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penguinjay legutóbbi értékelései

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10.4 óra a nyilvántartásban (6.2 óra az értékeléskor)
This is a very fun game. I have played other rhythm shooters, and I believe this is one of the best experiences the genre has to offer, a fully fleshed out game. It seems to be somewhat short, but there is a lot of challenge and replayability built in.

The levels and bosses are difficult and the Torments (test dungeons) are just brutal at times. The game is always fair though, pretty hard, but fair on standard difficulty. It has a lot of doom eternal vibes, slaughter kills (like glory kills) to regain health, it's pretty much a doom eternal clone w rhythm mechanics.

You do reload, but you don't have to worry about ammo pickups, which I appreciate. If you don't time your shots right, they still come out, they just do less damage, which is another thing I appreciate. It's a challenging gameplay loop but there is less to worry about when compared directly to doom eternal. I really like the dash and jump mechanics. It's plays very familiar but a little less stressful.

Overall it is really cool, and they have a demo. Try the Demo!

People often ask "what is the point of rhythm shooters???"

Limitations breed creativity! It's about seeing what the player does when they have to snap the next shot off in milliseconds or wait even longer to shoot again. Snapshots and quick aiming get wild in this game. If they can't clutch the shot, they have to go for movement and scramble while they wait.

Ultimately this game makes it so you have to pull out a bunch of clutched shots, one after another after another, and get into that flow. When your aim is on, and you're shooting on beat, there are absolutely wild moments of advanced movements and these clutched out shots going on. You might dash jump 180 away from a set of enemies and headshot them right on beat as you fly backwards. Do a slaughter kill to get i frames and movement, then blast another enemy right up close.

The game promotes these wild plays through the difficulty and the rhythm mechanics. It's really cool.

Good stuff. Realizing what the rhythm mechanics add to shooters, I look forward to seeing more rhythm shooters in the future. I'm gonna screen capture some of my play sessions, even though I'm not anywhere near a top player, this game gets crazy. It's entertaining to watch...

If you know of any other quality rhythm shooters, please comment them. I realize this is almost 2 years old, wondering what else there is out there that may be newer or have a good reputation. Overall, this is a really good one. Getting it on sale helps--I'm cheap, I prob wouldn't pay the full price for it. But if you got it like that, this is priced fair. Catch it on sale if you don't!
Közzétéve: július 12.
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11 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
13.7 óra a nyilvántartásban
You literally can't play this single player game from 2014 offline. "Screw" Ubisoft in their arseholes. I hate this company.

This game was decent. Perhaps even fun. But it gets ruined by the way the publisher chooses to do business, it hurts sales!

I haven't touched a Ubisoft game in like 8 years bc of this terrible practice of theirs.

Get it together you derpy Ubisoft scumbags! Also, it takes some real Chutzpah, asking people to "purchase" your games after the statements you made. Very bold, let's see if it pays off! /s ROFL
Közzétéve: február 17.
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6 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
12.9 óra a nyilvántartásban
wow, I was going to recommend this to a buddy, Buttphuck capcom though, WTF>??? Years later they F w peoples' purchases.

This is the exact type of reason people pirate games. This is the exact type of reason that I will not play RE4 remake until it is dirt cheap, despite really wanting to play it since launch.

Crapcom eats the poo poo
Közzétéve: február 3.
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86.8 óra a nyilvántartásban (11.7 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
Közzétéve: január 26. Legutóbb szerkesztve: január 27.
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5 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
3.2 óra a nyilvántartásban
Bethesda licks fat dong while simultaneously getting pegged and urethral sounded. 0/10 TES VI is going to SUCK BALLS. I will not be partaking in their terrible, soulless, dated games anymore, nor their endless greed and blatant FQUERY.
Közzétéve: január 1. Legutóbb szerkesztve: január 1.
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1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
51.6 óra a nyilvántartásban (9.6 óra az értékeléskor)
Better than Starfield and at only 4.3% of the price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has guns, it has space, you can spacewalk, it is rewarding and fun with relatively few load screens. It's great, it's a fully fleshed out world that feels lived in. They made this one good, so they didn't need to make it big. It's just not the shiny new thing. I'd recommend it for horror shooter fans or gamers on a budget.

Think Resident Evil 7 x Doom 2016 x Skyrim x DeadSpace and you have an idea of how the game is going to be. It's a lot like Deadspace, there is less gunplay though and more systems for customization in their place. There are stealth elements. You can change difficulty at any time, so that's good, and there are 2 levels below normal if you are really having trouble. It's much more manageable once you get the Shotgun and Combat Focus skill.

Pretty hard starting out, but this is a decent game with good vision. It is not marketed well--as I was expecting something wildly different, but it is a good product that I'm glad I stuck around for. Very few cut scenes or modern gaming BS. It's like Skyrim in space. I like it.


