Skyler, Big Boobs Connoisseur   Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada
I have a ♥♥♥♥ ton of games to play but I end up playing TF2.
I also do YouTube, comment before adding.

I really love reading manga.
I go off of a diet of pizza, Pepsi, and manga.

Been playing TF2 for almost 14 years now.

I really really f*cking hate Dota 2

fen was here (´v`) -10/21/20-

I like my boobs like I like my pancakes, nice, big, and round.

Bologna is just hotdog pancakes

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Qoutes that I found that are cool
Give a man or a woman just a little bit of power and they will say or do just about anything.

Not everyone gets the same version of me. One person may tell you I have an amazing soul. Another may tell you I'm a cold hearted a**hole. Believe them both. I don't treat people badly, I treat them accordingly.

People are like trees. The higher the branches grow toward the bright sky, the further the roots must stretch into the murky depths.

Just because you played better than someone is not as important as playing better than your previous self.

An honest enemy is better than a friend who lies.

The truth sounds like hate to those that hate the truth.

A phosphor once said to me: I may have no power to change the past but I can the future.

It is possible to make no mistakes and still lose, that is not a weakness that is life.

Even good leaders make poor choices, the best take responsibility for them.

You made enemies? Good, you stood up for something.

If everything was perfect, you would never grow and you would never learn.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest times if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Sometimes the questions are complicated and sometimes the answers are simple.

No matter how impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal.

Forgetting is like a wound, it may heal but it already left a scare.

A life without anything interesting in it isn't worth ♥♥♥♥.

Don't live life making excuses, the one making choices is yourself.

Attacking people with disabilities is the lowest display of power I can think of.

It’s difficult to win an argument against a genius, but it’s impossible to win a fight against an idiot”

No thief, however skilful, can rob one of knowledge, and that is why knowledge is the best and safest treasure to acquire.

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.

Humans fear what they can not see.

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.

A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author.

Physical wounds can heal. Emotional wounds never fully fade.

We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents

If you woke up tomorrow and your biggest problem was gone, how would you know? What would you see differently?

I am sorry that I don't know when to give up.

Different opinions are ok, so long as they are different in the same way.

When do you think a person dies? When a bullet from a pistol pierces his heart? No, when he is attacked by an incurable disease? No, when he eats a deadly poisonous mushroom soup? No, a man dies when people forget him.

Worry about the big things first and the little things will fall right into place

No true hero is born from lies

Tomorrow is another day, what will be, will be

There is always more then one important thing in your life, if, for any reason, you lose any of them, you will feel remorse

If you only think negatively, only bad stuff's going to happen. So just think positively.

You can't save anyone, yourself included, if all you do is lash out in hatred

It takes a strong man to deny what's in front of him. So when the truth is undeniable, you create your own

Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated

If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake

The funniest people are the saddest ones

The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, a man who does not ask is a fool for life

Silence is a true friend who never betray's

Attack the evil that is within yourself, rather then attacking the evil that is in others

Wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority

The most dangerous man is a man that wants to be left alone

It is easier to build strong children, then to repair a broken man

Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

The saddest part of life is when the person who gave you the best memories becomes a memory

Choosing not to fight doesn't make you weak

I think the most important thing, is to find the will of truth

Memory is not what the heart desires. That is only a mirror

A blade that cuts too well will either be avoided, or used until it breaks
My all time best steam review and my MvM drops in TF2 are below
I am the veteran reviewer for Sinical Network [www.sinicalanimenetwork.com] and our curator Life Needs a Little Sin feel free to follow us for reviews and more.

My all time best reviews

Persona 4

Sea of Stars

The Outer Worlds

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

My all time best visual novel reviews
Atri: My Dear Moments

Nekopara: Vol 1

Sutekina kanojo no tsukurikata

I previously was the head reviewer for Anime World Infinite.

There are many more reviews to come, the question remains, which ones shall be done first.

MvM drops that are cool and such!!
Tour 21: Aussie Frontier Justice
Tour 35: Aussie Rocket Launcher: Sold
Tour 44: Aussie Mini-gun: Sold
Tour 52: Aussie Force of Nature: Sold
Tour 98: Aussie Force of Nature: Sold

I used to be one of the head admins for Kotatsu Lounge.
I was an admin for Lumine's Stars, server disband
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I get the cover of the next Street Fighter for this, right Capcom? Right?

