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Tercatat 22.1 jam
Mixed feelings, due to combat feeling samey for far too long.

  • Refreshed combat (same baseline). It allows spamming combat skills, but also SIGNIFICANTLY reduces player's effectiveness until much later then previous games.
  • Linear (no real exploration)
  • Linear item progression
  • Bland reward structure.

Combat(6/10 --> 9/10)
One one had they finally tried to mix up the combat formula, that has been dying due to stagnation. There's no more MP, instead there's a resource for combat skills that regenerates quickly and a resource for support/healing skills that is somewhat limited. Spamming the same skill reduces its effectiveness, so it encourages to mix things up.

On the other hand player inflicted stagger is reduced, which makes early combat a slog. It's not hard, but a solo character often needs entire combo just to stagger an enemy (so they can't continue it alone), and to continue a combo you need to execute a boost attack (charges slowly early on). That means cannot do many real combos (until late game), which means it's long hours of awkward hit and run.

Just to be clear, it starts clunky and gets better late game, but it takes longer than in Tales games I've played.

Gameplay format
This game is linear.
You cannot stray from main path in any meaningful manner. Previous games had very similar limits, but they used their world more effectively, as you might have to backtrack to fight a powerful enemy, or to catch some NPC or access a chest you couldn't before. More importantly, accessing said chest often gave things you couldn't get elsewhere.

In 20 hours I only encountered 1 enemy that was an actual threat (very high level).
Enemies and locations offer unique resources, but those feed into a completely linear item progression.
The reward structure just isn't there. They didn't take advantage of the world. I could have backtracked for a powerful enemy to get a better weapon early on, or maybe unlock a branch of progression (something the franchise is famous for), but nope. Go forward, do everything in the vicinity and move on. I had to come back for few fetchquests so far.

Objective based progression unlocks (like catch a fish to unlock skills) is still in game, it's just dumbed down and linear.

Lackluster mini games (like farming and fishing) only add to tedium, because developers didn't commit to making those mini-games engaging. Fishing is click 1 of 5 buttons 2-4 seconds. Farming is literally just a shop with a delay, because pay in, and come back later to collect materials.

I somewhat enjoyed it, but I'm not recommending, because I got too bored of it before I even finished base story.
If you're looking for a Tales game on PC, I'd still recommend this before Berseria or Zesteria. Graces F and Xillia 1/2 do pretty much everything apart from graphics better.
Diposting pada 22 Oktober. Terakhir diedit pada 22 Oktober.
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The character is heavily focused around charged attacks and this GAME REALLY doesn't reward charge attacks.
While you're charging opponent often moves away (i.e. you just miss) and the damage if you do land the hit, it is still roughly the same as just doing basic combo in the time it took to charge. It just feels bad to use in most places.

Also I hate the fact the character was in the game day 1 and sold separately. DLC launched later, but the character was in game.
Diposting pada 17 Oktober. Terakhir diedit pada 19 Oktober.
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There are like 12 weapon types in the game. Only 1 class can use the rifle (and it's not a great weapon). 3 classes can use the chain sword (it's good).

The shoulder works with all of them, but is difficult to fit cosmetically, because ALL shoulders that you unlock (not default ones) have a trim around them, which makes this one stick out as incomplete.
Diposting pada 5 Oktober. Terakhir diedit pada 11 Oktober.
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1 helmet, color pack + a few icons.

Everything is item specific too. You can't use the same icon on left and right shoulders. You can't use 1 color in 3 color channels, because the color for other ones is unlocked seperatelly.

I have mixed feelings. On one hand I feel devs made a great game. On the other hand, I think they completely flopped on how disappointing they made cosmetics and DLCs in general feel.
Diposting pada 5 Oktober.
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Base game is already mediocre, which puts in question the value of all DLCs.
On top of that it features a non-cosmetic Day 1 DLC that didn't launch day 1 (perhaps to pretend they didn't cut it).

The game's shows a DLC character and says it is unlocked by playing an early mission, but it doesn't actually get unlocked (there's an entire thread of confused people on steam forums).

I'll give them props though. Cosmetics are split by male/female, so you can actually equip any male outfit on any male character (unlike some similar games). I stand corrected. As Aeden pointed out Agil can't wear the Demong King's robe. He has his own variant, but it's not the same.
Diposting pada 3 Oktober. Terakhir diedit pada 13 Oktober.
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Tercatat 131.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 128.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Cashgrab if I've ever seen one.
EU server is almost dead (insane queues) and Asia server (not dead) lags.

Short summary
  • 60-100$ game with cash shop (always-online, predatory pricing, pay for advantage).
  • Combat ranges between mediocre and fine (more on that below).
  • Lazy RPG mechanics. Numbers bloat, you kill at the same speed.
  • PC port is lazy.
    • Keyboard+Mouse controls are atrocious (not just key mappings).
    • Default mouse sensitivity is far too low and sometimes the game ignores the setting I maxed out.
    • No ultrawide, or any features that benefit more powerful PCs
  • Story has "exploration", but crazy amount of invisible walls makes it infuriating.
  • Artificially grindy. Low drop rates, bloated item/stat pools, timegated battlepass that only progresses from daily/weekly missions. Some of them are really sit in lobby until somebody requests aid (not a common thing to happen right now). Most weeklies are ~15 runs each with specific class (a full set took me ~20 hours).
  • No chat.

Button masher with sub-par responsiveness.
  • Clunky controls (just some of the issues, there's a lot more):
    • Some inputs don't trigger on first press (e.g. reviving often takes 3 attempts, chained skills sometimes trigger immediatelly other times not).
    • Animations lock you in place. Some of them are long. You cannot steer them if enemy moves out (happens a lot, because most enemies move freely). You can only cancel basic
      attacks once every 10 seconds.
    • Enemies (and bosses) casually move out of your combos. Some enemies (not all) consistently just walk out of them, forcing you to chase with really clunky combos. Flying enemies are the cherry on top, because they both run do that and sometimes ascend making them impossible to reach with melee.
    • Most attacks aren't designed to be avoided in real gameplay. There are usually multiple damage sources with no real rhythm to them. Inability cancel animations realiably (and having to use cancels to reach enemies that walk away) means you take damage you can see coming, but can't avoid.
    • You can get stuck in enemy hitbox preventing you from moving in any direction.
    • Combat movement and directional skills don't always follow camera. This is especially bad when enemies walk out of range, because your dash to close the gap can go in a random direction.
    • Lock-on is garbage. It doesn't rotate camera to face nearby, it doesn't reliably have your character face the enemy, and prevents you from rotating camera.
  • Multiplayer combat severely reduces visibility.
  • Telegraphs in few places they exist aren't accurate (you get hit outside of them) and several of Trommel (mecha boss) attack telegraphs aren't even close to where the boss hits.

With all of the issues above melee feels like 2000s 3D platformer where combat was not the main point. Tanks, support, mages and such are just a name. EVERYONE is who is not a ranger is a melee.

Ranged combat feels much better because it's not reliant on character animations, BUT enemy animations are twitchy, so hitting weak-spots (the only way ranged character compete) is difficult. Lack of proper sound design makes guns feel like air-soft guns.

One thing I do want to praise them for is character skills and special action. I won't sugarcoat it, there are too many characters for all of them to have meaningfully unique skills, but a fair amount of them aren't JUST larger/stronger attack. There is some creativity in skill design.

Multiplayer (4/10)
Multiplayer has several modes and experience is slightly different in each one, however the core is roughly the same everywhere. You compete with everyone (including your own team) for damage.

There's no reason to engage in anything besides primary objectives, and even primary objectives that aren't related to doing damage don't increase your score (they give the score to all teams who participated, so it's 0 advantage). With no rewards for side content it should be no surprise everyone rushed to the boss and skips objectives like console activation. There are also optional objectives that boost score and they are also mostly about damage (like achieving highest combo or landing highest hit).

