Clarksville, Tennessee, United States
If you are in need of my help for a PC / Game issue feel free to message me or comment below. :steamhappy:
Not my art. Created with permission from Thomas, Kards dev and owner of this art. Link to original artwork:
建立者 - Half life Expert
Guide to Getting Images into Command Image Folder, by thewood1. Converted to Steam Guides by Half Life Expert See the disclaimers section of this guide. A lot of people seem to have issues with getting the image, and scenario, packs from the website into t
已遊玩 51 小時
If you are a fan of turn based strategy and tactics war games stop reading this NOW and go buy this game without delay . Having now spent many decades playing turn based war games and enjoyed the time spent doing so.
Hell , my first game of this type I ever played was ran on a a system and OS I doubt most all of you have ever even heard of much less played on ( Well those of you under the tender age of roughly 45 or so) . We called it KITCHEN TABLE , and it took hours to get loaded and set up to run , stacking hundreds of little square card board tiles the size of a dime and going by a OOB list printed in a font size that a EAGLE would require glasses to read simply slowed down the systems we had at the time to a crawl. The dreaded " CLEAN THAT SILLY MESS UP, DINNERS ALMOST READY " VIRUS was rampant and struck when and where it pleased and simply did not care about your Firewall at all ! :)

I have played countless war games on a PC . Starting with my Radio Shack TRS 80 till my days with the Commodore 64 days and on to the Massive Rigs we have today , less than 10 of the thousands I have played came close to giving me the level of enjoyment, fun, and challenge I find in playing UoC II . It is a MASTERPIECE in a genre/class that has seen its fair share of EPIC titles, and in my opinion has no PEER ( CURRENTLY) among its contemporaries .

It is not a GRIGSBY type ULTRA REALISTIC RIVET COUNTER and does not try or want to be , but offers a level realism and designed it will appeal fans of Gary and his work , all while being readily accessible to e the most casual War Game player as well. . It gives the player a mixture Authenticity of Era , Realism, and FUN so well blended , and adds to this game play mechanics easily learned, yet will take no small amount of time to master. All presented to the eye in a much modernized version the originals games graphical style the was lauded and praised by both players and critic alike .

The effort put forth from 2X2 HQ in this title is apparent right from the start. The title should appeal to the casual War Gamer , the average player of the genre, and Grognards' too ! ( Once they have spent the proper time lecturing us on a random Unit and its image used in the game being utterly wrong , that Unit had a 6 lug nut rim not a 5 lug nut rim ! ) :wowpindagame: lol ..
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] 2024 年 9 月 15 日 上午 2:22 
:peacedove: Enjoy Your Sundays :peacedove:
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] 2020 年 11 月 15 日 上午 12:17 
Always try to stay strong Stonedog, even when everything seems to go wrong at times. I've been there a lot lately too, yet it defines us who we truly are in the end which matters most regardless of how many struggles you'll have to face in your natural life. :peacedove:
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] 2020 年 11 月 15 日 上午 12:07 
:charm: Have a Blessed Sunday :charm:
Stonedog 2020 年 11 月 9 日 下午 3:15 
Oh , You can not possibly imagine how much your kind gesture means to me right now, a better timed one could not have been made ! :CheersAle:
Stonedog 2020 年 11 月 9 日 下午 3:10 
Thank you my friend, If I can recover a stolen cell phone , or rather just the pics of my Daughters 18th Birthday a week ago. It will be a top notch week indeed :) Still, as long as my eyes open each day, that is as good a start as I can ask for :) Hope you have one as well ! Cheers !
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] 2020 年 11 月 9 日 下午 2:02 
:charm: Have a great week :charm: