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Reseñas recientes de ChaoticBrim

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72.2 h registradas (67.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Besides the gooner content that we all came here for, the game plays really well, like base PSO2 style gameplay.

Character customization does feel a little limiting, I feel I've ran into a few people now with looks the same as mine. So possibly adding more Dye colors (Purple, Orange, Cyan, ect), hairtypes, and eye color. Possibly adding a vanity slot of glasses or any other facial accessories for the future (like a bandana/scarf) would help a lot. Would love to wear the witch hat with glasses as an example.

Realizing that the game is still in Beta, but there is a lack of weapon diversity, I feel possibly adding 1 more weapon type for Dex and Mind users.

For Mind users a spellbook that overall improves your spells. Cast time reduction, dmg, mana cost, whatever feels fit. Could be anything, so you wouldnt have to rely on Alacrity to spell spam. A possible idea of binding a skill to the spellbook to make it a weaker version for M1 attacks where the charged attack would be the full version of the spell, but have a hefty mana cost. (I feel however this could be overpowered and would need a lot of balancing)

For Dex users I feel something with ammo, like a slingshot. rocks would be your Base ammo, but you could buy from Sally/shop different ammo types, like steelballs for improved damage, mini bombs for aoe, ect. It would however consume it everytime, so possible enchantments/skills could be a chance to not consume ammo, or replacing your ammo for something else for a few seconds. Would need to function differently enough from bows to warrant using either or.

Overall if you dont mind the furry bait/well endowments this game is honest to god really fun and easy to get into, mods are great, highly recommended looking into that. I feel some mods should become apart of the base game.

Can't wait for further updates! Making this review on beta build 1.6.0
Publicada el 17 de diciembre de 2024.
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122.6 h registradas (14.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Its just a better Overwatch
Publicada el 17 de diciembre de 2024.
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34.7 h registradas
Webkissing the homies goodnight
Publicada el 3 de diciembre de 2024.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
3,902.8 h registradas (3,812.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I can't even begin to describe how awful this game that I love so much, and have been playing since 2013 has become. It is absolutely insulting that valve keeps allowing doxing cheating aimbot Bots roam free without giving our current Dev (yes, 1 dev) any kind of support.

Enough is enough, Valve is fully capable of fixing these issues.
Valve needs to take responsibility for the Bots and the Doxxing under there IP.
Valve has a near bottomless income.
There are thousands of people who are just dying to work on tf2 because they have the spark of creativity and passion to keep the game going.

#FixTF2 #SaveTF2

♥♥♥♥ you valve, get off your asses and fix your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game.

We won boys and girls o7
Publicada el 3 de junio de 2024. Última edición: 1 de septiembre de 2024.
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22.1 h registradas (20.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
- Tee lopes is back with some hard bangers.
- Stages are pretty expansive with multiple routes. I can see why that would be a problem for some people, but even as a solo player it was nice to have options.
- Special stages are pretty fun. excluding one.
- Artstyle is pretty solid, love the vibrant colors and smooth animation.
- Trip is great, any new character is always a positive.
- Neat little references scattered around stages and seeing other characters interacting with the background really make every stage feel alive.
- Character specific stages is such a nice way to make the story flow together.

- Green emerald, god the green emerald, please, its not even a challenge, it's just unfair, it sucks out the desire to want to - 100% the game on multiple files. It's that bad.
- Jun Sunoue really didn't do a good job this time around, a lot of tracks done purely by him are pretty forgettable. Paired up with Tee lopes they make a stellar team but mainly carried by Tee Lopes.
- 80$cad, just for the base game itself does not seem worth it. I bought the pre order bundle and all I got was funni lego eggman? I was really hoping they would have added the cell shaded skins with this deal but I feel i'm being too hopeful.
- Cell shaded DLC not being available to all places, I do not understand this regional exclusive BS, it's such an old game company mindset when we live in 2023. And I really don't want to mod the game just so I can turn on a skin.
- I signed up for the newsletter modern amy skin, never received my code so I had to buy it myself. Even to this day I have yet to receive it. Which really ticks me off, it should have been provided at the very least during the week the game released.
- The main story bossfights are fine, some good even, however I cannot excuse the 3 final bosses, from the main campaign to "hard mode" and the final fight. All of them abysmal, the difficulty curve for a game marketed towards playing with friends is insane. Sega at the very least needs to re balance these last boosfights. Adding more rings to catch, less bs 1 hit kills, Something man.