In theme of competition, "kills" for various objectives only count for person dealing the last blow. In free roam (the only mode where grouping up could make sense) you are punished for grouping up, as it results in significantly longer completion times.

It lacks any real impact on gameplay, and the item/stat pool is very bloated with unnecessary duplicate items (2 item types for different classes having 95% identical stats pools) and unusable stats. Drop rates for highest tier of items and cosmetics is abysmal. Based on my runs/rewards so far weapon skins (basic recolors) drop at ~5% rate and clothing items at <0.4%.

It feels like everything RPG related was implemented as an afterthought to keep people in game longer. Other systems following similar redundant time waste support that theory. For example: it takes upwards of 16 hours (optimistic estimate) to max level on 1 character and you cannot really focus on 1.

Crafting makes another fine example, as you can level things up and extract/inject effects.
Sounds good? Here's how it works:
  • Effects can be extracted from Epic and Legendary items
  • Adding effects to an item cost common currency
  • Replacing an effect costs a currency I've only seen in Battlepass(not even enough to make 1 "perfect" item).
  • Effects can only be added to items of same type (despite different items sharing identical effects).

Due to the bloat, the odds of you good effects on Epic/Legendary are very low. By the time you reach level 100 (when crafting is no longer a massive waste of time), you might have enough to equip 1 or 2 characters. The money cost of upgrading items is roughly 30 runs worth and if you're upgrading a legendary, it's hundreds of runs.

Story Mode(4/10)
I did not like the fact it is long (for how repetitive it is), and is required to unlock all characters. I couldn't skip it if I want to try every character.

The mode itself is similar to multiplayer, except you can switch between characters and there's "exploration" in from of random hidden glowy things that don't give you anything worthwhile apart being required for "S" rank. The one thing about the story I thought was cool is the explorable areas had a sort of secondary boss monster that drops cosmetics.

Always online and monetization
Presence of cheaters indicates 2 things: this is not a server based game and it doesn't have to be always online (because it's not server based). Always online is only there to "protect" premium currency against cheats.

As mentioned in itemization section, you require an item only available through battlepass to replace items effects. If I was a betting man, I'd bet on this item appearing in cash shop a bit later.

This game has consumable "Lucky charms" that add extra drops. There are 3 in battle pass and you can buy more for 1$ a piece (6 packs) I'm getting Diablo Immortal vibes.

If you can enjoy a fantasy of playign SAO with the level of game design of 20$ game, go for it.
If not, this is a straight ripoff. This game doesn't do anything better than competitors don't already do MUCH better. Some games manage
Diposting pada 1 Oktober. Terakhir diedit pada 19 Oktober.
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Tercatat 8.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 6.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
It's unique which earns my recommendation.
I suspect souls-like progression/punishment for death can put some people off.
I recommend waiting to avoid burning out on an unfinished game.

  • First person shooter with relatively fast action against nice variety (for now) of enemies.
  • Great reward structure, as equipment unlocks (and upgrades) are roughly based on your level and time played. They offer different play-styles.
  • Equipment upgrades give power under specific conditions (not flat damage buff). For example: Headshots give power charges after reload, or firing a charging weapon the moment it finishes charging deals massive damage.
  • Character stats improve survivability and resource gain akin to a soulslike (but without weapon damage scaling).

Core gameplay loop has you entering an island, shooting your way through a nice variety of enemies (for now) to find treasures/currency. You lose currency on death (you get 1 chance to get it back), but you can extract whenever you want. There's also the souls like stamina-bar, but as far as I can tell timing is not as important is positioning.

IT'S NOT A STRONG ROGUELIKE. Equipment determines 90% of your playstyle and it's chosen before the game session. Everything you get in-session are buffs that add nothing to replayability. It'll take you a while to clear it, but once you do, there's no reason to come back.

State of game
The amount of content isn't massive.
A couple of features are missing (based on placeholders in UI).
A few interactions that could be improved.
As far as gameplay goes it's polished. I couldn't tell it's early access based on action alone.
Diposting pada 29 September. Terakhir diedit pada 29 September.
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Tercatat 243.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 226.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I think it's a great pack. I don't think many buyers will finish this pack (let alone 100% complete it) ancient design in first 2 games requires some patience.

