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Nedávné recenze uživatele Tomcat94

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31.3 hodin celkem
This is the most painful thumbs-down I've ever had to give for a game. The first hour of this game, especially if you grew up with the original game, is absolutely stunning and will give you chills from a hardcore nostalgia trip. If this was a review of just the first game, this would be a glowing positive review. Sadly, the mishandling of the other two games in this trilogy is an absolute travesty of what would otherwise have been the single greatest re-release ever made.

So you know, I went through and 100%-ed each of the original Spyro games on my PSP leading up to the game's release so that once I played the remaster, I could go in with a better knowledge of what was changed. I almost wish I hadn't, because I might have been more likely to overlook some of the worst parts of this remaster.

The best parts of the game:
- The first game is jaw-droppingly beautiful. Every single aspect of the first game has so much attention to detail, from the animations to the texture work and environments, everything is lovingly crafted to faithfully recreate the game in stunning HD.
- Almost all of the original voice actors returned to reprise their roles to re-record the voice lines for the game. Having Tom Kenny as the voice of Spyro throughout the entire trilogy instead of just 2 and 3 is a real treat, no more whiny sounding Spyro!
- You can enter and leave any stage at any time, saving a lot of time for completionist runs.
- Clicking the left analog stick has Sparx point at the nearest gem instead of whatever mystical combination it was back in the PS1 games.

The biggest, most egregious issues I have with the game (in order of worst to least worst):

- Bugs related to the frame rate. The wizards that make the platforms move in 1 will softlock you into certain areas until you turn the frame rate to 30, and some jumps in 2 and 3 are impossible to make unless you change it to 30 fps. This is unacceptable for a PC port and makes me think the game wasn't playtested nowhere nearly as much as it should have been for frame rates higher than 30.
- The game's physics aren't the same. The Spyro 1 character controller is re-used for 2 and 3 (which is evident from rolling mechanic that was present in the original PS1 game but was taken out of the PS1 sequel and trilogy). From the PS1 version of 2 onwards, Spyro jumps slightly higher and has a slower fall to his glide compared to the first game. As such, the level deisgn of the original second and third games are designed to account for the different physics. In this remaster, they decided to use the same character controller for all three games based on the first game which has a faster drop to Spyro's glide, which made certain jumps and glides feel a lot close and more tense than they should have been.
- Horrible game-breaking bugs the third game. The first game was almost flawless and I only experienced a frame rate issue in one part of the game, 2 had some minor issues, but QA dropped the ball hard on the 3rd game. Character mouths would stop moving at certain points. Skateboard races are the worst offenders, with collision boxes so messed up that you'd accidentally drive horizontally on certain walls, crash the board for no reason, and even respawn without your board. There's a 1/10 chance you'll just randomly drown on land when you exit a submarine. Certain gems wouldn't spawn after killing enemies, ruining a completionist run. The more I spent playing the third game the more time I spent wondering when I'd encounter the next bug instead of the next bit of enjoyment I'd get out of it, which is never something I should feel when playing a game, and especially not a remake of one of my favorite trilogies.
- Sparx's pickup range is drastically reduced. I've had to go back over so many areas because I walked past them where I thought Sparx picked up a gem and didn't. You can have Sparx point at the nearest gem and he'll literally brush his nose up against it, but won't actually pick up the gem.
- Cutscenes are pre-rendered at 30 fps even though they show cutscenes in-game as well at 60fps. The visual fidelity of the cutscenes exactly the same as the main game, just at 30 fps and with motion blur, making me question why this was done to begin with.
- The camera for Bentley's segments is zoomed way too far in and is now placed over the shoulder instead of putting the camera directly behind him. Bentley is also massive in this game, and he takes up nearly half of the screen. This makes his segments confusing to play because you can hardly see anything, and borderline nauseating because of how zoomed in the camera is while you're moving it.
- Questionable changes to in-game content with no consistency. For instance, a military gnorc with a machine gun in the first game was changed to a paint gun, but they kept the dinosaur with machine guns in the third game. Why one's okay but the other one isn't is beyond me. They made the skeleton friend in Skelos Badlands floss. Other things were changed as well, for those who are big fans of the original game you'll see them immediately when they happen. A full list of changes can be found online.
- The first game looks amazing, but the second and third game seem to have gotten less attention. A lot of the eye candy in the first game such as volumetric lighting and water reflections on the walls become used far more sparingly (and even absent) in the second and third game. Some NPCs look drastically different from their original PS1 counterparts, so much so that it almost drifts into uncanny valley.

Things I'm still kind of so-so about:
- The game has two soundtracks, the remastered and the original. While it's nice that they included both, the remastered soundtrack is so similar to the original that it's hard to tell the difference without a direct comparison. It's almost as if they were playing it too safe with the remastered soundtrack.
- The iconic intro sequences of each game are missing and replaced with a generic menu. The only part of any intro you ever see is from the first game, shown in the reflection of Spyro's eyes in the promotional images.

Toys for Bob really tried their best, but I truly, truly wish this game was given more time in the oven to give the second and third games the same level of polish and care that the first game did. I would have been fine waiting for them, too. I would have even been okay with buying each game released separately as they were finished, or even buying them as DLC. Sadly, you can tell that all of the effort was put into the first game and rushed through the second and third game.

Overall, I would have to say that while the Reignited Trilogy is a more or less faithful remake of the original trilogy, I would still recommend that anyone who hasn't played the originals yet play those first. They're dirt-cheap when bought second-hand, during digital sales, or via "other" means. The only thing you'll miss is the eye candy from the remaster, and the rest of the original PS1 games still play spectacularly well despite being nearly 20 years old.
Odesláno 8. prosince 2019.
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40.4 hodin celkem (33.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
With all due respect to the VA of Chuck and the efforts put into the original DR2, as far as I'm concerned this is the canon sequel to Dead Rising. Everything you liked about the original Dead Rising is here, with improvements to the survivor AI, weapon combinations, easier to read interface, and more. Plus, you can have a friend join you for some co-op hilarity, which is even more fun.

It's a fun game if you ever enjoyed the first game, but there a few caveats. The major issue with the PC version is that you can't play the game out of the box with modern controllers (i.e. Xbox One), and Steam's controller configuration manager won't help. You need to use x360ce and tweak the .ini in the game folder, a tweak which found in the forums (Link: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/app/45770/discussions/0/405691147603604088/#c2132869574277502589).

Aside from that, the game gets very tedious near the end when dealing with the new zombie types. Crowd control gets difficult, and the new zombie type can stunlock you into getting grabbed over and over again which is frustrating.

Despite these issues, this was a worthy sequel to the original. I recommend it. Here's hoping Capcom Japan can pick up where Vancouver left off and make things right with the fans.
Odesláno 8. prosince 2019.
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16.0 hodin celkem
Why did I spend 15 hours slogging my way through the main story of this game?

Because it was in my backlog after buying it 8 years ago. I dropped $120 on a four pack of this game for me and three friends to play. One friend couldn't run it, and the other three never played it. So I finished the game after 8 years, by myself, because I wanted to finish it from my back log and justify the $120 I spent eight years ago. It wasn't worth it.

There are so many technical issues with the game. The frame rate frequently stutters and even dipped down into the literal teens at many points on my rig with a GTX 1080ti and Core i5 6600k overclocked to 4.0GHz. Yes, the performance really is THAT bad. Even the compass is stuck at 30 fps while the rest of the game is perfectly smooth. You get stuck on things constantly, causing so many unwarranted deaths.

Then there's the overall design of the game. For a game that's all about loot, there are pretty much zero quality of life features to make the looting more convenient. You put up with a super small backpack through the entire game, and skip on so many weapons. Instead of holding down a button to collect all the loot near you, you have to click on each individual one. The menus are slow and clunky. Everything involving loot just feels like a miserable chore. That's before you even get into the overall story, too. So much time is spent running from point to point with so little to do in-between, and the insufferable voice acting doesn't make the trip any more pleasant. Driving the vehicles is fun for a few minutes until you realize it's mainly there to make you spend the same amount of idle driving as you do idle running to the next objective. The most grievous sin, however, is making you run back to an outpost to turn in missions. I'm convinced this was done for no other reason than to waste the player's time and pad out the game's length.

The multiplayer is barely functional, and even if you manage to get someone to play with you, the game scales up way too much and makes it an insufferable game of waiting for your shield to recharge between poking out behind corners to shoot something (which was already pretty bad playing solo). Not only that, but you HAVE to schedule a time to play with your friends, because otherwise you'll be too leveled or your friend will, and it'll be miserable for both of you. So you can't even enjoy the game with friends.

So no, in this day and age, Borderlands is not worth playing. There are better looter shooter RPGs out there that you can be playing that not only respect your time as a player, but also run better and are more fun to play either alone or with friends without compromising the fun factor for all parties involved.
Odesláno 8. listopadu 2019.
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2,756.7 hodin celkem (42.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I never experienced any of the issues the other reviewers had. It works just fine for me, worked fine since day one too.

If I had one complaint it's that I can't easily see how many hours I've spent in VR. I had to go here and write a review instead! That, and I wish SteamVR and Oculus synced certain settings with each other such as your play area.
Odesláno 20. října 2019.
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22.0 hodin celkem
This review is from a perspective of a huge fan of the Phoenix Wright series. I'll be honest, I didn't like Danganropa at first, but eventually the game grew on me. Now I can very easily say that Danganropa stands right up there next to Phoenix Wright as one of the best games in the murder mystery/visual novel/adventure game genre.

