I've unlocked Obsidian, Orion and Interstellar on mkb, so to you I'm a god gamer.

Other than that I'm a humble servant of the one true God and a follower of Jesus Christ :agathacross:

World's yellowest alien vtuber [twitch.tv]
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CONFIRM IT IS THE REAL RYLES - I have over 4000 Steam games and my games list is public.

Since you're here, wanna learn something?

The US dollar is "promissory". That means that you used to be able to trade in dollars (worth nothing on their own) for gold (a precious metal, given actual value by humans). In 1971, President Richard Nixon ended the ability to convert dollars into gold on a standardized basis. In other words, there is nothing that guarantees that a dollar has value today. The US Federal Reserve creates imaginary dollars [www.thebalance.com] in order to facilitate the functions of your everyday banks, which effectively increases the amount of money in circulation and makes your dollars worth less. It accelerates inflation, and makes you poorer.

"Fixed supply" currencies like Bitcoin are independent, decentralized, and cannot be controlled by the Federal Reserve or the Department of the Treasury. In other words, the government has substantially less control over it and cannot create more of it (thus decreasing its value).

If you don't like income inequality or feeling like you have no control over your financial future, you can take more of it into your hands by learning more about cryptocurrency [cryptocurrency.org]. The more you invest in your own knowledge, the more you can take control of your financial welfare.
Review Showcase
10.6 Hours played
You fly into battle, a lone, fragile fighter, against numerous enemies, many of which can one-shot you. You kill them. Feel awesome?

You're not, you're garbage.

You build up a fleet as you hop from assassination to assassination. It's taking longer to complete your mission, and the enemy is sending in powerful, escorted Flagships to try to mop you up before you can escape. You still make it out alive, even if the rest of your fleet didn't. Feel awesome?

You're not. You're expected to survive.

You beat the game at around 45 minutes to an hour if you tried to challenge yourself at all, but you know you're just getting started. You can't even have everything until you beat the missions on the third of four difficulties. And even when you do that, you know, you just know by now, that getting this far wasn't actually that hard. You've been learning and growing and you have the odds on your side.

But you're still not good.

Your fleet comes with three interceptors (with you flying one of them at any given time), three hardened destroyers, and a mighty frigate.

But a true scourge will accept the challenge of forgoing the destroyers and the frigate. A real warrior would seek the honor of the hunt.

A real warrior would also make the choice not to run when the Flagships come in, prepared to shred your little ship with stubborn homing missile salvos, guns everywhere, thick shields, and freshly spawned escorts.

A real warrior would annihilate their foes.

That is what playing House of the Dying Sun feels like.
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Created by - Ryles
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A real guide for my fellow tryhards. Let's face it, this guide is going to be WIP forever.
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Created by - Ryles
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A proven process for tackling even the most difficult rooms assembled.
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