Eris Senpoi
The Dragon Waifu!   Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile
The perfect waifu is one himself! :CyberdimensionIF:

Big booba mommy dragon gf is the DREAM! a perfect ONE!
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K3ice / Keiz
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E R R O R . 4 0 4 : L I F E . N O T . F O U N D .
About the Dragon Waifu

i have this in any case sooo
nobody gonna ask for it anyways so here we go...

Discord: keiz.
》》》》About the Dragon Waifu 《《《《

Dragon Waifu

I draw cuestionable things...

● Powerful wizard on the art of reading 6 digit code

Average Atalanta enjoyer

● Almost Arknights God nor even close to Leviathan

》》》》》》》》E N D《《《《《《《《
Guide favori
Créé par - Stress reliever 🌸
396 évaluations
This guide shows you how to be an Anime Girl in a few simple & easy ways.
Extrahuevordinario 22 oct. à 13h48 
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Meidos 13 sept. à 18h25 
Extrahuevordinario 22 mai à 14h11 
Void/Stern 25 avr. à 16h52 
No soy gay pero soy peruano y tengo una fantasía donde Perú invade Chile y Chile tiene que exportar esclavos femboys para satisfacer oficiales peruanos de alto rango. me imagino que soy un comandante poderoso alto, ♥♥♥ una mandíbula cuadrada y ♥♥♥ músculos masivos. Mi femboy es un pequeño chileno tímido ♥♥♥ piel pálida que viene a mi habitación. lo agarro ♥♥♥ mis poderosos brazos y lo beso a la fuerza, presionando su pecho contra el mio. lo tiro contra la cama ♥♥♥ mis grandes brazos quitandole sus pequeños calzones vírgenes. le muestro mi masivo mastodonte peruano, y después se la meto ♥♥♥ todo, follandolo ♥♥♥ una fuerza inhumana. cada movimiento lo hace gemir, y finalmente me corro en su pequeño culito chileno, dejando el semen corriendole por sus pequeñas nalgas, y después lo abrazo ♥♥♥ mis grandes y fuertes brazos peruanos haciéndolo dormir en mi pecho. Algún otro hetero tiene este tipo de fantasías?
Hide 4 janv. 2023 à 9h20 
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Reinnetas 7 juil. 2022 à 18h08 
You aren't the only one to grow up on the killing fields. War is a cruel parent, but an effective teacher. Its final lesson is carved deep in my psyche: that this world, and all of its people, are diseased. Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We are all pawns of something even greater: MEMES , the DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture. They are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair: all memes, all passed on. You can't fight nature, Jack. Wind blows, rain falls, and the strong prey upon the weak. Sam tells me you see your weapon as a "tool": something that saves lives, a means of justice. Now, there's a pretty meme! Exquisite! It spared you the burden of all the lives you've taken, absolved you of guilt when you enjoyed it.