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Recenzii recente de Dracology

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Se afișează 91-98 din 98 intrări
9 oameni au considerat această recenzie utilă
69.3 ore înregistrate (61.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
What once was a really fun game that I put a lot of time into and finacially supported over the years has now been striken with "pay for better stats" lock boxes. The Devs, who had previously claimed there would never be any microtransactions and that previous DLC had funded the game developement for years to come, refuse to turn around on this issue.

Unsurprisingly, the same time they introduced this change they finally patched out the old exploits that had plagued the game for years. Said exploits would have made it possible to bypass the key system.. it finally became something worth fixing in their eyes when money was on the line.

There is nothing for you here now. If you've bought the game and can still qualify for a refund, best do so.
Postat 20 octombrie 2015.
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7.2 ore înregistrate
A very pretty game but one that doesn't really merit a purchase or the whole debacle that has been it's development.
Two kickstarters and several years in the making, Double Fine finally finished Broken Age after splitting it into two development cycles.

The first half of the game could be finished in 2 hours without much issue. The 2nd half was dragged out by really un-intuitive puzzles that seemed only to exist because people compained how easy Part 1 was. The solution they had was to require some rediculous trial and error and puzzles that had their solutions hidden in the other persons section of the game. sometimes the thing you needed to interact with really required almost no logical sense at all and had almost zero evidence pointing towards it that I can tell. I suppose this is true to old point and click adventure games, but that kind of logic probably was best left in the ancient era of Sierra games.

To re-interate how messy and nonsense the puzzles are in this game at one point you have to put a character in danger with very little hint that this is a thing you need to do. You have to do it for a while and even the character starts to discourage you towards the end, saying its time to stop. But if you stop you don't solve the puzzle, so you have to ignore common sense and everything the world and characters are telling you.

The characters constantly have to rely on knowledge they don't have and brush it off as "instict" that they figured it out after you found teh answer in the other persons story line. Sometimes you even have to do things that are presented as counter productive or perhaps make no real sense to do other than that you, as the player, are aware it needs to be done. And I don't mean stand on a pressure plate or pull a leaver. For a fictional example pretend a character of yours needs to stick a fork in a light socket to knock out the power. They as a character don't know hey need to do this. you as a player know that it will unlock a door down the block, but the character in this fictional example just sticks the fork in there and knocks themself out in the process 'because reasons'. They have no reason to want to do it, and its presented as being detrimental, but you know better. Maybe.

The truth is there isn't much to this game. It has some funny dialog but even that is in short supply, if you were hoping for Tim Schafer's prime material then this isn't it. Plotwise it's a mess. At one point a character actually brushes off a major plot relevation as "oh yeah, I think i knew that but I kinda forgot" They have to have forgotten for it to work out as a big reveal to you, but then it's immediately deflated by the presenting it as your character just being that dumb they somehow forgot about this.

The game being made in two parts will also be quite obvious as it is a glarring jagged scar in terms of gameplay. You will breeze through the first half, then have the second driving you crazy. The final puzzle in the game requires you to do everything perfectly or it all resets back even further than it needed too, and in reality there is no reason it needed to reset at all other than to pad out the game time.

As for the ending, with no spoilers, this game has no real ending. It just kind of stops. You solve an annoying puzzle, there is a cutscene which tries to be epic but in the end it just does.. nothing. You accomplish nothing, you resolve nothing, you get no reward, no explination, and no resolution. It just ends. It might as well just pop a link to another kickstarter page saying "Yeah we ran out of money again, plz donate" Because honestly it feels like they burned through their cash and decided they had to just end it there. NO ENDING FOR YOU.

All in all if you already owned the first half, well you have the game already, if you were waiting for both halves to come out before buying, I can't recommend it.
Postat 29 aprilie 2015. Editat ultima dată 29 aprilie 2015.
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6.9 ore înregistrate
Freedom Planet is an amazingly charming and fun psuedo Sonic clone that while has it's flaws is miles better than most recent entries into that series.

Also it has green catgirls kicking ass on motorcycles. Really how can I resist.
Postat 24 februarie 2015.
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It's a neat idea of a game with a lot of potential.. But the devs have decided they don't want to exploit it. The result is a look into what could have been a great game that's been abandoned and is now very very feature bare. If you can get it for really cheap it might be worth it. But were talking like a buck or two. This is not a game you wanna dump 15 dollars into. It's just not worth it content wise and function wise its very rough and cumbersome in areas.
Postat 18 februarie 2015.
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10.1 ore înregistrate (9.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This game excells at being tetchy BS with a poorly thought out UI system, mystifying controls and a constand demand for sudden precision using an inheriently imprecise control scheme.
Postat 21 iulie 2014.
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63.6 ore înregistrate (32.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
The game has potential but at its current state it's woefully incomplete even for an early access title. For something that focuses so heavily on exploration and multiplayer it lacks meaningful reasons to explore other than to get more ore and lacks even rudementary multiplayer tools like player join/leave messages, admin functions, or really anything other than the ability to group up and TP to each other. The random enemy feature proves to be more of a hassle than anything that makes the game more fun and the multitude of biomes might as well just be grasslands or ice for all the real variation you get in gameplay content. In its current state the game isn't really recommendable as it doesn't seem to be developing into anything really worthwhile.
Postat 4 ianuarie 2014.
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1.4 ore înregistrate
attempts to evoke a sense of nostalgia and show off RPG's as they developed, but is inconsistant and poorly programmed. Not picking up some seemingly optional, easily skippable chests will completely break the game the very next area you go to. Combat mechanics and interface jump around as well, going from action RPG to turn based level structured, then back to action RPG, with no reason or warning. Ultimately culimates in a disjarring experience where suddenly your stripped of something with no reason. Attempting to backtrack only results in more issues as well. Its also very short, and peteres out towards the end something hard.
Postat 19 iulie 2013. Editat ultima dată 1 mai 2015.
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179.4 ore înregistrate (149.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
If you don't already own this game, you fail. Simply fail. -july 30th 2011

over 6 years later this review still holds up.
Postat 30 iulie 2011. Editat ultima dată 23 noiembrie 2017.
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Se afișează 91-98 din 98 intrări