Whatzit Tooyah

Hey, just some dude who likes games and
media in general, I often find myself playing games with Youtube on in the background and just trying to make the most of what I can and get by day to day, while just talking to some people and making strides wherever I can manage.
Peace to y'all.
:hintlord: :fhappy: :resmile: :UnderPartySmile: :cat3: :spade: :bridget: :emilieDare: :p4g_smiling: :btd6thumbsup: :Emil: :lilimjoy: :dip: :Ashhat: :praisesun: :d5_usalia: :d5_prinny: :spycon: :slimetabby: :burozombie: :rbrbr1: :badgeseller: :Pain_Elemental: :p2wheatley: :hollowknight: :VGRUMPY: :EXPLODARA:SkeleRun:MA: :spyro: :terraria: :BlueHappy: :crtcool:
Some things about myself
Introspective Philosophy Nerd, Passionate to help others, Robot fanboy, Monster-girl/boy enthusiast, Undertale lorekeeper (the sheer amount of layers of theorizing and character anaysis is fascinating, and community is a deranged but often talanted rabbithole) Karryn's Prison worshipper (Legit god tier RPG), Pizza Tower pizzahead, appreciator of the niche and unusual, Steam Deck main, mad Mad Rat Dead fan (criminally underrated), Skeleton Boomerang appreciator (even MORE underrated), Rabi Ribi fanclub, Major Modding and Fangame supporter, and much more.

Fave characters range from YoRHa 9S Nines (Easily my fave Story and the most complex character I've seen), Sienna Squigly Contiello (RIP Skullgirls...), Aubrey [Omori] (Ouch, story is powerful) Rebecca Dorothy Haze (Va11 is my fave moment to moment dialogue), Link (World famous heroic twink), Etna (Disgea is criminally underrated), Pit (Iitterate Angel Boi), Asriel Dremurr (His idelogy is fascinating), XJ9 Jenny Wakeman (I'm IRL Sheldon), and many more.

Spend most of my time listening to youtube in the background as I either game/tinker on my Steam Deck or talk to people on Discord.
I also have a pretty decent catalogue of Wallpapers for WPE (Many in slow progress of migration), usually was me just presenting already existing animations or etc in a nice package with quality thumbnails but sometimes I got more experimental and shook things up with more ambition.
I have minimal plans on continuing wallpapers currently though, experience wasn't fulfilling enough compared to the effort used .
Featured Artwork Showcase
Never Succumb, Stay Determined - Art By itoraye
48 1 1
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Awards Showcase
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Featured Artwork Showcase
808 HIFI Menu Animation Loop GIF
35 2 4
Artwork Showcase
Easily One Of My Fave Character Designs In A Long Time
88 5
Artwork Showcase
Steam Moderation decisions in a nutshell, for Store/Community Content and Forum discussions and Etc
Review Showcase
Hoo boy, where do I even start with this.
This game is just another entry of companies remaking games to be objectively WORSE than their original versions, such as Warcraft Reforged, BDSP, or to use SEGA comparisons, Colours Ultimate and Origins.
The physics are completely butchered in this physics based platformer, many peoples favourite part of the original (Monkey Target) is gimped to being downright unplayable, and is says something MAJORLY wrong when a 2001 Gamecube launch title iooks many leagues above it's 2021 PC Remake in terms of everything from fidelity to art direction to detail, there's no longer any reflections and everything looks plastic and the water looks like a solid colour, the only thing arguably better in BM is a more vibrant colour palette.
In fact they completely removed the original games cut-scenes as well, for no real reason.

Despite all these issues SEGA hasn't updated the game a single time or provided any support whatsoever, in fact they seem so keen to get rid of this game they delisted all the DLC featuring crossover characters only around a single year after release.
I picked this game up during the Autumn sale at half price, despite low expectations I hoped to be able to have a good time by using mods to fix the game's major issues, however it turned out this stupid game refuses to recognise any of my controllers whatsoever, no matter what I try, so I can't even properly play the first level, it seems many other players experience the same judging from the game's forums, yet SEGA refuses to fix this.

I will be refunding this game immediately as it's an absolutely dreadful incompetent butchering of a remake worse in the majority of ways than the it's predecessor released a whole two decades prior, it astounds me that brainddead companies like Sega decide to remake games from scratch just to make them worse in every way and make less money by delivering an inferior product for more effort when they could simply port the originals which would be way easier and would be received way better and be more successful.
Review Showcase
3.8 Hours played
It's a fine albeit not particularly noteworthy new Megaten game, but my problem isn't actually anything to do with the game itself.
This game has quite possibly the single worst and most absurdly extortionate case of DAY1 DLC carved out of the base game combined with one of the worst and most predatory FOMO Special editions I've seen in my entire life.