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (UMvC3) is a very special fighting game for me because I played this game a ton as a kid and thanks to a good friend of mine, I was gifted the game allowing me to relive my experiences of this game all over again. This game comes with all of the DLC characters, nine new stages, and gameplay updates.

Pros and Cons
  • Very fun 3v3 fighting game with flashy combos
  • A total of 50 characters for you to play as
  • Tons of replayability
  • Really nice soundtrack
  • Beautiful graphics that make the stages very special

  • Online is mostly dead

UMvC3 is a 3v3 fighting game where you can pull off some flashy combos to take out your opponents. You can tag out to switch out to a different character on your team at any point in the game and while one character is switched out, they will start to heal any damage they have taken in that round. You can also make one of your team members attack your opponent to help deal more damage. However, you have to be careful as they can be attacked and will take increased damage if they are.
During battle, you can activate an ability called X-Factor, which is a speed and damage boost for your characters. The duration will vary between each character, and it will be more powerful depending on if the player has one of two partners KO’ed. It can only be activated once per match but besides increasing damage and speed, it will also heal you, cancel specific moves to extend combos, or turn the tables if you are losing a match.

There are a total of 50 characters for you to play as and they each have their own unique move sets and gimmicks for you to use in battle. There are a ton of team combos for you to make and utilize in the game. UMvC3 has a lot of depth to it as you yourself will have to learn at least three characters in the game. This adds some complexity as you have to know what is special about each character since this is not a fighter where you are playing as just one character. You have to learn at least three of them and because of this, I think UMvC3 has a lot of depth to its gameplay.
Now in terms of characters, I am more familiar with the Capcom lineup, as I am not too interested in superheroes as a whole. That being said, there are a lot of characters that I do enjoy playing as. For Capcom, I like playing as Zero, Spencer, Amaterasu, Dante, and Vergil, who can pretty much destroy a team on level 3 Xfactor if given the chance. I love it that Lei-Lei is in the game from Darkstalkers but she is sadly the worst character in the game.

For Marvel, I actually liked playing quite a few characters, including Dr. Strange, Doctor Doom, Taskmaster, Super-Skrull, Dormammu, and Deadpool. I find it very nice that a lineup of characters I am not too familiar with ended up having some of my favorite characters to play as, which is something I like.

There is an arcade mode where you will go through a series of matches to get to the final boss of the game, that being, Galactus. Whoever gets the last hit on Galactus, you will get that character's ending, so let's say you have a team of Zero, Taskmaster, and Dante. Dante gets the last hit in Galactus, you will get Dante’s ending and his ending only. You have to go through arcade mode again to get Taskmasters and Zero’s ending. This may seem tedious, but I think it’s the opposite actually because this gives the game a ton of replayability and lots of single-player content.

The only con I would give for the game is that online is dead for the most part, although there is a Discord server where you can find people who want to play the game online. So, there is a community out there that wants to keep the game alive, plus the pro tournaments have some of the most fun matches I have seen.

The soundtrack for the game is actually really good and I was surprised to know that since I played when I was younger, I guess I just never realized it. My favorite theme in the game has to be Vergil’s theme, which is just a remix of his second boss theme from Devil May Cry 3.

Graphics and Performance
The graphics for UMvC3 are beautiful and are very colorful, making the areas feel special. I tested the game on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, AMD Ryzen 5 1500X Quad-Core Processor 3.50, and 16 GB of RAM, I experienced no issues while I was playing, and the game ran really well.
Final Verdict
I was really happy that I was able to play Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 again as it brought memories back from when I was younger. It’s good to know that the fun I had in the game has not died down and the nostalgia factor for when I was younger is still there. I may not be too good at fighters, but I can say that even if you are just trying to play the game casually, there is a lot to the game to honestly enjoy.

Give me six months and 99.999.99 and I'll make some quality reviews at Life Needs a Little Sin
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10.9 Hours played
Anno: Mutationem is an intriguing game that I personally enjoyed even more than I expected. The game mixes environments in a 2D and 3D setting while exploring which I found to be very cool and creative. There is quite a bit for me to explain in this review, but I will go into detail with my experiences while I was playing.

