Warlord Sieck
Alex Sieckmann   Nebraska, United States
Morality: Lawful Evil
I may be an a**hole, but at least, I am an a**hole with a stringent moral code!

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2,059 Hours played
Decided to post a positive review due to recent increased rate of updates and bug-fixes. Will update this to include a full review outlining both the positives and negatives soon.

We can all admit that Monster Hunter World had a rough launch. A lot of the graphical options didn't work right, the game would crash when alt-tabbing, low-res textures would appear regardless of your settings, constant disconnections, etc. After a few months of bugfixing and update releases, this game has gotten MUCH better.

A lot of the bugs have been stomped out plus they are finally, actually doing the "accelerated release schedule of DLC" now. Steam just got Lunastra on November 22nd, quickly followed by the Winter Festival update on the 30th, and now Steam is FINALLY getting Behemoth on the 21st of December. All that is left is the last 4 archtempered monsters and then PC is caught up with the Paystation 4 and the Xboner. That means whatever Capcom is announcing in a few days on the 10th of December, 2018, (Expansion PLEASE) will probably be released after PC catches up to the Dude Bro Consoles.

Mechanically speaking, this is EASILY the most polished and refined Monster Hunter yet. Movement is still a little clunky, but it's miles better than the utter jank that was moving in the older Monster Hunter games. Animations ranging from running to attacking with any of many, many types of weapons have all been improved and look much more immersive, believable and have far more of a satisfying punch to them than in previous entries. The Slinger is also an excellent addition to the franchise. It allows you to bascally swing around certain parts of the environment like Spoderman giving that there is a Wedge Beetle to latch onto. Hit-boxes are still wildly inconsistent, but thankfully, none of them never reach the absurdity of the Plesioth 'Hip-check' of the older games.

EDIT: I'll update this review once Iceborne is out for PC
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Artorias 19 Jul, 2018 @ 1:46am 
A generic comment.