Butlarian Jihadist
  West Yorkshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Life is thundering blissful towards death in a stampede.
I can no longer sit back and allow Smegfucian infiltration, Smegfucian indoctrination, Smegfucian subversion, and five thousand 3700 years of sexual repression to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids!!!
Order is to be discarded like a humanoid melting like clams on the breakfast table.
Order is the way of villains. True good is the formless void, melting and writhing and corrupting. You happy yet? Are we cool yet?

So that my dystopian vision can rise from ashes.

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Darkest Dungeon® II
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Created by - Butlarian Jihadist
767 ratings
*Note* This guide contains minor spoilers. Achievements are sequenced in the order which events takes place in the game. Feel free to point out any mistakes and post your questions below. I will add more screenshots in later versions of this guide. Enjoy!
No body of water is safe without a shark.
*note* Perhaps your definition of your self-system lacks authentic boundaries. You've erected a precarious structure of personality on unconscious factors over which you have no control. [REDACTED]
mabi 12 Nov, 2024 @ 11:30pm 
- REP this person is racist just because im black i got hanged. This person only kills black players. Please report
d4nzer_db 18 Apr, 2024 @ 6:24pm 
A_hidden_nooB_0.0 22 Dec, 2023 @ 12:46pm 
告诉俺娘 俺不是孬种 22 Sep, 2023 @ 10:13am 
iota 18 Sep, 2023 @ 11:37am 
I'm sick of people loving me only because of my dota rank.

Try imagining it, I'm on a first date with a gorgeous girl I matched on Tinder, everything in date goes extremely well. We have many things in common and our sense of humor is similar, however I did a huge mistake of telling her that I play Dota 2 and I'm Immortal rank.

Wherever I go my Immortal rank follows me like a curse. Man, woman, everyone; if they learn about my dota skills and huge hero pool they immediately think of me as a boost machine.

Sometimes girls invite me to their home, I think we're going to have sex but no, she points the computer and tells me: "Play a quick ranked game, I just want to watch you play."

"Is that all I am? Ten quick fingers, two sharp eyes..."

All I want is true love.
strangers 5 Jun, 2023 @ 3:24pm 
come visit :eyes: