Nick   Nova Scotia, Canada
CS2 enjoyer | osu! addict | completionist | retired speedrunner

Twitch: you are reading this you got small nuts
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pls upvote I am trying to get the 1000 thumbs achievement map is based on gm_autohavenwreckers by jmar I am very new to making maps so this one is not very good. If there are any problems let me know
203 ratings
Created by - shuckle and Kevin
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Stuff about me!

My intro to online gaming was in 2013 when I got into watching speedruns. The first speedrun that I ever watched was Cosmo's OOT any% WR, however I wasn't inspired to actually start speedrunning myself until I came across Darkpr0 and ethmar on twitch which really inspired me to pick up a game to run myself.

I started with Sonic Adventure 2: Battle as it was my favourite game as a kid and then into Sonic Adventure DX where I met most of my online friends. I'm retired now but I held/tied a couple world records in SADX and SA2B: .

Along with sonic I have also tried getting into other games to speedrun ranging from mario to pokemon to even source games like portal and half life. Speedrunning just takes a lot of dedication which requires you to:
a) actually WANTING to practice
b) be able to maintain composure when doing runs
c) understand where your mistakes are and how to fix them
d) stay positive and not let other people's accomplishments take away from your own

I do not see a universe where I pick speedrunning back up again lol.

I then fell pretty far down the osu! rabbit hole in 2016. I peaked at rank #6.5k global and then hit a wall I could never overcome. I don't play as much now but I still play for fun from time to time. My biggest take away from osu! is that it forces you to practice properly if you want to improve at the game. I know that sounds stupid as it's just a dumb circle game but if you know, you know.

I started playing CS:GO in 2017. I find it was very bad for my mental health as I am a very competitive person and my practice routing was always awful and rushed. Not a good combo.

The game I put the most amount of time is CSGO or Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

I am also an achievement hunter in just about every game I play, even CSGO, I had all of the achievements until valve removed them all with the release of CS2.

I have been grinding the hell out of CS2 and I am loving the game so far. I am sorry if I am ass I am trying my best and I hope to improve my mechanics but mainly my mindset.

Valve doesn't care about my favourite game this is so sad :(

Take time to care for your mental health or it will make time for itself.

Favourite game of all time: CS:GO
Favourite childhood game: Pokemon Colosseum
Favourite game I have 100%: Risk of rain 2
Favourite RTS game: Age of Mythology
Favourite FPS game: CS:GO
Favourite Fighting game: Super Smash Bros. Melee

Latest game I 100%'d is down below, thank you for reading :)
Review Showcase
96 Hours played
I bought this game on release, didn't like it. Picked it up again after completing terraria. What a let down. The universe feels so forgettable and empty. I have 100% this game and yes I used admin commands for the bug, fossil and action figure achievements because I just wanna be done with this game. Honestly just buy terraria, This game hasn't been updated in 4 years.
☀️Stoneshaper💛 25 Feb @ 10:04am 
+rep fierce opponent
ASINISTERTACO 26 Dec, 2024 @ 10:34pm 
Gilberttt 30 Nov, 2024 @ 4:22pm 
+Rep cute jane
Dick da Dodo Dexpert 7 Jul, 2024 @ 9:17pm 
+rep understood the assignment
Pfvndy 7 Jul, 2024 @ 12:54pm 
Cebor🟪 20 Jun, 2024 @ 10:05am 
+rep pretty good player