There are some spots especially in the early game that are frustrating and seem absolutely ridiculous. Playing on Normal, you will get Pzzwnt at first because although they do a good job of explaining the systems and mechanics through brief tutorials, this game plays in a special way that definitely distinguishes it as it's own thing and it's actually pretty good. It will take you a little while to learn to play well.

It's not without some jank of course. There are some things that could DEFINITELY be better, but seriously, if they had a few more options, then THIS could be the "Starfield" that gamers actually wanted. It did miss a lot of people's radar too. This one is better! Seriously, this game does what it does so darn well, but it's different and there is a learning curve before you understand what the game wants from you. It doesn't hold your hand, you are to venture cautiously into the unknown.

For that reason the main story pacing can seem disjointed, but that picks up eventually too. Unlike Starfield, you can easily get caught up in the moment exploring this world they built, the recycler mechanics, and the systems in the game you haven't unlocked yet. The gating you can see early on in the game knowing you will retread that path later with new abilities. I suppose it had some sort of marred release or something, because this is great 6 years later, but it get's no praise and people going in with the wrong expectations hate it.

There's tight level design that makes me think, wow, THAT IS SO CLEVER!!!! all the time playing this game. The way the map flows is great, the secret areas are great! Solving the objective many different ways is great. And if you liked paintbrush glitch in Oblivion, their gloo gun is similar by design and fits into the core gameplay, another option for traversal. The map you bring up to look is not great. There is a lot of gating at the beginning, so you have a large area, but you can't access everything, you need progression before you can do certain things.

Multiple playthrough truly do seem like they will feel different, but depending on game length I'm not sure how viable that really is, but there are multiple ways to solve almost every puzzle, and you start to become paranoid at the encounters. It's very effective tonally. Makes me feel. It is hard to have any enemy encounter without losing some resources, so make good use of the quick save.

Overall, rating what I've played so far, 7.5/10--Better than Starfield.
Közzétéve: 2023. december 23.
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0.6 óra a nyilvántartásban
BLechk Capcom, WTF?!?!

Hello Resident Evil Fan!

In case someone is considering purchasing this one on the Halloween sale, or some other sale in the future, I am here to warn you!

Buy RE2 Remake instead! Go play RE7. Rethink your purchase. Go watch a video hating on this before you click that buy button! Make sure you know what you're getting into.

I purchased it for the price of 7.50, (would have been 10 but I owned the other products in the bundle) and I still felt the need to refund the purchase. This is just THAT bad of a game. If you must have it for mental illness reasons, make sure and get it on sale. Do not listen to the people cope about it not being so bad of a game really, yes it is! And I hear it is SHORT too, WAY TOO SHORT!

If you like cutscenes and QTE, with levels that don't flow well or even suggest to the player where to go by design, then you will love this piece of ♥♥♥♥. They had to write "HERE" in big yellow letters somewhere bc otherwise the player would have no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idea.

I about lost it trying to give this monstrosity a chance. This game has no idea what it wants to do. It's the B product, a bad sequel, and it shows immediately. Just leave it at that. Abandon it like most the fanbase has that has played it, or skip over it like most of the fanbase has that has not.

Game sucks. There are so many ways that it sucks, but I have read the writing on the wall and decided to bail and refund.

Honestly, the product seems scammy to me in general, if I were to watch all the cutscenes, well shoot, I'd be pushing the 2 hour mark before I would have realized just how OFF this game really is. I skipped the cutscenes, and did the whole run simulator for the first 40 minutes, run, esc, spacebar, run, esc, spacebar, over and over until it got to something that felt remotely like Resident Evil.

Apparently in that time I escaped a building and beat a boss lolololol. Juked some zombies in the streets, noticed the TERRIBLE Linearity with short backtracking planned for later, I just can't support this with 8 bucks dudes...

This is Spectacularly TERRIBLE.

If you have put real hours into a game like the re2Remake, and you actually have come to appreciate it, then it's likely you will not be able to stand this product. I'd just go back to playing re2, or get the re4 remake, bc this is just atrocious. Go play RE7 or something idk. F.

Go back and play the original Re3 unless you just love the interactive movie type game w some Resident Evil shoved in there. The original game was designed better and the player somehow knew where to go easier, with the level map being a lot more complex.

I have to say, this could quite literally give RE6 a run for its money in being one of the worst RE games ever. It's impressive.

Would not Recommend.
Közzétéve: 2023. október 26.
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27.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (20.4 óra az értékeléskor)
Meh, I will probably play this one through, but it sorta sucks ass as a Resident Evil Game. I guess the most upsetting part is how there is SO MUCH POTENTIAL, BUT THEY BLEW IT!

