Previously on Alan Wake
Starring Jan van der Merwe   United States
"My name is Alan Wake, and I'm a writer." - A. Wake
"Enough Jokes." - M. Guerrero

Video games are for losers.

Alan Watts is a hack.

I like flags. Also, Thai food and Jesus.

You might want to give me a nickname. I change steam names often.

“Woe to him who builds a town with bloodshed,
Who establishes a city by iniquity!
Behold, is it not of the
Lord of hosts
That the peoples labor to feed the fire,
And nations weary themselves in vain?
For the earth will be filled
With the knowledge of the glory of the
As the waters cover the sea."

Habakkuk 2:12-14, NKJV

:t500: :TrainEngine: /// AF /// :TradingPost: :10real:
"My naam is Alan Wake, en ek is 'n skryfer." - A. Wake
"Genoeg grappies." - M. Guerrero

Videospeletjies is vir verloorders

Alan Watts is 'n kap.

Ek hou van vlae. Ook Thaise kos en Jesus.

Jy sal dalk vir my 'n bynaam wil gee. Ek verander gereeld Steamname.

Wee hom wat ‘n stad bou met bloed en ‘n vesting stig deur onreg.
Kyk, kom dit nie van die
HERE van die leërskare dat volke arbei vir vuur en nasies hulle afmat vir niks nie?
Want die aarde sal vol word met die kennis van die heerlikheid van die
HERE soos die waters die seebodem oordek.

Habakuk 2:12-14 AF53

:revolutionaryhat: :infanterie: /// DE /// :kuktrupp: :pepperbox:
"Mein Name ist Alan Wake, und ich bin ein Schrifsteller." - A. Wake
"Genug der Witze." - M. Guerrero

Videospielen sind für Verlierer.

Alan Watts ist ein Schreiberling

Ich mag Flaggen. Auch, Thai-Küche und Jesus.

Vielleicht möchten Sie mir einen Spitzname geben. Ich ändere Steam-Namen sehr.

"Weh dem, der die Stadt mit Blut baut und richtet die Stadt auf mit Unrecht!
Wird's nicht so vom
HERRN Zebaoth geschehen: Woran die Völker sich abgearbeitet haben, muss mit Feuer verbrennen, und wofür die Leute sich müde gemacht haben, das muss verloren sein?
Denn die Erde wird voll werden von Erkenntnis der Ehre des
HERRN , wie Wasser das Meer bedeckt".

Habakkuk 2:12-14, LTB
Currently Offline
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Learn the ins and outs of Space Wars: Bafflefrond II's classes! This guide deals with the specifics of the glorious Derpire and the valiant lackeys that make up its enormous conscript armies.
WHAT I'M WRITING: Kurtz's Three Principles
Before I continue, we must discuss some underlying principles. Otherwise, the following experiences will make little sense. I am not the first person to conceptualize these principles, although I am certainly the first to do so in this context.

1. The universe is intelligible , when it need not be.
2. Intelligibility is a measure of relationships .
3. Relationships are governed by law .

These things may seem obvious, obvious to the point that they may seem unrelated to a recollection of the Civil War except in the broadest, oblique (to use the English term) sense, but this is only because one fails to truly consider the implications of intelligibility to their final, and thus operative, extent.

Consider that intelligibility is actually a condition of human mental accessibility -- what man can and cannot intake into the mind as information. We take it for granted that this information has no matter, and that it is actually accessible to all. Certainly, not all information can be equally utilized or read in a computing sense. I can tell you the words I read as I parse them from a book about nuclear reactions, but that does not mean I understand anything about the information which I am relating to you. You might, but that you accessed that information from me from a book that I do not understand should call to mind what the "stuff" of information is. I am leaving aside any scenarios where I might mispronounce a word, or stumble as I speak. The information properly related is still communicated. It is of the same "stuff," stuff with no physical properties or form.

A scientist may tell you that the neurons of the brain are the stuff of this page or whatever stuff that I am reciting to you. We must not be so hasty as to accept this materialist explanation without due critical thought. A book has no neurons, yet it stores the same information as well as any neuron, if not better. Nor can any scientist point to any combination of charged neurons and say this definitively represents this piece of information or that piece of information. That is not say that this might not be the case -- absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, after all. Or rather, simply because something cannot be shown to exist does not prove it doesn't exist. What I mean to say is that whether there is a core "language" or "lettering" of neurons to information as it is stored in our brain. This merely pushes the question of what the relations are between matter and information to a lower strata. It is a reverse "God of the Gaps" argument to assert that the stuff of information must be material because it must be.

There is in fact reason to suggest that intelligibility, and thus information, has not material component, that it is a dimension unto itself, not different from other dimensions of measurement like heat, time position, etc.
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Jesse Rose 26 Apr, 2024 @ 5:12pm 
If you, like me, are here trying to figure out who the hell this person is in your friends list, its Jimmy. It's always Jimmy.
Emmet the Golem 9 Sep, 2022 @ 10:17pm 
This man has ruined my life. My wife is obsessed with him and my dog will not stop crying when he sees bald men on the street. Thanks a lot.
Gehrman 12 Jan, 2019 @ 12:42pm 
Hello fellow PayDay heister would you like to accept me, so we could play more PayDay 2?
tony montana on xbox live 14 Feb, 2018 @ 4:41pm 
Party Inari 22 Apr, 2017 @ 7:48pm 
Barrels arent mans
tony montana on xbox live 30 Mar, 2017 @ 3:25pm 
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