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载入太卡的玩家,在首次打开DOTA2时可尝试先创建本地主机进入到章节选择界面然后再退出去匹配,可以一定程度上加快载入速度 来自一次偶然。 黑暗的森林中升起了第一道火苗,光芒点亮人类的眼睛。 蜷缩的身影缓缓站起,勇气战胜了恐惧,朝着黑暗迈出第一步。 至此,人类的神话拉开序幕。 工具、数字、文字、法典、货币…… 蒸汽机、发电机、内燃机、计算机、航天器…… 每一个都代表着人类与黑暗和未知战斗至今的伟大瞬间。 每一个都代表着人类化为群星试图照亮一片夜空。 直到时间机器的问世,人类跳脱于时间长河之外。 于是晨曦照亮夜
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Workshop Showcase
Realm Of Chaos Chapter 2 - The Legend of Mt. Shu Special Acknowledgement EzioAca -English translation director Steam Community( http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=866471631) QQ Group: 832263128; 121596625; 194120528; 375145009; 250994993
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17,755 hrs on record
last played on 27 Mar
2,277 hrs on record
last played on 27 Mar
1,077 hrs on record
last played on 26 Mar
SkapVis 14 Apr, 2021 @ 11:23am 
Thank you so mutch the boses in the waves are to strong for 1 person lol
SkapVis 1 Apr, 2021 @ 11:42pm 
Hallo can you please help me with the bug in realm of chaos - the legend of mt. shu I tried to get the Developers to help but no progress the problem is when you can upgrade you're state at the NPC it crashed dota all the time please play and explain to Avelon thanks so mutch
875 12 Oct, 2020 @ 7:36am 
@Kerberos I suggest trying to unpack MOD file and replace the music list.

875 9 Jun, 2018 @ 12:23am 
@Shinoa Hiiragi fix some problem,return as soon as possible.
Какашкоед 8 Jun, 2018 @ 10:10am 
Please return my favorite caste TouHouTD...
Memebex 7 May, 2018 @ 2:33pm 
What happaned with the TouhouTD?