There's a "Base version" of the game costing 60USD that has significant amounts of content such as story chapters, various long time staple iconic demons, Music, Costumes, and more which was all finished before release being carved out of the game and being sold at a high price back to the customer as """Additional"" content at an absurd price.

Then there's the ""Deluxe"" version of the game at 70USD which includes a bit under half of the Day 1 DLC, that's right, the """DELUXE"""" version of the game doesn't even have as much as a complete half of the removed content in it, so very """"DELUXE""""" the same way GTA3 is the """DEFINITIVE EDITION""" while looking and playing worse than the PS2 original and having content removed and being infinitely more glitchy to the point it can become permanently unplayable/corrupted if you buy too much soda at once.

Finally and least of all there's the """"""Premium"""""" Edition for a whopping extortionate 90USD which contains all the content that should've been in the base version, in fact this version is SO premium it includes exclusive content such a unique Demon only able to be obtained by purchasing the Premium Version, they're completely unavailable any other way and become permanently inaccessible if you buy any of the versions of the game that aren't the 90USD Premium edition, how quaint.

Oh and they also carved out a handful of costumes from the Costume DLC pack that is in the Deluxe version that got carved out of the base game which is content-removal-extortion-ception, it was only available as a limited time Pre Order bonus that's now gone, meaning even if you buy the 90USD version you will still be missing a little bit of content, a cherry on top for the five course meal of utter ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Also you know how a lot of poorer countries with less valuable currency struggle to afford games without Regional pricing, well luckily SEGA was generous enough to give this game regional pricing in an innovative new approach, y'see here in NZ this game costs 113NZD which is actually MORE than 60USD when converted and the Premium Edition is 158NZD which is also more than when converted.
Standard brand new AAA release here usually costs between 80-100 dollars normally, and that includes games like Elden Ring that are far higher quality and are already fully complete without any extra payment.

SEGA and Atlus are really experimenting to see just how far they can insult their customers before they boycott them it seems, I pre ordered this game but on a 3rd party site that had a 25% or so discount to the Premium edition making it cost the amount that the base version would meaning I payed for the full game at it's base price like it should've been from the start.
I will be copy pasting and placing this review as negative on this game and all it's pieces of DLC
Screenshot Showcase
The Legendary Max DV Shiny Mewtwo: Pokemon Crystal Clear
2 1
Workshop Showcase
Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2230650/TEVI/ Tevi is probably my most hyped remaining game for this year, and forseeable future. Rabi Ribi has been in my Top 10 All time fave Games for quite a while now, being easily my fave Bullet Hell and Metro
3 ratings
Created by - LNX BDSKZ, NineAss, and Ninez - LX BDK
Workshop Showcase
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/791971 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8xYWTRHsAU Isaac is easily one of my favourite games ever, I've sunk over a thousand hours in it total, and plan to continue many more, I plan to one day get Infinite Percent as
25 ratings
Created by - LNX BDSKZ and Ninez - LX BDK
Screenshot Showcase
Ahhh, brings back good memories! Next Adventure has begun!
LNX BDSKZ 18 Dec, 2024 @ 10:54pm 
OK, long time absence from me over here, gonna be unprivating again sometime soon.
Been absent from here for 90% of the year.TLDR, was focusing on my personal life, and detoxing from the web which I feel is too toxic nowadays.
Had the best year of my life in part due to those calls.

Done a bit of molasses slow overhaul on my profile, and finally feel ready to have it be public again, though I shall keep comments off just due to not wanting to breed chance for what I mentioned of web toxicity.
Hope everyone is doing well, if anyone ever wants to talk, reminder, just comment somewhere to add, and message if you wanna talk.
Peace everyone! :SMT5V_JackFrost: :SF6_Delta_Cat::TEVI_excite:
LNX BDSKZ 14 Jul, 2024 @ 2:12am 
Since it's just me here,
May ocasionally just do some random stuff,
Note anything I find worth comment, alongside some emotes. :karrynComfy:
LNX BDSKZ 14 Jul, 2024 @ 2:11am 
Profile comments will remain me only,
If anyone ever wants to message, comment under something. :d5_prinny:
LNX BDSKZ 8 Jul, 2024 @ 9:29pm 
Peace ya'll :Emil: :rinflipped:
LNX BDSKZ 8 Jul, 2024 @ 9:29pm 
Anyway yeah, just day to day, not very active or involved online anymore, hope everyone is having 2024 treat them well, despite some of the wild situation that happen at times. :rickweeks:
LNX BDSKZ 8 Jul, 2024 @ 9:27pm 
Hope everyone is doing well, I'm going good, just not an active presence anymore. :cat3: