⠄⠄⠄⠄⢷⠎⠄⠄⠄⣼⣦⠻⣿⣿⡟⠛⠻⢿⣿⣿⣿⡾⢱⣿⡏⠸⡏ ~ Have a wonderful day


⣿⡏⣸⣿⡷⠶⠒⠀⣀⣠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⡀⠀ ⠒⠶⢾⣿⡇⢹⣿

Yes, I do:
✔️manga & anime :yukahappy:
✔️rpg & rp :nwsuccess:
✔️be a nerd :greedyHeart:
✔️enjoy games :SnowLady:
✔️horde for life <3 :Leafa:
✔️rock and roll :music:

No, I do not:
❌open random links :imexcitedrightnow:
❌accept adds zero people/group in common :fear:
❌be a rebel and traitor to empire

Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The dark side shall set me free.


asche zu asche und staub zu staub und das feuer wird zu eis
Burn the Heretic. Kill the Mutant. Purge the Unclean!

There is no peace, there is passion.
There is no fear, there is power.
There is no death, there is immortality.
There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side.

I am the heart of darkness.
I know no fear,
But rather, I instill it in my enemies.
I am a destroyer of worlds.
I am an expression of the dark side.
I am the fire of hate.

All the universe bows before me.
I pledge myself to the darkness.
For I have foun
OC List
Name: Tsixyia Dark
Race: Blood Elf/Dragon
Sex: Female
Height: 1.60 meters (Blood Elf form)
Powers: (Blood Elf) Magic form any school and can use swords easy in combat.
Weakness: To overzealous about her people, the Blood Elves (Highborn), and will easy get provoked to assault or hurt someone if they insult the blood elf or threaten them, her magic is stronger than her strength with a blade and would most likely parry the attacks with her blade and counter with magic.
Weapons: One Great Sword called The Fangs which can be split with magic into two normal swords one dark metal(Shadow Fang) other moon metal(Star Fang), lot and lot of knowledge of the magic schools mostly dark and necromancy magic.
Hair color: Blond in normal form can turn black if she gets enraged or when she is feeling like it.
Eye color: Unlike normal blood elves her eyes are blue due to her dragon form.
Body : Small curve body (further body info you can ask).
Dragon form: Smaller than normal dragons with a dark blue smooth skin.
Dragon weapons: Ice breath, ice magic, and normal basic dragon weapons (like claws and tail).
Alignment: Lawful Evil/Lawful good.


Hair color: Raven Black
Eye color: Red
Class: Sith Sorcerer
Powers: the basic sith/sorcerer abilities but taken particular intressed in Force Lightning Force Scream Force fear Force slow
Skills: training in form I shii-cho form III : soresu form V: shien/djemso Form VI: niman and basic sith training
Weakness: her weakness lie in her over focus in her force abilities and can be outmatch in a saber duel against one more skill in saber combat and can be overwhelmed by to many opponents
Strengths: Cause fear&confusion in and out of combat turn people against one other and Willpower in the force
Alignment: Lawful Evil/Neutral Good


hair Color: Raven black
Eye Color: blue
Race: vampire human/elf (depending on setting)
Likes: dominating the weak,arcane mysteries,magic,hunting,scheming,sadistic(depending on setting of alignment) water,forest
Gender: Female.
Powers: general vampire skills,magic,necromancy,ice magic,illusion magic,dex,cunning
Weaknesses: Fire,Holy. (almost a blinding hatred towards humans(depending on setting) craves strength and authority (have them and following them) disperse the weak and feeble
Alignment: Lawful Evil/Neutral (depending on setting)


Name: E'lara
hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: blue
Likes: rain,nights,fresh beats,eddies,cyberspace
Dislikes: gonks
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Straight
Chroom: deep Net dive processor , kiroshi optics, monowire,cyberdeck, optical camo
Cyberdeck: ping , short circuit , overheat , system collapse , cyberware malfuntion , reboot optics weapon glitch
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Job: netrunner

Oc: work in progress


hair Color:
Eye Color:
Gender: female
Alignment: chaotic evil
Class: rouge/spellblade

hair Color:
Eye Color:

Name: shadow dancer
Fur Color: dark blue
Mane Color: black /dark blue highlights
Tail Color: black /dark blue highlights
Eye Color: dark blue
Race: pegasus
Likes: Sharpening her skills, Drinking, Killing, Gambling, Stealing,
Gender: Mare/Female.
Powers: Very fast,agile and stealthy.
Weaknesses: Poor strength, Bloodlust, Often blinded by love, Is also blinded by Hate, lust /seduction and darkness/natural evil and is always attracted (Sexually and non-Sexually) to evil.
Alignment: Lawful Evil/Chaotic Evil.
Job: Assasin/Thief
biography : Noting much is known about Shadow Dancer, she raised herself mostly from the streets, she never knew her parents. She taught herself from a young age to survive on the streets, she taught herself to steal and pickpocket. When she reached age 16 she learned to use knifes and daggers and how to seduce stallions and even mares if she needs to survive, and when she was older she got more hateful of life. Later when she was 18, she killed her first person in cold blood. At that time she changed forever, her heart became full with hate and darkness. But, a part hid inside her so full of sorrow and regret but everyday that part, what's left good, of her is dyeing slowly and hate and darkness continue to push her to join some dark cults, who push her to an even darker path. Almost all hope for her to have a lightening path is lost. Hate, anger, and lust for blood guide her and take control of her making her blind to help and hope from anyone. But, still much is not known about her where she came from and who she really is. Will she tell or take everything with her to the grave...? Only time will tell.

Artwork Showcase
Tsixyia (mage)
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darkness rise from ashes
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Roaria 11 Mar @ 9:35pm 
Max 13 Feb @ 11:16am 
happy birthday, lovely ^w^ :bustymilf_heart::besluobo:
raven 13 Feb @ 5:03am 
daaaw thank you two sugercubes super sweet :pinkheart:
☢Stalker☢ 12 Feb @ 3:10pm 
happy birthday to you too :slimetabby:
Kalder (Totally a Hobb) 12 Feb @ 3:02pm 
Happy Birthday to the most kind, cute, caring and nerdy girl in the whole world!!!
Max 15 Jan @ 3:09pm 
the beauty🐇🤍