Sicroto Ziggoron Drocata   Wichita Falls, Texas, United States
I am no longer accepting friend requests. No I wont click that link to "vote" for "your highlander team" that totally exists. especial when you have a level 0-3 profile with no info or anything and a copy pasted bio.
join Glorb's Dominion AND HAVE SOME FUN! :slimehappy:
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raccoonlover69 3 Nov @ 12:21am 
TFW knee surgery is tomorrow Just now
hat feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊that feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊that feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊hat feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊that feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊that feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊hat feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊that feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊that feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊hat feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊that feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊that feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊hat feeling when you have knee surgery tomorrow 🥶🧊th
#1MinnieMouse 28 Oct @ 6:33am 
add me
Sicroto 16 Aug @ 3:32pm 
Man I am such an AI
youre an AI
KGriffith 2 Sep, 2023 @ 9:55am 
Riley 9 Nov, 2021 @ 4:13am 
Very gay, kinda hot +rep