Collection/port quality feels lacking in basic features (such as volume control) and still has problems people reported back in ps3 days.
To avoid cutscene lags: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3311399293

Gameplay in all games mixes action, exploration (to some degree) and something unique in the combat. The "unique" it goes from potentially annoying to amazing as you go from oldest game to most recent one.

The story is fun as it tackles this sort of existensial dread topics through cartoony, childish perspective. I played 1 game years ago and been itching to learn the rest of it.
The biggest negative thing I have to say about story is Winnie the poo is a burden on society. I hope I never have to deal with him again.

  • Kingdom Hearts 1 (7.5/10) - great gameplay elements, but dated game design.
    There are lots of clunky fights (melee combat with tall or fast flying enemies that are difficult to reach). Controls are a bit clunky (old 3d platformer type) and camera being slow as it is also actively fights against being corrected.
  • Re: Chain of Memories (5/10) - It should have been shorter. The game is too similar to 1st game (identical locations and even reuses mechanics like high jump that serve no purpose in this game). Combat mechanics are almost identical except most things are activated through card mechanics that lack complexity to reward the ~40 hours it takes to 100% complete this game. Targetting is somehow worse than in first game (even outside battle) AND it actually wastes resources.
  • 358/2 Days - is a collection of cutscenes. Too long and fragmented which makes its story difficult to follow. The lore is cool though, if you put the pieces together. I get why it wasn't included in console versions, it should have been included in PC version.
    By the way: The original game is on Nintendo DS and there's an unofficial "remastered" version for PC.
  • Kngdom Hearts 2 (7/10). The gameplay is an upgrade over previous 2 games. Exploration is dumbed down by lots of unclimbable surfaces and invisible walls. Combat feels a lot better and even if some bosses are downright awful in terms of game design, many of them are very creative.
    I got stuck in animations 6 times in my playthrough and only managed to unstuck myself twice. Googling shows these are all ancient bugs.
  • Birth by sleep (9/10). Best game in this pack. In terms of progression and combat it's very different from prevevious games and despite having some grind the progression is spread out through more areas and nicely distributed between pure grind, challenges and crafting.
  • Re:Coded is another collection of cutscenes. Same problems as with 358/2 Days. Watch a recap on youtube, or play the DS version if you're interested.

Crappy Achievements
100% for this pack is an actual chore.
  • Each game requires multiple playthroughs (ranging from identical slop, to some of the best multi-playthrough handling ever).
  • First 3 games have an achievement that is an actual waste of time (not a challenge).
  • First 3 games have an achievement to reach max level (often pointless).
  • All games have annoyng minigames to master (driving, rhythm games, timing, monopoly and RNG too).
  • Chain of Memories requires 358/2 days fully watched and can glitch out, forcing you to do watch it again.
  • Chain of Memories also have bland RNG-based grind achievement.
Diposting pada 11 September. Terakhir diedit pada 11 September.
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Right now it's terrible value. The silver lining is this is 100% cosmetics.

There are 2 misleading terms across the DLCs:
  • "Champion pack" is a full skin (legs, arms, body and helm). Unlike other skins you cannot swap any pieces out. I.e. you cannot use/replace any specific piece (like body) from the champion pack on its own.
  • "Chapter" is a lore term, referring to a military unit and NOT an chapter of story. In game implementation is basically some colors, icons and SOME of them have 1 armor piece (mostly the same as base game ones, but with a different decoration).

The first Champion pack has nice individual pieces, but because the full set has so many mismatched pieces that it ends up looking as tacky as patched up clown outfit. They really need to deliver champion packs as individual armor parts and not a full outfit. Inability to mix and match diminishes the value of the coolest cosmetics in the set.