To give credit where credit is due, the game honestly does look stunning. It is a shame we missed out a few ideas that sonic team had, but going forward with the series I can see why they went this route. I can especially be hopeful with all the skins coming out that there may be future dlc for sonic superstars, more skins, maybe more story mode, ect.

I can recommend this game to a sonic fan, 100%. You are going to have a lot of fun with this one, new character in trip, returning classic character in fang, new gimmicks with the emeralds, finding easter eggs and mapping out a route for the best times, I would just wait for a sale though.

However, as a non sonic fan/casual gamer I would just buy sonic mania instead, cheaper price, same feel, and a perfect recreation of the classics if you are looking to buy a "classic sonic game".

Post review edit: The final boss fight is absolute garbage and sega needs to rebalance it, it is completely reliant off rng if you can pickup any rings, at all before you get dragged into a forced fight sequence.
Publicada el 16 de noviembre de 2023. Última edición: 5 de octubre de 2024.
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639.9 h registradas (33.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Reseña de Acceso anticipado
I have more than 200+ hours off the Oculus PC app but can only make a review people would read here so here goes.

This game is a problem. From the Anti Cheat ruining Quest players, to children running around and being annoying using lewd avatars, and pedophiles having free range. Its just a massive problem, there needs to be a M rated tag on VR chat now.

parents should not be buying there kids a vr headset, cause it puts children at huge risk of being pedophiles prey, and for the people who just want to hang out children always ruin it.

If you're on a quest only, not running off Oculus PCapp or even VRdesktop its not worth your time. You wont be able to join PC worlds, see peoples PC avatars, you will have low frame rates, slow loading times. Its a mess.

I can only recommend this game for people with a friend group already and looking to hangout in private worlds. Public worlds are a mess to even find friends who like the same things that you do, like looking for a needle in a haystack, or moreso a grain of hay in a stack of needles.

I now have about 200 hours clocked in on steam so about 400 hours in total combined with Oculus app. Things are not better, in fact they're worse.

Kids still run rampant around public lobbies being extremely annoying to anyone they come across, same kids using horny 18+ avatars as a "joke".

People having public sex/acting out sexual interactions in front of everybody.

VR chat devs not really doing anything about any of this either. Bare bones tools to report people and simply saying block/mute them honestly doesnt cut it. It is very disturbing to see kids running around being horny cause it gets them attention, and all the public grooming thats happening, is just a mess. Please for the love of god do not get your kids a vr headset, we don't want to see them, and the only people who do are pedo's/groomers.

Please for the love of god make this game M rated or at the very least T rated. There is a lot of sexual avatars, most lobbies you join will have them, and then its a coin toss if its a child or a groomer using it.

I know making the game meant for adults doesnt get kids off of it, but at the very least, we could report the person for being a minor, and a lot of parents will turn there head at allowing them to download it.
Publicada el 2 de diciembre de 2022. Última edición: 7 de febrero de 2024.
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0.0 h registradas
Hello again my fellow Miners.

I am once again asking for another resupply.
Publicada el 28 de mayo de 2022.
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988.9 h registradas (778.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Such a timeless classic, I remember playing this back on my ps3 when Golem was the "final boss" of the game, and moving to pc to see so much more was added. This game has hands down got to be one of if not my most nostalgic games to ever play, I can still load up a new character, a new world, and have so much fun looting and fighting. I love being able to have a set class or go wild, the game feels so free for what you can do. I highly recommend this game to anyone that loves doing any sort of looting, exploration, bosses battles, and creative building.
Publicada el 30 de noviembre de 2020.
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12.1 h registradas (3.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Best 2D Puzzel Platformer ive played in so long, Artstile is so good along with enviromental shots, like backgrounds and those simple textures, animations for Robin are adorable, characters feel like they meen something! 10/10 i would def fill all the save slots and then play again.
Publicada el 21 de junio de 2018.
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