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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 43
Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
34.5 Std. insgesamt (10.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Truly one of the most chill game this year.
Verfasst am 3. Dezember 2024.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
11.7 Std. insgesamt
A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead is a decent horror game overall, even if there are inconsistent and confusing mechanics, at least from what I've seen on Hard difficulty, such as getting the spotted sound cues even though your own sounds are much lower than the ambient ones which provides unnecessarily loud sound-jumpscares (spotted sound cues). it is also impossible to be fully stealthy due to that and scripted enemy movements (moving from one zone to another even if you haven't been spotted (which remains rare as you constantly walk on loud-enough grounds (i absolutely hated the water environments)) to be heard from across the level even if the visible enemies are much, much farther, and have the exact same hearing whether you're in their face or quite literally 50 metres away, which can definitely feel unfair at times at least on that difficulty.
The characters don't really think before doing something, which leads to pretty goofy moments that could have been entirely avoided which can lead to the immersion being somewhat weakened; however voice acting and animation are pretty solid, which kind of alleviates the goofiness usually as they are still pretty expressive.
The world itself however really looks amazing and very much alive, you're constantly on edge and tense as there are very few moments where you can make noise freely, which is a big plus, it really helps set the mood and general ambience the world is in.
The protagonist's journey feels dynamic enough and even if some scenarios are definitely predictable, it still manages to remain relatively fresh until the end of the game, and seeing probably something like 90% of the whole travel really helps to immerse in the protagonist's shoes.
The music is.. good enough, forgettable but serves the game well enough as it is also a game revolving around mandatory silence so it isn't as important as it may be for any other game.
I really enjoyed that more and more mechanics were introduced all along the way up until the end, kept the game fresh enough to keep playing.
Story is enjoyable though rather basic, but that doesn't mean it's bad at all, easily understandable by all.
Some slight performance issues even on a 4070, but acceptable enough.

I recommend even through these apparent flaws, whether you're a fan of the movies or not (I haven't seen them), as it doesn't require any prior knowledge of them to understand most of what's happening. The price may be a little bit steep though, but it is definitely worth to try, as I have.
Verfasst am 19. Oktober 2024. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 19. Oktober 2024.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
5.9 Std. insgesamt
Absolutely outstanding game.
Terrific writing, emotionally destroyed, totally tense throughout.
Very linear story and gameplay / level design but manages to remain extremely engaging.
The characters are charming and touching, and the threats are really well designed.
I enjoyed my time with it.

Oh, and the soundtrack's really good, too.
Verfasst am 18. Juni 2024. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 18. Juni 2024.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
166.6 Std. insgesamt (163.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Starfield has its flaws but it's fine. I like it.
Verfasst am 21. November 2023.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
20.8 Std. insgesamt
Filcher is one of the games I am most overjoyed to have stumbled across, I have been a fan of MythoLogic Interactive with SuperFighters Deluxe already, so I decided to give this a try, and I am really glad I have.

• Simple but effective story and narration
• 2.5D artstyle and artdirection in a 3D space
• Excellent Noir comic-book artstyle for in-between-missions story panels
• Thief (1998) gameplay mechanics, simple, but very well executed
• Different ways to approach each situations/encounters
• Important side-characters have some personality, mostly unveiled through reading the lore in the missions, they are never seen in-game except through story panels, typical guards just go on with their routine, some have dialogue, which still gives them a bit of life, but it isn't the focus (which I think is totally okay)
• No in-mission saves, you're on your own, and will have to restart the whole mission if you are not careful.

All-in-all, while this game looks rather simple, it is in fact rather complex, both in difficulty and gameplay.
A very competent Stealth-ImSim, and if you loved Thief (1998), you'll love Filcher (and vice-versa).
Verfasst am 3. April 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 18. Mai 2023.
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4 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
24.6 Std. insgesamt
A Tale of Human Madness and Resilience.

Call of Cthulhu is a psychological horror game, inspired from Howard Phillips Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu and officially based on Chaosium's tabletop RPG Call of Cthulhu, where you play as Detective Pierce who gets warped into cosmic horror while investigating the Hawkins family's death on the Darkwater Island.

