Mooney ✞ Jesus saves ✞
Hacker Mooney   Netherlands
How cool is it, that the same God who created the mountains, oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too! :Heartyou::gk_cross:
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What happens when I die? Will I be with God in Heaven?
John 3:16 sums it up perfectly: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." But, one might ask; but I'm a good person, why would I need Jesus to save me? Or if God loves me, than He'll forgive me anyway, so why bother?

The Bible states that nobody is good, that we're all sinners, that we've all done something wrong like lying, lusting, cussing, blaspheming, cheating, and maybe even stealing. For that reason God is justified and even obligated to judge us upon what we've done because of His righteous nature. Just like a righteous judge in court. Knowing this, we actually don't deserve to be with God in Heaven. And this pains God, so much so, that He sent Himself to take upon the judgement that we deserve through Jesus Christ whom has never done anything wrong. Remember what John said? When you believe/trust in Him, you'll be saved from death. It's a free gift, and the time to accept this gift is the time we have on this earth. Though He has every reason to punish us for our misconduct, He chose to pay the penalty Himself so that you don't have to pay the penalty. That's how much Jesus loves you!

So the choice is up to you, will you believe in Jesus today?
- Gift of salvation: Ephesians 2:8, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, Titus 3:4-7, Luke 23:42-43, John 3:16, Hebrews 6:1, and Acts 2:21
- Deeds should follow from faith: 1 John 3:6, James 2:26 and Galatians 5:6

You may think, well nice story Mooney, but why would I believe all this to be true? Does God even exist?
Before I give my 2 cents, I recommend a couple of people who were atheist themselves before they became a Christian and have debated famous atheists discussing this exact topic!
- Philosopher William Lane Craig (
- Apologist Frank Turek (
- Astronomer Hugh Ross (
- Cold Case Detective J. Warner Wallace (

In my search for truth I try to research both the atheistic side as the Christian side. Upon this research, I try to make rational conclusions for myself to determine what I believe to be true. There's a lot to be said, so if you want to talk to me about this, be sure to shoot me a message! There's only so much I can tell in this field, so here are my reasons for believing Christianity to be true:
꒰ ͜͡➸ Kalam Cosmological Argument - the universe was caused to exist, so what/who is the causer?
꒰ ͜͡➸ Fine Tuning Argument - the universe is so finely tuned that a mind must have thought of it.
꒰ ͜͡➸ Intelligent Design - living organisms are so complex, that a mind must've designed it. For example, our DNA exists of huge code samples which work for specific functions like creating proteine, who wrote all this code to make it work like this?
꒰ ͜͡➸ Objective Morality - what's truly good and evil and when is it objective? Who has given these laws?
꒰ ͜͡➸ Consciousness - In order to think rationally about our thoughts, we must have the freedom to do so, but this freedom is unavailable if the laws of physics and chemistry are controlling our thoughts.
꒰ ͜͡➸ Beauty - People, animals, trees, nature, whatever you can think of that is so beautiful. How come everything is so beautifully designed? From the complexity of micro-evolution to the beauty of what's around us. If this is so beautifully made, mustn't there be also a designer?
꒰ ͜͡➸ Historical Jesus - If Jesus was raised from the dead, then God must exist and Christianity must be true. History writers who acknowledge the historical Jesus and some verify Christ's crucifixion:
The gospels
- Antiquities 20.200: verifies Jesus his brother James was put to death.
- Antiquities 18.63: verifies that Jesus had been condemned to be crucified by Pontius Pilate.
- Confirms Jesus' crucifixion under Tiberius and Pontius Pilate.
Thallus, Mara Bar-serapion, Phelgon, Babylonian Talmud, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger and Lucian of Samosata
- Not one of all of these historians who lived in the first couple of centuries who mention Jesus doubt Jesus' existence. Neither historical pagans, jews and christians. There hasn't been found one historical manuscript that doubts Jesus' existence.
Historical facts - The vast majority of the harshest, skeptical, and atheïstic historians admit some historical facts about Jesus. Namely that Jesus died by crucifixion, Jesus' disciples, Paul and James believed that Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to them and the tomb of Jesus was found empty by his women followers. Taking this into mind, let's look at what potentially happened:
Apparent death theory - "Jesus did not die, but only appeared to die." . The issue with this theory is that for both medical and historical reasons there isn't a possibility that Jesus survived and recovered from what He went through. To give one historical example, the roman soldiers made sure the crucified bodies were dead, because if they weren't dead, the heads of the roman soldiers would roll.
Theft theory - "The disciples or thieves stole the body." . This theory originates from Matthew 28:11-15. The problem here is that not the emptiness of the tomb, but the appearances of Jesus convinced Paul, James and the disciples. So thieves couldn't have stolen it. If the disciples stole the corpse of Jesus, than why would they for 40 years proclaim the gospel while being persecuted and put in prison to just end up being brutally killed, all for a lie? With that, it doesn't explain how the 500 people saw Jesus alive.
Hallucinations theory - "The disciples (and the 500 people) hallucinated to have seen Jesus." . To name 2 issues, group hallucinations are not possible and where would've been the body?
Wrong tomb theory - "Those who went to the tomb, went to the wrong tomb and thus mistook it for Jesus' resurrection." . One issue with this theory is that Paul, James and all disciples but John, believe they had seen the risen Jesus. They weren't convinced by the empty tomb. Also why was this misunderstanding not cleared up by the authority by showing the corpse?
The resurrection - "Jesus rose from the dead and the Gospels are accurate eye-witness accounts for this event." This last explanation suffers from the least issues. It accounts for all the evidence without any difficulty. If we approach the issue of the resurrection in an unbiased manner and asses all the explanations, we can judge the possible explanations and eliminate those that are unreasonable.

You may decide, rationally , which explanation explains best what happened with Jesus and if Christianity could be the actual truth explaining reality.
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