✪ TOKENxD :>
Patrick "TOKEN" M.   Bayern, Germany
I've spent thousands of hours playing this game and still suck, but don’t Stop Believin :)

"If we win more rounds than we lose, we win the game" - n0thing 2k14
"You want awp? - Who gives a ♥♥♥♥, we're rich as ♥♥♥♥" -xizt 2k15
"If you want to win against ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, you have to think like them" - xizt 2k15
"I'm smurfing and my main is global, you're just ♥♥♥♥" -T0k3n 2k17
"Don't care about the Haters, Game On!" -ChaINz 2k17
"In der Ecke werde ich campen und mich verstecken, an Drückpats AK-47 Bullets sollt ihr verrecken" -ChaINz 2k18
"he's drücking again" -snjy 2k18
"and today TOKENxD vs G2" -mv4 2k18
"es ist halb 0" -snjy 2k18
"Ich mache alles für skins 😌😂😂😂“ -snjy 2k18
"Patrick ist skin geil“ -Tapzy 2k18
"♫Don't stop believin♫ - ChaINz, 18, badet eine halbe Minute später im Tränenbad nach einem Onetap" - TimTom- Moment 2k18

"Your trash at Counter Strike, but that's okay" -TheWarOwl 2k17

"You need a lot of passion for what you're doing because its so hard. Without passion,
any rational person would give up.
And the ones that didnt love it, quit. Because theyre sane, right?
Who would put up with this stuff if you dont love it?
So its a lot of hard work and its a lot of worrying constantly.
If you dont love it, youre going to fail." -Steve Jobs 2k7

▶ 🔘──────── 03:40

Winners Train, Losers Complain!
Be disciplined, devoted and dedicated!

RIP trading <3 30.03.2018
RIP opskins 21.06.2018

Rank: Eagle from a legend

all the silvers on my team be cryin "carry me to global" .-.

(^.^)y-.o○ | ヽ(´ー`)┌ | (>´-´)> | (^0_0^) | (~_~メ) | (._.) | <3
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SWAG IS REAL ヽ(´ー`)┌
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TOKEN is love, TOKEN is life
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If you want to donate me some skins, keys, cases or games use my
:WhiteMagic: STEAM TRADING LINK :WhiteMagic:

I'm currently looking for STEAM Trading Cards :tradingcard::tradingcardfoil: to level up my account. :BR_Heart:

:WoodenWarningSign: Info if you want to trade with me:WoodenWarningSign:

If you are interested in trading with me, you are welcome, but please read the rules before you trade with me:

► I will ignore your trade offer if:
✖ Your Profile is private
✖ Your Inventory is private
✖ You don't have any valuable cs:go items
✖ You have lots of -rep

⇒ Be friendly to me and I will be friendly to you :mirrorsmile:

:Dosh:I know that everyone wants to make profit, but this is my profile so please don't lowball! :Dosh:

● Click HERE if you wanna send a trade offer!
● Mobile authenticator :ephone: :47_thumb_up:
My Inventory [csgo.exchange]
✖ Don't try to scam me! I will find out and report your ass! :steamfacepalm:
Favorite Guide
Created by - ✪ TOKENxD :>
15 ratings
How to be awesome
________________________-=soᴍᴇ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴍoᴛɪvᴀᴛɪoɴ=________________________

"Life is too important to be taken seriously." -Oscar Wilde
"If you dream it, you can do it." -Walt Disney
"Everything you can imagine is real." -Pablo Picasso

make america great again
achtung! germans on the rise!
negev laser beam ace :d

► team history
BlackPhönix Gaming
(FreeZ3, T0k3n, ChaINz, CraKZz, DerSozialeKeks)
Caeruleus Verbero
(T0k3n, Ernixx, Owni, Kolti, stax)
Calibre69 [www.calibre69.de]
(FreeZ3, T0k3n, Tapzy, Kolti, Z0k3r)

► profile status
● Online: Feel free to chat with me.
● Away: I'm AFK, I'll answer asap.
● Busy: Only write me, if it's really important!
● Offline: Real Life or dead (2 days or longer).

► my profile
● steam lvl 152
● 1800+ trades made
● 3400+ market transactions

► about me
● Name: Patrick Mühlthaler
● Age: 27 y/o
● B-Day: 8th of August
● Country: Germany
● Languages: German and English
● Favorite Games: CS:GO, PUBG, H1Z1, AoE.
● Fav. teams: Cloud9, Fnatic, NiP, Mouz, BIG
● Fav. Players: Stewie2k, Skadoodle, Shroud, Autimatic, Spiidi, JW, dev1ce

► social media
PlaysTV [plays.tv]
Instagram [www.instagram.com]
Smurf Accounts

► my computer specs & stuff
● OS: Windows 10 Pro - 64-bit
● CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-6700K, 4× 4000 MHz
● Graphic: ASUS STRIX-GTX970
● mainboard: ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming

● keyboard: Roccat Vulcan 122
● mouse: Roccat Kone AIMO
● headset: Roccat Khan Aimo and Sennheiser Game Zero
● microphone: Rode Podcaster

► CS:GO settings
● Resolution: 4:3 1152x864
● Video-Settings: http://puu.sh/mOx7W.png
● Windows Mouse-Settings: 7/11
● CS:GO Sens: 1.77
● DPI: 500
● config: http://puu.sh/uNewQ.cfg
● autoexec: http://puu.sh/uNetH.cfg

► do not add me if

✖ your account is private!
✖ your profile is below level 5
✖ you're trying to scam!
✖ you're going to ask for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ or cases/keys!
⇒ yeah, I'm a german gamer, so you should speak german too :P


unfortunately I'm rather shy (or introvert [en.wikipedia.org]).
I can't get into a conversation with somebody without hesitation.
Please have some patience with me D:

But you can write me anytime on Steam :omfg:

► steam information

● steam3ID: [U:1:96148410] ✔
● steamID32: STEAM_0:0:48074205 ✔
● steamID64: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/profiles/76561198056414138
● customURL: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/tokenoffensive
● steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198056414138
Trade Link

Thank you for reading this! :1heart::first_star::UncommonSmile:

It's dangerous to go alone! Take this: :csgogun::RifleScope:

:BR_Heart: TeamSpeak 3 Server (German): blackphoenix.nitrado.net :BR_Heart:

► quotes:
apM: how in the ♥♥♥♥ do you always know and get me when im looking away?
apM: wh
T0k3n: ^^
T0k3n: sry :(
Rdk=^.^=: hax
T0k3n: xD
J o K e R: noch ein shrood
J o K e R: xD
✪ shrood: bin global
✪ shrood: pro
✪ shrood: like shrood
J o K e R: bist du net dmg
J o K e R: xD
✪ shrood: psssst
✪ shrood: sei still
✪ shrood: das weiß ja keiner
J o K e R: für mich biste global
J o K e R: :heart:
J o K e R: #noHomo
✪ shrood: danke :)
J o K e R: du hast es aber halt selbst gepostet
J o K e R: xD
J o K e R: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1157183883
✪ shrood: sry war photoshop ^^
J o K e R: extra dmg gemacht. wollst kein global bonzen sein
J o K e R: ;)
✪ shrood: ja isso
ebloder: nice teleport
T0k3n xD <3
.alex VG: nice wh token
adi: too many cheaters here
adi: token is a german ♥♥♥, sure hacking
.alex VG: omfg ahha
adi: german on server = end of party
._.: oh seit wann bist du so ein rich ♥♥♥♥♥?
TOKENxD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzAA5Qq9jzc
._.: xD
._.: beste xD
._.: wie geil
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BlackPhönix Gaming
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Sometime we give orders not taking in account the feelings of the BOT, some times he refuses to listen and fights for the team taking the first shot sacrificing himself, and sometimes sadly obey: roger that ! but inside his heart saying: I must say NO!! Wa
3,899 ratings
Status - Pending, Created by - ` Mfrooshat Num.LocK and kaLED
Review Showcase
3,110 Hours played
How do I aim down sight?

EDIT: It has been years and the devs do not update the game with iron sights or a sprint feature...

EDIT2: I can't set a loadout when I go into a game. I also can't see any perks. Glitch?

EDIT3: After 1500 hours i finally got my 100th awp kill, but did not unlock an attachment for the weapon. Do I need 150 kills? I just want extended mags tbh.

EDIT4: I decided to get some skins, but they are not adding any stat boosts to my guns. Where is the microtransaction to add stats?

EDIT5: "rush b, rush b, don't stop, if they smoke it just run through. I will flash. Dont stop, just run in. DONT ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BLOCK. WHO THE ♥♥♥♥ STOPPED. YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ IDIOTS JUST RUN IN. HOW HARD CAN IT BE TO JUST RUN INTO THE SITE???" -average russian cs go player
part 16 Jan @ 12:54am 
Sunshine 23 May, 2024 @ 1:45am 

♥𝙖𝙙𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚♥
Eva Monroe 1 Dec, 2023 @ 5:33am 
how are udoing ? xD
⪓ ETHANZ ⪔ 2 Sep, 2023 @ 4:27pm 
𝙖𝙙𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙤 :steamhappy:
Spheal 27 Jul, 2023 @ 3:58am 
XM is so sexy:steamsad:
h0k 9 Jul, 2023 @ 12:57am 
Hello please accept I am interested in kaufing one of your skins