Teflon Kochring   United States

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Planetside 2
4 4
Favorite Guide
Created by - Vaendryl
243 ratings
Lots of super outdated guides out there to confuse new players for version 1.0 but this guide aims to teach the most efficient way to get the game going and cut out a lot of the painful learning curve.
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Review Showcase
1,749 Hours played
After 900+ hours, I decided it was finally time to write a review for this game.

First, let me begin by saying this was an amazing game and is still really good (for the most part) There is no game like it. Period. Its what Battlefield 2142 should have been, but on a MUCH larger scale. There is so much you can do in this game, it's pretty spectacular. And also, the community is pretty cool, which is rare, considering it's an FPSMMO. Just the other day I was having a friendly conversation with a rival player while we went toe to toe and while he was destroying my base. He actually apologized for having to destroy my well placed base, but we both understood why it had to You won't find that in CS:GO or COD. Just toxicity in those games. However, even in all it's glory, it still has it's problems and is starting to go downhill in my opinion. It suffers from what most online fps games suffer from....and that is cheaters. This game is loaded with them. And before you fanboy $#%@lords come tell me to "git gud" or any other ignorant statement you can muster up, It's a fact. I know what i've seen. Google 'Planetside 2 hacks' and you will find pages and pages of them. Posts as recent as yesterday, with multiple people talking about all the stuff they did this past weekend. The stuff i've seen people do is blatant and these days they don't even try to hide it because battleeye is a joke and the devs don't do anything to discourage cheaters.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of veterans in this game, and it's obvious who they are, by their tactics. I don't want to take anything away from those folks. They are good at what they do. But the same way it's obvious who the vets are, it's equally obvious who the cheaters are by the way they move, and their tactics. And i'm not referring to stream snipers as i could care less about lame whiny streamers and their egos. I'm referring to the ridiculous amount of aimbots, auto shooters, and the many other various hacks that exist for this game that MANY people use every day. Also, even tho macros aren't technically allowed, I know for a fact, that many "vets" use them for various things, like 1 button medkit, having the overshield activate when they aim or shoot, etc. But that doesn't bother me as much honestly. But even with the cheaters running a muck in the game, I still love it (for the most part). It's hard to love sometimes, because I get frustrated when I get killed by someone who isn't even facing me or pointing his gun at me and yet his bullets still hit my face.....lmao. But i accept it and move on. Cheaters will always exist in every fps game.

Another con for me in this game, is how they have let the construction aspect of the game die out. Now, a single infiltrator with a emmisary and stalker cloak, can take a base down in about 5 minutes with no resistance because there is no reason for allies to pull away from the front lines to defend a base that serves no tactical purpose. I know this because I have done it multiple times myself. It made more sense back when the bases were hives and had "cores" because allies had a reason to defend it. because of victory points. Now the only reason to build a base is for an orbital strike, but since most players hate those anyway, again...they're not gonna come defend.

Another problem, and for me this is the biggest problem with the game, is the direction it's currently going. I am a firm believer in supporting good games, and I have dropped many $$ on this one. Not only have I purchased many years of membership, I've also spent many $$ (recently) in the depot on cosmetic items, just to support the game. And honestly, after recent updates, I regret it very much and wish I could get my money back. I don't want to support this game if they are gonna turn it into something i dislike. The reason for this is how they are catering to outfits and making everything outfit oriented. Not everyone who plays this game wants to join some $%#@bag outfit and the devs at rogue games are making all these updates with perks that are only for those outfits. And in all honesty, the perks are really just for the leaders of the outfits or their minions who ride their d%$s so they might let them craft an orbital strike or bastion. A couple years ago I made an outfit so me and my friends could find each other easier in game and so outfits would stop sending us invites to join their j&%$off sessions. Then when they broke out the escalation update, we were able to get resources and craft stuff by helping the squads we were in capture facilities. As of today, I no longer get resources for capturing facilities, unless multiple members of my outfit are with me. And since my outfit is fairly small, we lose out on a major part of the game. That and the fact that they seem to be focusing on "outfit wars" more than they are fixing the games problems, that's a huge slap in the face to someone like me who could care less about some outfit battle on outfit island or whatever they call it. It alienates some of their paying customers. What seperates Planetside 2 from the other shooters, is how large everything is. So outfit wars is a step in the wrong direction in my opinion. It seems to me that they are just trying to implement Planetside Arena (which the community shot down) into this game, which is a huge turn off for me.

I do love this game and have high hopes that they will do more to cater to people who want to play Planetside for what it was designed to be, a massive war, and not this run and gun, clan style shooter bs like all the other games on the market. I still recommend everyone try this game if you're in to FPS, but be prepared to die over and over again. Because if the Veterans don't get you, the cheaters will. And in some cases they are the same people. Enjoy.
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Nobody Calls Me Yellow 31 Dec, 2022 @ 6:15pm 
Happy New Year. :hdhappy:
Tomandandy 31 Dec, 2022 @ 6:12pm 
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Nobody Calls Me Yellow 31 Dec, 2021 @ 8:33pm 
:Powerbaby: Happy New Year. :Powerbaby:
Tomandandy 31 Dec, 2021 @ 8:31pm 
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Neovorcus 10 Jun, 2021 @ 6:23am 
➪Hi, I want to join in the 'Starmada's House' group ! Thanks !
Nobody Calls Me Yellow 31 Dec, 2020 @ 8:31pm 
:hdhappy: Happy New Year. :hdhappy: