Corey   United States

"May it rain green and glowing COTTON upon your face!" ~ Lord COTTON

"COOOOOTTOOOOONNN!!!!!" ~ Someone who got vaporized.

"Chitin is the new COTTON! All hail to CHITIN!" ~ Space Lord COTTON-CHITIN
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Đã chơi 58 giờ
With the dlc this is probably something like a 200 page book.

Spanning about a century, you start as a newly born vampire during the war of 1812, on the outskirts of a battle. You build a character than can vary from being very charming and charismatic (what I did) to focus on politics or it looks like you can focus on finances, supernatural powers, stealth, combat and various other facets.

The game tracks your relationships with dozens of characters and at least through my first play-through, it seemed like the content was finished (as opposed to many choose your own books out there).

Will note that this game appears to be under development and for me at least, ended after about a century. Looking at the forums, the developer does appear very active and is still writing/developing new chapters.

I did have trouble really understanding the economy dynamics of the game, but my first character ended with over $2 million around 1900, so I suppose I navigated it well enough. I mostly had no idea the size of my investments and individual returns or profits of various opportunities. It would be great to see a finance breakdown somewhere - but I don't think finance is the primary aspect of the game. :)
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This is a hidden gem. A masterpiece tactical jrpg (really wuxia) style game where you play as a new martial artist seeking glory, fame, wives, artifacts, etc.

Technically very impressive - not a rpgmaker sort (not that I have anything against rpgmaker type games).

Has a touch of a Morrowind vibe to me - you're left to your own devices, pretty deep morality system, very integrated world, skills level up through use or training, and time progresses.

Story doesn't lock you in to follow a linear narrative, so you're free to "beat the game" through various alternative paths. Depending on the ending, you can take part of your character (the grindy bits) and transfer them to your next new character. So, if you spent 15 hours mining in your first play through and finally become a master miner, in your 2nd play through, you won't have to spend another 15 hours mining. Really like that system - one of the main reasons replayability is impossible in many games.

Lots of other neat things, but don't want to spoil anything.

I suppose the only warning that I could see be an issue to many is the deep historical backdrop of ancient China, where it's assumed the player knows ancient Chinese culture decently. I'm personally familiar with that somewhat, so found it interesting. The English translation isn't official either, so it's pretty bad. But, after awhile I got used to it and didn't even notice all the broken English and strangeness. If you don't like reading, you may not like this. And of course, all the names are Chinese names, which I personally find VERY hard to remember or pronounce. So, that really took something away since I can't really recall the names of pretty much any of the characters or even main cities that I went to a thousand times. I got lost quite a bit, thinking I'm going to one city, but ended up going to the wrong one, wasting lots of time. But, I'm just dumb like that.

Overall, a must play masterpiece in my opinion. 10/10
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Hrm, custom info box stuff
Sure can add a lot of stuff to profiles. yes'm :sailaway:
More things
Can even say more things. If only there were things to say. Woolooloo? :wololo:
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My most terrifying 64 yr old princess.
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