• Not very scary, apart from a few parts in some chapters, the end being the culmination of everything horrific in the game.
• Fascinating and very well-written/realised ideas and story.
• Choices and actions taken will affect the endings you will be able to choose.
• Every characters have motivations, emotions and goals.
• Luck-based actions and unique dialogues based on the skill's level required.
• Impressive world-building and atmosphere in every level in-game.
• Multiple Endings (4).
• Fun investigation mechanics.
• Voice acting is really good most of the time, and at some places, not so much.
• Animations are really well fleshed-out.
• Short-ish and pretty much linear.

TL;DR, this is a game that's worth playing, especially if you are into the Cthulhu Mythos, though may be too costly for the length of the game, wait for a sale if possible.
Verfasst am 1. April 2021. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 1. April 2021.
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4 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
27.3 Std. insgesamt (22.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Pretty good game

• Great characters you feel through, even if that one character does talk quite a bunch and comments most of your actions out loud (which I would have preferred to have an "intern" voice instead).
• Clunky jump animation, but solid in general.
• Interesting and poignant story.
• Good and immersive references to TDD ("The Dark Descent").
• Custom Story and Workshop support as of [06.11.20].
• Some kind of unique gameplay mechanics. The whole ordeal of being pregnant, vulnerable, in a very dangerous world and setting.
• "Sanity" has changed its name into "Fear" to be more cohesive with the story elements, although here, it kills you and sometimes sadly puts you at the end of the level. Especially for the whole labyrinth horror sequence.
• Multiple endings.
• Excellent voice-acting, whether it be for the other characters, or Tasi.
• Well-thought-out level design.

Overall, I really enjoyed the game, even if I got nothing in exchange for the preorder, that was a non-surprisingly good game, considering the way SOMA went through. It's got SOMA's design set up into Amnesia's lore and design, surprisingly hits well enough and is overall pretty well used. Though I was surprised of having the "final boss" being just like the Searchlight ghost except it doesn't move, somehow underwhelming, though I guess it is better this way, to some degree and for one of the 3 endings. Probably just me but I also cried just before, because of the story and the well-made end-monologue..
Verfasst am 25. November 2020. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 24. November 2021.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
3.0 Std. insgesamt
Obsurity is an attempt at a (top-down?) 2D Souls-Like, and actually does the job pretty well.
• The game is fairly difficult at places, especially in the Obsurity portals (due to a ton of enemies), even though Atari's power seem to be maybe too powerful, since you can literally cheese the game by being both too far for enemies to see you, and kill them at the same time.
• Other than Atari's power, Santinel's powers are proven to be quite useful, needed even, if you want to enjoy the game to its fullest potential.
• The game is pretty short, from 2 to 3 hours, as I've experienced. Depending if you're good at these kind of games.
• The game contains one bug that kind of irritates me: other enemies being able to attack through some walls (even if you can do that too, but your attack doesn't reach as far as theirs)
• The translation of the game falls okay, some sentences doesn't really mean anything, or (failed?) references to other games such as Skyrim with a guard saying: "Let me guess... Has someone stolen your sweet roll?" when it should be "Let me guess... Someone stole your sweetroll?". But overall I thought the translation was understandable, not top notch, but is okay, since you can understand the story (which is the most important point for a translation to be average).
• Graphics are pretty good, especially the character's sprites, the game cover's art, etc.., I kind of liked the pixel-art feel of the game overall (though i think I would've preferred more details, seemed too minimalistic for me, but it's just not very much my style).

\\ TL;DR: The game feels pretty good, has pretty solid mechanics and is worth a buy and a look, especially on sale at 80%.
Verfasst am 26. September 2020. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 11. Oktober 2020.
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5 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
22.9 Std. insgesamt (17.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Mirror's Edge is a unique experience, timeless both graphics and story wise. Truly a masterpiece and a huge reference in its genre. Had a lot of fun, whether it was on PS3 or on PC on Steam.
Verfasst am 7. Juli 2020. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 7. Juli 2020.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
0.2 Std. insgesamt
I literally felt nauseous (felt like motion sickness but worse) the whole time I played, it... aged very bad, I'd say. I did not enjoy this, so I cannot recommend.
Verfasst am 22. Mai 2020.
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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 43