Half life Expert
Jacob Douglas   California, United States
I am an expert on everything with the Half Life Plot, Characters, enemies, weapons and tactics. This will not include Half Life: Alyx, as i cannot afford the several hundred dollars worth of equipment required to play it.... Thanks Valve...

I have memoized the entire layout of all the HL games ranging from HL1 to HL2 Ep2. That includes Op force and Blue Shift. That doesnt include Portal, yet. Feel free to ask any questions. Ask me a question by posting a comment. i will respond by ether posting a response here or on ur steam ID page. I can't answer who the G-Man is, but i can tell you what is known about him. For good info visit the link i have provided. Also watch the 2 Youtube links i provided they are really good. With the new Screenshot feature, you can post a pic of somthing you need help with or have a question about pertaining to the HL series.

I am also a major Total War player, owning every game from Rome I to Attila, also greatly enjoy some wargames, like Panzer Corps, the Ultmate General series, and Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations

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Favorite Guide
Created by - Half life Expert
This Guide is intended for players that are ether new to , or are considering buying, Command Modern Operations. My intention in writing this guide is to help you understand what it is you are getting into, and offer some more insight into the game than th
Mr Noseybonk 16 Mar @ 4:25pm 
Know what you mean about HL series Isphone. HL2 still seems to stand up graphically to games even today - in my subjective opinion at least anyway :steamhappy:
Isphone 23 Oct, 2024 @ 10:32pm 
Hi, I saw your profile on an old Black Mesa bug report forum post while researching something that happened on one of my HL1 runs (a non re-producible bug where the cannon floated off the first tank in surface tension) I thought I might drop a line and see where your hope levels are for Half Life 3, especially with all the buzz going around. Personally, I don't think HL3 is in current development. Half Life games, to me, are signals of highly polished technological breakthroughs. They become sort of must-play industry shaking disruptive technologies, which I love them for. That's why I believe there will be A HL3 someday, but not soon. If anything, maybe Episode 3 is cooking. But what do you think? I like to see a big Half Life fan sharing their knowledge. I'm a big Half Life fan myself.
Xtreme_Shoot 8 May, 2023 @ 9:22am 
19 June 2009 '' i agree its gonna be a great game '' and did! you damn right! Left 4 Dead 2 is Masterpiece Game! :steamthumbsup: :steamhappy: :steamthis:
SuperDuperRabbit 7 Mar, 2023 @ 8:32pm 
I'm adding you from impressions on your comment of SE5 update.
Naromi 30 Apr, 2022 @ 6:09pm 
Wow! I just looked at your guide with the recommend scenarios, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks so much!
Naromi 30 Apr, 2022 @ 6:05pm 

I'm a new CMO player and I've absolutely fallen in love with the game. I noticed you made a comment on workshop scenario I've been trying to complete "Senkaku Crysis, 2010".

You stated you liked the scenario and made an AAR on the Matrix Forums about it. (I looked and could not find it.). You said the scenario is a good one for beginners. I've been playing through a lot of the scenarios by difficulty and man, I keep getting my butt handed to me on this scenario and was hoping I could maybe get some tips or pick your brain a little. I sent you a FR here on steam.
