Sean   Fallon, Nevada, United States
It's Shelbob, not the other name.
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6.8 Hours played
Games should be an experience. The music to ensnare your senses. The story to keep you awake at night, during and after it unfolds before you. The art direction to open new vistas. The characters that inspire rage and admiration. Of course, this should unfold in a world that can make you feel poignantly: loneliness, awe, comradery...even annoyance. This should all be done intentionally and on purpose. The Dig is this type of game, created by craftsmen that love their work and their audience. Give the book a miss, but give the game a chance (something I thought I would never say in my entire life!). Be transported and above all, enjoy the ride.
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Great LAN party game - still!
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46 Hours played
If you are looking for a game in the spirit of Project Nomad, Privateer/Righteous Fire, Freelancer, and other sorts of space operas, where you can feel lonely exploring the darkest moons for derelict ships or frustrated seeking an ancient answer to modern horror - this is not that game. It is Skyrim and Fallout with a new skin. It's fun(ish), but in the end, not the space epic I'm looking for. I think I've seen this game a hundred times before with different skins and tile sets.
burks.jc 15 Jul, 2012 @ 7:37pm 
Pithy off.