"Cosmetic packs" available right now are just these "chapters" that are roughly 70% flat icons, 25% colors you can dye armors with and ~5% armor pieces. Color and icons have artificial restrictions for use. Like you can use the same color to dye the armor and the trim on the armor, you need to unlock 2 separate dyes. Same goes for icons, as each one can only be placed on specific part like left or right shoulder (not both).

Comparing this pack to what is available in base game you get like +40-50% more cosmetic options for 70% of the entire price. Considering how low effort these packs seem (over 90% is RGB codes and flat icons) I think the season pass doesn't offer nearly enough of an addition to justify the price.
Diposting pada 9 September. Terakhir diedit pada 11 Oktober.
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Tercatat 183.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 182.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Great when it works.
Right now it crashes a lot and patches are moving at snail's pace. First big patch took 2 weeks and a hotfix took another 2 weeks. Each of those reduced stability for me.

Gameplay(9/10 so far)
Vermitide/Darktide are close comparisons in terms of multiplayer game format, except combat in this game has a lot better weight/feedback (potential due to 3rd person perspective).

Combat delivers the weight and impact matching the visuals (something Vermintide and Darktide lack). Weapons and difficulty are surprisingly well balanced as all weapons are viable on max difficulty, even if best ones are drastically better than worst.

Campaign is focused on no-nonsense action.
Operations (Multiplayer mode) adds classes and grind for RPG progression. Progression can feel cheap because it's grindy, flat buffs for the most part, and weapon specific buffs in some cases. It does give something to do and I appreciated it in this game.
PvP is messy 3/6 classes are ambushers and that is very weird with slow movement of this game. Anyways I'm not the target audience, so I suggest you read about PvP elsewhere.

It also seems to forget lessons the industry learned a decade ago:
  • Ranged enemies are a bit too accurate. If there are 4+ they are difficult to evade and at 6+ - impossible. Even a minigun enemy that shouldn't be super accurate manages to perfect aim sustained fire at long distance.
  • Odd button layout with poor rebinding support. Many unique actions that are bound to their own button. The game also binds multiple action to 1 key by default, but won't allow you to do the same. Minor thing that contributed to clunky feel.
  • Most enemies attacking from behind are poorly telegraphed (just a faint yellow light which blends with overall color palette. Many similar games have sound-queues to inform you.
  • ♥♥♥ AI is useless outside of normal difficulty. They are somewaht passive and enemies rarely target them so they aren't even good meat shields.
  • There are also lots of ambiguous terms in UI that mean nothing unless you read something in another obscure UI. For example: "Replace distant stab with power bash" or "Power wave forward distance increases from 4 meters to 8 for Whirlwind Slash". Am I suppose to know these? One of these can only be read/switched in armory and the other in a fight. Why?
  • Highest tier junk is locked in highest difficulty, which often means people who don't want to be there (and cannot carry their own weight) are joining. I won't say it's a massive problem, but it IS a problem considering how long the missions are and that you return with nothing on fail.

These feel like nitpicks, but there's just too many of them to ignore. Also there are bugs that can cause you to waste "rare" resources.

Other games can learn from this one.
I'm not big on Warhammer 40k franchise, but I feel like this game conveys the atmosphere well.

Environments where you might stop to look around are visually dense and interesting to look at. Environments most players are very unlikely to look at are less refined.

Graphical fidelity is not crazy across the board, but it's sharp where it matters. For example: The faces look almost cartoonish, but who cares about those? The armor look like is very detailed and texture looks actually realistic. Craziest thing is technologically I'm not seeing anything new. They just balanced the visuals really well.

On the technical side I've had 9 crashes (1 full playthrough), which is far too many (most while in menus doing nothing). I crashed (completely wasting my time) for roughly 6 hours of multiplayer.

Framerate could be better, but it can't say it bothered me too much because it's pretty stable for the most part. The final mission in the campaign can use improvement, because my framerate dropped to like 40 FPS at times. Granted those times had a lot of action.

The game also jumps to 2nd monitor after every restart.
Diposting pada 8 September. Terakhir diedit pada 13 Oktober.
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