Tyler   United States
this website pisses me off, everyones always like “space is so cool!” not its not, space is bullshit and i hate everything about it, i genuinely just saw the phrase “a black hole with a mass two billion times the mass of the sun” im so pissed off, shut the fuck up, dont patronise me scientists you know i dont know what the fuck that means, my sad little brain cant comprehend the mass of one sun let alone two fucking billion, i cant even count past 10 without getting confused and youre out here talking about the mass of two billion fucking suns, shut the hell up. and dont even get me started about black holes or the expansion of the universe because thats another two seperate rants entierly. oh and apparently theres a planet made of ice except the ice is also on fire??? yeah sure fucking thing, scientists. and this is just the shit i know about. i purposely dont research space because it pisses me off so much, god knows what other fucking bullshit exists out there that ive yet to read a fucking wikipedia article about. i dont think space is real, literally everything about space is so fucking fake, this is just some elaborate fucking practicle joke. two billion times the mass of the sun, fuck you
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Chugulord 2 Jun, 2017 @ 1:59pm 
you got me bro hax confirmed
Pr0xy 5 May, 2017 @ 5:10am 
This kid is a blatant hacker. I believe he is hacking for the following reasons:

1. His bullets do more damage than mine
2. I didn't know he was there and he shot me when I wasn't paying attention
3. He always seems to not die when I am shooting at him, I NEVER MISS because I am the greatest CS:GO player of all time
4. He knifed me once
5. I lost the match and he caused me to derank
6. I did better than him during warm-up, so he clearly toggled on mid-match
7. His USP-S killed me in 1 shot despite me unloading my Glock in his general direction

Together, as a community, we need to band together against this type of behavior. It isn't right for a person like this to be able to win a competitive game that I deserved to win. Rest assured, my dad works at Valve and will have his account banned.