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kayıtlarda 21.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 9.4 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Simply put. It's good! There's no "ending" as of yet but there's a LOT to do and explore as is. If you enjoyed old dungeon crawlers of the 90s, you should love this one. Plus, it's like $7.
Yayınlanma 11 Nisan 2023.
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kayıtlarda 265.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 10.6 saat)
The only problem with Elden Ring is that it suffers from stuttering on on high load demands such as entering a new area. Others report far worse, but I can't say Iv had any other problems so far.

Other than that, it's what Id consider a must play for anyone that is a fan of From or the other Souls/Borne games. 10 hours in just exploring and I haven't stopped seeing new sights yet.
Yayınlanma 25 Şubat 2022.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 1,990.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 73.6 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
It's simply a very easy way for a non social nutjob to enjoy spending time with other people instead of watching YT videos all day.

Lots of folks to meet. Plenty of game worlds to play in. The odd jerk. And it's honestly a really fun game all for free. Even if you don't own a VR system, VRchat is well worth playing for multiple reasons. Just keep an eye on a clock or you will quickly find several hours have gone by.
Yayınlanma 18 Ağustos 2020.
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5 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 3.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1.7 saat)
I have been playing MMX games since they first launched. MMX 1 I know nearly 100% by heart and have played through it countlless times in almost as many versions. But this version feels all wrong.

Sticking to MMX 1 as I know it best and the entire game feels like I am fighting against myself to control it. Simple jumps are troublesome for starters. Trying to dash has me running into most everything before I can react and trying to jump dash often fails. Trying to shoot things by spam or holding charged shots while jumping/dashing as well feels completely wrong.

Nothing feels right in how this version of MMX 1 controls. It isn't FPS, it isn't SNES slowdown, all I can think of is some kind of input lag. What ever it is, this is ruining the game 100% and if MMX 1 feels wrong then the others likely are just as bad.

Something is wrong with these games and I just can not recommend them at all in this condition.
Yayınlanma 24 Temmuz 2018.
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377 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
30 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 573.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 4.9 saat)
Is it perfect? No. Is it fun? Bloody hell yes.

This game isn't going to be for everyone. Odds are you ARE going to be helpless as a suvivor. That's the point. Survivors are suppose to be helpless against a Killer. As a suvivor you don't play to win games, you play to survive them. And as a Killer you play to do one thing and only one thing, kill. If you don't like being helpless against an unstopable Killer IF he finds you, then odds are you aren't going to like Dead by Daylight. But if you are smart. Then either the Survivors or Killer can turn the odds in their favor to make fools out of the other.

-Playing as a slasher flick killer. 3 of them with more in the works.
-Being a victim of a slasher flick. Escape death with skill, maybe just dumb luck, or die in soiled pants.
-4v1 gameplay that goes extra lengths to make each side stand apart from the other.
-Great use of sounds for information.
-RNG tile based maps. 1-2 landmarks per map will aways be in the same places, but everything else will change every game.
-Games last 10 minutes on average.

-Some model bugs like rarely seeing your own hair/eyes as a Killer or some janky movement with Killers interacting with suvivors.
-Balance. One Killer is weaker than the other 2. Windows close together can make near 100% safe zones for survivors depending on a few things. Some perks are rather annoying, maybe a touch OP.
-Games have no timers. If someone wants to waste your time, they can if they are good enough.
-No communication. It is impossible to talk to each other without 3rd party chats like Steam, Teamspeak, Skype, ect.
-Making a lobby as a Killer can take up to 10 minutes to fill. Not from player counts mind you. Either another bug or a waiting list with strict "first come, first filled" rules.

In short-

For $20 you are going to get one hell of a fun game! Just note that it might not be for everyone as not everyone can handle playing as victims who are by design made to be helpless more often than not.
Yayınlanma 17 Haziran 2016.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 5.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1.8 saat)
It has problems. A Japan made console game ported to PC LONG after the fact. It is a very rare thing for that not to have problems.

