DumbFrench.exe :cool_seagull:
Tralalelo Tralala 5 มี.ค. @ 10: 34am 
When i met this person for the first time he had weird behaviour towards his cat looking plushie. He was addicted to scratching its booty cheeks while looking somewhat freaky. When he invited me at his place i saw that he actually had more plushies which had weird white cream on top of them. It smelled funny, but what was most disturbing was that all of them had holes where the butt was supposed to be. Ever since then i avoided visiting his place, though i kept in touch with him. Stay safe... Amen....
Panda 4 มี.ค. @ 5: 13am 
Can we have E-RP in dms please ? My father always said you need to chase love. So at night I get a full leather tight batman suit and run around half naked to catch the love of my life .
LemonPepperChicken123 2 มี.ค. @ 9: 34am 
Called me the nword and undressed my pants. He then proceeded to brutally spread my cheeks and enter it with full force. I couldn't help but gasp at his touch and grasp. He thrusted and kept calling me the nword over and over again. I couldn't walk for days after this nightmare. I cant help but have regretted,that he didn't continue the pleasure I felt after having my cheeks spread like this.
Please continue calling me the nword and spank me harder
xpray 19 ก.พ. @ 2: 06am 
Those are some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big ol' tonhongerekoogers.Dattebayo fellas!
Ping_Ackerman 17 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 5: 00pm 
Ça vous parle ? Ces scènes se déroulent en ce moment même dans toute la galaxie, oui, maintenant. Et vous pourriez être le prochain. C'est ça. A moins que vous ne preniez la décision la plus important de votre vie : prouvez-vous à vous-mêmes que vous avez la force et aussi le courage d'être libre...
Rejoignez les Helldivers.

Intégrez les soldats d'élites de maintien de la paix. Découvrez des formes de vies exotiques. Et propagez la démocratie contrôlée dans toute la galaxie.
Devenez un héros. Devenez une légende. Devenez... Helldiver.
Saftbefehl 17 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 2: 10pm