Pros and Cons
  • Interesting story with lots of mystery
  • References from other games
  • Fun hack-and-slash gameplay
  • Lots of weapons for you to get and use
  • Tons of side quests to do
  • Beautiful pixel art style

  • Parts of the story were forgettable
  • Enemies sometimes end up being sponges halfway into the game
  • The ability to weapon switch is too slow
  • Level design near the end of the game suffers
  • There is a glitch with changing costumes

The story starts with Ann Flores who is on a mission to find N540 to help cure her Entangleitis. Along the way, she finds out that her brother Ryan, has gone missing and she must now go and find her throughout the many cities he has been to. While also getting help from her best friend and hacker Ayane Misuno.

The story for Anno: Mutationem is really interesting, it has some moments with it that do make it shine and the characters are very lovable. Some of them I wish got more screen time as their designs were flashy and had some nice moments. I even loved the references that were shown in the game that were cameos to other games. You can find Jill from Va-Hall at the bar where Ann’s sister works, which I thought was a very nice touch.
That being said, I do feel that there were parts of the story that were forgettable. This is due to the fact that some moments felt like filler and just were not worth remembering. It’s kind of sad that this is the case as I do think the story is very interesting in it’s own way. There is not much for me to really explain on the story, so you have to take my word for it on this one.

Anno: Mutationem is a hack and slash platformer, along the way you will face off against enemies where you can use your weapons to take them out. You have your light attacks, heavy attacks, and a gun to use at your disposal. Along the way, you can find other weapons to use, but you can also find material to make weapons. You can also upgrade the weapons themselves so they can do more damage or give them a passive ability by using microchips.

Ann can also transform into this super form, it’s like Dante’s Devil Trigger from Devil May Cry. She will do increased damage, is faster, and will heal any damage she has taken, this form is very useful for taking out bosses and when you are overwhelmed with enemies.

My favorite weapon to use in the game are the twin blades, they aren’t the most damaging weapon to use but they are fast and do long combos that will deal a ton of damage. The gameplay is very fun, and I really enjoyed slashing enemies. There are a ton of weapons and guns for you to collect throughout the game, it really depends on what you want to use and how you use it. This is something I really like about the game, the freedom to customize your character.

The game even has a skill tree that you can use to help upgrade certain stats or give you new abilities to help you in combat. You will need skill points to get these upgrades of course, you can get them from defeating bosses or taking out enemies. There is also a parry system, although I never used this until like the later parts of the game as I forget it was even a thing for a time.
There are also a ton of side quests for you to go out and do, and they all have their own unique ways of doing them. You will be rewarded for doing these quests, so I recommend doing them if you are someone who enjoys side adventures in games.

While Anno: Mutationem is a fun game, I can’t deny that there are a few issues with the gameplay. The first issue I had is that some of the enemies or bosses can get really tanky sometimes, to the point where you can’t really do much damage to them. Some of them and mostly bosses, will have sheilds that you have to get through before you do any real damage to them.

There are also times where I wish there was a quick switch for your guns that you used, you can get your hands on a few different guns but there is no way to do a quick switch with a button press. However, I should note that there is an option where you can hold down the right stick on the controller to get a weapon wheel up and you can then switch weapons that way. Although I prefer to have a button that would switch the weapons faster.

The level design near the end of the game also suffers as well, the platforming in the game is not fun and getting through that part of the game can be a slog. One of those moments that I honestly did not like about the game. Also, there is a glitch where switching costumes are also bugged, I believe this was patched but I have never tested it as mine was stuck on this one outfit, and I never changed it.

Graphics and Performance
The pixel art style that the game has is very beautiful and the areas that the game has are very detailed and feel alive. I tested the game on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, AMD Ryzen 5 1500X Quad-Core Processor 3.50, and 16 GB of RAM, the game ran very well with no issues and should be able to run on low-end computers.
Final Verdict
Anno: Mutationem is a very fun game that I really did enjoy for it’s gameplay and story. The game is at least 10 hours long with lots of side content for you to enjoy in the game so there is lots to enjoy with it. The game is 28.99 CDN at full price and I feel that the game is worth it at that point for the amount of content that you can get. Although if you are a bit skeptical, then waiting for a sale is always fine.

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Don't let anyone take advantage of your kindness and generosity 🎁🌷🌼⏰. People often forget how fortunate they are to have you in their lives 🙈, and before they know it, you'll be gone, leaving no trace of the positive impact you had on them 🎵🎧🎥💍. Remember, you're a precious gem 💎, and don't be surprised when they realize too late what they've lost in their lives 💀🐁.