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Blizard Tag: CrinkDink#1356 -Overwatch, Heros of the storm
Uplay Tag: PipTheDolphin -R6:r6:
Origin Tag: CrinklerDinklus -Titanfall 2
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Game Reccomendations
Games you should probably play at some point in no particular order:
I keep it semi-relevant, old reviews are sent to the BOTTOM:47_thumb_down:

General Gooduns

The Tal:theta:s Principle : super good puzzler with some weird psychology ♥♥♥♥. Come for the puzzles, stay for the extremely expansive backstory.
A Hat in Time :KidHat:: One of my favorite 3d platformers of all time. It feels SO GOOD to play, and the story is so incredibly fun. You won't want to put it down.
Inscryption :stimulation:: Crazy game. Lovely game. Fun card game. Ambient, creepy, challenging, charming. Worth the buy absolutely.
Duck Game :frogzone:: Another 2D fast-paced platformer, but with guns and 7 of your closest friends. It's incredibly fun with or without friends, but the best experiences are online.
COD: world at war : Yeah, its call of duty, and an old one at that, but the modding community for this game has never died. Hundreds of thousands of maps and mods exist for zombies, and playing them with a friend is really a treat.
TIS-100 : is a coding based puzzle game. While it takes a hot minute to learn the language, playing it really makes you feel smart. Its one of those games where you will probably only beat 1 level before giving up for the day, but a good game nonetheless.
Hacknet:ephone: (and its expansion) : another coding based puzzle game. it gets repetitive, but if you learn to play while using only the command lines, it is a great time, at least for a bit.
Golf With Your Friends : Its golfing, but with your friends... There's a lot of cool variability in the game, meaning you won't get too bored with it quickly. It's a fun one to pick up on the weekend.
FTL:ftlhuman: : A fun roguelike. It takes a few runs to get a strategy and understand the mechanics, and after that, it's a nice, challenging game that will keep you un-bored.
Mad Max:MMNotGood: : A bit of a guilty pleasure. Its repetitive and just like any other WB or Ubi game, but the gameplay is truly good. Its a genuinely challenging beat-em-up with some interesting gameplay and a motivating story.
Metal Gear Solid V:Miller: : I'd say that it defies expectations, but that wouldnt be doing Kojima justice. Its an incredible experience through and through with great visuals, imersion, and of course, gameplay.
The Hexcells Series : a great puzzle game, a great series. it will suck up your time, and you will enjoy it. its fantastic fun if you like sodoku, picross, etc.
Far Cry 3 : So, this is probably one of my favorite open world games? I %100'ed it on 360, and its a very good game. It was met with criticism at launch (and even still today) but I love it, its hard for me to see the flaws.

Multiplayer games that aren't awful

Monster Hunter World : A solid game. Picture Shadow of the Colossus gameplay in Breath of the wild, with like a Yakuza atmosphere. dunno how else to describe it. try it out, you wont regret it.
Age of Empires II :wololo: : Yes, that Age of Empires. The one you grew up with. This game runs great, and is still a fantastic RTS with great strategy to it. While it can get a little repetitive, and the tech trees aren't expansive like newer games, we have much more fun playing this than Civ 5.
Rocket League :rlgizmo: : A great online multiplayer game. Lots of fun modes, and online competitive for those who want the challenge. This is one of the (if not THE) first game to have ultimate cross-platform compatibility. You can have a 2v2 with one person on a Nintendo Switch, one person on a PS4, one on a Xbone, and one on PC. The times are-a-changin'.

Racing Games

Dirt 4 :makethedreamwork: : Dirt 4 is my current go-to. Its a rally sim with procedural tracks, team management, (light) online competitive, trials, and minigames. Its a great sim with great feeling controls and lots of stuff to do.
The Crew : A cool concept, I got to it too late to see all the multiplayer bits however. Its a much more arcade-y game, but still very satisfying controls where you can and WILL make mistakes. Its a nice bridge between NFS and Project Cars. The story was good and the gameplay elements were fun. Looking forward to The Crew 2. well... not anymore...
Wreckfest : This game has a bit of an identity crisis. It went through development hell, pretending to be a physics game, but finally ended up coming out as a very fun, updated version of Destruction Derby for the PS1. Fun driving, fun controls, fun options, etc. Good overall game, undoubtly fun to play.

Party Games (local multiplayer)

Puyo Puyo Tetris :STetrimino: : A lovely game! I can't really recommend it for the online play or the story mode, but the 4 player 'party modes' are good, and are a fun challenge for anybody. It really is a good time, but you will need as many controllers as you have people.
The Jackbox series of games :bombcorpguy: : The Jackbox series of games is a party game staple. I own 1-3, but 4 is the newest one. They each have their own fun games, and are an overall great time. You only need one copy of the game, and everybody in the vicinity can play with their phones. Most games support up to 8 people, and you can have even more participate with 'audience mode' which has other people contribute without playing. its a great time, and a great way to entertain a crowd.
Duck Game :frogzone: : One of the best platformy shootery gamey games that exists to date. An incredibly fast paced games that makes you feel smart, but more importantly, like a badass. Its variety of weapons and stages combined with super quick rounds make it a simple and quick game to pick up.
Screencheat : A solid buy. Another quick game to pick up and play. its your average 4 person split screen shooter, but with one minor change, everybody is invisible, and to hunt people down, you have to screen cheat. A great one to play with that one childhood friend who was actually the worst

Outdated Reviews

COD WWII :ww2airborne:: In its current state, its a well balanced and enjoyable game. Loot Crates aren't (too) exploitative, and it does take cod back to a better time.
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Slushy 29 Jul, 2024 @ 5:16pm 
i'm naked
Slushy 24 Mar, 2024 @ 2:23pm 
I know what you are....... :ujel:
Exerpas 27 Oct, 2023 @ 12:08am 
I am interested in your Souvenir Nova Walnut (MyXMG DreamHack) sticker. Few questions about that one
Exerpas 14 Oct, 2023 @ 1:25pm 
Hope you are doing great man. Just have one question regarding one of your CS skins
👭🏼 🄰🅅🄰🄷 👧 6 Jul, 2020 @ 2:13am 
🐊 ☢ 🏀 ☢ 👾 ☢ 🎁 ☢ 🐳 ☢ 🌂 ☢ 🐝 ☢ 👽 ☢ 💚 ☢ 👳 ☢ 📕 ☢ 🎫 ☢ ⚡ ☢ 🎈
Mulder: (on human psychopaths) The idea of such a human monster
is as frightening as any X-File.

"The X-Files: Irresistible"

Scully: All of her clothes were on inside out and backwards.
Chung: Oh, have I had my share of mornings like that!

"The X-Files: Jose Chung's from Outer Space"
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TROLL MEG MAIN 1 Apr, 2020 @ 10:08pm 
On te gry ma w folii zafoliowane XD