But once those problems are delt with, the game shines in all its niche glory. Just be certain you have the hours on hours needed.
Yayınlanma 25 Şubat 2016.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 6.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.0 saat)
The game came with my gtx 980. It hard crashed my PC in 11 minutes. Not a game crash, a PC killing hard crash.

Keeping this a negative review even if the game gets fixed. And that is a big if according to what Iv been reading.
Yayınlanma 16 Temmuz 2015.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 617.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 610.5 saat)
I gotta vote no on this.

When it came out the game was great for a while. Questing was good, story wasn't bad, loot wasn't great, but it had good gameplay overall. Back then I would have recommended it easy from great looks, good gameplay, and more but ONLY if you became a paying member. F2P in this game is ♥♥♥♥, just ♥♥♥♥ in limiting what you can do. Then after I hit the then lavel cap of 50 (55 now that I think takes as much XP as the whole 1-50) the game ran into a brick wall on grinding. And I mean a dead stop till you put hours on hours on hours of grinding into just about anything.

To make the grind worse, it isn't a PvE grind for the most part. The grind is making you wait in an animation unable to do anything else but talk in chat to get mats, craft the mats into gear, then craft that gear into higher gear up to 6 times, and then in the case of weapons and armor you can be forced to start anew thanks to RNG in many forms wasting all that time and effort. RNG can not only fail to crit on each crafting step meaning you will have to regrade gear later for huge gold costs at the risk of breaking the gear. The gear can RNG into a type that's not even of use for your build or be unuseable in crafting higher tiers. To add to all of that, PvE gear that can be got by grinding mobs/bosses is often better than crafted gear till the last few teirs where RNG is at its worst so trying to get gold back out of failed RNG by selling it is hell.

Also once you hit the level cap, or at leat 50, you loose things to do but PvP, farm mats, or do the same trade runs over and over again. I quit many months ago because there was nothing to do but mindless PvP filled with CC and stunlocks locks. The game doesn't even give you a reason to PvP. Plus even though it is a faction v faction game, green players can bloodlust to kill you at their will without any risk or penelty while keeping all the gains of your trade packs. That makes the community nothing but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, no trust at all outside of you own guild and even they can can kill you if they want. Why bother with faction v faction when the game plays like a free for all?

Beyond the above. Trion has shown a will to ruin the game economy at any time they want. 2-3 times I can recall Trion added a cash shop item that flat out ruined game balance. Thunderstruck Trees was THE item to have in game at launch as it let you build ships and vehicles. Uou had to spend DAYS to get a CHANCE at ONE of those trees thanks to needing to plant 100s and 100s of trees in the world each taking gold and up to 2 real life days to grow on top of them taking so much space you had to plant them in unprotected land meaning you had to fight to defend them from uprooters the thiefs. IF you have the 1/1000 crit at the stage change in a tree, anyone could have walked up and taken the TS tree for free. So you have to learn exact times of th stage chages as well as shift you life around them to be online then WHILE fighting others how would take it from you. Those trees cost well over 1300 gold EACH. Then Trion let players buy a sapling that had a 1 hour grow time and a 10% TS chance who also game high end crafting mats if didn't turn TS. That market dropped faster than anything I could have thought possible. Then Trion did it again with a bear mount. THE rarest mount in the game who would take months to years to earn from RNG on RNG on RNG and more gold than one can count. Trion put another version of the Bear mount on the cash shop and it killed that market. To make that worse the cash shop bear could also be upgraded into the the exact same top tier Bear as the one you had to spend months on.

A week or so ago I reinstalled and played for maybe an hour or 2. Not a damned thing has changed but more grinding was added. I got the return gift with that water mount and all the goodies and it was what drove me back to give AA another try. It failed HARD in my opinion as there was nothing of worth added in the game.

600+ hours of my life into this game. It started good but I do not recomment anyone else to play AA from the grind alone as well as pointless PvP. Looking back I should have quit much sooner than I did.
Yayınlanma 29 Mart 2015.
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