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8.7 timer registreret i alt (5.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I do like the game, but...
Definitely wait as they are promising a patch to fix some issues (including crashes and bring utlrawide support) later this month.

Gameplay(9/10 so far)
Gameplay is great, just don't expect 100s of hours of replayabiltiy. This is not vermintide
but is slightly brought down by issues other games solved a decade ago.
  • Ranged enemies (even basic ones) are more accurate than you, and larger the distance, the more advantage they have.
  • Some ranged enemies shot me through obstacles that I can't shoot through.
  • Odd button layout with poor rebinding support. Problem many unique actions that are bound to their own button. The game binds some to 1 key. YOU cannot rebind multiple action to 1 key.
  • Enemies attacking from behind are poorly telegraphed. Many similar games have sound-queues to inform you.
  • Bot AI is useless. You're basically playing solo. Not only are they fairly passive enemies rarely target them.

These feel like nitpicks, but there's just too many of them to ignore.

Other games can learn from this one.
I'm not big on Warhammer 40k franchise, but I feel like this game conveys the atmosphere well.

Environments where you might stop to look around are visually dense and interesting to look at. Environments meant for fights are less refined.

Graphical fidelity is not crazy across the board, but it's sharp where it matters. For example: The faces are like 7/10 maybe PS4 era with slightly better lighting, but who cares about those? The armor looks like is very details and texture looks actually realistic. Craziest thing is technologically I'm not seeing anything new. They just balanced the visuals really well.

On the technical side I've had 6 crashes, which is more than I would consider normal. Also, of all the crashes only 1 was during intense gameplay. Most of them were in menus or cutscenes. Framerate could be better, but it can't say it bothered me too much because it's pretty stable.
Skrevet: 8. september. Sidst redigeret: 8. september.
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0.5 timer registreret i alt
Not for me. At least not right now.
Played about 6 hours during the beta and just enough to see no major changes in early parts that bothered me.

I enjoyed a lot of the visual elements (mostly enemy design and visual style in certain areas).
Gameplay loop felt generic, but had a few fun ideas implemented. Those ideas mostly add to how the game feels outside of core gameplay loop.

In some areas it just feels rough. Given seasonal wipes (that they are adamant are not wipes) and those rough areas, I don't want to grind for stuff I'll just lose in 2-6 weeks.

With that said, I think the game might be worth trying after they go through a few iterations of development and iron out the kinks. I personally want to experience the game once, after it turns good and not burn out grinding it during its conceptual development (what's going on now).
Skrevet: 29. august. Sidst redigeret: 29. august.
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0.1 timer registreret i alt
3 of my favorite Castlevania games (and among my personal top metroidvanias).

Order of Ecclesia had some issues on many emulation projects, so I'm happy to say I played long enough to where those issues start and didn't see them here.
Skrevet: 28. august. Sidst redigeret: 28. august.
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9.2 timer registreret i alt
I don't even understand why I liked it so much.

Gameplay mechanics aren't lacking, but aren't super intricate.
Balance between on ground combat, ship combat, exploration and progression makes this feel like an adventure somehow.

It also supports local co-op, which is certainly a welcome feature these days.
Skrevet: 17. august.
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6.6 timer registreret i alt (3.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
The 5 years of early access development really shows.
For what it is, it's a 10/10 for me. I feel like the price is fair too.

At the core this is asteroids (with better control scheme). Gameplay is exactly what you see in screenshots.
It's NOT TWIN-STICK SHOOTER although a mod for it exists out there.

Essentially you pick a ship (base stats), a weapon (attack pattern) and shields (not just defensive) and buff them via traditional roguelike upgrades. The in-run progression mostly resemble 20 Minutes Til Dawn, but the gameplay is more action oriented.

There is lots of stuff to unlock too, which could be a negative.
Skrevet: 16. august. Sidst redigeret: 16. august.
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2.0 timer registreret i alt
Fun concept, but the game is buggy and poorly optimized (to a point it bothers me).
  • Slow loading. You can probably download the entire game in the time it takes to start the game and load into an actual game session. (Not normal, because internal PC bandwidth is significantly faster than internet badnwidth)
  • There's a noticeable stutter when hovering over some elements and triggering a tooltip. In fact, I can consistently dip from perfect 100fps to sub-15 by just wiggling my mouse on specific screens.
  • I've found a repeatable bug that soft-locks your run and the only way to fix it is to give up upgrades for that level.

There are also reports of people crashing, which may or may not be related to the FPS issue (stutters are known known to kill apps that aren't ready for it).

I'll revisit the game at some point and update this with a proper review, but the concept is unique enough where it's worth a try (and a revisit).
Skrevet: 13. august. Sidst redigeret: 6. september.
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27.1 timer registreret i alt (11.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
It's okay, but gameplay too basic. I can't help but feel it could be more.