Right off the bat I didn't like the low-budget feel pouring from every facet of the game. From the static cardboard cutouts of characters you interacted with, to the simplistic layout of the school you explored, to the stiff, tweened animations of static characters in cutscenes, everything just looked and felt like it was tied together on a shoestring budget. I didn't like the gimmicky nature of the trials, either. Aiming and shooting truth bullets felt too convoluted for the simple task of contradicting a statement with evidence, the rhythm minigame wasn't even a good rhythm game and felt tacked on, and hangman's gambit was literally a hangman shooting gallery that doesn't even contextualize what your character is actually doing.

I don't know when it clicked, but sometime after the first chapter I somehow ended up setting aside the low budget nature of the game and its gimmicky gameplay and began to enjoy it more and more. Eventually the art style grew on me as I realized the art lends itself better to your imagination and makes the story more engrossing as a result. I also began to think the gimmicks, though still gimmicks, were at least a unique take on the trial formula perfected by Phoenix Wright. At the end of the day, they could have very easily just copied Phoenix Wright and called it a day, but cared enough to make a game that was unique, and I respect that.

The real high point of this game are the characters and the story. Those two alone are what really sells this game, and now I understand why so many people enjoy it. I can't say much about the story without spoilers, other than it does what a good murder mystery story does and keeps you guessing the whole time while you piece together what happened. The characters are all well-written and believable, and your interactions with them highlight and play off of their strengths and flaws. Without spoiling anything, on more than one occasion I avoided characters that seemed "scary" or seemed like they would obviously be or become murderers, only to find out later that those same characters ended up doing decidedly good things that were completely unexpected, but in a way that still stays consistent with their character. It made me want to re-play the game and get to know those characters more so I could understand their perspectives, thought processes, and motives better. That's what good writing is; characters with strong, well-defined traits, have flaws that stem from those strengths, and every line of dialogue spoken, every action taken, stays consistent with the personalities of those characters. If I had to make one and only one parallel between this game and Phoenix Wright when it comes to things both games really perfected, the writing would absolutely be it.

Overall, if you enjoyed Phoenix Wright and can go into the game with lower expectations, you'll find that underneath its rough exterior is a real gem of a game that shines where it counts, and you'll come to love the game for the same reasons you loved Phoenix Wright. I recommend the game to any fan of Phoenix Wright looking for more.
Odesláno 15. září 2019.
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7.8 hodin celkem
It's a 7 hour Alienware ad but at least it's fun. The AI was ahead of its time and is probably the most fun aspect of the game.
Odesláno 10. srpna 2019.
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0.2 hodin celkem
Doesn't require a Bethesda account.

... Yet.
Odesláno 27. července 2019.
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0.4 hodin celkem
I jumped off the building and started swinging for the first time, and I got goosebumps. I was a huge Spider-Man fan as a kid, and despite being so short, it brought me sheer, unbridled joy that I haven't felt from a VR game in years.

Please make more of this! This is exactly what I've always wanted from a Spider-Man VR experience. I will pay a full AAA title price point for a full game expanding on this with a campaign and everything.
Odesláno 1. července 2019.
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2.5 hodin celkem
This game brought back memories of playing flash games for hundreds of hours at my friend's house late at night when we were supposed to be sleeping. Sometimes you don't need several hundred hours of story and thousands of collectibles and side quests to have a fun game. Sometimes you just want to blow stuff up, and that's exactly what Intrusion 2 is.

Just when you think you're getting bored of the enemy variety it throws a new one at you, and there are times where you can even ride mechs and even giant dogs (which you can't pet, sadly). It really feels like a spiritual successor to Metal Slug in its gameplay, with flairs of personality and humor sprinkled throughout (such as when bosses do a fist pump when they kill you).

It's short, but sweet. If you ever had any fond memories of playing flash games as a kid, this will scratch an itch you never knew you had. It's worth an afternoon or two it takes to finish.
Odesláno 1. července 2019.
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1.9 hodin celkem
If I wanted to descend into despair while a guy with a deep voice berates me I'd have my father do it for free. Jokes aside, it's just not a good walking simulator.

The main reason I'm giving it a thumbs down, however, is because the VR support for the game is broken. If you're like me and had an interest in the game because it had VR support, you'll be disappointed to know that it is a miserable experience. The frame rate is in the single digits during gameplay, despite having a very high-end gaming rig. Supposedly the only way you can fix it is by disabling asynchronous projection in SteamVR's settings, but that option is no longer available, so I had to finish the game in desktop mode instead.
Odesláno 30. června 2019.
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