Revelations was good because it made the game into chapters, like 13 or so of them, and gave you waypoints to make puzzling through an RE game a bit more accessible. The only thing wrong with that first game was enemy variety, and I bet most people didn't get deep into it anyways.

This game, Rev 2 sucks though, it has an identity crisis for the entire duration of the gameplay. At times, it feels you you are playing 2 player portal, but by yourself. It is way too linear, and it starts to feel more and more like the first The Evil Within game.

But then you are sitting there, doing this chore heavy, The Last of Us 1 stuff, cooperative progressing without combat, BORING BORING BORING, and then when the enemy encounters happen, it's inconsequential. The AI is better, but you really don't have control over them, even to the level you did in RE0. YOU CANT EVEN TELL THEM TO NOT FIRE, OR PLAY OFFENSIVE, it's wait, or follow and do w.e you want A.I.

The Zap system, it seems like they want to lean into that, but they don't go far enough like RE0, so it sucks. It is meant to be there for coop, but again, why would you wanna play coop where one girl wont touch guns, and the other is "too little" to do any real combat.

Maybe this is fun on Coop? I'm just tying to figure out if this was a terrible port or something ON TOP OF IT BEING A BAD GAME, bc they don't disclose core game mechanics through the HUD, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't sometimes you can't climb a ledge you can reach, many time you CAN climb a ledge that seems unreachable. Sometimes you can reach a ladder, and your partner can boost you, other times the ladder is closer and they can't.

There are all sorts of stupid moments where people get stuck trying to solve a puzzle not meant for their character.

Also, this story runs in 2 bursts, so 1 coop team of chicks takes lead, then you are chasing them down, going over ALMOST THE EXACT SAME LEVEL, it's annoying, it feels like you're back tracking even when you are not.

Then, after we get there, it turns into the crappiest Tomb Raider jank fest in the world near the end. WHAT A PIECE OF ♥♥♥♥.

Again, maybe it is fun on coop if you have a terrible player to play with that doesn't mind being the light ♥♥♥♥♥, maybe it's fun to do runs or something. But completing it, that's not fun at all.

If you can get over the FD up way they price it, and buy it for 10 or so, maybe get it to play once, but again, maybe don't, I wish someone would have just told me this kind of info in a review and I wouldn't have bought it.

Level design sucks, tons of places you can get to, that it won't allow you through, so suspension of disbelief is wavering, and it all fall apart COMPLETELY by the end. I couldn't believe the tropes and the level design. What a piece of ♥♥♥♥.

tl;dr consider not playing this game because it's more like a mix of the following games, and not much like a resident evil game. The closest ties it has to RE is playing like Revelations 1, I'm sorry. JUST NO! There are some charming moments to it, but it might be worse than 6, idk.

Portal 2 coop mode ( but playing single player)
The Last of Us Chore heavy cooperative progression. SUPER TIRED, BORING ♥♥♥♥ AND THIS GAME IS BLOATED WITH IT! The puzzles don't even make sense, you can't drop a box off a ledge into the water, but here DROP THIS Massive Battery 10+ feet bc they are too lazy to build a final lift and have the puzzle MAKE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SENSE.

Horror tones less like RE and more like The Evil Within (I can't complain, but some might)
Linearity like The Evil Within, BAD THOUGH, and not nearly as well thought out...
Jank as bad as playing Mirrors Edge or the WORST Parkour sections of a new tomb Raider games.

And it wraps all this up in a Resident Evil package that encourages tons of replay, but the game sucks, so it's not gonna happen. Tons of wasted potential. If you want a streamlined RE game, stick to Rev 1, if you want a good coop, why not 5 or 6? or maybe this one will work. But damn, there is so much wrong w this game.

Edit: I forgot this game struggled IMMENSELY from balance issues regarding supplies and ammo. In the girls' half, it's pretty good balance on Standard Difficulty, but play the Barry half of this game, and you won't know what to do w all that crap. Terrible, much in the same way that The Evil Within 2 was, difficulty wise. A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MESS!

I suggest playing the chicks parts on standard, and barry part on Hardcore. But I have no idea if the game is smart enough to award completion achievements this way.

Overall, ♥♥♥♥ this game. I'd rather go play RE0, Good Grief. When I finish RE6, maybe I can come back and tell you, if it's better or worse than that trash.


--but they definitely misfired.

Lots of scary atmosphere and actual scares for the player and great little details, But DAAAAAAAMN, they messed this thing up.

I'm not editing this wall o text, BUTTPHUCK THIS GAME LOL.
Közzétéve: 2023. augusztus 13. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2023. augusztus 13.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
3.9 óra a nyilvántartásban
I feel bad for crapping on this game. It's actually quite good as an RE experience. It's much like Code Veronica in the way it plays and the pacing, but a little smoother and newer for sure. It's also like RE2 though with 2 stories happening simultaneously, for real this time though.

