Loneliest Gamer
Clement   Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
:goldfeatherduster:Suspicious private profiles and profiles with low progress on Steam will be treated with cautious hostility. If you're requesting for me, state your purpose & how'd you find me, in the comments, else be ignored. :goldfeatherduster:

I am the Loneliest.

┳┻| _
┻┳| •.•) Hi.

:demoticon:Completed the Demopan set at 10:00pm, Tuesday, 28th May 2019, by buying the Bounty Hat.:demoticon:

:sentry:Potato's Community MvM:sentry:
Earned the Chaotic Crystal from Madness vs Machines!
Completed Canteen Crasher, by collecting all 600 stars at 6:00pm, Tuesday, 21st May 2019!
Completed all missions of Memes vs. Machines!
Completed all missions of Titanium Tank!

:summer2019boost:TEAM :summer2019logocorgi:ORGI of Steam Grand Prix 2019!:summer2019corgi:

I've nominated my favourite games for the Steam Awards in:

:2018ship: Rank 6 & Level 25 achieved in Summer Saliens on 2nd July 2018! :2018ship:

:2017stickypopsicle:Steam Summer Sale 2017's sticker book was fun! I loved it. I hope to see more activities like that.:2017stickydrink:

:csgostar:My profile has aged over 9 years. HOPEFULLY, IT'S BEEN WORTH THE WEIGHT.:csgostar:

:Pantsu:The Doge has blessed me with panties.:Pantsu:

:spycon:August 2015: RIP My Personal TF2 stats and achievements.:spycon:
"Curse you, Steam servers."

:happy_creep:Reached :blissful_creep:Level 100 million:blissful_creep: of Steam's Monster Summer Game on the 21st of June, 2015! You clickers were awesome!:happy_creep:

:WoTB_Choc::chocolate::dog_choco::Contraband:I love chocolate.:Contraband::dog_choco::chocolate::WoTB_Choc:

:log_potion::potion_green:If I had to choose a specific role: I'd prefer medic.:potion::lunahealthpotion:

:LIS_pixel_heart:250+ games achieved at 8:49pm, on the 21st of July 2017.:LIS_pixel_heart:
Reachieved at 2:33am, on the 1st of November 2017 due to asset flippers.
Re-reachieved at 10:12pm, on the 11th of December 2017, due to more asset flippers.

:heart_me:100+ games achieved at midnight, on the 25th of April 2015.:heart_me:

Obtained DW Skull at 1:51pm, Tuesday, 8th July 2014.
Achieved V-100 at 8:20pm, Tuesday, 4th November 2014.
Achieved XXV-100 at 3:40pm, Thursday, 16th October 2015.
Obtained OD Skull at 6:32am, Thursday, 2nd November 2017.

:overkill:Big thank you to OVERKILL Software for gifting me Chicago Typewriter on the 11th of December 2014. It's a birthday miracle!:overkill:

:ElizaHeart:RIP Satoru Iwata. Gaming will continue in hearts of many.:ElizaHeart:

:crate:External Links:crate:

Minato Aqua's final stream:

Minato Aqua's debut video:

Senpai Gaben:

Rushia accidentally says "Go Home!":


The Iron Gauntlet by SoundSmith:

Night of Euphoria:

Shia LaBeouf: https://vine.co/v/eMb1rwHp7qL
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shoozki 30 Dec, 2023 @ 9:46am 
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Loneliest Gamer 18 Sep, 2023 @ 1:22am 
I take MvM however I want; it just so happened you saw me being serious instead of being a silly goose.
LiteralFraud 17 Sep, 2023 @ 9:32pm 
GGs bruv, good demo -- maybe don't take MvM so seriously, no need to tryhard on lower difficulties
Eragil 27 Aug, 2023 @ 8:00am 
Happy birthday to your friend, Ms. Iffy.
Colliu 9 Apr, 2023 @ 1:05am 
Hello, you probably don't remember me anymore - but I am Colliu, we met on Spiral Knights close to 10 years ago. I didn't understand why you unfriended me before - but I am happy to see you still active.
Catharheus™ 11 Jan, 2023 @ 11:06pm 
PayDay2? Such bad taste.