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Recent reviews by Bob of Mage

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161.3 hrs on record (150.0 hrs at review time)
Sadly this is one of the few games on Steam where you get to command your own space ship and crew. You race to save the day while facing danger at every turn. I mean even when the people you meet aren't trying to kill, enslave or, rob you, they are on fire, or dying from some illness.

With all this risk there is a high chance of things going wrong. A pirate might get a lucky shot in on your life support system, or you might lose a crew member trying to defuse a space mine that you couldn't avoid. Of course every problem has a way around it, the issue is that you can only afford so many things on your tight budget. Every choice is a gamble.

However once you learn how things work you won't go for the really bad choices, and will only really be at the mercy of the RNG if you have really bad luck, or a really limited starting ship layout (up yours Engi B).
Posted 28 November, 2016.
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1,085.2 hrs on record (30.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Do you like games like Terraria and can deal with the issues that come with using beta software?

If yes than Starbound is worth a try for you, or any friend that would say yes as well.

For those who don't know what a game like Terraria or Minecraft is like I'll try my best to explain. You start with a tool to gather blocks, a weapon and some other supplies. You must dig, explore and loot fallen foe to get what you need to keep going (for one thing this game has a hunger meter which mean with out fresh food you die). As you get more and better stuff like iron armour or a gun, you can face bosses who act as checkpoints to better areas and crafting options.

This type of game is also fun with friend. Togather with some friends you can build almost any thing you can think of and have the time to finsh. It could be a fancy city, or just a tower from the ground to the edge of space.

Before you buy just remmeber this is in the beta stage right now so be prepared for random crashes and issues like the teleport not sending you down to the planet on the first ten tries.

Update: Starbound has gotten better from when I first tried. Now I can indeed beam down to planet on the first go. It's still a bit rough around the edges but it has indeed gotten better.
Posted 26 December, 2013. Last edited 7 June, 2014.
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