nightmare(lone wanderer)
Hello There i am nightmare.sir nightmare the guard the 1st i know its a really long name but i mostly go by night or nighty now how did you find me?well that is for you to tell me if you like to i don't mind i am however going to ask you why you want to be my friend after seeing this profile.but hey if you tell me maybe it well be good maybe not um what else is there i do rps sometimes erp uh...i play games but not online sadly no tower...hmm mostly i just sit around and think to myself so if you want stop on by say hi or whatever just don't hurt my friend's

Name: Nightmare
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Unicorn
Height: 14 feet
Hobby:lays next to a lake alone forever
Job: Guard
Scent:rose and coconut
Description: He is a red and black maned stallion with light black fur and deep blue eyes.
heart coloer:gold with rusty chains around it holding it togeter
flower:a nice lovely black rose

Ps: i do sometimes just boop you

New oc
Race: Pegasus
Hight:7feet tall
Hobby:likes to sing alone
Job:lab helper
Scent:like a new lab coat
Description:a red coat with a black and white mane and lovely green eyes
A little bit of story:gear was working in the lab using chemicals when she sliped spilling the chemicals onto her front right leg and her back lef leg burning them she was rush to the hospital where they had to cut off her legs the next day some ponys from the other lab asked her if she wanylted to try there cyborg legs she sayed yes and now she walks around happily and does the things she does.
Currently Offline
Snuggle 30 Jul, 2020 @ 6:53pm 
Looking for people to do hot Markiplier pony RP. Please contact if interested
Snuggle 30 Jul, 2020 @ 4:21pm 
Schmung 1 Jan, 2020 @ 7:29am 
Hey! I'm doing a friendlist cleanup and you're getting this message because you and I are pretty inactive in talking together, and/or I don't exactly remember who you are! Feel free to shoot me an add back again if you wanna be friends still!
nightmare(lone wanderer) 29 Jul, 2019 @ 4:34pm 
rasha ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this land is not cursed you just happen to be sitting on a rose you wired zebra
Kiri 28 Jul, 2019 @ 5:36pm 
This land is cursed, It brings a great sense of fear into one's self.
★彡Livel0w 28 Jul, 2019 @ 5:17pm 
I only seek peace.