Smug Fumo :3
Real   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Feel free to add me guys, i guess. If i am slow with responses im busy irl.

and no i wont click on links.....neva....eva......rreal :Grineer::Grineer::Grineer::Grineer:
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Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
<3 Greetings and welcome to my profile ! <3
:sayaka_DGR: ### Factoids of all time ### :sayaka_DGR:

I am an enthusiast for old video games from the 2000's era that come from the Playstation 2 especially. :steamhappy:

Video games that shaped my perspective: Resident Evil :wesker: , Okami :greenimp: , Persona :p4g_smiling: , Devil May Cry :DMCJester2:

Unpopular opinion: 2000's era video game graphical style and presentation will forever be superior, the amount of attention to detail dwarfs the need to care about environments being in HD/HQ, just look at Okami for example :direyes:

Amaterasu, my beloved. :direyes:

Day 3,621 of waiting for 1/3rd of Playstation 2 games to finally be available on Steam... :Grineer:

In the year 2100 Capcom will finally feel pity on us starving Okami enjoyers and drop Okamiden on Steam after years of suffering waiting for a freaking Nintendo DS game to be available.... :steamhappy:

Hideki Kamiya, my beloved... :direyes:

Tales of Symphonia enjoyer certified survivor number #3621, this individual hereby
has NOT played Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of The New World and thus avoiding the Symphonia
experience being ruined.

Sometimes i have deep dark thoughts in the back of my head... t-the voices in my head
wake me up every night urging me to whip up a chicken sandwich but instead of chicken
it's just a giant clump of chewed bubblegum.... g-gently it shall s..s-sink in the middle of the
SAUCY circumference of the bun...soon.. send help... :Grineer:

MVP game companies: XSEED/THQ Nordic/Atlus/Square Enix/Capcom
Honorable mentions: Any other game company that isn't Ubisoft or Electronic Arts instantly win :steamhappy:

Did you know that the Playstation 2 lived till 2014? OLD GEN GAMING LESS GOOOOOOO

The... thing i truly dread about the PS2 is the secret creepy alternative screen hidden in the PS2's system that shows itself on unfortunate days.....Maybe this is why Sony discontinued the PS2... too many "Coincidental" creepy myths happenings are perhaps "Unacceptable" :Grineer:

# Thank you for visiting, and i hope you have a nice day!!! #
:steamthumbsup: :steamhappy:
Smug Fumo :3 15 Mar @ 6:35am 
Nick. 15 Mar @ 12:09am 
i agree with this message
Smug Fumo :3 14 Mar @ 10:17pm 
lmao thanks
Smiley 14 Mar @ 3:42pm 
I hope you come back on day like a marvel hero, feeling better and ready.
Smug Fumo :3 26 Feb @ 4:40pm 
missed u 2 seras my fav big tiddy foxy, been busy sowwy :3333
Seras 25 Feb @ 9:36pm 
Miss ya