I always liked the A and B scenario in RE2, this is a lot like that, they just make you do both the A and B scenarios at the same time, switching back and forth characters and sometimes working together. Less good for replayability on that front, but this is a decently long Resident Evil, you can't just cruise through it in 2 hours, even if you know what you are doing. It will be rewarding to go through again with a little more knowledge.

I punked out and crapped on it and said it wasn't a good RE game bc it can be fairly confusing at first and I didn't make it off the train I dont think. Now I've beaten it and in fact, it's probably one of the better ones in the series. Really unique, and less gimmicky though compared to something like revelations. The story is decent and it looks nice.

If you can get over having to drop items instead of no box, and switching between characters, solving puzzles w both, taking different paths at the same time etc, then you will actually love this game. It's a really strong classic-esque resident evil. Definitely worth checking out.

I just finished it up on the gamecube and it was great.

I'd say the biggest factor towards people not liking it, is it's not really first run friendly, it will help if you know which character to go which way at first. If you put in the time, and can learn the route just a little bit, then inventory management is less stressful and this is a very rewarding RE experience.

This was my first playthrough, but I have patience, now that I know generally where stuff goes and what items are meant for, the item dropping stuff is no big deal, most stuff is dropped in a central room and I rarely find myself backtracking for countless items. The backtracking was honestly worst on the train, clear it and it really takes off from there.
Közzétéve: 2022. október 27.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
12.1 óra a nyilvántartásban (7.4 óra az értékeléskor)
This gameplay is innovative as ♥♥♥♥. If this weren't so hard, this might have gone more mainstream, but it is the difficulty which also makes it so good. I think they have a handholding type mode but idk how to activate it. This has great depth in movement, combat, everything. Decent story too, nothing sticks out as stupid. Imagine if this is what mirrors edge became instead of the doo doo they put out. Maybe in another timeline.

Seems like the next ghostrunner would kill in sales if it is creative like this one. The platforming through the levels' paths is so damn cool. It looks great and feels great. The character will mostly do what you intend him to do, running on side of walls vs up, climbing on accident etc. but there is a bit of a learning curve and sometimes some unfortunate close misses. These are few and far in bbetween though since the paths and encounters are heavily planned in this game.

The levels can be solved in many ways, but they are linear. So they are planned encounters that are fun, OH SO FUN. Not some open world bad AI crap.

It reminds me of the movement of doom eternal, but with mirrors edge type paths, but 10x more creative with your powers and weapons and the enemy powers and weapons, better movement, more fun. Violent. Less bugs and will be relevant longer. This is the best platforming game in a while. I know the grapple has been around and even in open world games it's there, but this game set this genre forward so much. Movement in general has a new benchmark and some creative ideas.

Also plays like this game called SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell. If you haven't played that one, you should check it out. It's run with the same engine? so the movement is the same, where you look is where you go, all directions included. That game was awesome, and it is a great trainer for movement and execution in general. It is a bit more basic, but really hard as well. You will learn crazier movement on that game honestly if you go for good times, but It prepared me for this game very well.

This game deserves more recognition, it shouldn't be bargain binned. It does ask a lot of the player, you do have to get good, but not in a "sink hours" kinda way, but in a "frustrating retry" kind of way.

It does feel rewarding to put in a little time, and achieve different benchmarks. The game is really fun so far, although there are some choke points that make it hard to want to continue. Laser boss and rotating platform collect 13 orb level were the worst offenders of this so far. Top of the train almost made me mad just now, but it was forgiving.

But this is a dope game. So satisfying. Visuals are always so flashy. (Swag) and the sound design is awesome. Gotta give credit to RoG for their implementation of RGB. Asus Aura will cause your keyboard, mouse, and rig lights to flash different colors and effects to increase the ambiance. It's a great game to include this in.

They leave the advanced movement/glitch type stuff in there too bc it is so hard to do, but if you want, you can solve the levels in your own way. You can launch at double speed and skip over platforms you should need to touch, but I'm just learning how to toy with this. I gotta respect a game that leaves abuseable little techniques in just bc it knows your objective will still be challenging. You can cheese up the side of a wall bc you missed the last jump before a checkpoint, and you still accomplished the goal. It's very cool.

Custom level creator would be cool, like they do snap map in doom, oh my word, if they could pull that off in a sequel, it would make it infinite shelf life.

There are many different ways to solve a level. You're stressed the first time around, but give it time, and what seemed hard will seem easy and fun soon enough.

I would joke, it's sooooo fun...until the enemies come out. LOL. Then I got 1 hour better, and the enemy variety kept expanding. This game just makes sense. It is hard, but worth it if you are a decent gamer.

Final Point: Reflecting a shot back at the shooter or another enemy entirely is baaaaadass.
Közzétéve: 2022. július 11.
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