Update: It too too tedious. Far too many (boring) challenges that had me replay a stage simply because I didn't know objectives the first time around.

I'm enjoying it, but if I pause to play another game, I am never coming back to it.
It is a tower defense with action combat (not unlike orcs must die, dungeon defenders and many others) EXCEPT there's a little progression and very basic base building built in.

The game has a lot of nice systems, but neither of them is developed to a degree that adds depth. Like there's at least 4 ways to become stronger (kinda) and over 75% of what I experienced feels like it's designed to pad playtime. Is there any reason I'd want to beat a stage without using contraptions? It actually makes no difference, except I have to play a 2nd time, because the first time the game concealed those challenges.

Action combat
You get access to a 3 move combo (+ 5 finishers 3 of which are combo finishers).
You also get jump, which could be disabled and nobody would notice. You also get a dodge, which is actually worse than just running most of the time. Most enemies either die in 1 hit or don't flinch so combos are only as viable as you can make them safe (usually unpredictable).

You also get a special attack that you can use like once/minute and bow that can later get upgrades.

To put it bluntly, combat boring kind of technical. Even on bosses that require you dodge it feels more like a platformer boss, where you just have to know when or where to move.

Tower Defense
You get a limited amount of villagers and use somewhat limited resources to turn them into combat/support units.
It starts VEEEERY slow and does a terrible job at selling it, but it does get better, as you eventually get access to more units, and enemy variety actually force you to use more units.

There is one negative that's bugging me. Units can get upgraded (outside of run only) and upgraded units are just better than non-upgraded ones. This means that you might want to place an archer to deal with flying enemies, but if you don't have it upgraded it will not do much and you'll have to do more work than the archer. In other words progression locks your choices for a good chunk of the game. You can respec for free, but the sequence in which you upgrade is kinda obvious, because
Skrevet: 29. juli. Sidst redigeret: 3. august.
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5.8 timer registreret i alt (5.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Octopath Traveler games are very similar in most of it's core mechanics, but those games have more mechanics and are significantly more engaging.

Bravely Default 2 battles are won too easily (max difficulty) and are not rewarded well. They feel like a chore from the first hour.
Most jRPGs balance this, so this kind of gameplay is reserved for optional backtracking.

  • There are WAY too many "trash" battles as it until you outlevel enemies they rush towards you.
  • The core gimmick allows you to win most battles in 1 turn. Remember Octopath Traveler "BP"? Well you can spend BP you don't have, which has drawbacks that don't transfer between fights. i.e. there is no cost to insta-winning fights, which makes almost all of them boring. I only had to default(guard/build resource) in 1 fight in ~5 hours.
  • Rewards aren't great.

Put all these things together and you're pretty much just running from point A to point B while buttonmashing to skip fights. It's tedious.

A worse Octopath Traveler isn't bad, but there are far too many 8/10+ games for me to recommend a 6/10 though.
Skrevet: 7. juli. Sidst redigeret: 8. juli.
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8.6 timer registreret i alt
This game has character, but I couldn't stand the controls.
I only played a handful of games with aerial combat, and I can't recall another one feeling so bad to control

Gameplay is Ace Combat adjacent, but in my opinion worse (control scheme contributes to that a lot).
Skrevet: 4. juli. Sidst redigeret: 4. juli.
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1.2 timer registreret i alt (1.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Destiny and Warframe offer similar things, but blow this out of the water.

Doesn't feel great
Grappling hook is the only unique thing this game has to offer, but it's limited in so many ways (uses, distance, locations you can graple on) that it fails to give any freedom or fluidity to movement. The actual movement feels great, but it only works at short distance and even then you have to look at specific angle until grapple marker appears.

Everything about combat looks good in isolation, but nothing feels right in action.
  • Melee attack has weight when swinging at the air, but it just kinda bumps an enemy and they either ragdoll (paralysis look) when killed or don't react at all.
  • Gunplay lacks in too many areas many things. For example: headshots do more damage, but if you didn't see the number you'd never guess you're hitting a weak point. There is actually no feedback when hitting weak spots.
  • Skills like basic grenade look nice, and sound powerful when thrown at the ground. Their effect doesn't match the look when used against the enemy. Enemies either die and switch off or continue moving as if nothing happened.

Pay to win?
Stuff cash can buy:
  • Equipment slots (cash only as far as I've seen). By the way this is not storage slots. It's actual equipment
  • Characters (also earnable through gameplay).
  • Gold and Crafting materials
  • Multiple experience and currency boosts
  • PREMIUM battlepass and battlepass level skips
  • Cosmetics, including FOMO ("limited time") ones

You judge.
Skrevet: 2. juli. Sidst redigeret: 2. juli.
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Viser 1-10 af 325 forekomster