this is okay, since you respawn quickly and can easily get your stuff, it just results in occasional unnecessary deaths, which can be a problem under certain circumstances:
- Multiplayer servers are on Experimental mode by default, with no clear way to disable it, causing instability Issues on some PCs
- The UI and UX is horrible. I found it impossible to tell which inventories are connected, and which inventories are accessible by other machines. Some Inventories are shown to the player but cannot be interacted with unless you switch to a different viewing Mode (you can see the Items that were produced by a refinery in the production Mode, but you cannot take those Items out. You have to switch to Inventory Viewing Mode first. There is no prompt telling you to do so)
- You have to join factions so others can access the machines you built. This is fine but will become a problem later:
- If you salvage the drop pod you landed in, your spawnpoint will be deleted. If you then die, your entire character will be deleted. You receive no warning upon Salvaging your drop pod
- If your character is deleted, then that character will no longer be in the faction they were in. This means if your character gets deleted, then other players in your faction will not be able to access the machines you built.
- If you respawn as a new character after your old one got deleted, you can spawn up to 60Km away from your old spawnpoint (way too far to be able to reach each other with early game tech)
Publicado a 20 de Abril de 2024.
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0.8 hrs em registo (0.5 horas no momento da análise)
It is currently not possible to rebind movement to Right Click, making the entire game incredibly jarring for anyone being used to a different movement set. I do not want to have to retrain my Muscle memory, especially if I am coming from league of legends or DOTA2, both of which use rightclick to move/attack.

I will remove the negative review and turn it into a positive one the moment this is changed.
Publicado a 26 de Março de 2024.
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241.9 hrs em registo (128.4 horas no momento da análise)
The Campaign Mechanics are broken, especially if they are on higher difficulties:
-The AI will just randomly declare war on you two turns after joining a war against a common enemy, you will recieve a "great Power" diplomatic penalty for owning 2 (!) Settlements, making diplomacy with other neutral factions nearly impossible.
-Allies will drag you into wars that gain them nothing but cost you your reputation, therefore resulting in an endless spiral with more declarations from other factions (some that dont even know you and are on the other side of the map, I had Averland and the border Princes declare War on me as the Wood elves at turn 30)
-Upkeep cost increases at higher difficulty levels will force you to only recruit the most effective of armies (a full stack of swordsmen with 5 crossbows for the empire, spammed spears and Tier 1 missiles for elven factions etc...), and will make it impossible for you to try out your fancy high tier Monsters and Elite Infantry.
-The AI will get massive public order and money bonuses, allowing AI factions to maintain 2 Elite stacks while only owning 2 Settlements and never having to worry about rebellions.
-The sieges are (as they have been since the release of WH1) terrible and unplayable: there is essentially only one map, no matter which factions settlements you are attacking (and there is no difference between attacking a max level Altdorf or Templehof or just attacking a level 3 Minor Settlement with walls)

Verdict: If you dont want to play on the higher difficulties and just want to see all the new and old factions fight each other, this Game and the expansion will be the right thing for you, but if you want to challenge yourself, then prepare to face 60 turns of unfairly aggressive, backstabbing and overfunded AI.
Publicado a 26 de Outubro de 2017.
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